
Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412
At noon of the next day, the "Beijing News" published a headline on the front page titled "The moth of the country, the royal relatives and relatives were arrested!" 'Big news.

This news made Lin'an, which was suffering from the scorching heat, feel like a fire was added to the stove. The whole Lin'an was boiling, and all the teahouses and restaurants were talking about it.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that all Fengji dry goods stores were seized and sealed.

In Changfeng Teahouse, dozens of tea drinkers are discussing the big case of illegal salt.

"Plum Blossom Guard has never done anything good, this time he finally did something human!"

"This is also forced, and the private salt is flooding. If you don't do it, the Song Dynasty will perish."

"Who would have thought that the private salt dealers were actually relatives of the emperor? This is simply an anecdote in the world."

"This is a sign of subjugation!"

Inside the Baiyu Hall, Wang Mu took a sip of tea and asked with a smile, "What does the special envoy think the emperor will do with Feng Daji?"

Lu Gang smiled slightly and said: "If this incident happened silently, it would definitely end silently. Nothing will happen to the Feng family and his son, but if the "Beijing News" pokes this stalk, things will be difficult."

"Will the father and son of the Feng family be killed?" Dong An couldn't help asking beside him.

"Kill? Where did you want to go?"

Lu Gang glanced at Dong An, and said calmly: "There are so many royal relatives staring at him. He dares to kill Feng's father and son today, and others tomorrow. Don't expect the dignitaries to support him. Zhao Gou knows this better than anyone else." , nothing will happen to the Feng family father and son, at most the title of the county king will be gone."

Wang Mu added with a smile: "I think the Feng family's accumulated wealth may not be able to keep it. It's better to avoid disasters if you lose money!"

Lu Gang chuckled, "It makes sense, now the emperor doesn't care about anything except money."

In the imperial study room, the emperor Zhao Gou put down the newspaper with a complicated expression. In the past, he would definitely tear the newspaper to pieces and be furious, but today, the headlines on the "Beijing News" gave him a step. He can give others The dignitaries said their words, and the people were full of grievances. He had to investigate the Feng family, otherwise how would he explain to the world?
Of course, Zhao Gou has his own thoughts. He agreed to search the Feng family yesterday, so he was planning on the Feng family's wealth. If he handed over the Feng family's wealth, the Xiangguo would no longer stare at his internal treasury. It also solved the problem of salt tax, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Cleaning up the Feng family can also deter other relatives of the emperor, and beat them to stop messing around, because our country can't stand their toss.

Of course, there is a problem of speed, which needs to be dealt with, but not too much.

At this time, the eunuch reported at the door: "Your Majesty, Concubine De wants to see you!"

Zhao Gou frowned, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, why did Concubine De come to the imperial study?This is breaking the rules of the palace.

But he also knew why Concubine De came here?Zhao Gou held back his dissatisfaction and said, "Show her in!"

In just a moment, the young and beautiful Concubine Feng De came in like a gust of wind, and knelt in front of Zhao Gou, weeping uncontrollably.

"The concubine is willing to serve in Ye Ting, and I beg Your Majesty to spare the concubine's father's life for the concubine's service!"

Zhao Gou saw Concubine De crying so pitifully, he felt so pitiful, he went up to help Concubine Ai and said: "You can't be punished by a doctor. Concubine Ai's father is the head of the state. If he makes a mistake again, he won't be punished with death." , I will arrange for him to retire to the elderly, don't worry about my concubine."

"Where are the concubine's two elder brothers?" Concubine Feng De didn't hesitate at all. If her father didn't die, would she blame her elder brothers?

Zhao Gou wiped away tears for her and said with a smile: "Even the father-in-law is fine, so why would I still bully the uncle?"

Concubine De cheered and threw herself into the arms of the emperor, "Thank you Your Majesty for forgiving my concubine's father and brother. This concubine is in a hurry and shouldn't come to your majesty's study. I promise not to do it again. Please forgive me."

