
Chapter 1333 Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 1333 Emotional Intelligence
The crowd dispersed, Jiang Yanxian came to Chen Qing's official room, Chen Qing invited him to sit down, and said to him: "Everyone is just expressing their attitude today, and the specific terms need to be formulated by the preparatory group. Let them do things. You just need to grasp one direction.”

Jiang Yanxian nodded, "It takes people to do things. First of all, it's a human problem. Has Your Highness considered the candidate for the Chief Trade Supervisor?"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think of Zheng Tongquan?"

"Zheng Tongquan is a businessman!"

Just after Jiang Yanxian finished speaking, he laughed again, "There is really no one more suitable than him to be in charge of trade."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Zheng Tongquan is not an ordinary businessman, he is very courageous, he was a big medicine merchant in Hejian Prefecture in his early years, he actually redeemed Queen Zheng's mother and daughter in Liaodong, and brought them back to Hejian at the risk of beheading Then they were sent to Lin’an by boat, and he was named the uncle of the country. He not only showed kindness to me, but also to our Prince Yong’s mansion. It is my long-cherished wish to give him a suitable position.”

"I have no objection to Zheng Tongquan. In fact, to be a trade supervisor, you must have enough experience in trade. We can't find such a person in the Yong Palace. Chao Kun is not bad, but he is too young and his qualifications are far behind. , Zheng Tongquan is indeed the most suitable candidate."

"Speaking of Chao Kun, I'm considering letting him be the overseas secretary."

Jiang Yanxian frowned slightly, "He seems to be only 26 years old! Isn't he a little too young?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Overseas trade must also have enough experience. I don't worry about letting an official who has never been to sea and can't tell the difference between the southeast and the north be in charge of the overseas department. Chao Kun went to sea when he was a teenager. After being a Jinshi, he practiced in Quanzhou for another six years, and was promoted to be a judge of the Ship Supervisor. This is already a sixth-rank official. He has been able to be the chief trade supervisor for six or seven years, and it is time for Chao Kun to take over from him."

Jiang Yan first knew that Chen Qing had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him and said, "Where are the other officials?"

"For other officials, Chiang Kai-shek and Zheng Tongquan will negotiate with the Ministry of Officials to find suitable candidates, and then show me the list."

"I understand. There is also the government office. Your Highness needs to find a suitable place."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The official office of the Trade Supervision is the old official office of the Military Department. It takes up a lot of land, so it should be tidied up. It was originally planned to be given to the Supervision Department, but the Supervision Department has a new place. They are no longer needed. They are just for trade It will be used by the supervisor, and then the Overseas Trade Administration will put it in Quanzhou."

"Humble job, go talk to Mr. Zheng."

"Alright! Let him have a mental preparation, and I'll talk to him later."

In the evening, Chen Qing returned to the mansion and took a boat to Qifeng Pavilion on the island. In summer, his family lived in Qifeng Pavilion. Qifeng Pavilion occupies a large area. It is not a simple seven-story pavilion. In addition to the main attic, there is a circle of two-story annex buildings around it, and the maids can live in the annex buildings.

Two healthy women carried a large box full of conch in the living room, and the two daughters with the sharpest noses came first.

"Daddy, what a good thing is this!" Bing'er blinked her big bright eyes twice and asked.

"It's all your favorite baby!"

Chen Qing lifted the lid, and the two daughters jumped up happily, "Ah! It's a conch!"

Lu Xiu came with a few sisters after hearing the news, Bing'er pulled her mother excitedly and said, "Mother, there are so many beautiful conchs!"

Lu Xiu stepped forward and took a look. The box was full of colorful conch shells. She also had eyesight, so she knew that these were very valuable conch shells.

"I once saw conch shells like this in a jewelry store in Lin'an. The quality is not as good as this one. One can be sold for hundreds of shells, and one in a box can cost at least a thousand shells."

"It's so expensive!" Yu Lian exclaimed.

Lu Xiu said lightly: "Who is this high-ranking official in front of you, His Royal Highness King Yong, who has power all over the world, can the things he brings out be ordinary?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "This is a batch of high-end goods specially brought in for me by the caravan that went to Japan. I don't know much about this, so I leave it to Madam."

