
Chapter 211 Fire Harrier

Chapter 211 Fire Harrier
Zhang Zhongxiong was furious, none of the [-] siege ladders they worked so hard to bring back was brought back. In a rage, he ordered the siege general Sun Ping to be beaten with [-] army sticks as a severe punishment for his dereliction of duty.

Sun Ping yelled that he was wronged, and withdrew his troops from the city. Before he had time to bring back the siege weapons, the enemy was shooting arrows on it.

Zhang Zhongxiong was very angry, he couldn't get the siege ladder back, so he didn't know what went wrong, and how to improve it next?

He questioned dozens of soldiers, and finally an archer told him the answer.

"It should have been cut off by an axe. When I was shooting arrows under the city, I saw an enemy soldier swinging an ax and chopped it down on the top of the city. The movement was very fast. I saw him chop three times in a row, but it was a pity that I missed this person."

Zhang Zhongxiong asked the other archers again, and got dozens of the same answers one after another. None of the siege soldiers saw it, but the archers could see it clearly.

Only then did Zhang Zhongxiong suddenly realize that the rail was cut off by a Song soldier with an axe. Chen Qing could think of such a wicked way!

Zhang Zhongxiong returned to the big tent sullenly, and sent someone to find the craftsman leader to inquire about the countermeasures.

The leader of the craftsman thought for a while and said: "The only way is to replace the top bars with iron rods or copper rods, and the opponents will not stop chopping. But in this way, we need pig iron and blacksmiths. There is no ready-made iron in the army." stick!"

"There are blacksmiths, and pig iron can also solve it. Don't worry about the iron rods. The key point is, I want to build three hundred siege ladders in three days. Can you do it?"

"As long as the materials are sufficient, we can do it."

"Well, if it can be built, I will reward each of you with a hundred coins. I hope to build a hundred siege ladders before noon tomorrow!"

Zhang Zhongxiong also ordered the marching army Sima to find a soldier blacksmith to make iron bars.

Although he failed today, he found that the soldiers on the top of the city were not very brave in fighting, and they were a little bit cowering, just like the feeling of recruits fighting. Tomorrow, as long as he invests heavily and continues to attack the city day and night, he will definitely be able to win Ganquan Fort.

Zhang Zhongxiong drank a few glasses of wine and started to get excited again. He stood at the door of the big tent with a jug in his hand. The tall city wall seemed to be fragile and vulnerable. With his drunken eyes, he felt that high officials and great rewards were waving to him. .

The night was getting darker, and the northeast corner of the Puppet Qi Army camp was still brightly lit. More than [-] craftsmen and hundreds of soldiers were busy building siege ladders. Forge an iron rod.

Except for the northeast corner, the rest of the camp was pitch black, and the soldiers who had been exhausted all day fell asleep early. Even the lights in the central army tent were turned off. The chief general Zhang Zhongxiong drank a few more glasses and fell into a drowsy sleep.

It was the second watch, and there was silence in the camp, only the figures of the outer guards swaying back and forth.

Dozens of figures appeared on the top of the mountain behind the camp. The two sentry towers had been easily pulled out, and the entire top of the mountain was completely controlled by the Song army.

The secret weapon brought by the Song army this time is the ancestor of firearms, the fire kite. This is also the product of the first use of gunpowder in military affairs. It is mainly used for fire attacks. More than a hundred years have passed, although the function has not changed. , It is still used for fire attack, but the technical content has been greatly improved.

The specific performance is that the range can be controlled by increasing or decreasing the dose, unlike the original fire kite, which could not control the fire, and many of them flew past the target.

This batch of fire kites was naturally found in the Baochuan warehouse, together with two thousand catties of gunpowder. The Xixia army paid attention to fire attack, so they produced a large number of fire kites, and the quality was also very high. comparable.

Five hundred fire kites were brought to the top of the mountain, and their range was between half a mile and one mile, and they landed right in the camp.

The attack time is set at the third watch. Two cavalry teams have assembled at the foot of the mountain on the back of the hill. One is led by Chen Qing himself, with about [-] soldiers. The cavalry will be held by Zheng Ping, and they will detour east and enter the camp.

This is a loophole in the patrol deployment of the puppet Qi army. They deployed sentry posts on the east, west and south sides, but they missed the back of the hill. Maybe they thought the hill was a natural barrier and there was no need to spend more patrolling, but the puppet Qi army did not. I realized that it was only one mile away from the camp by going around the hill.

In short, they were sure to be found by the patrols, but they were only a mile away from the camp when they were found.

