
Chapter 245 False Attack

Chapter 245 False Attack
Chen Qing finally put his foundation in Ganquan Fort temporarily, the reason is very simple, Chengji County's defense is not strong enough, if it is a crazy attack like the Xixia Army, it can be captured in a day.

However, Ganquanbao's city walls are tall, generous, extremely strong, and the people's hearts are cohesive. This is the most important thing.

Chen Qing led the army and convoy through Pingliang Mansion and Deshun Prefecture, and arrived directly at Ganquan Fort.

Next, Chen Qing sent dozens of scouts to inquire about the news of the puppet Qi army. Chen Qing knew it well, the lair was taken away, the money and food were robbed, and the lord was arrested. What's more, the puppet Qi army still has [-] troops, and Li Cheng is not a wimp.

If he just swallowed his anger and let it go, would Liu Yu let him go?
Sure enough, as Chen Qing expected, on the fifth day after they returned to Ganquan Fort, a puppet Qi army of [-] people came to Qinzhou along Jingyuan Road.

If they were going to Fengxiang Mansion, their target would most likely be Chengji County, but if they were going to Jingyuan Road, then their target would definitely be Ganquan Fort.

Chen Qing didn't dare to be careless, so he sent Zhao Xiaoyi to personally lead scouts to inquire about the detailed military situation, and at the same time ordered the whole people and army in Ganquan Castle to prepare for war.

Deshun Prefecture is also a boundless loess plateau with vertical and horizontal ravines and sparse greenery. The huge ravines are often hundreds of meters deep.

But where there is green, there are residents. There are also large forests near many counties, mainly pine, elm and jujube trees, especially jujube trees, which are widely distributed on the Loess Plateau. The rich red dates are even the food of the common people. Replenish.

On a large loess mountain, Zhao Xiaoyi led more than a dozen Song army scouts to hide behind a huge rock, watching the mighty army walking on the official road below the mountain.

The army is seven or eight miles long, with a population of about [-]. About [-]% are cavalry, and the rest are infantry. They carry spears on their shoulders, swords on their waists, and bows and arrows or shields on their backs. The team is not neat, and even a little dying. The soldiers were listless.

Zhao Xiaoyi paid attention to the opponent's military rations, and it was also the coach Chen Qing who repeatedly told him, where did the opponent get the food for the attack on Fort Ganquan?Chen Qing hoped that they would go back to robbing the people of Jingzhao for food, and their popular support would be ruined.

Each soldier carried a bag of dry food, followed by a food convoy of more than [-] carts.

This is interesting, how much grain can there be in more than [-] carts?This is [-] people, and it will consume [-] catties of grain every day.

"General, will there be a supply team behind?" A soldier asked in a low voice.

There is also this possibility, Zhao Xiaoyi waited for the army to pass, and immediately wrote an eagle letter and sent it to Ganquanbao.

The scouts of the Song army found that the main force of the enemy army was only a hundred miles away from Ganquan. Two hours later, Chen Qing received the eagle letter.

Sure enough, the other party only carried [-] carts of grain, which made Chen Qing confused, especially since the other party did not carry siege weapons, what did they come for?
Counselor Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "It is very likely that the other party is just here for show, not really to attack Ganquanbao."

Zheng Ping was puzzled and asked, "Who are you showing off?"

"Of course it's for Liu Yu to see!"

Chen Qing nodded, "It makes sense!"

"This is actually very obvious. The [-] troops of the puppet Qi army besieged Dashanguan. Could it be that they didn't have siege weapons? They should also have food. Thousands of carts have just returned. He has no shortage of supplies and carts. He has carts There is food and siege weapons, but they don’t carry them with them, which means that they don’t want to attack Ganquan Fort at all, they just come and walk around, then turn around and go back, and write a report on attacking Ganquan Fort to Liu Yu, so it’s considered a job.”

At this time, all the generals looked at Chen Qing eagerly. Will this army fight?
Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "If they don't enter Qinzhou, they don't need to fight, but as long as they dare to enter Qinzhou, then don't blame us for being rude."

Zhang Xiao's guess was correct. This puppet Qi army was indeed here to falsely attack Ganquan Fort, but the party who was ordered guessed wrong. Liu Yu's order to Li Cheng was to preserve his strength and not to act rashly. Liu Yu knew that the [-] Xixia army Under Ganquan Fort, he didn't want his army to make the same mistakes again.

