
Chapter 188 Dissatisfaction

Chapter 188 Dissatisfaction
Wang Yu nodded, "Didn't you see it? Your discussion is also one of his serial strategies."

Wang Huai sighed, "My boy already understands that he is dealing with Li Dujian."

"That's the problem. Do you think Li Dujian will leak the news to Luo Xin?"

Wang Huai was speechless for a while, although he wanted to say a few words for Li Dujian, but the opposite was his father, he couldn't deny this issue, he knew in his heart that Li Dujian must have leaked the news to Luo Xin.

"My child wants to ask my father, what should I do next?"

Wang Yu pondered for a moment and said: "You only need to do two things. First, persuade Li Dujian to resign voluntarily. Second, act as if nothing happened and do your own thing well."

Wang Yu saw that his son was still hesitant, so he smiled and said: "Actually, he didn't lie to you completely. He did leave Chengji County for a while, and he wanted to explain things to you clearly. If I guessed correctly, he Now we are on our way to Dingxi Village or Anyuan Village."

Wang Huai sighed, "I also know that he didn't mean to deceive me, but he killed too much. Father, I'm really worried about the fate of the family."

Wang Yu waved his hand to let Wang Huai sit down, and he said to Wang Huai earnestly: "I have been observing Chen Qing, he is strategic, courageous, and decisive, so I can say that he is Di Qing's second, but in the past few From day one, I knew that Di Qing was no match for him."

"Why did father say such a thing?"

Wang Yu shook his head, "It's not what I said, but what he did? You saw it just now. I grow winter melons at home. Is it necessary for our family to grow winter melons? This is actually my attitude. I support his idea of ​​planting winter melons for all people." The food plan puts the fate of the people first, and this is a qualified military envoy. If it is Di Qing, he can't be a military envoy, he can only be a military envoy. Horse envoys, or system envoys, there is a big difference here."

"Father said he had a great future."

"His future is great, but also very dangerous!"

Wang Huai was taken aback, "Why is it dangerous?"

"A very good person will definitely be valued by the enemy. I believe that whether it is the Jin Kingdom, Qi Kingdom, Xixia Kingdom, or even the Song Dynasty, there will be people who hate him very much. We must get rid of him as soon as possible. It will be the site of the Four Wars."

Wang Huai nodded silently, "Then what should we do?"

"We have to separate the families, we can't all stay in Qinzhou, at least we have to transfer the next generation to a safe place."

"Going to Lin'an?"

Wang Yu smiled faintly, "Don't go to Lin'an, go to Chengdu!"

At noon, Zheng Ping led a dozen of his men on horseback to inspect the situation of the army in various plots. The army and the people were mixed together to cultivate. Chen Qing repeatedly urged Zheng Ping to prevent the soldiers from taking the opportunity to infringe on the people.

Zheng Ping walked around the river and saw soldiers eating in twos and threes, but he didn't see Zhang Jian, the deputy commander in charge of the land.

Zheng Ping frowned, and asked a leader, "Where did Zhang Jian go?"

"Humble job. I don't know the humble job!"

Who is Zheng Ping? His eyes are more poisonous than snakes. How can Dutou's tense expression be hidden from him? Zheng Ping drew his sword and pointed at Dutou's throat and said coldly: "If you dare to lie to me again, I will punish you for cheating." The crime of concealment, do you believe it or not?"

Dutou was so frightened that he knelt down on one knee, "I don't dare to be humble. Commander Zhang is here...in the woods on the other side!"

Zheng Ping looked up at the woods and asked strangely, "What is he doing in the woods?"

Sweat dripped from Du's head, and he didn't dare to continue, Zheng Ping gave him a hard look, "Say it!"

"Among the farming people in our area, there is a girl from Jinhualou."

Jinhualou is the largest brothel in Chengji County. All the people farm the land, and the brothel is no exception. The girls in Jinhualou are also driven out of the city to farm together.

Zheng Ping understood, and he immediately flew into a rage, "This bastard, dare to openly prostitute!"

He urged his horse and led his men to run towards the small bridge. Just as he passed the small bridge, he saw Zhang Jian coming out of the woods with her trousers in her hands, followed by a beautiful young woman with a pink face. It was obvious that they had just happened Something unspeakable happened.

As soon as Zhang Jian looked up and saw Zheng Ping, he trembled in fright, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "Please refer to Commander Zheng for humble posts!"

He waved his hand back quietly, signaling the woman to leave quickly.

But the woman couldn't get away and was blocked by soldiers. The woman knelt down in fright, "Master, please spare me!"

"I won't kill you, who are you?"

"The little girl is Qiuyue from Jinhualou."

"It turned out to be the top brand of Jinhualou. After washing off the makeup, I didn't recognize the fat man."

Zheng Ping sneered and asked again: "How much did he give you?"

"Give it... a tael of silver."

The price is fair, but that's not the problem here. How many people saw this bastard openly taking a prostitute to the woods? Is this simply ruining the reputation of the army?

Zheng Ping let the prostitute go with a wave of his hand. He said to Zhang Jian coldly, "Zhang Jian, are you guilty?"

"A humble job does not violate military law."

"There is no violation of military law, how about Article [-] of the military regulations?"

"Gambling in the military is strictly prohibited, and prostitution is strictly prohibited during the execution of military duties. Now it is the noon break. Although low-ranking people are prostitutes, it is not during military duties."

"In broad daylight, you take prostitutes to the woods to live in the woods and ruin the reputation of the army. How dare you say that you are right?"

"If this is a mistake, isn't it the same for the commander in Dashanguan?"

