
Chapter 168

Chapter 168
Zheng Ping patted him on the shoulder, "Stop crying, I want my mother to smile at Jiuquan, can you do it now?"

Li Nong wiped away his tears and said, "Brother, tell me the truth, if I surrender to Commander Chen, will the court hold me accountable for my past crimes?"

"It depends on what crime you have?"

Li Nong was silent for a moment and said: "I told you before that I surrendered in the Battle of Fuping. I was actually lying to you. I also participated in the Battle of Fuping. Of course, I did not go to the front line. I am the logistics army of the Jinbing. I I also participated in most of the battles where the Jin soldiers captured Shaanxi Road, participated in the siege of the city, and I was the first to enter the city when I captured Jingzhao City. I am afraid that the imperial court will not allow me!"

Zheng Ping thought for a while and said: "Actually, I think you have two choices. The first choice is that you surrender to the imperial court as a ruler, and keep all your resumes intact. I don't know whether the imperial court will hold you accountable for your crimes in the future.

And the second option is to surrender to the commander of my family. Commander Chen has an advantage, that is, he likes to use the battle of Fuping as the cutting line. The previous things have nothing to do with him. Surrender, the previous things are completely cut off, the advantage is that you can wash away all the past, the downside is that you have no qualifications, and you can't be a high-ranking official. At most, you should start as a commander, just like me. "

Li Nong said without hesitation: "I was the commander when I surrendered to Jin Bing. I just thought that I had a nightmare in the past few years. I have returned to the original point. I am willing to surrender to Commander Chen."

That night, Wang Hao rushed to the Wucheng Inn again in the name of buying wine. Although the battle at Dasanguan was fierce, Monk Yuan was still calm. He should eat and drink, and it was normal for generals to drink secretly.

But this time Wang Hao took a little risk, and he brought a letter from Li Nong.

It's just that Wang Hao never expected that he would meet the leader Chen Qing at the Wucheng Inn.

"Refer to the commander for the humble position!" Wang Hao knelt down on one knee and saluted.

Chen Qing was also very happy to see Wang Hao this time. He quickly asked him to sit down, "How is it? How is Fatty Zheng in your family?"

A sense of intimacy rose in Wang Hao's heart, and he also smiled and said: "He is still in charge, but his status has been slightly improved, and he is ranked fifth."

"Can the [-] people under him be fully controlled?"

"No problem, the main generals are all our brothers."

Chen Qing frowned slightly, he was a little worried, Zheng Ping used to have ordinary soldiers under his command, only two captains, these people have become the commanders and commanders of the Confederate Army, let him go back to be ordinary soldiers , would they like it?The so-called transition from frugality to extravagance is easy, but from extravagance to frugality is difficult. This is the truth.

If they knew they were going to act, would they inform Jin Bing?

Chen Qing told Wang Hao of his worries and asked him to go back and remind Zheng Ping to pay attention to this problem.

Chen Qing asked again: "Have you ever shot arrows at the top of Dasan Pass?"

Wang Hao quickly shook his head and denied, "Our army has been in Heshangyuan and has not been transferred to Dashanguan. How could we send an arrow letter to the city? Besides, if we want to contact Dashanguan, we will send pigeon letters through Wucheng Town Inn One day is enough for Immortal Pass, and then to Dasan Pass, and it is impossible to take this risk."

It seems that Jin Bing is really playing tricks, trying to pretend to be Zheng Ping to trick Song Jun out of the city.

"Reporting to Commander, there is one more important matter."

Wang Hao took out Li Nong's letter and handed it to Chen Qing, and told Li Nong's life experience again.

Chen Qing didn't express his opinion immediately, he paced back and forth, thinking for a long time.

This Li Nong's surrender was expected by Chen Qing, but Li Nong's surrender also meant that the risk was gradually getting out of control, and Chen Qing realized that it could not be delayed any longer.

He immediately said to Wang Hao: "Four days later, that is, the night of the second day of February, from the second watch to the fifth watch, we will cooperate internally and externally. General Zheng will be responsible for lighting the Jurchens' warehouse camp to see if there is any problem."

Wang Hao hurriedly said: "We have been preparing for this mission for a long time. Although there are ten thousand Jurchen troops in the camp, they are in charge of guarding the warehouse, and it is strictly forbidden for allied troops to approach the warehouse, but as long as it can cause chaos, if the commander attacks the camp from outside, we will In the midst of the chaos, there is always a chance."

