
Chapter 162 Famous General

Chapter 162 Famous General
Gao Liu shot three arrows like flowing clouds and flowing water, and all three arrows hit the vital points. There were cheers all around, and Chen Qing nodded secretly. Although this person's archery skills are slightly inferior to his own, he can already stand shoulder to shoulder with Liu Cui and Yang Zaixing. It's a pity indeed.

But the rules are here, if you want to be a commander, you have to have military merits, and Gao Liu's martial arts skills can only show that he now has a basis for promotion.

At this time, Gao Liu was led in front of Chen Qing, and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See Commander!"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Gaodutou is good at archery, have you ever joined the Song Army?"

"The humble officer didn't join the regular army. At first, he participated in the bow and arrow shooting organized by the county. Later, he led a rebel army to fight against the Jin soldiers in Ruzhou."

"When was the rebel army organized?"

"The second year of Jingkang."

"Your real name is Gao Liu?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

Gao Liu hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, "Exactly!"

Chen Qing saw the doubt in his eyes, so he didn't ask further, but changed the subject and asked: "What kind of weapon does Gao Dutou usually use?"

"Reporting to the commander, I used a pair of double maces in the early years. Later, I felt that the weapon was too short, which was not good on the battlefield. I also learned long spears from famous teachers. At present, I don't have a suitable weapon. I plan to find a blacksmith to make an iron spear."

"How many kilograms of weapons do you use?"

"A humble job requires at least a [-]-jin iron gun."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I happen to have a big iron gun weighing forty catties, which is not suitable for other generals. It seems that it is destined for you, so let it be your prize for being the first prize in today's double list!"

Gao Liu was overjoyed, clasped his fists and saluted, "Thank you Commander for your kindness!"

"From now on, you will serve as the deputy commander of the third battalion and cooperate with General Yang in training recruits!"

"Follow the order!"

At this moment, Chen Qing suddenly heard the sound of '嗡~嗡~~嗡' from the sky, and when he looked up, he found a group of pigeons circling in the sky.

Chen Qing's expression changed immediately, and he ordered Yang Zaixing to take Gao Liu down to explain the appointment. He got on his horse and said to Yan Jun, "Go and find Hu Yanlei!"

He urged his horse to walk outside the barracks. After a while, Hu Yanlei hurried over and saluted on the horse: "Please refer to the commander for humble posts!"

"Did you see the pigeon flock just now?"

Hu Yanlei was sweating profusely and said: "The humble official has also seen it, and is investigating the source."

There are two shops in Zhongnan County that specialize in the leasing of pigeon letters. They send pigeon letters to Jingzhao, and then they are delivered to various places by Jingzhao.

After Chen Qing entered Zhongnan County, fearing that the news would leak out, he temporarily suspended the pigeon business of the two companies.

Unexpectedly, carrier pigeons appeared in the sky today, how could Chen Qing not be annoyed?

At this time, a soldier rushed over, clasped his fists and said, "Commander Qi, Commander Qi, we have found the source of the carrier pigeon!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, "Lead the way ahead!"

The soldiers brought Chen Qing and his party to a small shop in front of the North City Gate. The shop was already under the control of the soldiers, and the shopkeeper was sitting at the door with a pale face.

An escort stepped forward and explained to Chen Qing: "Commander Qi, this store is specialized in pigeon letters in Zhongnan County. He said that today it is just a normal release, and it is not okay to keep it in a cage."

"Did he secretly pick up business?"

Chen Qing's gaze was very severe, and the shopkeeper's face became even paler.

At this time, a soldier came out and said, "We asked the man, and the man said that we have been closed since we entered the city, but yesterday we couldn't stop a businessman's pleading, and we did a business secretly early this morning."

Chen Qing was really annoyed that they would be exposed, so he immediately said to the shopkeeper: "I will warn you for the last time, Song Jun will make up for your losses, but if you dare to do business secretly again, I will definitely punish you severely!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly nodded and bowed in fright, "I promise not to do it. Yesterday was a businessman from Ruzhou. He was afraid that his family would think something happened to him, so he just reported his family's safety. The villain didn't write about Song Jun, but said that he is safe now. Come back in spring."

"Send the pigeon letter directly to Ruzhou?"

"No! All pigeon letters only go to Jingzhao City, and the shop there will send them to Ruzhou by horse."

"Just this once, don't do it again!"

"The villain promises not to send pigeon letters."

