
Chapter 132 Dangerous Chess

Chapter 132 Risky Chess (Part [-])
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At four o'clock, the drums sounded like thunder on the battlefield, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The [-] Jurchen cavalry were divided into three teams. The Song army fought independently, and the scene was very chaotic.

Liu Ziyu didn't think of a way to sneak attack from the waterway. He tried to use the cover of night to bypass the Jinbing sentry from the side, but his army was still discovered by the Jinbing sentry cavalry.

Xiao Cong, the chief general of the Jin soldiers left behind, immediately assembled his troops. The [-] troops under his command were all Jurchen cavalry, not the motley army at Jiwangpo. Quickly form combat power.

Xiao Cong set a trap, leaving hundreds of people pretending to be unprepared. When Liu Ziyu led the Song army to kill them, hundreds of people fled in embarrassment and led the Song army into an ambush. When Liu Ziyu found out that something was wrong, they were already surrounded by five thousand Jurchen cavalry.

Liu Ziyu's army is also an elite army that has experienced many battles. Although they were surrounded by heavy siege, they did not panic.

However, the Jurchen cavalry were very brave. Centuries galloped in the dark night, shooting with their bows while galloping. Countless soldiers of the Song Army were shot and killed by powerful arrows.

During the melee, the enemy general Xiao Cong found Liu Ziyu. He galloped on his horse, pulled out a poisonous arrow from a small quiver, and shot it towards Liu Ziyu's throat under the cover of a banner.

Liu Ziyu suddenly found Leng Jian, he was taken aback, instinctively leaned back, 'Crack! The arrow hit his collarbone, and the collarbone was broken. Liu Ziyu yelled and fell off his horse.


Liu Cui's eyes were red, he killed several people in a row, and approached his father.

Liu Ziyu had already been rescued by the soldiers, who all shouted, "The arrows are poisonous, three generals, we must break through as soon as possible!"

Liu Cui waved his big gun and broke through to the east.

Xiao Cong sneered and said, "Han Bo'er and Yin Cha join forces to block their retreat."

The two Jurchen armies, one from the south and the other from the north, began to gradually close together the four thousand cavalry. Once closed, the Song army would have no chance of survival, and the entire army could only be wiped out.

Just at the critical moment, there was a commotion behind the Jurchens, and a Song army cavalry came out from behind. The leading general was Yang Zaixing. He led [-] cavalry to retreat back to Jiwangpo overnight. Unexpectedly, Liu Ziyu happened to attack the enemy lose.

Without hesitation, Yang Zaixing led his troops to hit the Jurchen cavalry hard from behind.

The troops behind Xiao Zong were empty. Seeing the cavalry of the Song army approaching, Xiao Zong was so frightened that he urged his horses to flee. The arrow still caused Xiao Cong's pain to the bone, and he almost fell off his horse.

Xiao Zong panicked and led dozens of cavalry to flee to Wang Jianpo.
The Song Army cavalry who came from behind disrupted Jin Bing's plan, making the joint attack of the two Jurchen cavalry unable to complete, giving the Song Army a chance to escape, and countless Song Army soldiers rushed into the creek.

It was the dry season at this time, and a thin layer of floating ice formed on the surface of the river. The river was not deep, and only reached the chest of the soldiers, allowing thousands of soldiers to wade to the other side. Liu Cui also took his father Crossed the creek and fled into the woods on the other side of the creek.

At dawn, Chen Qing received Liu Ziyu and his son, as well as the [-] remnants of the remnant army who broke through the siege, and Yang Zaixing's cavalry, ten miles west of the Jiwangpo camp. Their strength was too small, and they were surrounded by the enemy. In the end, only more than [-] cavalry succeeded in breaking through.

In this battle, Liu Ziyu's army suffered heavy casualties, more than half of the [-] soldiers were lost, and Liu Ziyu was also seriously injured and passed out.

Chen Qingying stepped forward and saw Liu Ziyu on the stretcher. He asked Liu Cui urgently, "How is the situation in the capital?"

Liu Cui said worriedly: "The other party used a poisonous arrow and broke the collarbone. We dug out the flesh and blood near the arrow in time, but part of the venom still entered the body. The situation is not good."

Chen Qing touched Liu Ziyu's forehead. His forehead was hot. The situation was really bad. He hurriedly said, "There are military doctors and antidote in the camp. Go back for treatment and let the soldiers come back to the camp with us."