Chen Qing nodded, "I know what to do. Go back and tell General Zheng. This matter will be kept secret. I will tell the relevant generals on the night of the operation. Don't leak it early."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing pointed to Li Nong's channel again: "Tell Fatty Zheng what I told him before he left, why I sent him instead of Yang Yuanqing to carry out this task, and let him think about it."

Chen Qing then wrote three letters, two confidential letters to Zheng Ping, in which Chen Qing wrote down the various implementation steps on the second day of February, and asked Zheng Ping to strictly implement the plan in the letter, and the third pigeon letter was written to Wu Jie, tell Wu Jie that they will act in early February, and ask Wu Jie to judge everything based on experience, and not to go out of the city to pursue them easily.

On the last day of January, there was a light rain in the sky. The rain and mist in the night were misty, and the needle-like drizzle moistened the land in Guanzhong.

In the monk's original Jinbing camp, Fan Gong, a counselor, was offering advice to Wanyan Wushu, "My lord, Wu Jie will definitely doubt Jianxin, but this is not important. As long as we let the Song army realize that they can go out of the city to pursue them, we will reach the goal." The purpose is now, the key now is to determine the time, which depends on Chen Qing's arrangement."

Wanyan Wushu squinted his eyes and asked, "Do you know where Chen Qing is hiding now?"

"I don't know for the time being. In fact, it doesn't matter where he is hiding. I believe that he will come to the door on his own initiative. That is our chance. Before that, we must do whatever we can. My lord, our goal is not only to kill Chen. Qing, and more importantly, use Chen Qing to seize Dasan Pass."

"Is there any news from the Xie Congjun camp?" Wanyan Wushu asked again.

"I guess there will be news tonight!"

Just as Fan Gong said this, a personal soldier walked in quickly and whispered something in his ear.

Fan Gong laughed, "Humble job is not wrong, the news that the prince wants has come."

"Go and meet him! Report to me later."

Fan Gong left in a hurry, Wanyan Wushu stood in front of the big tent and looked at Dashan Pass in the distance. It has been more than half a month since the attack on Dashan Pass, and the number of Jurchen soldiers has been killed up to [-], but they still cannot conquer Dashan Pass , Fu Xuan, who had secretly communicated with him before, also remained silent. It is said that he has completely lost control of the army.

Wanyan Wushu knew it well, if he continued to fight like this for half a year, he still wouldn't be able to win the big break.

If he can't tackle the problem with force, he can only use tricks. Fortunately, he has made full preparations before, and Chen Qing will be a key for him to open the big pass. That's why he refused to work hard to encircle and suppress Chen Qing, and finally let Chen Qing Running away, isn't it what he expected?

Fan Gong was right, after tasting big fish and meat, how could he go back to eat bran swallowed vegetables?After becoming a commander and commander, how could he go back to be the leader of the soldiers? This is human nature, but Chen Qing didn't think of this.

Not long after, Fan Gong came back in a hurry, Wanyan Wushu asked with a smile, "What did he say?"

"He said that Zheng Hui's subordinates went to secretly meet with Chen Qing yesterday. The operation time is set for the second day of February. It can be from the second watch to the fifth watch. At that time, Chen Qing will launch an attack from the outside."

"Is this time reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable, it was arranged by Chen Qing in his personal letter!"

Wanyan Wushu nodded, if it was a written arrangement, it would not be a big problem.

"Then what should we do?"

"Humble staff has three suggestions, first, don't make any special arrangements, everything is as usual, especially Zheng Hui, this person is very alert, he can easily see flaws.

Second, the prince must strictly keep this matter secret and not leak it, otherwise people will talk too much and cause us to fall short.

Thirdly, Dasan Pass will attack the city normally, and the prince will even go to supervise the battle in person. On the second night of February, the prince will launch a thunderous operation, take down Zheng Hui and Chen Qing, and then pretend to burn the camp. The fire will be huge. It gave the Song army the illusion that the camp was completely burned down, and the prince retreated in a panic, giving Wu Jie a chance to retake the monk. "

Wanyan Wushu laughed complacently, "Well, the certain family will play a good show with Chen Qing, and this Fatty Zheng, he pretends to be affectionate, and thinks that the certain family really values ​​him?"

(End of this chapter)

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