Chen Qing said to Hu Yanlei again: "You have to keep an eye on them, and at the same time give a severe warning to the other store."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing got on his horse and was about to leave. After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something, called the shopkeeper back and asked, "Where does the Ruzhou merchant you mentioned just now live?"

"I live in the old store in Zhongnan, where many merchants live. This Ruzhou merchant is called Qiao Xingchun, and he is a merchant of medicinal materials. The general will know it when he asks."

Chen Qing urged the horse back to the barracks, walked into the big tent and told Yan Jun, "Go to the Zhongnan old store and find me Qiao Xingchun!"

Chen Qing still suspects that Gao Liu is not telling the truth, he should have another name, Chen Qing has already thought of someone, but he needs to confirm.

Soon, a businessman was brought into the big tent by Yan Jun. The businessman thought it was a pigeon letter, and he was really scared. He knelt down and saluted, "The villain Qiao Xingchun greets the general!"

"I heard that you are a merchant from Ruzhou?"

"The villain is right!"

"I want to inquire about things in Ruzhou. Is there a war in Ruzhou this year?"

Qiao Xingchun was relieved to hear that it was not a matter of pigeon lettering. He thought for a while and said, "At the beginning of this year, there was a war in the south-central area. Guo Zhen led [-] Qi troops to suppress the bandits. Jin Yijun."

"The results of it?"

"The rebel army only has more than [-] people, how can they defeat [-] troops? I heard that they retreated all the way and were completely defeated in Ye County."

"What's the name of the leader of the rebel army?"

"My name is Niugao, from Lushan County, very famous."

Sure enough, it was Niu Gao. The homonym of Gao Liu is [Gao Niu], and in turn it is Niu Gao, a fierce general of the Yue family army. In history, he was incorporated by Yue Fei during the Shaoxing period, but history has changed. Niu Gao's rebel army was defeated by the Qi army in advance After being suppressed, Niu Gao fled from Shangluo Road to Guanzhong.

"How is Niu Gao?"

"He was wanted by Qi State with a reward of [-] guan. I heard that he was killed by his subordinates on the way to escape to Xiangyang. The villain just heard about it."

That's right, the reason for Niu Gao's anonymity was found out, because he had already been killed in battle, maybe he was afraid of hurting his family.

Chen Qing sent Qiao Xingchun away, he walked away with his hands behind his back for a while, and then ordered: "Go and find me Yang Zaixing and Gao Liu!"

Not long after, Yang Zaixing and Gao Liu quickly came to the big tent, and they both bowed together and said, "See Commander!"

Chen Qing smiled and said to Gao Liu: "Have you got the spear I asked the soldiers to send to you?"

Gao Liu hurriedly said: "I got it, I am very handy, I like it very much, thank you again for your kindness!"

Chen Qing smiled again and said: "I also know a famous person in Ruzhou, can the deputy commander tell me about his recent situation?"

"I don't know who the leader is talking about?"

Chen Qing handed a note to Gao Liu. Gao Liu opened the note and saw the word 'Niu Gao' written on it.

His face turned red suddenly, and he couldn't speak a word.

Chen Qing asked with a half-smile, "Why, the deputy conductor doesn't know this celebrity from Ruzhou?"

The Commander has already named a celebrity in Ruzhou, Niu Gao could no longer deny it, so he had to kneel down on one knee and said: "The lowly position is Niu Gao, but the humble position has difficulties, so I have to hide my name, Commander, please forgive me?"

Yang Zaixing was really surprised, "You are the famous Niu Gao from Ruzhou?"

Niu Gao smiled bitterly and said: "There are many people who know me in the Central Plains, so I escaped from Guanzhong. In fact, I know that I will be found out sooner or later, but I only hope that I will be found out a month later."


"Because I died at the beginning of the year, the government let go of my family and stopped paying attention to them. They are migrating to the south. As long as they settle down, I won't be afraid of being found out."

"Is your family still in your hometown?"

Niu Gao shook his head, "They should have left a few months ago, but I haven't heard from them. We made an appointment to hide it until the end of the year, and I can resume my official status next year."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "There are rules in the army. If you use anonymity, it will affect your promotion, naturalization, rank rewards, etc. in the future, and you are a new soldier. It is a bit against the rules for me to promote you as the deputy commander. But if you are Niu Gao, the leader of the rebel army, then it is justifiable, do you understand what I mean?"

"Xiaozhi understands, since the leader already knows my real identity, I don't need to hide it anymore. From now on, I will resume my real name and call it Niu Gao."

(End of this chapter)

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