Three thousand cavalry waited patiently in a mountain depression, using the low slopes on both sides to hide themselves. At this time, as long as a patrol ran up the low slopes, the Song army could be found, but it was meaningless to find them now. They could not escape the Song army. hunting.

Time gradually came to the middle of the night. Zhao Xiaoyi on the top of the mountain gave an order, and dozens of soldiers began to launch fire kites. Wooden fire kites soared into the sky and flew towards the camp one mile away. If you use ejection, you can fly up to three miles, but you don't need it now.

One by one fire kites ignited in the air, turned into balls of raging fire, flew into the puppet Qi army camp, ignited one after another large tents, and bright fire spots appeared in the camp.

The fire took advantage of the wind, and the big tent began to burn rapidly, with thick smoke billowing and flames blazing, and the alarm bells sounded in the camp, 'Dang!when!when! '

The sleeping soldiers were awakened by the smoke and fire, their eyes were full of flames and thick smoke, they shouted in fright, and rushed out of the big tent desperately. Many soldiers were barefoot and wearing underwear, with bare hands, terrified.

At this time, muffled muffled thunder came from the west and east, and gunpowder arrows were continuously launched into the sky as a warning, but it was meaningless now.

Zhang Zhongxiong, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by the soldiers pouring cold water on him. He also realized that something was wrong when there was shouting outside. He sat up in amazement and asked, "What happened?"

"The big tent was on fire, someone set fire on the mountain, and the whole camp was set on fire."

As soon as the soldiers finished speaking, 'Boom! With a sound, a ball of fire fell in front of Zhang Zhongxiong, which was a still burning fire kite.

Zhang Zhongxiong was startled, and when he looked up, he found that his big tent was also set on fire. A big hole was burned on the top of the big tent, and the flames were rapidly spreading to all sides.

"Let's all go!"

A few soldiers didn't care about putting on shoes for him, and rushed out of the big tent with Zhang Zhongxiong on their backs. As soon as they got out of the big tent, they said, "Boom! 'With a loud bang, the burning tent collapsed.

Zhang Zhongxiong looked around with his bare feet, and saw that the camp was engulfed in flames from all directions. The fire was raging and smoke filled the sky. There were fire kites flying in the sky, and the soldiers fled in all directions.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes from the west suddenly sounded like a landslide and the ground cracked. A cavalry rushed into the camp from the west. With galloping horses, cold spears, and sharp knives, they killed everyone they saw. , mercilessly, killed the puppet soldiers of the Qi army crying and screaming, on one side was the raging fire, on the other side was the demon killed from hell.

Zhang Zhongxiong was stunned, he clearly kept all the city gates under close surveillance, how could the enemy troops still come out?

His brain was short-circuited for a while, and he never thought that this was the Song army killed from outside, but at this time he had no time to think about it, and the soldiers put him on the horse and fled eastward in a panic
The east is in charge of Zheng Ping's army. According to the plan, Zheng Ping will also lead his army into the camp from the east, and the two cavalry will join forces in the middle of the camp, but the plan is not as good as changing. Most of the puppet Qi soldiers who came out were bare-handed and barefoot.

Suddenly, a large group of cavalry from the Song Army came, and thousands of soldiers knelt on the ground in fright, begging for mercy. Chen Qing massacred the puppet Qi army in Guanzhong. He was called a demon, and the soldiers were very afraid of him.

At this moment, tens of thousands of soldiers lost their fighting spirit and dared not resist any more, kneeling down and surrendering one after another.

This time, Chen Qing did not issue an order to kill them. He needed prisoners of war in exchange for benefits. Zheng Ping saw that there were too many surrendered soldiers, blocking the official path, and they couldn't kill them. He had no choice but to order the soldiers to accept the surrender.

Teams of soldiers were escorted away by the Song army with bare hands. At this time, dozens of soldiers rushed to flee around Zhang Zhongxiong. He was so frightened that he quickly reined in his horse.

"Dutong, there are enemy troops chasing from behind!" The guards shouted nervously.

Zhang Zhongxiong turned his eyes, turned around and ran towards the foot of the mountain to the south. They marched in the opposite direction with the Song army. The Song army came from the west to the east, and they fled from the east to the west. The army may not be able to find them.

Dozens of people ran along the foot of the mountain. With the cover of night, they passed the Song army in the camp one mile away. But just as they reached the end of the hill, hundreds of soldiers rushed out and surrounded them. Countless cold crossbow arrows were aimed at them.

In this battle, nearly [-] puppet Qi troops were almost wiped out. More than [-] people were burned to death by the fire alone. The rest of the soldiers died and fled. became a prisoner of war.

Zhang Zhongxiong's dream of getting rich as a senior official was completely shattered in this battle.

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(End of this chapter)

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