
Chapter 230 Lost

Chapter 230 Lost
Raofengguan is located in the middle of Raofengling, which traverses hundreds of miles from north to south, and is the lowest point of Raofengling mountain. Mule and horse caravans can also circle up the mountain road, pass through the pass and cross Raofengling.

Although the terrain of Raofengguan is relatively low, it is not easy to capture it. The main reason is that the mountain road is narrow, and the bows and arrows of the Song army are too sharp for the Jin soldiers to bear.

Under the night, in a large tent at the foot of the mountain to the west of Raofengguan, Fu Xuan was staring at the map in a daze.

Fu Xuan was deprived of military power by Wu Jie last winter because of the case of betraying Chen Qing by his nephew Fu Moshan, and was sent to Nanzheng on vacation. .

Wanyan Wushu took advantage of the situation at this time, did what he liked, and sent people to buy him off with a lot of money and nobles. Finally, Fu Xuan became a double-faced person. On the one hand, he continued to serve as the governor of the Western Army, and on the other On the one hand, he secretly worked for the Jin soldiers, and Wanyan Wushu promised him in writing that once he sacrificed Hanzhong, he would be made the Jiedu Envoy of the Yongxing Army and the King of Nanzheng County.

It's just that Zhu Shengfei, his backer, is now in power, and the Wanyan Wushu promised to him will lose power due to the defeat of the Dasan Pass, which makes Fu Xuan hesitate a little, wondering if the promise of Wanyanwushu is still useful.

But this time Fu Xuan was slapped hard by Zhu Shengfei. Seeing that he was going to become the main general of Dasan Pass, Zhu Shengfei changed his mind at a critical moment, reused Wu Jie again, voided his promise, and made himself serve Wu again. rank lieutenant general.

Fu Xuan finally woke up. Zhu Shengfei didn't believe in himself. He was just a tool Zhu Shengfei used to deal with Wu Jie. At the critical moment, Zhu Shengfei still used Wu Jie instead of himself. It can be seen that he is not as good as a dog in his heart.

He must make Zhu Shengfei pay for breaking his promise.

At this moment, Fu Moshan limped forward, "Uncle, let me go!"

Although Fu Moshan's injury was cured, he became disabled and became crippled. Zhu Shengfei still appointed him as the commander and made him in charge of the logistics of Fu Xuan's army.

Fu Xuan shook his head, "Your legs can't climb the mountain, so let my personal soldiers go, don't worry! The credit is yours."

Fu Moshan also knew that he couldn't climb the mountain, so he didn't insist anymore. Fu Xuan found his own soldier Dutou, gave him a letter and a map, and whispered a few words, the soldier Dutou agreed, and took the letter and map leave quickly.

Fu Xuan watched the soldiers disappear into the night, he sneered, and said to Fu Moshan: "Since Zhu Shengfei is unkind to me, don't blame me for being unrighteous to him!"

At two o'clock in the night, Wanyan Sali, who was sound asleep, was pushed awake by the soldiers.

"What's the matter?" Wanyan Sali asked impatiently.

"Marshal, a soldier from the Song Army came outside. He said he was a soldier of Fu Xuan and had important information."

Wanyan Sali's eyes lit up, and he said repeatedly: "Hurry up and bring him to my tent!"

He quickly stood up and put on his outer robe, Wanyan Saliha heard from Wanyan Wushu that Fu Xuan had already been instigated by them, he was a hidden child they planted in the Song army and would use it at critical moments.

Wanyan Sali was still thinking about how to get in touch with Fu Xuan yesterday?Unexpectedly, he sent someone here tonight.

Not long after, Fu Xuan's soldiers were brought into the big tent, bowed, and presented the letter and map, "This is a letter and map from my family, and there is no verbal explanation."

Wanyan Sali glanced at him and asked, "Are you Fu Xuan's personal soldier?"

"Exactly! But I didn't bring my soldier card, for fear of being found out."

Wanyan Sali nodded, took the letter and opened it, read it carefully, he couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart, unexpectedly there is a trail to cross Raofengling.

He hastened to unfold the map, and saw a path drawn in ink, with 'Cicada Valley' marked beside it, about [-] miles north of Raofeng Pass.

Wanyan Sali asked the soldiers again, "Did you come from this Cicada Valley?"


"Tell me specifically, how does this valley road go?"

"Marshal Qi, this road is to walk along the Chanxi River, halfway up the mountain and enter a canyon that only one person can walk through. It is blocked by lush bushes and it is difficult to find. But after passing through the canyon, you will arrive at Raofengling. It’s west, at this time, you can go down the mountain and go around to the back of Raofeng Pass, and you can also follow the ridge to the top of Raofeng Pass.”

Wanyan Sali said happily: "Now you lead me the way, and after the matter is completed, I will reward you with a thousand taels of silver."

Fu Xuan's soldiers were overjoyed and hurriedly bowed and said, "I am willing to serve the Marshal!"

