
Chapter 227

Chapter 227 Detour
The fire in the Xixia barracks was not completely extinguished until the next day, and [-] large tents were burned. More than [-] soldiers and nearly [-] horses did not escape, and they were killed in the flames. The fire destroyed.

At noon, the fire was extinguished, and the ten-mile-long camp was burned to a white ground, and the surrounding camp fences were also burned to charcoal, some fell down, and some stood black in the soil.

The air was filled with the scorched stench of corpses, and charcoal-burned corpses could be seen everywhere, and it was hard to distinguish whether it was a human or a war horse.

In the wilderness outside the camp, groups of Xixia soldiers were dejected and escorted by the Song Army to Ganquan Fort.

In a night hunt last night, more than [-] Xixia soldiers were killed and about [-] were captured. This was also due to poor visibility at night, and a large number of Xixia soldiers ran away. He got out of his body and withdrew to Baochuan County.

Despite this, most of the [-] troops brought by Li Liangfu were wiped out by the Song army in fierce battles, and finally withdrew to Baochuan County with less than [-] Xixia soldiers.

Of course, Chen Qing tasted the sweetness in the exchange with Wan Yanchang, and the eight thousand prisoners of war were enough for him to blackmail Xixia.

In Shangzhou, a Jinbing army of [-] people is heading south at a rapid pace. The leading general is Marshal Wanyan Salihe of the Jinbing West Route Army. His Hanzhong plan was approved by Marshal Wanyanchang, and he immediately began to implement it.

The [-] Jin soldiers have already passed Shangluo County, and headed south along another rugged and narrow official road. This side belongs to the remaining veins of the Qinling Mountains and the junction with Funiu Mountain. This area is called Fuling Mountain. There are many mountains, but it is not difficult. There are many rivers passing through the mountains beyond the mountains, making the mountains relatively broken.

Although war horses can be used, it is not like Shangluo Road where luggage carts can be used. This road cannot travel luggage carts. The [-] Jin soldiers walked on foot, and let war horses and tens of thousands of mules and donkeys carry grain and other supplies.

This is actually a shortcut to the middle road of the Han Dynasty. Although it is difficult to walk, as long as they do not carry luggage, [-] Jin soldiers can still cross the Falcon Ridge along the Jiashui River and arrive at the Hanshui River.

In and out of Hanzhong, there are not only the north-south Sichuan-Shaanxi Passage, but also the Qinfeng Road leading to Xihe Road in the west, which is the Beixianrenguan Passage. In addition, you can enter Hanzhong from the east along the Han River from Xiangyang. The Hanshui Channel of the road.

This was the idea of ​​Wanyan Sali drinking and beating. He detoured thousands of miles and took the Hanshui channel to kill the Song army by surprise, and entered Hanzhong.

There are several key nodes in this detour strategy. One is Shangjin County. After capturing Shangjin County, the gate of the Hanshui Channel will be opened, and they will be able to ride horses on the flat official road to Hanzhong to speed up.

The second key node is Xicheng County. Xicheng County is the prefecture of Jinzhou and belongs to Hanzhong.

The third key node is Raofengguan. The core of Hanzhong is Nanzheng County, Xingyuan Prefecture. The logistics center of the Western Army and the Xuanfu Division of Sichuan and Shaanxi are all here. Raofengguan is the center of Xingyuanfu and Nanzheng County. East Gate.

Once Raofengguan is captured, Nanzheng County will be at your fingertips, so Raofengguan is also the most important node in Wanyan's strategy of letting go of Hanzhong.

Wanyan Saliyao's current goal is to seize the first node, Shangjin County.

Shangjin County is just a small mountainous county, close to Jiashui, a tributary of the Han River, with a population of only a few thousand people. In the early morning of this day, the city guards of Shangjin County opened the city gate as usual, and farmers waiting outside the city entered the city to sell vegetables. , the atmosphere is very peaceful, here is far away from Guanzhong, and there is no worry of war, everyone seems to live in a paradise.

The two soldiers who opened the city gate yawned and were about to go back and squint for a while. At this moment, there was a commotion outside the city, and countless people were running desperately.

The two soldiers looked to the north and were stunned for a moment, only to see a mighty golden soldier coming from the north.

Wu Jie was really depressed, he thought Zhu Shengfei called him to Nanzheng urgently for something important, but it turned out that he was going to Bashu to suppress the bandits, which made Wu Jie speechless for a while.

