
Chapter 1409

Chapter 1409
Lu Gang laughed again: "Don't misunderstand Yan Dutong, I didn't investigate your family, but we have learned that many rich and powerful families are like this, so guessing that the same is true of your family is just a guess, it is not true. Evidence, don't blame if you guess wrong!"

Yan Xin stood up and cupped his fists and said, "Anyway, I would like to thank Special Envoy Lu for the clues, and I assure Special Envoy Lu that the Plum Blossom Guard will not harass newspaper offices and teahouses!"

He saluted, turned around to say goodbye, and when he walked to the door, he hesitated and asked again: "Surely it has nothing to do with the Western Army?"

Lu Gang said indifferently: "We don't need to do such lowly things to ruin our reputation."

Yan Xin smiled awkwardly, clasped his fists in salute, and walked away quickly.

Lu Gang watched his back go away, shook his head, and told the left and right: "Prepare the car and go to Changfeng Teahouse!"

Not long after, Lu Gang came to Changfeng Teahouse in a carriage. It was almost noon, and the street was hot like a fire, but the teahouses were full of tea customers. Ice cubes were placed in the walls of Changfeng Teahouse. It's very cool, and it's full of friends from morning till night.

The imperial court also knew that Changfeng Teahouse was an intelligence station of the Western Army, and the two parties signed an agreement. The existence of the intelligence station was limited to the collection of public information, and did not involve secrets, assassinations, arson and other vicious incidents. Similarly, the intelligence station in Lin'an, Jingzhao, was also safe and sound.

The intelligence station opened this Changfeng teahouse to collect public information, understand public opinion, and grasp the social dynamics of the Song Dynasty. Making money is not important, so you only order a cup of tea, even if you sit for a day, the teahouse will not drive people away.

The teahouse was full of tea customers, and all the seats were occupied. Several waiters were busy running back and forth. Of course, except for Bai Yuxuan, this elegant room was reserved by Hu Yun at the beginning. The lock does not open.

When Lu Gang came to Bai Yuxuan, he found that Wang Mu had arrived first. Lu Gang sat down and said with a smile, "It's such a hot day, I thought Brother Shaofu wouldn't come."

After getting along for a long time, Lu Gang and Wang Mu gradually became acquainted, and they were not as stiff as they were at first.

Wang Mu smiled slightly and said, "I want to have lunch too! If I don't come, I will starve."

Lu Gang chuckled, "Me too, I'm used to coming here for lunch every day, and if I don't come, I feel like I haven't done anything."

The staff came to serve them food, the two of them ate and ordered tea, Lu Gang took a sip of tea and said, "Yan Xin came to see me this morning."

Wang Mu smiled slightly and said, "But for private salt?"

"How does Brother Shaofu know?"

Wang Mu shook his head, "The entire Plum Blossom Guard is searching for illegal salt, and it's very frustrating. Apart from this, I can't think of anything else Yan Xin has to do?"

Lu Gang sneered and said, "It's true that he did it for the flood of private salt, but he actually asked us to stop selling salt in the Jiangnan area."

"He suspects that we did it?" Wang Mu asked in surprise.

Lu Gang spread his hands, "What do you think they are here for?"

Wang Mu thought for a while and said, "But it's normal for them to be suspicious. We are indeed the biggest beneficiaries of creating a financial crisis for the imperial court."

Lu Gang said lightly: "We didn't do it, so we have to make it clear, there is no need to blame others."

"That's right, there is no need for us to do this kind of thing anymore. I heard that His Highness is patrolling Fujian Road now?"

Lu Gang was surprised: "How do you know?"

"A businessman was talking about it just now!"

The shopkeeper, Dong An, walked in with a smile, "Businessmen are often the first to know about this kind of news, and they are the most well-informed."

Lu Gang nodded, "His Royal Highness is indeed inspecting Fujian Road, but it should be over now. The reason why the news is blocked is to worry that the court will jump over the wall. After all, he is not in Jingzhao, and many things are unpredictable."

Dong An sat down and said: "Zou Shuan came this morning and said that something happened in the palace."

Zou Shuan was the scoundrel who had just become Marquis of Plum Blossom Guard Yu, the elder brother of Yan Xin's concubine. He was coerced and lured by Dong An and became the intelligence station's eyes and ears. Under Yan Xin's arrangement, he entered the palace as the plum blossom guard Yuhou, secretly monitoring the palace maids, eunuchs and palace guards.

"What news?" Lu Gang asked.

"The emperor and the queen mother fell out."


"I heard that Wanyan Zongxian of the Kingdom of Jin died. The queen mother wanted to take Wanyan Zongxian's two sons to Lin'an and make them kings. Of course the emperor refused to agree, and the two fell out."

Lu Gang frowned, "It's not that simple!"

Wang Mu smiled and said: "I also heard a piece of news, it should be the other half of this matter, or because the court's financial constraints, the court wanted the emperor to take part of the money from the inner treasury, but the emperor refused, so he ran to find the queen mother , asked the queen mother to give out 200 million coins, but the queen mother refused, I guess the queen mother wants to take the opportunity to get the two sons of Beidi back, so this is the condition for paying the money."

Dong An smiled and said, "That's right, but this matter is a scandal! How could the emperor agree?"

Lu Gang thought for a while and said: "It can be flexible, for example, if you are not in Lin'an, arrange it in Jiangning Mansion or Pingjiang Mansion. I think that as long as the Son of Heaven can get the money, he may agree if he is flexible."

Wang Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Special Envoy Lu said, should the Beijing News publish this matter?"

Lu Gang smiled slightly and said: "It can be published, but we have to wait until the raw rice is cooked and cooked. If it is too early, it will startle the snake."

Wang Mu and Dong An looked at each other, and they found that Lu Gang was more and more like Hu Yun.

Yan Xin's mansion is located in the west of the city. At this time, Yan Xin was furious and beat the second housekeeper with a whip.

How could Yan Xin not be angry? The second butler was in charge of purchasing the ingredients. He bought 240 Wen a catty of private salt, but he was charged [-] Wen a catty. He was greedy for [-] Wen per catty. After half a year, he bought hundreds of catties. , Calculate how much money he has embezzled?
It's just salt, and there are other ingredients, all of which are the most expensive, which drive Yan Xin crazy.

He grabbed the second housekeeper's skirt and said viciously: "How much money you have been greedy for me, spit out every penny left, or I will chop off your head and use it as a urinal!"

"I'll pay!"

The second steward cried and said, "I will hand over everything."

"Also, tell me honestly, where did you buy the private salt?"

"Yes." The second housekeeper dared not speak timidly.

"If you don't say anything, I will treat you as a private salt dealer!"

"I bought it from Fengji Dry Goods Store."


Yan Xin was startled, and asked anxiously, "But Feng Daji's dry goods store?"


Yan Xin gasped, who is Feng Daji?Everyone in Lin'an knows that Concubine Feng De's father, who was named the King of Guangling County, actually sells private salt by his relatives. No wonder private salt suddenly spread in the south of the Yangtze River. It really has something to do with the rich and powerful.
At this time, a subordinate ran into the gate and said, "Dutong, the emperor sent someone to announce the decree and call Dutong into the palace!"

Yan Xin nodded, and said to the big housekeeper: "Prison this fellow and make him spit out all the money, otherwise he will be sent directly to the Plum Blossom Camp and punished for collaborating with the enemy!"

After explaining, he hurried to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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