"and this!"

Chen Qing handed the small box to his wife, Lu Xiu took it and said with a smile: "I guess this is the treasure, the smaller the more treasure!"

"Sister, what is it?" Everyone gathered around.

Lu Xiu gently pulled out the upper cover, and suddenly the precious light radiated, and twenty crystal clear beads were neatly placed on the yellow satin cloth.

Everyone suddenly exclaimed, "Ah! It's so beautiful."

Rao has seen many treasures of Lu embroidery, and was deeply attracted by these twenty beads.

Lu Xiu thought about making it into a string of necklaces, but the idea just passed by in a flash. Her husband had already given her a luminous pearl, so she couldn't be too greedy. relationship between.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiu smiled and said, "Everyone chooses one, and I will take one too, and put the rest into the treasury."

"Mom, we want one too!" The two little ladies jumped anxiously.

Lu Xiu patted the child's face and smiled, "When you grow up, Daddy will give it to you. Now go play with conch shells."

The two little ladies pouted and went to play with the conch helplessly.

Everyone took six of them, and there were fourteen left. Lu Xiu put them back into the box and handed them to her husband, smiling, "Put the rest in the treasury!"

Every monarch has his own treasury, and Chen Qing is no exception. His treasury is located underground, built with large bluestones, and it is extremely strong. The formula and production blueprint of Iron Fire Thunder are stored in the treasury.

Chen Qing took the box and went to his study. His study is located on the third floor. The first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the passage and dining hall, the third floor is the study and living room, and the fourth and fifth floors are everyone's bedrooms. The sixth floor is currently closed, and the seventh floor is the security floor, where the female guards come and go.

Chen Qing went to his study, Yao Mei made tea for him, Chen Qing sat down and thought for a while, "Go and invite Madam!"

Yao Mei hurriedly went, and not long after, Lu Xiu walked into her husband's room with a smile, "What does your husband want me for?"

Chen Qing pushed the box on the table to her and said with a smile: "There are fourteen here, plus the one in your hand, fifteen can just make a string of necklaces."

Chen Qing knew his wife very well. He saw Lu Xiu's love for beads, and he also knew that she had always wanted to find a string of good pearl necklaces.

As expected, Lu Xiu was very happy. She took out her own bead and put it around. There was a trace of regret in her eyes. It was a little smaller, and it would be just right if there was another one.

Yao Mei quietly took out her own beads and put them on the table, there were exactly sixteen beads, Lu Xiu was startled, "Amei, these are yours."

"Ma'am, I really don't need this bead. Everyone should take one. I don't want to take it."

Lu Xiu was overjoyed, and quickly smiled and said, "I'll give you a piece of high-quality mutton fat jade later, and I guarantee that the value will not be lower than pearls."

Yao Mei bowed obediently, "Mrs. Xie!"

Chen Qing glanced at Yao Mei approvingly, no wonder Lu Xiu likes this girl, she really has a high EQ and is very smart, who wouldn't like such a sensible woman.

Lu Xiu put the beads on it, which happened to be a necklace of sixteen. Of course, the beads are not punched, but inlaid with gold, which will be more crystal clear.

"Let me inlay it for you!"

Lu Xiu put the box away and said with a smile: "No need, let the housekeeper go to make an appointment with the chief steward of Jubaotang tomorrow, and let their store inlay it for me."

"That's fine, the bead inlay in Jubaotang is a must."

Lu Xiu put away the beads and left, and Yao Mei obediently followed her to the living room.

Chen Qing turned his attention back to court affairs. What he cared most about was overseas trade talents. Historically, the Southern Song Dynasty's overseas trade was extremely prosperous, and the profits supported half of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Not only the Nanyang Islands, but also Dashi and the more distant western world.

Chen Qing also thought of New Zealand and Australia. These two vast lands are clearly in front of the Eastern Empire, but they are cheaper than the distant Angsa people. It has to be said that it is the biggest regret of the millennium.

He must seize this opportunity. Occupying new land requires a large population. The population needs food, and the food needs new high-yield species, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, spread out the paper, and wrote down the 'two or three strategies for cultivating overseas trade talents'.

(End of this chapter)

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