
Chapter 158 Wish

Chapter 158 Wish
Qin Wang Liu Yi was woken up in the middle of the night. He had just slept soundly for two nights, but the news that came immediately made him feel like a thunderbolt.

"Unfortunately, I told the lord that the army from Zheng County was wiped out by Chen Qingjun in Lintong, and Wei Kun just fled back to Jingzhao City."

Liu Yi sat there like a fool, and for a moment, Liu Yi suddenly broke out. He jumped up and pointed at Tang Shaoqing and cursed, "Damn bastard, you told me that Chen Qing's army had withdrawn from Jingyuan Road, how dare you lie about it?" Military situation!"

Tang Shaoqing was very bitter in his heart, and he didn't expect that Chen Qing would pretend to retreat. Obviously, Chen Qing knew very well that Liu Yi wanted to transfer troops from Zheng County to enrich Jingzhao. Liu Yi's cowardly and weak character had already been seen through by the other party. .

"My lord, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The humble official notified the lord in the middle of the night because he was worried about the three thousand brothers who came from Feng Yi County. They also didn't know about it and thought that Chen Qing's army had left. We must notify them immediately, otherwise the same will happen." Annihilated by Chen Qing's cavalry!"

"Then you still haven't sent someone to notify them?"

"His Royal Highness, I sent people to go to Tongzhou on two horses, but Chen Qing is also a cavalryman, I am worried that it will be too late."

Liu Yi was stunned, his lips trembling and he said, "Then what should we do?"

"My lord, the only way now is for my lord to use a pigeon letter to send an order to Huazhou and Tongzhou, ordering the officials of these two states to notify the army and let the army enter the county."

Liu Yi turned around and asked the guard next to him, "What time is it?"

"Reporting to the prince, it's just two o'clock!"

Liu Yi was stunned for a moment, it was only two o'clock, and he had to wait until dawn to send the pigeon letter, was there still time?
Tang Shaoqing also knew that the situation was not good for them. Even if the pigeon letter was sent tomorrow, the local officials might not be able to find this army in time.

But no matter what, they had to do it, and with a glimmer of hope, they wanted to rescue the [-] troops from the same state.

Liu Yi's eyes rolled around. If the Tongzhou army was wiped out again, their total number of dead troops would be [-], while the opponent was only a cavalry of more than [-]. In any case, he could not report to the emperor. Brother confessed that he had to put all the responsibility on this Tang Shaoqing.

Although Tang Shaoqing tried his best to save the Tongzhou Army, it was too late. On the evening of the third day, they received a pigeon letter from Huazhou to judge Miao Kuang. Annihilation, none of the three thousand soldiers survived.

This news dealt a heavy blow to Tang Shaoqing. He fell ill. On the sickbed, Tang Shaoqing asked Qin Wang Liu Yi to resign with guilt, but Liu Yi hypocritically refused to accept his resignation and only suspended him temporarily.

One month later, Liu Yu, the puppet emperor of Qi, issued an edict to remove Tang Shaoqing from the position of governor, and appointed Guo Zhen, a member of the Privy Council, as the envoy of Shaanxi Road, and added [-] troops to Shaanxi Road. At the same time, Liu Yu handed over the military power to Guo Liu Yu also knew that his brother was not capable enough to take on the important task of managing Shaanxi.

Xiaguo Village, Shaohua Township in the south of Zheng County, is a small mountain village at the foot of Huashan Mountain. There are about forty or fifty households in the village. They have lived on hunting for generations. Xiaguo Village is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The invasion didn't disturb the place, so it remained quiet, like a paradise.

But this is just an appearance. The Song Army War still greatly affected Xiaguo Village from the other side. More than [-] young people in the village joined the Song Army and participated in the battle between the Song and Jin Dynasties for Shaanxi Road.

This morning, a young man riding a mule came to the entrance of Xiaguo Village. The man was sent by Chen Qing to find the confidant of Chen Shangyuan's family. His name was Yan Jun.

Chen Qing didn't know many clues. It was a piece of cloth sewn from his underwear, which said 'Chen Shangyuan, Shaohua Township, Zheng County'. There are dozens of mountain villages in Shaohua Township. It is difficult to find the exact address with this piece of cloth.

Yan Jun inquired for two days without any news, so he returned to Zheng County and spent money to bribe the county magistrate. Only then did he find out Chen Shangyuan's name from the correction list of Zheng County soldiers. He was [-] years old, joined the army in the first year of Jianyan, and lived in the countryside of Shaohua Guocun, father Chen Tonggen.

Of course, Chen Qing would not tell Yan Jun the truth, he just told Yan Jun that Chen Shangyuan was his sworn brother, he had saved his life many times, unfortunately he was killed in the Battle of Fuping, and he must repay Chen Shangyuan for saving his life.

Yan Jun led the mule and walked into the village along a winding stone road. On both sides were courtyard walls and houses made of stone slabs, which were gray and white. He saw an old man burning a fire in the yard on the left, so he stepped forward. He smiled and asked, "Excuse me, old man, where does Uncle Chen Tonggen live?"

