
Chapter 1441 Missed

At this moment, "Boom!" The iron fire thunder exploded, the sound of the explosion was earth-shattering, and the ground shook. It was equivalent to the iron dog of the Western Army and weighed thirty catties. It exploded, dust filled the air, and gravel crackled and fell from the sky.

Everyone was so shocked that they knelt on the ground and dared not move. After a full cup of tea, Wan Yanchang put down his hands covering his ears and stood up slowly. The scene in front of him stunned him, and the dust in front of him still In the diffuse, but clearly visible, brick building fifty paces away had disappeared.

"Okay! It's a success!" Wan Yanchang raised his arms and shouted excitedly, and everyone cheered excitedly.

Wan Yanchang rolled his eyes and found that Hu Shatu was still kneeling on the ground with his head buried on the ground. He laughed and said, "The Iron Fire Thunder that I invented, I'm so scared!"

He ordered the left and right to help Hu Shatu up, and the two soldiers helped Hu Shatu up, and suddenly shouted in fright.

When Wan Yanchang turned his head, his eyes widened in shock. He saw that Hu Shatu's face was covered with blood, and a crossbow arrow pierced through the top of his head, leaving only half of the arrow shaft exposed. Lifeless, long dead.

The [-] Jurchen soldiers all mobilized and ran frantically to the top of the mountain. Soon, more than [-] soldiers rushed to the top of the mountain, but they only found the dead bodies of ten Jurchen soldiers who had been killed, and found nothing else.

The soldiers shouted again and searched in all directions. Soon some soldiers found the footprints, and a hundred Jurchen soldiers chased after them.

Before the explosion sounded, the four people on the top of the mountain retreated. Zhong Huan could see clearly that both arrows hit the target, especially the second poisonous arrow. No matter where it hits, Hushatu would definitely die. undoubtedly.

As for Hushatu's blueprints, samples, etc., Zhong Huan didn't care. Now he was going to return to Yanshan Road alive and report their findings to His Royal Highness King Yong. The Jurchen army began to experiment with Tiehuolei.

The centurion sent people back to report, and he divided his troops into two groups, one went east to search, and the other went west to search.

Many things are so wrong. If Wan Yanchang can leave a little later, Zhong Huan and the others will be in danger. Not long after Wan Yanchang returned to the city, the soldiers who reported that they found the trace of the murderer came. Ran away.

"Where is the loophole?" Wanyan Quan asked coldly.

Wan Yanchang dug three feet in Hu Shatu's mansion, but still found nothing, he was very depressed, he was extremely worried, it was very likely that they would pass by Tie Huolei again.

Wan Yanchang sighed in his heart, it became his own business again, he had tried it and knew how difficult it was, but at this moment he couldn't refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and bowed: "My minister obeys the order!"

"Arrange it, I want to see him."

Wanyan Quan immediately shouted an order: "Decide my will, Wan Yanzhuo is guilty of dereliction of duty, and shall be executed immediately!"

Wan Yanquan pondered for a moment, then said lightly: "I remember you said that a Yanjing man named Guo Changwu came to join you. This man assassinated Chen Qing and almost succeeded. Is he still there?"

Wan Yanchang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "I can't be sure about the lowly position."

Wan Yanchang immediately led five hundred cavalry back to Shangjing on horseback, heading for Hushatu's residence.

"How much time is needed?"

But Wan Yanchang was no longer there, and the others could not command the patrolling navy in Beijing, so they still had to go to find Wan Yanchang, and several soldiers who reported the news had to mount their horses and chase in the direction of Shangjing.

Wan Yanchang thought for a while and said: "There are fragments of the iron shell and gunpowder. There should be a chance, but it will take time!"

Although the disastrous defeat of Wanyan Helisa and the escape of Yang Qin, Minister of the Ministry of War, were all used by Wanyan Wushu to attack Wanyanchang, Wanyanchang was not affected too much. On the contrary, he was quite popular with the emperor Wanyanquan. For reuse, he was ordered to command the [-] Hezhameng'an Army, and to lead the three provinces together with Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Wushu, and to control the financial power.

