
Chapter 213

Chapter 213
"Chen Tongzhi, please tell me!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "The first condition is that I want to move a group of people to other counties in Qinzhou. I hope you will not destroy it!"

"This condition is not a big problem. If they are ordinary people, Qi State will treat them kindly. After all, they are all Han people, and they are not so vicious."

Chen Qing nodded, "Then let's talk about the second condition, I want [-] shi of grain as compensation for the consumption of prisoners of war!"

Although Chen Qing obtained a lot of food from Baochuan and seized more than [-] shi of food from the puppet Qi army, he also got [-] mouths to eat, and more than [-] prisoners of war, so the food consumption was astonishing. Just take the opportunity of negotiation to get back some of the original.

Compensation for prisoners of war is even more nonsense. How much prisoners of war can eat, a little bit every day, they can't starve to death, just afraid that they will cause trouble if they are full.

This condition is a bit special, Tao Shuang did not dare to agree, he recorded the condition and said: "I can't decide the second condition, I have to go back and ask for instructions, why don't we talk about the details, specifically how to exchange prisoners of war?"

Tao Shuang left that afternoon. Chen Qing stood on the head of Dongcheng and watched Tao Shuang go away. Yang Yuanqing was a little puzzled and said, "Wan Yanchang actually wants to negotiate with us. I can't figure it out. If he sends an army of [-] to kill him, Are you still worried that you won't be able to capture Oasis Fort?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "I guess in his opinion, we are no different from the mice in the cage. It's meaningless to kill them with one knife. Anyway, we can't escape, so just play with us."

"I think it has something to do with Xixia people?" Zheng Ping muttered beside him.

Chen Qing glanced at Zheng Ping, nodded and said with a smile: "Perhaps Wan Yanchang wants the Xixia people to clean us up, so that we both suffer, and he will come to collect our corpses in the end!"

"Do you think Wan Yanchang will agree to our conditions?"

"There should be no problem with the first condition. The key is [-] shi of grain. It depends on whether the Xixia people have told him the truth, how much grain and supplies we got."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing said to Zheng Ping and Yang Yuanqing: "What I have explained to you, let's start doing it! This matter is related to our survival, so we need to be tougher."

The largest area in Ganquanbao is Zhong County, and it cannot accommodate such a large population. Chen Qing decided to relocate a group of people to Gangu County, where the county is big enough to accommodate them, but the county residents Chen Qing wants to move are from Ganquanbao. [-] aboriginal households.

The main reason was the attitude of these aborigines that angered him. Zhang Zhongxiong led an army of [-] to attack the city. Yang Yuanqing wanted to recruit [-] civilian men to help deliver supplies, but no one signed up.

In other words, the Song army's battle has nothing to do with them?

Unlike the Han people in Baochuan County at all, Niu Gao recruited two thousand people's regiments, and unexpectedly five or six thousand people came, even women and gray-haired old people wanted to help.

It's a pity that Ganquan Fort is too small, and there are more than [-] prisoners of war. It really can't accommodate so many people. Now there are still several households sharing a tent.

Chen Qing had to relocate some of the people, so he naturally wanted to relocate the aborigines, even if they didn't want to, he had to forcefully relocate.

Zheng Ping and Yang Yuanqing nodded silently, and Chen Qing said again: "Inform them first, give them some time to clean up, and then tell them that the war is coming, and everyone will not survive if they don't leave, and let them come back after the war is over. People are very selfish, so the resistance will not be too strong."

The base camp of the Puppet Qi Army is currently in Pingliang Mansion, and it happens that Wan Yanchang is also here, and he is still waiting for Chen Qing's reply.

Pingliang Mansion is only one Deshun Prefecture away from Ganquan Fort. Deshun Prefecture is long from north to south and narrow from east to west, so it is not far from Ganquan Fort, and it takes only two days to arrive.

That afternoon, Tao Shuang returned to Pingliang County. Wan Yanchang, who had been waiting for a long time, summoned him immediately, and Guo Zhen also sat beside him.

Tao Shuang bowed and saluted, then explained Chen Qing's two conditions. Wan Yanchang smiled slightly, "The request is not too high!"

Guo Zhendao next to him: "I feel that there is no need to negotiate with him. His fortress is hanging outside. If we attack with all our strength, he won't last long. Negotiating with him, he thinks he has a lot of capital!"

Wan Yanchang glanced at him, and said calmly: "If General Guo wants to capture Ganquan Fort wholeheartedly, I will give you a chance, but not now, it is the Xixia people who want to do it now, then I will let them do it, and wait for him to replace me." After you have dealt with the Xixia people well, you go and destroy him."

