
Chapter 1330 Preparation

Chapter 1330 Preparation
A middle-aged man raised his hand and said, "Your Highness, it was planted by a villain!"

"What's your name?"

"The villain's name is Yang Du, from Yaozhou!"

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "This should be your first time growing pumpkins! What's the secret to growing them so well?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, the villain has grown winter melons for three generations. The winter melons my father planted weighed forty to fifty catties each. The villagers called him the King of Winter Melons, so my father taught me some tricks. The selection of seeds, soil, water quantity, fertilization and light are very particular. For example, the soil quality here is silt dug from the river, and then the manure from the chicken manure pile is added. My father found that poultry manure is more suitable than human and animal manure. Planting wax gourds, and spraying sulfur powder around to kill insects, etc. There are dozens of tricks!"

At this time, Liu Xiangyang said from the side: "Two days ago, a wealthy businessman approached us and wanted to cooperate with us. He paid for the land, and we provided the seeds and cultivation technology to grow high-quality big pumpkins together. We cannot make decisions, Your Highness." Do you think this plan is feasible?"

These businessmen were quite discerning, and immediately smelled business opportunities, but Chen Qing would never agree to this business model, which would lead to a monopoly of high-quality seeds, which was not conducive to the court's promotion of high-quality crops to farmers all over the world.

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Your tasks are teaching and research, and any expenses you need will be borne by the Internal Affairs Hall, which will give you enough money to conduct research. The results of your research must be handed over to the government, and the government will promote them to farmers. Letting people in the world have enough to eat is our cause, not for some businessmen to make profits, understand?"

Everyone was ashamed, and saluted together: "Your Highness taught us, we will remember it in our hearts!"

Chen Qing nodded and asked Yang Du again: "Do you teach Tai students?"

"Yes! The villain has taught twenty Tai students."

"It's not easy. Growing melons is so good and teaching students. Is there any difficulty?"

"This" You Xue was present, Yang Du didn't know how to answer.

Chen Qing turned his gaze to Liu Xiangyang, and Liu Xiangyang hurriedly stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Because he is a farmer, we can't give him an official position, so we can only hire him as an unemployed professor."

"Who said no?" Chen Qing asked with a serious face.

"The main reason is that the Ministry of Officials can't get through!"

Chen Qing was really annoyed and said: "Many of my generals are peasants, and Niu Gao is a peasant in command. Does the military department dare to say that Niu Gao has not passed the imperial examination and cannot be given an official position? I have said a long time ago that if you have the ability, you can As an official, the pumpkins that Professor Yang grows are bigger and better than the ones I grow.

"Your Highness is right. Many of our Taixue professors are craftsmen or farmers with special skills. It is impossible for them to take the imperial examination, but the people who take the imperial examination do not have their skills. This matter has always troubled Taixue. I implore Your Highness to resolve this employment issue for us."

Chen Qing nodded, "I will tell the official department later that the official department will change a lot of rules and regulations recently, and it will also change your unfair treatment."

Chen Qing returned to the official office, pondered for a moment, and said to Chao Qing: "Go and invite Zhang Counselor of the Ministry of Officials!"

Chao Qing hurried away, not long after, Zhang Miao quickly walked into the official room, bowed and said, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "Please sit down!"

Zhang Miao sat down, and Chen Qingxiao asked, "How's the plan for reforming officials?"

"It's still being drafted, and it may need to be discussed with His Highness and the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"What do you need to discuss?"

"Regarding the establishment of state officials, His Royal Highness requested that the Tang system be restored, but the Tang system had a flaw, that is, the imperial court had weak control over the localities, which resulted in the local government in the Tang Dynasty being basically controlled by the aristocratic family, and it was difficult to implement the imperial government's decrees. It is obvious that the imperial court has strengthened its control over the local area, and this humble position can be considered."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "The control of the local government in the Song Dynasty is not just the appointment of the magistrate, the key is the real power at the road level, and the local government's finances and taxes are taken away by the transshipment department, so the local government is not as high as the emperor in the Tang Dynasty. Far away, there are mother-in-laws on their heads, who use the three ropes of criminal law, finance and taxation, and evaluation to tie the local government, and then implement the system of being officials in different places, the control of the local powerful and powerful families will be greatly reduced. It’s the same thing as being an official system in a different place, so don’t get too entangled.”

"Understood, I will continue to draft, and I will show the draft to Your Highness."

Zhang Miao was about to get up, but Chen Qing stopped him, "Wait a minute, I have something to do!"

"Ah! Your Highness, please tell me."

Chen Qing told Zhang Miao about his visit to Taixue today, which involved professorship, and said to Zhang Miao: "I have long advocated meritocracy, but this talent does not refer to reading. People with real skills, blacksmiths who can smelt high-quality refined iron, farmers who can grow high-quality grain, and shipwrights who can build long-distance ocean ships. How can we reform the regulations governing the appointment of officials?"

Zhang Miao thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is a way!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I would like to hear the details!"

"Does Your Highness know about systemic subjects?"

The examination is a kind of promotion examination aimed at outstanding civil servants in office. It can be said to be an upgraded version of the imperial examination, so it is also called a major examination. The content of the examination is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It is an unconventional examination. After passing the exam, they will generally be reused. Su Shi and Qin Hui both made their debut through the system.

The system examination is generally used to select professional talents. For example, the Zuanbian Branch is used to select military talents, and the Caiying Department is used to select musical talents. It was set up by itself, but from the Tang Dynasty to the present, no system in any dynasty has taken subjects such as Dajiang Agricultural Sciences.

Zhang Miao's solution was to put new wine in old bottles, and use the bottle of Zhike to solve the official position of high-level craftsmen and peasants in Taixue.

Chen Qing understood what Zhang Miao meant, and said happily: "Then set up a blacksmith Sangnong subject, which does not test book knowledge, but only practical ability, and another foot Anbian subject, to select outstanding young men who are below the control level. general."

"When does Your Highness think it will start?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "From this autumn to next autumn, the smelter Sang Nong Ke will be able to smelt the best iron, grow the most grain, grow the biggest melons, and spin the best melons." Cloth, who can make the best loom, who can forge the best weapon, who can develop the farthest projectile, etc., and then the selection of outstanding young generals will be held in the spring of next year, at the same time as the imperial examination, including the art of war Examination, weapon test and riding and archery test, those who pass the test will be awarded official positions at the same time."

"Understood, is there anything else your Highness wants to explain?"

Chen Qing said again: "As for the professors of Taixue, they don't have formal official positions at present, but they still have to be given corresponding official treatment, including salary, welfare and house."

Zhang Miao is a very pragmatic person. He understands that King Yong valued industrial, commercial and agricultural talents. He knew that this is the foundation of rejuvenating the country and revitalizing the country. He nodded, "The humble job will be arranged as soon as possible!"

Zhang Miaoxing bowed and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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