The huge explosion shook the ground and they almost fell, but they still staggered towards the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, the emperor Wanyan Quan sent someone to inquire about the situation, but Wanyanchang had no choice but to go to the palace to report.

"Observe the decree!" A guard rushed out to deliver the decree
After walking a few steps with his hands behind his back, Wanyan Quan asked again: "According to the current situation, can we still make iron fire thunder?"

"Reporting to His Majesty, is he still there?"

"Who is the main defender of Wolf Fang Valley?"

It took less than a quarter of an hour by accident, but Zhong Huan and the others won two hours. The five of them rowed hard, and the fishing boat sailed to the east. They planned very carefully. After assassinating Hu Shatu, it was impossible Returning from the same road, you can only go east.

Only then did Wan Yanchang get the report that the murderer was likely to enter the river and board a boat. Wan Yanchang hated him so much that he immediately ordered all [-] boats of the Shangjing Navy to mobilize, and sent [-] cavalry in two groups to search for the murderer along the river.

When the three thousand Jurchen soldiers rushed to the top of the mountain, they had already rushed to the river and jumped onto the fishing boat one by one.

Wan Yanchang frantically searched for Hushatu's information and drawings, but found nothing. He asked the craftsmen around him, they only knew about the wooden barrel Huolei, and the iron Huolei knew nothing. Two confidant soldiers of Hushatu told Wanyan Chang, the iron fire thunder was brought directly from Hushatu's home, not made here.

The chief centurion looked under the huge rock, and there was just a place to dock a ship, and he immediately understood.

Wan Yanchang came to the emperor's study room quickly. Although Hu Shatu was killed and they passed Tie Huolei again, Wan Yanchang still had a little gain. He got a few pieces of iron skin from the explosion of Tie Huo Lei , This is the real iron fire thunder iron skin, which can be carefully studied by other firearm craftsmen.

After listening to Yan Chang's report, the emperor Wanyan Quan's face was extremely gloomy. Not getting Tiehuolei was secondary, but the key was that the enemy scouts actually sneaked into the military forbidden area of ​​Shangjing and killed the chief firearms master, which made Wanyanquan feel A deep shame.

"There was a boat hidden below, and they got on the boat and escaped!"

"It's Master Wan Yan Zhuo!"

They will enter Huoluo Haichuan at the Mengantun River, which is today's Mudanjiang River, and finally enter Tongmen Water, from where it enters the sea.

The reason is also very simple. It is related to the factional struggle within the Kingdom of Jin. After the death of Wanyan Zongpan, another faction, Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Zonghan, gradually gained power. A political opponent of Wanyan Wushu, Wanyan Chang is the most suitable one. He was originally the number two figure in Wanyan Zongpan's faction, and it is expected that he will replace Wanyan Zongpan in power.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the first loophole is on the river, and there are too few ships on the river, so that the enemy spies can pass through the heavy blockade and enter Shangjing. The second loophole is above the Langya Valley, and there is only one sentry tower and ten patrol soldiers. It is enough for ordinary people, but it is not enough to deal with the spies of the Western Army. In the final analysis, the Defender General underestimated the enemy, thinking that it is impossible for the spies of the Western Army to come to Langya Valley."

"Come on!"

"I'll give you a year to develop Tie Huo Lei as much as possible."

The boatman propped a long pole on the stone wall, and the fishing boat swayed away from the shore and sailed towards the east of the river.
A quarter of an hour later, a hundred Jurchen soldiers followed the footprints of several people and chased them to the river, but there were no people left. All kinds of signs showed that the person they were chasing jumped into the river, but this was impossible anyway.

Wan Yanchang was stunned, and asked cautiously: "Does Your Majesty still want him to go to Jingzhao?"

Wanyan Quan said coldly: "How dare you send someone to Shangjing to assassinate my chief craftsman, if you come and don't go, it's indecent!"


After ten days of sailing, the surface of Tongmenshui became wider and wider, and the mouth of the sea was in front of it.

The Tongmen water is the Tumen River, and after going out, there is a sea of ​​whales. From a distance, Zhong Huan saw a Wanshi ship moored at the mouth of the sea. He roared up to the sky and raised his arms to cheer.

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