Wu Jie came out of the Xuanfu envoy's official office, he was a little dazed, Zhu Shengfei was the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu envoy, he did have the right to transfer himself, but if he went to Bashu to suppress the bandits a month or two ago, it would be fine, but now ten or so Ten thousand and puppet Qi troops stationed troops on the south bank of the Weihe River, ready to attack Dashan Pass at any time. At this juncture, he was transferred to Bashu to suppress the bandits, and Fu Xuan was appointed as the general of Dashan Pass. Is this appropriate?

What made Wu Jie even more resentful was that there was not even a single soldier who went to Bashu to suppress the bandits. Letting himself go to Bashu to recruit [-] people was actually depriving himself of his military power in disguise and handing over the military power to Fu Xuan.

Wu Jie pondered for a moment on the street, then urged his horse to go to the Xingyuan Mansion.

"Hey! What gust of wind brought Old Wu to my place?" The magistrate Liu Ziyu greeted him with a big smile.

Wu Jie smiled wryly and said, "This gust of wind is too strong, you are just passing by here, and you will blow me to Bashu immediately."

Liu Ziyu was slightly taken aback, "Brother Jinqing, where did you say that?"

"Go in and talk! I'm thirsty, pour me a bowl of herbal tea first."

Liu Ziyu hurriedly invited Wu Jie into the inner hall to sit down, and then asked his attendants to serve tea. After a while, two attendants brought tea in.

Wu Jie took a few sips of herbal tea, then sighed, and briefly explained the meeting with Zhu Shengfei today.

Liu Ziyu suddenly turned pale with shock. At this critical moment, Zhu Shengfei actually deprived Wu Jie of his military power and asked Fu Xuan to guard the Dasan Pass. That bastard was suspected of being a master of gold!

"What is he doing? Where did you offend him?"

Wu Jie pondered for a while and said, "It is estimated that it has something to do with the discussion on the establishment of a military intelligence agency some time ago."

Zhu Shengfei wanted to follow the example of Zhang Jun and set up a military intelligence office. He had to keep abreast of the military situation and command the front enemy to fight. Zhu Shengfei was the envoy of Xuanfu. It was understandable for him to make this request, and Wu Jie fully agreed.

But on the details of military power, they had huge differences, that is, Zhu Shengfei refused to delegate power, the command of the former enemy must be in his hands, and all deployment and combat decisions must be approved by him.

Is Zhu Shengfei's request too much?In the Song Dynasty, this request was not excessive at all. This is what it meant for civilian officials to control military power. Generals were only responsible for fighting on the battlefield, but how to fight?Whether it is a field battle or a siege battle, and how many troops need to be mobilized are all decided by civilian officials.

For example, if one day Dasan Pass cannot be defended, Wu Jie is in a hurry to mobilize the army of Xianrenguan to support him. Sorry, Wu Jie must first file a report application, and the army of Xianrenguan can only move after Zhu Shengfei approves. However, if the reinforcements came too late and the Dashan Pass had already been captured, the responsibility would also be Wu Jie's, and it had nothing to do with Zhu Shengfei.

Zhang Jun was also like this at the beginning. The Battle of Fuping was completely decided and commanded by him, and he did not listen to the persuasion of the generals at all, which led to a final disastrous defeat.

It was only after Zhang Jun suffered this great loss that he reluctantly handed over the wartime command power to Wu Jie.

And Zhu Shengfei hasn't suffered a big loss yet!How could he give up power?

So he vetoed the seemingly absurd practice of handing over the command during the war. He asked Wu Jie to send someone on a fast horse to Nanzheng County to ask for instructions and report to him, and then he decided how to fight and how to deploy troops.

Of course, Wu Jie also knew that Zhu Shengfei was not Zhang Jun, and it was impossible to follow Zhang Jun's method, so he put forward three conditions. First, he hoped that Zhu Shengfei would be in charge of Dasan Pass during the war;

Second, if Zhu Shengfei is really unwilling to sit in Dashanguan, it is okay. The military intelligence office is located in Dashanguan, and then communicates through Xinying.

Third, ask Zhu Shengfei to give himself a certain right to deal with emergencies in wartime.

Zhu Shengfei vetoed all these three conditions, which also led to the establishment of the military intelligence office, which made Zhu Shengfei extremely annoyed.

Liu Ziyu sighed and said, "This Zhu Shengfei is notoriously narrow-minded and self-willed in the imperial court. How could he accept your terms? You should agree to him first! It's better than being deprived of military power and going to Bashu to find a job."

Wu Jie shook his head, "If I agree to him, I will become a sinner who lost Dasanguan. I would rather be idle than bear the responsibility!"

At this moment, a entourage came rushing outside and reported in the hall: "Xuan Fu envoy asked Liu Zhifu to go to the Xuan Fu envoy's office immediately, and discuss urgent matters. If Wu Du is here, please go together !"

(End of this chapter)

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