
Chapter 253 Dissent

Chapter 253 Dissent
Chen Qing's big boat finally arrived in Runzhou. This morning, the boat was still a few miles away from the mouth of the canal. They were stopped by patrol boats on the river, and a dispute broke out between the two sides.

The head of the soldiers, Yan Jun, ran to Chen Qing and said, "Let's go and have a look! Those bastards want to confiscate our ships and horses."


Chen Qing suddenly became annoyed. Are these officers and soldiers robbers?
He immediately came to the bow of the boat, only to see a Marquis of Yu yelling aggressively: "This is an order from my family's Xuan Fu envoy. All ships and horses over a thousand stone must be conscripted for military use. I don't care where you come from. Runzhou must obey the orders of my Xuan Fu envoy!"

"Isn't it Liu Guangshi who is your Xuan Fu envoy?"

Chen Qing stepped forward and said to Yu Hou, "I know him very well, if he knows it's my ship, he won't be in trouble."

Although Chen Qing's words were not harsh, he was very imposing, which made Yu Hou a little uncertain.

Yu Hou hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "I wonder if the general has the arrow or warrant from my family's Xuan Fu envoy? If so, we will never make things difficult and withdraw immediately!"

Chen Qing took out the gold medal, showed it to Yu Hou and said, "This is the emperor's gold medal, isn't it more useful than the command arrow of your Xuanfu envoy?"

Yuhou was stunned, the emperor's gold medal was not something he could offend, but he didn't know what the emperor's gold medal was like, what if the emperor's gold medal was fake?
He hesitated for a while, and said with a more polite attitude: "The humble official has a humble position and cannot make decisions. Can you please ask the general's ship to stop at the pier for a while, so that the humble official can ask General Li for instructions."

Seeing that there were more than a dozen patrol boats around, Chen Qing probably wouldn't let him go, and more importantly, the horse boats were already under their control.

Chen Qing nodded, "I won't make things difficult for you, then go to the pier first!"

Marquis Yu was overjoyed, and quickly ordered the patrol fleet to make way, and Chen Qing's two large ships sailed towards Runzhou Wharf one after the other.

The wharf was full of all kinds of ships that had been forcibly confiscated, as many as the previous ship, and there were hundreds of large tents on the shore, surrounded by soldiers standing guard.

Let Chen Qing feel a very strong atmosphere of war.

At this time, a general followed Yu Hou and walked quickly, followed by a dozen soldiers.

The general stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "This is Li Wu, who is under the command of Liu Dutong. May I ask where your troops are from?"

Chen Qing replied: "I am Chen Qing from the Western Army, and I am called by the Emperor to report to Lin'an!"

"Ah! So it's Chen Tongzhi, sorry! Sorry!"

Chen Qing handed him the gold medal to testify. These generals were only polite, but they had to do what they had to do. Without this gold medal, Chen Qing knew that he would definitely not be able to keep the ships and horses.

Li Wu looked at the gold medal and returned it to Chen Qing, saying: "There is no problem with the gold medal, Chen Tongzhi is a special case, he can leave at any time!"

Chen Qing asked again: "I don't know if it is convenient for General Li to disclose, is the imperial court going to war?"

Li Wu looked to both sides, and said in a low voice: "Yangzhou Jinbing has withdrawn, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, both the officials and the imperial court agree with my Xuanfu envoy to seize Yangzhou."

"The golden soldiers have withdrawn?"

Chen Qing was a little puzzled, Yangzhou was such an important strategic place, how could the Jin soldiers withdraw?
"I don't know where the golden soldiers retreated?"

"It is said that they were transferred to Guanzhong?"

"No way! Wanyan Wushu has already led [-] troops to Guanzhong. Besides, Yangzhou Jinbing is Wanyan Nianhan's East Route Army. How could it be transferred to Guanzhong?"

"I don't know the specific position, but the government has already approved it, and the war will start soon. Please leave Chen Tongzhi as soon as possible."

"Has the armistice agreement on the East Road expired?"

Li Wu nodded, "It's due today!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Yuhou a few words, saluted and left.

The armistice agreement has only expired today, and the court is eager to start a war. Is this too hasty?

It's okay to win, but if it fails, the favorable situation created by the Western Army will be completely destroyed.

Chen Qing also just thought secretly, he couldn't control the affairs of the Eastern Front, so he told the boat boss: "It's time to set off, go to the Jiangnan Canal!"