The old man glanced at him, and replied slowly: "The same root! He has passed away."

Yan Jun was startled, and quickly asked, "When did you die?"

"The year before last! In the third year of Jianyan, when he heard the news that his second son had died in battle, he couldn't bear the blow and died of illness not long after."

Yan Jun was stunned, and asked for a while, "What's the name of his second son?"

"He has two sons, the eldest son Chongyang, the second son is called Shangyuan, and the second son refers to Shangyuan."

Yan Jun scratched his head, he was a little confused, wasn't Chen Shangyuan killed in the Battle of Fuping last year?How did it become the year before last.

"Old man, I'm a good friend of Chen Shangyuan, and I'm here to visit his relatives. Where does he live?"

"Counting from here, the fourth house, the one with Zhong Kui's portrait on the door is his house, unfortunately! A pair of children have been left behind."

The old man sighed and went into the house.

Yan Jun continued to walk towards the village. Every house here had the same structure. When he counted to the fourth house, there was indeed a faded portrait of Zhong Kui pasted on the gate, and this was it.

He knocked hard on the door, there was a sound of fast footsteps coming, and a child's voice shouted: "Uncle, I'll open the door!"

The door opened, and there was a five or six-year-old boy inside. He was combing his horns. He was very handsome and well-behaved. His eyebrows and eyes looked a bit like a commander.

"Uncle, who are you looking for?"

"I'm from the south. My surname is Yan. Do you have any elders at home?"

The boy turned around and ran back, "Uncle, he's an uncle named Yan, he said he came from the south."

A man in his thirties came out of the room. He had thick eyebrows, heavy eyes, a tall figure, and a pair of strong arms. This man also looked like the commander, but his body was not the same. The commander was tall and straight, but his appearance was not so big and strong. The skin is not so dark, and the face is not so vicissitudes.

"What's the matter with you?" The man looked at Yan Jun warily and asked.

Yan Jun cupped his hands quickly and said: "My servant, Yan Jun, joined the army with his younger brother Chen Shangyuan, and my younger brother has some affairs behind him. I will explain it for him."

"Ah! Please come in."

The man was Chen Shangyuan's elder brother, Chen Chongyang. He hurriedly invited Yan Jun into the yard. Yan Jun took a look. Like the others, the eaves were covered with prey made of wax and some furs. This man should also be a hunter.

Although he is a hunter, his family background is not good, and the clothes of him and his children are very worn out.

They entered the house and walked down, only to see three children standing at the door, two boys and a little lady, the little lady was about seven or eight years old, wearing a double-snail bun and a gray sarong, a little older than the boy who opened the door , is also very handsome, and the other boy is about twelve or thirteen years old.

"they are"

"The older one is my son, and the two younger ones are my nephew and niece. My niece's name is Chen Ying, and my nephew's name is Chen Xiong. Their father is Shangyuan."

"Where's their mother?"

Chen Chongyang sighed, "I remarried last year. She is from Shangluo County, Shangzhou. I heard that she gave birth to another son. I will take care of my brother's two children."

Yan Jun pondered for a while and said: "I have to make something clear. It may be that the military report was wrong. Chen Shangyuan was killed in the Battle of Fuping last year, not the year before last."

Chen Chongyang was startled for a moment, then his eyes darkened, so what's the difference?

"Does Brother Chongyang have a wife?"

"Yes! My wife went to the Wei family to help out and earn some money to subsidize the family. By the way, what does my brother have to say?"

Yan Jun took off the heavy cloth bag behind him and opened it. There were two cloth bags and a wooden box inside.

He pushed the small cloth pouch to Chen Chongyang, "This is thirty taels of silver, and it is Chen Shangyuan's compensation for his death."

Chen Chongyang was startled, "So many?"

"He is a capital and has military exploits, so there will be a little more."

Then Yan Jun pushed the big bag and box to Chen Chongyang, "This is Chen Shangyuan's military reward, three hundred taels of gold, and inside the box is a set of gold jewelry, the dowry he left for his daughter."

Chen Chongyang was completely stunned, three hundred taels of gold was worth five or six thousand guan, this was beyond what a hunter could imagine.

"What military exploits did my father make?" Chen Xiong suddenly stepped forward and asked beside him.

Yan Jun smiled and said: "He killed many, many golden soldiers, and even killed a golden soldier, the captain of ten thousand."

Chen Xiong clenched his small fists, and said with excitement in his eyes: "I want to be like my father when I grow up, and go to battle to kill Jin Bing."

Yan Jun rubbed his little head, "Your father hopes that both you and your sister are educated. Only with both civil and military skills can you lead an army to kill the golden soldiers and expel the Tartars."

"Uncle, I want to study!" Chen Xiong looked at his uncle with expectations in his eyes.

"Uncle, I want to study too!" The little lady Chen Ying also ran up.

Chen Chongyang nodded, if his brother had this last wish, he would fulfill it for him.

 Ask for a monthly ticket and a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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