
Chapter 1389 surrender

Chapter 1389 surrender
After the two finished their meal, Cha Ji came in and served them freshly brewed tea. Zhou Kuan took a sip of the tea and said with a smile, "I feel that Your Highness has something to say to me?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Today one of my relatives came back and told me something about his hometown, which is Mei County, Fengxiang Prefecture."

Zhou Kuan laughed and said: "I know, their county magistrate is called Li Zhe, and I promoted him back then. He used to be just a small prison officer. I found him very capable. I asked him questions that the county magistrate couldn't answer. He The answers were fluent and I knew the situation in Mei County like the palm of my hand, so I made an exception and promoted him to be the chief minister, that was eight years ago, and now he has been promoted to the county magistrate."

"But what I want to talk about today is the county workers of Mei County!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Of course, this county worker, Tian Kuang, was also recommended by the county magistrate Li Zhe. He was Li Zhe's staff before, and he has been doing well in the past few months, building bridges and roads, and recently The key to his success in organizing more than 1 people to build water conservancy projects is the strong support of the county magistrate."

Zhou Kuan understood what Chen Qing meant, and smiled wryly, "Your Highness, this is just a special case!"

"No! This is not a special case."

Chen Qing did not agree with Zhou Kuan's definition, "I think this is the success of decentralization. We have defined the function of the county worker before as the assistant of the county magistrate, so it is easier for the county magistrate to recommend the county worker. Cooperation makes it easier to do things well, and Mei County is the best example of realizing my intention!"

"Your Highness, there are also serious drawbacks here!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, asked the tea girl next to him to step back, and asked, "Then tell me, what's wrong with this?"

"There are three disadvantages. First, the relationship with the state government. We all know that county officials, except for the county magistrate, are generally recommended by the state government to the Ministry of Officials, and then the Ministry of Officials determines through evaluation. The power of recommendation is handed over to the county magistrate, which undoubtedly deprives the state government of its power and will arouse the dissatisfaction of the state government."

"And then?" Chen Qing asked quietly.

"Secondly, if you meet a good county magistrate, you can recommend talents, but if you meet a fatuous or even corrupt county magistrate, you will get along with each other, especially if the county job is to spend money. They will steal at least half of the one hundred coins; the third is that people from the Ming Jing Department can also be county workers, isn't it contrary to the original intention of His Highness to run the Taixue and set up the Engineering and Computing Department?"

Chen Qing nodded with a smile and said, "I've considered all the three questions you mentioned, let's talk about your third question first! Didn't you find out? There are not many students in Taixue this year, only 100 people. In practice, I found that Taixue is more suitable for cultivating researchers. The students there are not suitable to be local officials. Taixue students are generally shy and introverted. How can they organize civilian husbands to do things with such a personality?

In fact, it was you who reminded me that the county worker does not depend on whether he understands technology or not. The key is that he must be able to employ people. Basically, they are all Tai students, and all those who have passed the exam are also Tai students, so I plan to cancel the engineering and computing department in the next imperial examination. "

Zhou Kuan and other officials who participated in politics knew that His Highness’s determination to establish the official position of county worker had been determined and would not change, so they would settle for the next best thing, hoping that the county worker, like other county officials, would best be appointed through the imperial examination. Wang has indeed changed it, but lowered the standard to Ming Jing Ke, and put more emphasis on practical ability. This is recognized by everyone. After all, the county worker is a practical officer who deals with the people, but His Highness handed over the right of recommendation to the county magistrate. This point Everyone has some criticisms.

"His Royal Highness's arrangement is more reasonable. One of the big reasons for everyone's opposition before is that the county worker is a practical officer, and he must have a strong ability to deal with the people. This requires many years of experience to accumulate, and it is by no means a student. The young man is competent, but is it not in compliance with the rules to be recommended by the county magistrate?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "Rules are made by people. In fact, there is no difference between the county magistrate's recommendation and the governor's recommendation. The key is the decision of the officials. Just like what you said just now, if the county magistrate's reputation is not high and the evaluation is mediocre, then he The Ministry of Officials would not accept the recommended officials, and would definitely send another official. The key to Tian Kuang's success in recommendation was that Li Zhe's own evaluation was good. In the hands of the governor, there is nothing wrong with delegating the recommendation power of a county worker to the county magistrate."

"Your Highness is considering the increase in the status of the presiding officer? Will the county magistrate be emptied, so supplement the real power of the county magistrate from the other side?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I have a little consideration in this regard, but the more important reason is to hope that the county can do things smoothly. After all, the county magistrate also needs political achievements, and a capable helper is conducive to making political achievements."

"The humble staff understands His Highness's considerations. You can ask Suzhengtai to send an envoy to visit various places to understand the situation in the county."

Suzhengtai is Yushitai. It is relatively independent from the internal affairs hall and is not controlled by the political affairs hall. It reports directly to the monarch. This is also a means used by the monarchs of all dynasties to control the court. , Otherwise, he will definitely be dismissed from office. After all, everyone makes mistakes and has reasons. It just depends on whether the king cares.

"Okay, I'll tell Zhang Shun and ask him to make an annual plan."

Back at the official room, Pei Wenjin, who joined the army, reported at the door: "His Royal Highness, just now Lu Shen has an urgent matter to find!"

Chen Qing nodded, "You invite him over and say that I'm free now."

Pei Wenjin is the No. [-] scholar in this year's imperial examination. He is from Jiangzhou, Hedong Road. The Pei family is a local rich family, which is in the same line as the Wenxi Pei family of the Tang Dynasty.

Wei Bo, No. 2 in the imperial examination this year, and Li Jinyao, No. 3, both chose to join the army as King Yong, just like Pei Wenjin, which made other officials criticize.

Not long after, Lu Qingshan came in a hurry and said to Chen Qing: "This morning, I received a message from the Yanshan Road Intelligence Agency that Yang Qin, Minister of the Ministry of War of the Kingdom of Jin, wants to join us in the Kingdom of Yong, and begs for our help."

Chen Qing knew that Yang Qin was a former Han minister of the Liao Kingdom, and later surrendered to the Jin Kingdom. It is said that he had some secret contacts with the Song Dynasty, and for some reason he wanted to take refuge in him again.

"Did something happen?"

Lu Qingshan said: "The Intelligence Department doesn't know much about the situation, but it is roughly inferred that it is related to the internal struggle in the Kingdom of Jin. It is said that the struggle between Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang broke out. Yang Qin is a member of Wanyanchang. He wants to leave , it must be Wan Yanchang’s death.”

Chen Qing pondered for a long time and said, "You can help him!"

"Your Highness wants to use this person?"

"how is this possible!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I just want to know the internal situation of the Jin Kingdom through him. He is a Hanchen of the Liao Kingdom. How can I use it to let them live in Yanshan Mansion and save their lives!"

"Humble job understands, humble job arranged for the intelligence agency to help them evacuate!"

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "It may not be enough to rely on the Intelligence Agency alone. I will also involve the internal guards to help them evacuate through the waterway. You can let the people from the Intelligence Agency contact this person, but be careful not to expose it."

"Humble job understands, let's make arrangements!"

Lu Qingshan saluted and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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