Only then did Guo Zhen understand that the Marshal wanted to take advantage of the conflict between Chen Qing and the Xixia people, causing them both to lose out, and then they would become the fisherman who fought between the crane and the clam.

"Humble job understands!"

Wan Yanchang smiled and said to Tao Shuang: "Magistrate Tao, please make another hard trip and tell Chen Qing that I can agree to his two conditions. Please rest assured that the Jurchens will keep their promises and will not keep their promises!"

Wan Yanchang agreed to Chen Qing's two conditions, and the next step was to implement them.

The [-] Ganquanbao aborigines, supporting the old and the young, drove a cart, took their property and food, and left their homes to migrate to Gangu County, two hundred miles away.

Chen Qing gave each family five sheepskins, a tent, and a stone of grain as compensation for them.

The reason why it is placed in Gangu County is because there are enough cave dwellings in Gangu County to accommodate more than [-] people.

Two thousand households of people are mighty, stretching for ten miles, heading towards Gangu County. Yang Zaixing and Liu Cui each led a thousand cavalry to guard the people going south.

The aborigines finally left, the houses in the county town were finally vacant, and the population pressure was relieved a lot. Yang Yuanqing and Niu Gao were responsible for allocating houses and resettling the Han people in Baochuan.

That afternoon, Tao Shuang came to see Chen Qing for the third time. He brought [-] carts and transported [-] shi of grain. More than ten miles away, [-] prisoners of the Song Army were escorted by the Puppet Qi Army. .

Chen Qing and Zheng Ping personally led [-] cavalry and escorted [-] Puppet Qi Army prisoners of war to the agreed place to replace the prisoners of war.

The replacement point was in an open space ten miles outside the east city, and the other party had already lined up.

Chen Qing also ordered [-] puppet Qi troops to wait in line. Zhang Xiao went to exchange the rosters with the other party. The drums began to beat, and the two prisoners of war each formed a long line and ran towards the opposing camp like a rope.

Half an hour later, the exchange of prisoners of war between the two sides was completed, and General Han Jingzong evacuated eastward with the puppet Qi army prisoners of war. As for Zhang Zhongxiong, it was the last step, and he could only be released after Yang Zaixing and Liu Cui's army returned.

Fourteen thousand prisoners of war of the Song Army stood upright in the wind. They also couldn't eat enough, didn't wear warm clothes, and were tortured to the point of emaciation. There were also many wounded soldiers inside.

"Brothers, you are home!"

Chen Qing stood on a big rock and shouted loudly to more than [-] soldiers: "Although we are temporarily at a disadvantage, we have not failed. We have our own territory. We will regain the lost land inch by inch. Brothers, follow me!" If Chen Qing works together, even if we go through hardships and fight bloody battles, we believe that the victory will belong to us in the end, brothers, we are dignified men of the Song Dynasty, no matter how powerful the Jurchens are, we will never bow our heads!"

The blood of more than [-] soldiers boiled again, and they raised their arms and shouted: "Never bow your head! Never bow your head!"

Ganquanbao's city walls are about [-] miles in circumference, and it is considered a medium-sized county seat. The population was already overloaded before, but after [-] people were removed, it can barely accommodate [-] people, but it is a little crowded. The house of one family squeezed into two families, and the shops were closed and converted into residential houses, with one family living upstairs and one downstairs.

But even so, there are still more than [-] households without houses to live in, and they really can't live in them. This problem has to be solved by Chen Qing in the end.

Chen Qing stood on the observation deck five feet high, looking down at the city. From his angle, he could see every corner of the city clearly.

Chen Qing looked at it for a long time, and said to everyone: "Have you seen it? In fact, the city is big enough, but many places have been wasted."

Of course, Chen Qing didn't mean the streets. Yang Yuanqing understood what he meant. He mainly meant the city walls. A blank area ten miles long and one hundred and fifty paces wide was formed.

"How does the regime plan to use this blank space?"

"We can turn it into a military camp, and then give up the plot of our military camp, and [-] households will set up tents for them to live in."

Zheng Ping frowned, "But if our barracks is built next to the city wall, and the enemy shoots rockets in, it will be dangerous!"

"This requires us to build it at night and dismantle it during the day, and we try to build it inside as much as possible. There is still a hundred steps away from the city wall, and ordinary rockets can't hit the big tent. If the enemy uses trebuchets, then we will find a way!"

Everyone still felt that it was wrong, not to mention the danger, and the soldier was too wronged. Chen Qing did not insist on going his own way on this issue. He smiled and said to the crowd: "Everyone, tell me, is there any other good way?"

At this time, Cheng Ju, the deputy commander, raised his hand and said timidly, "There is a way for the humble officer!"

(End of this chapter)

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