
Chapter 1436 Arrest

Chapter 1436 Arrest
Just before dawn, Plum Blossom Guard Yan Xin hurried to the palace, and the emperor Zhao Gou gave him a face-to-face instruction.

Zou Shuan, who was working in the palace, immediately told Wei Yanzong the news.

Before noon, Lu Gang came to Changfeng Teahouse early, and after a while, Wang Mu also hurried over.

He walked into the elegant room, just in time to see the big shopkeeper Dong An reporting something to Lu Gang. Lu Gang nodded repeatedly, "Let Zou Shuan continue to monitor and report at any time!"

Dong An nodded to Wang Mu with a smile, and walked away quickly. Wang Mu sat down and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Lu Gang smiled slightly and said, "The Son of Heaven is going to attack the Shi family."

Wang Mu was taken aback, "The Shi family is truly a dignitary in the Song Dynasty. Wouldn't the emperor be afraid to shake the foundation if he attacked the dignitaries?"

"This incident was promoted by His Royal Highness King Yong, which made the emperor feel the danger and at the same time made him see the benefits. He would naturally think that killing the Shi family was a blow to the powerful, and at the same time he would make a lot of money himself. "

Wang Mu sighed, "His lips are dead and his teeth are cold. Today he can clean up the Shi family, and tomorrow he can clean up other dignitaries. Even if he temporarily suppresses the agitation of the dignitaries, he will lose the support of the dignitaries."

Lu Gang smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Yong told me a story about boiling a frog in warm water. The frog cannot be boiled in boiling water, and it will escape, but in warm water, the frog will be cooked without knowing it. The Son of Heaven is this frog." , once he completely loses the support of the powerful and the Jiangnan family, it's time for him to be boiled."

"It's an interesting story, but I won't put it in the paper lest he wake up when he sees it."

Wang Mu smiled and said, "How does the Son of Heaven plan to clean up the Shi family?"

"Early this morning, the emperor summoned Yan Xin. I guess I will use the assassination case of Wan Qixi to make a fuss."

Wang Mu asked curiously, "Can you find any evidence that the Shi family is involved in the case?"

Lu Gang said indifferently: "You underestimate Yan Xin's ability too much. According to Zou Shuan, he has found a breakthrough. He will definitely come to the newspaper office in the next two days. Please ask the "Beijing News" to publicly announce the evidence."

"I will report it to him truthfully. In fact, it doesn't make sense to report it or not. It can only fool ordinary people, but it is just trying to cover up those powerful people!"

At this time, the waiter brought the food, and Lu Gang smiled and said, "Let's eat first! Let's talk in detail after the meal."

Yan Xin already has the evidence of Shi Guangping's involvement in the case. Just as Lu Gang said, Yan Xin's leadership as the capital of the Plum Blossom Guard is indeed outstanding.

He was as careful as a hair, and found that when Wan Qixie was assassinated, he happened to walk out of the door of the cabinet workshop, before he got into the carriage. The assassin's timing was so precise that it would have been impossible if no one had notified him.

When Wan Qixi entered the cabinet workshop, someone notified the assassin, and the assassin hid not far away. As soon as Wan Qixi went out, the assassin started.

Then who notified the assassin, this is the key to the whole case, Yan Xin locked up three people, accountant Gao Hongde, steward Liao Bin, and Shi Guangping's coachman, all three of them had left the cabinet shop one after another.

Yan Xin used the method of elimination to rule out Gao Hongde and Liao Bin, because these two are small stewards and not Shi Guangping's confidantes. Shi Guangping will never leak the secrets of such a major arrangement, so only Shi Guangping's coachman is the biggest suspect. people.

In the morning, Meihuawei caught the coachman's son. When his son was in danger, the coachman collapsed and explained the details of Shi Guangping's arrangement to inform the assassin.

At noon, Shi Guangping was sulking in the cabinet shop. He just got the news that Wanbao cabinet shop and Jiangnan cabinet shop reached a loan agreement with the imperial court, and the court borrowed 100 million guan from the two cabinet shops.