Zhao Gou nodded, "It's enough not to be an example. In addition, I want to make it clear to my concubine that I only want to protect the lives of the father-in-law and his son, but there must be punishments that should be given. Otherwise, my country will not be guaranteed."

Concubine Feng De's pretty face turned cold, and she asked in a trembling voice: "How does Your Majesty plan to punish my father?"

"It is impossible to give him the title. The king of the county sells private salt, and I will become the laughing stock of the world. All his illegal gains will be confiscated. I will arrange for him to have a Huangzhuang. He can go to Huangzhuang and stay quietly for a few years! As for the two Uncle Guo, I will give them errands and let them leave Lin'an, and wait until this matter subsides."

Concubine Feng De's eyes were gloomy, it seemed that it was impossible for her father to escape unscathed.

She had to thank the official for forgiveness again, and resigned.

Seeing Concubine Feng De go away, the eunuch reported in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Yan Dutong has arrived, waiting outside!"

"Acclaim him an audience!"

After a while, Yan Xin walked in quickly, bowed and saluted: "My humble minister sees Your Majesty!"

"How is it? Is the list out?" Zhao Gou asked anxiously.

The list of the amount of private salt sold by Feng's father and son has long been released, Zhao Gou doesn't care, he is more concerned about the list of Feng's wealth.

"Report to Your Majesty, it has already come out!"

Yan Xin took out a list and handed it over, Zhao Gou quickly took the list and read it carefully.

The first thing he saw was the copper coins and gold and silver stored in the Qianfufu, equivalent to 50 guan, and then he saw the gold and silver stored in Baoji Cabinet Square, which was equivalent to 35 guan, which together amounted to 85 guan. Jade jewelry, silk and satin, as well as land, real estate, shops, and various goods in warehouses are worth 10,000+ guan, and the total estimated value is around 150 million guan.

But Zhao Gou also knew that the real estate and shops in Lin'an are not easy to sell now, and there is no market for the price, so he said to Yan Xin: "Leave him two houses, including the current Wangfu, and leave him ten shops. Give it to them too, and all other property and real estate will be confiscated and put into the internal treasury."

"I understand. Besides, what should I do with Feng's father and son and the other arrested stewards? I implore your Majesty to clarify!"

"All the stewards were publicly executed as private salt dealers. As for Feng's father and son, does General Yan know that I belong to Yuanhuangzhuang?"

"I know, it's in Xuanzhou!"

"Yes! Send their father and son to Guiyuan Huangzhuang for resettlement. Send them away today, and send a few Meihuawei spies to monitor them. They are not allowed to run around. Tell them that they will be allowed to return to Lin'an in two years."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Yan Xin resigned and left. Zhao Gou issued an order that night to dismiss Feng Daji as the prince of Guangling County, demote him to a commoner, and confiscate his illegal income.
Zhao Gou's decree was an explanation to the other royal relatives and relatives. Selling private salt to shake the foundation of the country can save his life at most, but his official rank and property cannot be kept. Zhao Gou grasped this degree very well.

But what Zhao Gou didn't expect was that when the other thirteen Feng family stewards were publicly executed on the charge of selling illicit salt, the real culprit of the illicit salt, the father and son of the Feng family, was safe and sound. It caused an uproar among the people and the ruling and opposition parties, and the entire Lin'an city was full of discussions. The Tai students were even more furious, criticizing the emperor for openly protecting the emperor's relatives.

A few days later, "Jingzhao" also published a print for the first time. The name of the print was "Fighting Evil". Three fat mice left in a sedan chair. Ant C asked to beheaded.

This pair of prints had such a great impact that within a month it spread throughout the entire Jiangnan region. Even the Empress Dowager Wei was quite critical, thinking that the emperor was too tolerant of the emperor's relatives and his relatives, and if he handled it improperly, it would easily chill the hearts of the scholars. Really shake the country.

[There is something at home today, there are only two chapters, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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