The one who gave the order was Wanyan Wushu. The Wanyan Wushu army hadn't reached Shaanxi Road yet, but his military order had arrived first, requiring the Qi army to attack Ganquan Fort with all its strength, and pull out Chen Qing's nail in the shortest possible time. He didn't fight himself, but let the puppet Qi army fight.

Li Cheng didn't dare to disobey Wanyan Wushu's order, but he didn't want to waste any more troops, so he used the method of false attack. He had already sent people to attack, but he didn't capture Ganquan Fort.

This [-]-man army was led by Xu Jinwen, the governor of the capital. It set out from Jingzhao, marched all the way through Jingyuan Road, Pingliang Mansion, and entered Deshun Prefecture. At first, the morale was good, but the army did not bring tents. The two night rains dealt a heavy blow to the soldiers. They did not have enough rest and food. Twenty thousand soldiers complained and their morale gradually declined.

More importantly, everyone can see that they don't even carry siege weapons, isn't it a joke to attack Ganquan Fort?

Since none of the above has the sincerity to attack Ganquan Fort, don't blame the low morale of the soldiers.

The soldiers marched listlessly and at an extremely slow speed. The chief general Xu Jinwen repeatedly urged to speed up the march to no avail. At noon that day, the team entered Qinzhou, [-] miles away from Ganquan Fort. Xu Jinwen ordered to rest for an hour before leaving.

Wang Heng, the deputy governor, was really worried, so he stepped forward and said to Xu Jinwen: "Since we are not here to attack Ganquan Fort, we should not get too close to it. Chen Qing is a fierce monster. If he guesses our intentions, he will definitely not attack it." Let us go!"

The puppet Qi army's plan was not to go back the same way as they got close to Ganquan Fort, so they couldn't explain it to Wanyan Wushu.

They passed Ganquan Fort and then turned south, entered the hinterland of Qinzhou, and before Chen Qing could react, they ruthlessly raided Chengji County and withdrew, killing thousands of people to pretend to be Song soldiers, which could give Wanyan Wushu Even if you do business, you can also breathe out the evil spirit that Jingzhao City has been captured.

Xu Jinwen said coldly: "Don't be so hopeless, okay? Since we are here, we dare not even approach Ganquan Fort. Wouldn't the world laugh at us? If he wants to fight, we will fight. If he doesn't fight, we will go south. I, Xu Jinwen, have been in the army for more than [-] years, but I have never been as useless as I am today."

"But with the current morale of the soldiers, can they win against Chen Qing's army?"

"That's easy. Let's announce to the soldiers now that we will go south to capture Chengji County, burn, kill and loot, and let them play with women if they want. The whole army will have a three-day holiday. I wonder if morale will improve?"

Xu Jinwen has experience. He was the commander of the Song Army back then. After surrendering to the Jin soldiers, he led two thousand soldiers to loot three counties in Bozhou, and the morale that was already dying became unprecedentedly high.

Xu Jinwen immediately sent someone to announce their plan to the whole army. Sure enough, when the soldiers heard that Chengji County would be plundered for three days, their morale rose immediately, and everyone was full of anticipation. Dying and washed away.

Xu Jinwen then ordered the army to move on.
When night fell, the army finally arrived at Ganquan Fort. Even if they wanted to go south, Ganquan Fort was the only way to go.

Don't look at Xu Jinwen's contempt for Chen Qing and the Qinzhou Army, but his heart is not as strong as it appears on the surface. How could he not know that Chen Qing is a Song general who can even fight against Wanyan Wushu, that is not something he can challenge .

Xu Jinwen didn't dare to stay in front of Ganquan Fort, and immediately turned south. Fortunately, the Song army in Ganquan Fort did not chase him out, so he was a little relieved.

But just after walking to the foot of a hill a few miles away, the ground began to vibrate faintly. Xu Jinwen realized that something was wrong. When he turned his head, he saw the moonlight in the distance turned dark red, and the cavalry overwhelmingly charged towards them.

"Archers form formation! Form formation!" Xu Jinwen hissed in shock.

Fortunately, he had made arrangements in advance, and the three thousand crossbowmen walked behind the team. The horns blew repeatedly, and the three thousand crossbowmen lined up nervously. The crossbow, angled up, waited for the Song army to enter the lethal range.

Five thousand cavalrymen had already killed three hundred paces away, and the yellow dust was billowing like a stormy sea.

"Prepare to shoot!" Just as General Wang Heng ordered the preparations, a shocking event that surprised everyone happened.

(End of this chapter)

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