But what made him angry was not the borrowing of money, but the collateral of the imperial court. Thirty percent of the land, houses, and shops had been mortgaged to him by the borrowing merchants before, and they were mortgaged by the imperial court again. A new title deed has been made.

This means that the thick stack of land deeds in his hand has become waste paper, and all the 200 million guan money he borrowed was in vain. In addition to the 60 guan money he borrowed from Pingjiang Mansion and Yuezhou, he lost 260 million yuan. Wan Guan.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made him want to cry without tears, and also made him deeply aware of the despicableness of the court.

Shi Guangping suffered from insomnia all night, and he rushed to the cabinet workshop the next morning. He wanted to calculate how much money he had in the cabinet workshops all over the place.
The manager reported: "Proprietor, there are a total of 35 branches, four in the Jiangnan area, two in Guangnan East Road, and the other sixteen are in the area controlled by the Yong Kingdom. The total land value of each store is 40 yuan. About [-] guan of my own money, these are other areas except the main store."

Shi Guangping touched his throbbing temples and said, "If I package and sell Baoji Cabinet Factory to King Yong, can I sell it for 100 million guan?"

The chief steward shook his head, "It can be sold at most 30 to [-]!"

"Why?" Shi Guangping was stunned.

"Did the proprietor forget? Pingjiang Mansion and Yuezhou still owe 60 guan!"


Shi Guangping grabbed his hair fiercely, and said for a long while: "I asked you to investigate this morning, did you find it?"

"The humble job found two. No. 17 warehouse is grain merchant Luo Guisheng, and No. 21 warehouse is marine merchant Liang Qi. They are both medium-sized warehouses. Both of their families are not in Lin'an, so they didn't have time to withdraw the money."

"How much money is there?"

The chief steward shook his head, "It's impossible for us to know. The proprietor also knows that there are three doors. The key to the innermost door is in the hands of the guests. We have never entered it, but both families have fifty large boxes. We count them when we move in." Pass."

After a moment of hesitation, the chief manager said again: "If their wealth has been moved, they will come here to denounce it, which will seriously affect our reputation!"

Shi Guangping sneered and said, "Just say it was confiscated by the emperor, how can they go to confront the emperor? Let this fatuous emperor take the blame."

At this moment, only the sound of noisy footsteps came from outside, and a steward shouted: "This is an important place for the inner room, you must not intrude!"

Shi Guangping was taken aback, "What happened?"

The door curtain was lifted, and more than a dozen Plum Blossom Guard soldiers walked in, the leader was a commander, he said coldly: "Master Shi, someone has provided evidence that you assassinated Wan Teng Xiangguo, please follow us to the Plum Blossom Guard for investigation and questioning. "

Shi Guangping was furious, "I am the majestic Duke of Wei, no one has the right to take me away without the emperor's will!"

The governor held up a gold medal, "This is the emperor's gold medal. With this gold medal, we can detain all ministers below the king!"

Shi Guangping never dreamed that the emperor would order him to be arrested. He suddenly fell into an ice cave, and then he suddenly realized that the emperor had attacked him, and he panicked a little, "This is a misunderstanding. I didn't assassinate Wanqi Xiangguo, didn't I?" I did it, big misunderstanding!"

Tong Leng said coldly: "Please follow us. As long as you cooperate with the investigation, we will treat each other with courtesy. If it is not the owner's fault, we will release you naturally. Please!"

Shi Guangping had no choice but to stand up and wink at the head steward, asking him to notify his family immediately.

But Shi Guangping didn't know that his mansion had already been surrounded by a thousand Plum Blossom Guard soldiers led by Yan Xin, the governor of the capital, and none of the male members of the Shi family had escaped.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the Meihuawei seized all the shops, houses and warehouses of the Shi family, including Baoji Cabinet Workshop and Fengle Building. The three Baoji cabinets in the Fu, Yuezhou and Jiankang Fu were also seized.

At the same time Shi Guangping was arrested, a pigeon letter was urgently sent to Jingzhao City by special envoy Lu Gang to report the cleansing of the Shi family to Yong Wang Chen Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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