Early in the morning, Lu Yihao came to the official room of the Political Affairs Hall. As soon as he walked to the door, he heard a quarrel coming from the courtyard.

"How can combat decisions be based on probabilities? Yangzhou is such an important place, don't the people of Jin know about it? This is a strategy of the Kingdom of Jin, a tactic to lure the enemy."

"This is a matter decided by the court and the officials. You don't need to take care of it. Just take care of your own affairs!"

Lu Yihao frowned, and asked the officer at the door, "Who is arguing inside?"

"Reporting to Mr. Yue, it's Yue Dutong and Li Shumi's envoys!"

Lu Yihao walked into the courtyard, and saw the governor Yue Fei standing on the steps, blocking the way for Privy Councilor Li Hui. Just right, please come and judge!"

At this time, Yue Fei also realized that his attitude was too fierce, he took a few steps back, stepped forward and bowed, "See Lu Xianggong!"

"When did Yue Dutong come to Lin'an?" Lu Yihao asked with a gentle smile.

"Humble job arrived the day before yesterday, arrange a job report today!"

"I just heard what Yue Dutong said. It was wrong for the imperial court to decide to attack Yangzhou. Why did Yue Dutong make such a statement?"

Yue Fei sighed and said: "The humble official has fought with the Jin people for many years and knows the Jin soldiers very well. They are by no means as rude and ignorant as the rumors in the market. On the contrary, they are extremely cunning and especially good at using tricks, and many of them are often used to great effect. It seems that they have discovered some opportunity by chance, but in fact it is their carefully planned strategy, and even a small person is arranged by them, so that we are fooled unconsciously.

For example, Liang Shiyao, who was defeated twice by his humble position the year before last, was demoted to a commander. No matter how you look at it, it is very strange. "

"What is your conclusion?"

"The humble official believes that this is a trick of the Jin people. They used a wine general who was notorious in the Song army as the chief general of Yangzhou, and spread rumors that the Jin soldiers would withdraw from Yangzhou. defeat."

"Then what do you think Jin Bing's motivation is for doing this?"

"The humble official doesn't know what Jin Bing's deep-seated intentions are, but it must be related to the upcoming truce negotiations. If we fail miserably in Yangzhou, then our waists will not be able to straighten up during the negotiations."

Lu Yihao smiled slightly and said: "I understand the truth of Yue Dutong's remonstrance. I will tell the officials and tell Liu Guangshi to be careful and not to be greedy for merit!"

"Can't this military operation be cancelled?" Yue Fei looked disappointed.

Lu Yihao shook his head, "The army has already set off, it is impossible to withdraw at this time, I can only remind them to be careful!"

Yue Fei was really helpless, he clasped his fists in salute, and left with a long sigh.

Li Hui walked over and said angrily, "I came here early in the morning to make noise. I told him it was decided by the government, but he refused to go, so I decided it was the responsibility of the Privy Council!"

Lu Yihao said indifferently: "He reminds me of Di Qing back then, just as good at fighting, just as upright, and just as easy to offend people, but there is some truth to what he said, could this really be a golden strategy to lure soldiers? ?”

"According to what he said, the imperial court will stop the Northern Expedition in the future. Everything is a conspiracy, and everything is a trick to lure soldiers. If we take Yangzhou, the Jin soldiers will of course be anxious and counterattack. It depends on how we defend Yangzhou. This is a normal confrontation, how could it have something to do with the trick to lure soldiers? He just can't see Liu Guangshi taking the lead!"

Lu Yihao knew that Li Hui didn't have a good impression of Yue Fei, and it was normal for him to speak harshly, so he smiled and didn't respond, but walked directly into the official room.

But Lu Yihao had a hidden worry in his heart, if it was really a gold man's trick to lure soldiers, what should we do?

"Lu Xianggong, Chen Qing is coming back!" Li Hui changed the subject and asked with a smile.

"It should be here soon. Yesterday, the officials praised him for defeating the pirates in Yuezhou, saying that famous generals shine everywhere?"

"Come back this time, the marriage between him and Axiu should be done!"

"His intention of coming back this time is not to have a wedding, and the marriage is not in a hurry, let everything take its course!"

Li Hui felt a little strange in his heart, he felt that Lu Yihao was a little perfunctory, as if he was not as enthusiastic about the marriage between Chen Qing and his granddaughter as before.

(End of this chapter)

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