
Chapter 1407 Debriefing

Chapter 1407 Debriefing
When Chen Qing's four large ships sailed into the bay of Quanzhou Port, Chen Qing accidentally found that there were many more large ships with thousands of stones in the bay. Although they were flying the red-bottomed black dragon flag, it always felt a little different. The flag had a circle of yellow borders. , Unlike the regular Western Army banner, there is a large viewing bucket on the mast, and there are many colorful flags, which are usually equipped by ocean-going fleets.

Chen Qing suddenly understood that this must be the return of Liu Dajiang's fleet.

Liu Dajiang's fleet is Chen Qing's private army. One thousand soldiers are no longer in the Western Army's establishment. Even the ten large ships are Chen Qing's private ships. Back to ordinary people's clothing.

At this time, Liu Dajiang had already learned that King Yong had arrived on Fujian Road and went to the big island of Ryukyu for inspection. He would come to the pier almost every day to inquire about news.

At noon, Liu Dajiang was eating in a tavern on the wharf when he suddenly heard 'Dang!when!when! 'The bell rang, he didn't care to finish his meal, left a handful of money and ran to the pier.

He saw a huge ship docked at the pier, which was countless times larger than the Wanshi ship, and he immediately waved his fists in joy. This was the return of His Royal Highness King Yong.

Liu Dajiang ran up quickly, but was stopped by soldiers. The inside was a security zone, and ordinary people were not allowed to enter.

Liu Dajiang quickly took out the gold medal given to him by King Yong and handed it over, "I am a relative of His Highness King Yong, please report to Your Highness for me, Liu Dajiang asks to see you!"

Seeing that the other party was actually holding the gold medal of His Royal Highness King Yong, the soldier nodded, took the gold medal and ran to report it. After a while, he returned the gold medal to Liu Dajiang, "Follow me, please!"

Not long after, Liu Dajiang was brought in front of Chen Qing, and he stepped forward to bow and salute, "Please refer to Your Highness for humble duties!"

Chen Qing nodded and smiled, "Boss Liu has worked hard, when did you come back?"

"Humble job came back the day before yesterday."

"Wait a while! I'll listen to your report after I've settled down a bit. I hope the news is exciting."

"Your Highness will definitely not be disappointed."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked the soldiers to greet Liu Dajiang first, and he took his son into the carriage.


Liu Dajiang suddenly heard someone calling him, and when he turned around, he saw his niece Yao Mei on the side of a cart. He was surprised and delighted, and hurried forward and said, "Amei, you are here too!"

Yao Mei was surprised in her heart. She always thought that her uncle opened a restaurant with her parents in Jingzhao, but she didn't expect to meet her in Quanzhou.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Liu Dajiang scratched his head, "Didn't His Highness tell you?"

"No, the officials didn't say anything about uncle."

"I'm working for King Yong! I'm doing overseas trade, and I just came back from Nanyang."

Liu Dajiang took out a pearl the size of a pigeon egg from his bosom, smiled and handed it to his niece, "This is for you!"

Liu Dajiang has no children, and he likes Yao Mei the most, and has always regarded her as his daughter. Yao Mei took the beads, "Thank you uncle!"

At this time, the carriage started, and Yao Mei hurriedly said, "Uncle, you must be careful when you go out to sea, don't take risks, and take care of yourself!"

Liu Dajiang nodded, his nose a little sour.

An hour later, Liu Dajiang was brought into Chen Qing's temporary study by his own soldiers. Upon seeing the ceremony, Chen Qing waved his hands and said, "Sit down and have a sip of tea, and then talk slowly."

A maid came in and served tea, and Liu Dajiang took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then he reported in detail what had happened over the past few months.

Chen Qing listened very attentively. He pondered for a moment and asked, "In just a few months, nearly twenty pirates were wiped out. How did you do it?"

Liu Dajiang hesitated and said: "Actually, we used deception. Their noses are sharper than dogs. As long as there are single merchant ships at sea, they will definitely be discovered by them, and they will definitely show up."

Chen Qing laughed and said, "Are you pretending to be an orderly merchant ship?"


Liu Dajiang said with some embarrassment: "Although it is a bit disgraceful, it is very effective. Basically, it is accurate to use one at a time."

Chen Qing shook his head, "You have to remember that there is no brilliance on the battlefield, only victory and defeat. The 36 strategy is to teach you to use various so-called disgraceful means to kill the enemy. Once the brilliance is achieved, it means that we have to pay heavy casualties. This kind of general I must resign from office."

"Your Highness taught me, I will remember it. In fact, we have always carried out His Highness's order. All pirates will be exterminated and no one will be left alive."

"Very well, just because you strictly follow my orders, I will give you a reward."

Chen Qing took a long box from the table, handed it to him and said with a smile: "This is the treasure of sailing, you can open it and have a look."

Liu Dajiang opened the box carefully. Inside was a black leather tube, less than a foot long, with one end thick and the other thin. He was at a loss, what is it?
Chen Qing said with a smile: "This is called a telescope. It can check the situation in the distance. It is very useful for you to find islands and check ships in the distance!"

Chen Qing took the binoculars, demonstrated it to him, and handed it to him again. Liu Dajiang imitated using the binoculars to look towards the bay. He was so startled that he almost threw the binoculars away.

He exclaimed: "This is clairvoyance!"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "You can also call it clairvoyance, how about it, it is very practical!"

Liu Dajiang was reluctant to put it down, looked at it again and again, finally put it away carefully, and thanked again and again: "This is really a nautical treasure, I want to make a chain and hang it around my neck, but I want to use it for the lookout, will your Highness allow it? "

Chen Qing gave a thumbs up secretly, this Liu Dajiang is really a person who can afford to let it go, he said happily: "It is a good thing to make the best use of it, and I will give you another one in the future."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for fulfilling the task!"

Chen Qing took a sip of tea, and asked again: "Those pirates don't have any lairs, what's the reason?"

Liu Dajiang thought for a while and said, "I think there are two reasons. One is the pirates themselves. Many of them are not real pirates, but fishermen from various countries in Southeast Asia. , and the rest of the money is given to the family.

The second reason is distrust, especially pirate leaders. The wealth they get is gold, silver and jewelry. They are afraid of being betrayed by their accomplices on the island. It is better to keep the treasure in their own hands, so every pirate ship will have a secret room. The cabin is specially used to store the treasure of the pirate leader. Every time we capture a pirate ship, we first look for the secret cabin, but it is easy to find, almost all the entrances are in the cabin of the pirate leader. "

"How many pirates are there in Nanyang?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Humble job is not very clear. I heard that there were hundreds of pirates at the most. In recent years, the number of merchant ships going to Nanyang in the Song Dynasty has decreased a lot, and there have been fewer pirates. If the maritime trade is prosperous in the future, pirates will definitely continue to appear, just like the humble job As I said before, most of them are fishermen from various countries in the South Seas, and they will turn into pirates when they make a profit."

Chen Qing nodded and said: "The fight against pirates will end for now. Next, you will lead the fleet to do two major things. First, investigate the big island of Luzon in detail to understand its resources, fresh water, land and local natives. According to the situation, to find the best settlement for immigrants, preferably near the mouth of the river, this is your first task."

(End of this chapter)

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