Some time ago, everyone was on vacation at Dasanguan for a month. Zheng Ping often went to Wazi to drink and visit brothels during the day. Everyone knew about this, but the problem was that it was a vacation day, and it was not a vacation now.

Zhang Jian's sophistry made Zheng Ping furious, and he ordered: "Slap your mouth, give me thirty blows!"

Zhang Jian was held down by the soldiers, and he shouted loudly: "I didn't violate the military regulations, I refuse to accept it!"

"If you dare to offend me, hit me!"

A strong soldier swung his palm and beat him hard. Zhang Jian gritted his teeth and said nothing. After finishing thirty slaps in a moment, Zhang Jian's right face was bruised, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Zheng Ping said coldly: "Today, I only punished you slightly for Yang Yuanqing's sake. It is a warning. If I find out again, don't blame me for severely punishing you with military law!"

Zheng Ping gave the opponent a lesson, turned his horse's head and left.

Zhang Jian stared at Zheng Ping's back with resentment, he knew very well in his heart that he violated the third military rule and was hit with a hundred military sticks for the first time. Thirty slaps made Zhang Jian grit his teeth with hatred.

"The surname is Zheng, I, Zhang Jian, swear to God, one day, I will avenge this!"

Just as Zhang Jian took the prostitutes to the woods and was seen by many people, Zhang Jian was caught by Zheng Ping and was also seen by many people.

The bell for starting work rang, and everyone continued to plow the fields again. Today will be the last day. After finishing some finishing work, all the cultivated land outside the city has been planted with corn and beans.

Zhang Jian was depressed, and sat on the ridge with his face covered with a cold towel, when he suddenly felt someone pat him on the shoulder, and when he turned around, it turned out to be Pan You, a senior official.

Pan You and Zhang Jian's father-in-law are from the same village. Zhang Jian met Pan Daguan when he was the head of the township in Huating County, Pingliang Prefecture.

"What, did you offend someone?" Mr. Pan asked with concern.

Zhang Jian smiled wryly. There were people beside him, and some things were hard to say.

"Come to my house later! I have some good medicine, long time no see, let's have another drink."

Zhang Jian sighed and nodded, "Thank you very much!"

Pan Daguan's mansion is second only to Wang's and Zhou's in Chengji County, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. His family fled to Hanzhong a few years ago, but Pan's family still has two manors and thousands of people in Chengji County. Pan You feared that the farm would be confiscated by the government, and as soon as the Jin soldiers left Qinzhou, he returned to Chengji County with his wife and second son.

Pan You asked the maid to apply medicine on Zhang Jian's face, and the medicine worked well, and soon, most of the bruises on Zhang Jian's face disappeared.

Pan You asked someone to buy wine again, and asked his son Pan Jun to also accompany him.

Pan You poured him a glass of wine and said, "It was a pleasant surprise to see General Zhang last time. I thought you were still in Huating County, but I didn't expect you to join the Song Army."

"Joining the Song Army is a general trend. It is better than being a slave of the Jin Army. Moreover, Yang Yuanqing is my old boss. I was recommended by him and I became the deputy commander."

"Are there officers?"

Zhang Jian nodded, "After the Battle of Dasanguan, the imperial court appointed Bao Yilang?"

"It's only the ninth rank! My Saburo is already Xiu Wulang."

Zhang Jian was taken aback, "Pan Tie also joined the army?"

Pan Tie is Pan You's third son, and in Zhang Jian's impression, he is a rascal. He is actually Xiu Wulang?
You must know that my Hoyoshiro is at the [-]th rank of the ninth rank, and Xiuwulang is at the [-]th rank of the eighth rank, which is a full six ranks higher than myself.

"When did he join the army?" Zhang Jian asked anxiously.

"Not long ago, shortly after the end of the Great Sanguan Battle, the Western Army needed to replenish its troops. Saburo took this opportunity to join the army, and was appreciated by Fu Dutong. He was appointed as the deputy commander and recommended as Xiu Wulang."

Zhang Jian was silent, and his heart began to be extremely unbalanced. He followed Chen Qing to participate in several battles, went through life and death, and made countless contributions. Only then did he get a rank official of Bao Yilang, and Pan Tie was a scoundrel. , is six levels higher than myself, why?
Pan You smiled and said: "I don't talk about this kind of thing, you can understand it. The key is to see who you are with. For example, Liu Kai, he followed Zhang Jun, the Xuanfu envoy, and was promoted from commander to governor within a month. I went to Beijing with Zhang Jun and recommended it to officials.

My Saburo followed Fu Dutong, so he was able to be promoted to Xiuwulang. Chen Qing is just a commander, and his qualifications in the military are very low. You and him will definitely not have a chance to be promoted. "

Thinking of being publicly humiliated by Zheng Ping today, Zhang Jian's dissatisfaction began to surge, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that I followed the wrong person?"

Pan You patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Generals are rare nowadays. Everyone is competing for generals. Fu Dutong is my in-laws. He asked me to help him keep an eye out for some generals who can be of great use. Your father-in-law and I have been together since we were young." When you grow up, you can be regarded as family friends. We don’t want to lose money to outsiders. How about I recommend you to Fu Dutong? Going to Fu Dutong’s place, nothing else, is better than being wantonly bullied by the boss!”

Zhang Jian touched his aching face, thinking that he was humiliated by being slapped thirty times in full view, and thinking about the relationship between Zheng Ping and Chen Qing, he would not have a chance to stand up in Chen Qing's army.

A real husband is not poisonous and not a husband, Zhang Jian nodded slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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