Liu Cui looked back at the soldiers. At least half of the soldiers did not break out. He couldn't help crying, and said to Chen Qing with grief: "This time we underestimated the enemy, and we were ambushed by the enemy. The brothers suffered heavy casualties, and the camp was also lost." Yes, there are still so many wounded soldiers in the camp."

Liu Cui's voice was choked up, and she couldn't continue.

Chen Qing patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Anyway, let's go back to the camp first. We succeeded in the sneak attack here and captured a lot of food, grass and supplies, as well as war horses. They should be able to last for a while."

When Liu Cui heard that Chen Qing's sneak attack was successful, he felt a little comforted, and quickly ordered the soldiers to follow up, and went to the camp of Jiwangpo.

Taking a moment, Chen Qing came to Yang Zaixing's side and asked in a low voice, "How is the situation?"

Yang Zaixing squeezed his fist and said: "The company camp was burned, the entire camp was burned down, all the supplies of the enemy army could not be kept, and many golden soldiers should have been burned to death. Our brothers did not have a single casualty, what a pity."

Chen Qing understood what he meant, but it was a pity that when he came back to rescue Liu Ziyu's army, the casualties were nearly [-]%. He patted Yang Zaixing's arm, "How could there be no casualties in the war? I will report the achievements of you and your brothers. Without logistical support, Jin Bing I have been staying in Dasan Pass for a while."

Chen Qing then ordered Yang Yuanqing to say: "You lead three thousand brothers to start cutting down the woods in the west. If you want thick and big trees, you can cut as many as you can. Keep the branches and drag them back to the camp with horses."

He needs to prepare a large amount of rolling logs and timber. Although the slope of Jiwangpo is not as steep as Wang Jianpo's, these logs play an amazing role.

The main general of Dasan Pass is Fu Xuan. He took over Wang Yan's military power. Wang Yan's eight-character army is very good at fighting. It was Wang Yan's army that made great contributions in the last battle of Heshangyuan.

It stands to reason that Fu Xuan should continue to guard the monk, but Fu Xuan is not good at it. He is narrow-minded and insidious. Almost all the generals have a bad relationship with him.

Wu Jie was worried that Fu Xuan's cooperation would be wrong and the big event would be ruined, so he switched his army with Liu Kai's.

Of course Fu Xuan knew the news that Xigu Jinbing had killed Dasan Pass. He had already received Chen Qing's express letter, and he had also seen the beacon fire lit by Chen Qing the day before yesterday.

Fu Xuan was extremely annoyed by this unexpected situation, and he scolded Wu Jie for being stupid, for deploying too few soldiers in Xigu, so that the Jin soldiers caught the loophole and went directly to the city of Dasan Pass.

Standing on the tall and solid wall of the pass, Fu Xuan looked at the temporary Jinbing camp in the distance. There was always an inexplicable panic in his heart. Although there was no sign of the Jinbing attacking the city, who knew what would happen tomorrow?As soon as the siege weapons arrive, the Jin soldiers may attack the city aggressively.

"Uncle, Chen Qing's failure to stop the golden soldiers should be a serious crime, right?" Nephew Fu Moshan asked gleefully.

Fu Xuan snorted coldly, "Wu Jie is partial to him, even if he is guilty, Liu Ziyu will take the blame. Only when Dasan Pass falls, can he be held accountable."

Fu Moshan's lips moved, "Uncle, can we use a strategy, such as temporarily losing Dasan Pass, and then regaining it."

Fu Moshan didn't dare to say any more. Fu Xuan's fierce eyes almost killed him, and he muttered, "My boy, it's just a hypothesis!"

"Hmph! I think you were blindfolded by hatred and lost the big pass. Chen Qing was fired at most, but I want to lose my head. You stupid idiot, get out of here!"

Fu Moshan was so frightened that he rolled and ran away.

Fu Xuan was upset for a while, he really didn't expect that his nephew would say such stupid words, and for the sake of a little hatred in his heart, he actually wanted to give up the big break.

He also knew that his nephew was not stupid for a day or two, but he had no choice. He had no son himself, so he always regarded Fu Moshan as his own son, and he had completely regarded him as his own son.

However, this son was as simple-minded as his father, which made Fu Xuan extremely disappointed. He always had an intuition that one day he would be killed by this idiot.

At this moment, a soldier shouted: "Why did the golden soldiers start to withdraw?"

Fu Xuan was stunned, and looked down. Sure enough, the Jin soldiers began to pack up their tents and put away their flags, and part of the army had already started to retreat westward.

Fu Xuan really wondered, if the Jin soldiers suddenly retreated westward, could it be their trick to lure the enemy?

(End of this chapter)

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