At five o'clock, the [-] gold soldiers, led by Wanyan Saliho personally, had passed through the narrow Chanxi Valley and reached the west of Raofeng Ridge. It was easy to go up and down the mountain.

Wanyan Salihou immediately divided his troops into two groups, one led by general Wanyan Ude, led a thousand soldiers to the top of Raofeng Pass, and attacked Raofeng Pass downward with bows and arrows.

All the way, he personally led [-] troops to the Song Army camp at the foot of Raofengguan Mountain.

In Nanzheng County, thousands of young and strong men recruited from other counties and villages are rushing to harvest wheat. They have been fighting for seven or eight days and have harvested [-]% of the wheat fields in Xingyuan Prefecture. A large amount of wheat has been shipped to Han Mian County upstream of the water.

At the same time, a large number of people on the official road left Nanzheng County with their families. Not all the people went to Bashu, only a part of them went to Bashu, and many fled to remote counties and villages in the west of Hanzhong.

The military granaries in the city were already empty, and the military warehouses were also basically empty. Some were distributed to the people in the city, and some were transported to the countryside by young and strong men to hide them. A large amount of military materials were also taken away by the people for hiding.

Liu Ziyu led dozens of government archers to patrol the county seat. Seventy percent of the people in the city had left, and another thirty percent were unwilling to leave. The officials were going door to door to persuade them.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes at the East City Gate, and a group of cavalry came galloping from outside the city. The cavalry ran and shouted: "Urgent military situation! Urgent military situation!"

It happened that Liu Ziyu was on the opposite side, he hurriedly urged his horse to meet him, and asked loudly, "What's the emergency situation?"

The leading sergeant knew him, so he reined in his horse and said, "Report to Lord Liu, Rao Fengguan has fallen, and the golden soldiers have entered Xingyuan Mansion!"

Liu Ziyu was taken aback, "What will fall?"

"I don't know who led the Jin soldiers. The enemy army came out from the Chanxi Valley and attacked the camp and Raofeng Pass. We were attacked by the enemy, and Wu Dutong had to give up Raofeng Pass!"

Liu Ziyu suddenly became nervous, and asked anxiously, "Where is Wu Dutong now?"

"It has already been retreated. Wu Dutong asked the Xuanfu envoy to withdraw southward immediately, and asked the governor to organize the people to withdraw southward!"

Liu Ziyu sneered, Zhu Shengfei had already run away.

"I see, thank you for your hard work, I will notify the Xuan Fu envoy to retreat!"

Liu Ziyu immediately asked the officials to urge the rest of the people to leave. He was secretly glad that his hunch was correct and most of the people and supplies were removed, otherwise it would be a big trouble to start the migration now.

But even so, the remaining [-]% of the people heard that Jin Bing had been killed, and they were so shocked that they fled with their families, causing chaos on the street. Most of the people didn't want to leave, but they didn't believe that Jin Bing would come in , but they packed up and fled as soon as there was a sign of trouble.

Liu Ziyu rushed to the Xuanfu envoy's official office, and happened to meet Sima Wangsi who came out in a hurry to inquire about the news at the door.

"Prefect Liu, I heard that Raofeng Pass was lost, is it true?" Wang Si stepped forward and asked urgently.

Liu Ziyu nodded, "Someone secretly colluded with Jin Bing and led Jin Bing across the Cicada Valley. The Song Army was attacked by the enemy and had to retreat!"

"What now?"

"Wang Sima immediately took the rest of the officials to retreat to Bashu. I will arrange the county seat and discuss the countermeasures with Wu Dutong. Then I will retreat to Jianmen Pass!"

"I see, let's split up!"

Wang Si went back and organized the officials and their families to retreat, and Liu Ziyu went to Cangcheng.

The warehouse group in Nanzheng County is a single sub-city with hundreds of large warehouses. Most of the military materials that can be taken away have been taken away. At present, there are still tens of thousands of loads of fodder and a large amount of heavy luggage, such as siege Ladders, trebuchets, battering rams, nest carts and other materials, there are as many as [-] heavy-duty trebuchets alone, as well as camp fences, tents and other materials that cannot be taken away.

These heavy supplies are also strategic materials that the Kingdom of Jin desperately needs. Of course, Liu Ziyu will not leave them to the Jin soldiers.

"Fujun, how to deal with them?" Several subordinates asked.

"Burn it on fire! Burn it all together with the warehouse."

"Burn them all?" Everyone looked at each other, stunned.

Liu Ziyu's eyes also showed complicated feelings of reluctance, but he said decisively: "Pile up the fodder in each warehouse separately, and light the fire tonight!"

After a pause, he said without hesitation: "Notify all the young men who participated in the wheat harvesting in the afternoon to stop harvesting, and set fire to the wheat fields that were too late to be harvested, and not leave a single grain of wheat to the golden soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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