
Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Birthday Banquet ([-])

Although the Jurchen turmoil has subsided, this matter has become the focus of discussion in the entire mansion. Needless to say, Chen Qing once again attracted attention, basically everyone is talking about him, and those who admire him praise him for not being afraid of gold people His obscene power maintained the dignity of Song Dynasty, while those who disdain him said that he was a stunned young man who dared to despise the emperor of Jin and caused great trouble to the court.

Anyway, there were different opinions and no consensus, but Chen Qing turned a deaf ear to it, whether he praised it or criticized him, it had nothing to do with him.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, Chen Qing came to his seat. Zhang Jun arranged Chen Qing to sit in the back house with his nephews and juniors.

Chen Qing met Lu Xiu and Li Qingzhao unexpectedly in front of his seat.

Lu Xiu pointed to the name plate on the table and said with a smile: "Master saw your name just now, so he pulled me over to wait for you, saying that you must come right away, and I guessed it right."

"Master?" Chen Qing was a little surprised.

Li Qingzhao said with a slight smile: "I opened a poetry workshop, and Xiu'er brought me a group of students."

Chen Qing raised his hand and said with a smile, "Then I'll be one too!"

"It's a good idea, Master doesn't accept male disciples."

Li Qingzhao said with a smile: "I have copied dozens of books for you. Where do you live, I will send them to you someday."

"Does Sanlang live in the inn?" Lu Xiu also wanted to know where Chen Qing lived.

Chen Qing took out two slips of paper with addresses written on them, and handed them to the two, "I have a mansion in Lin'an, in Sanqiao, which was given to me by the government last year, and I'm currently living here."

Li Qingzhao got up and said with a smile: "You guys talk, I won't bother you."

Li Qingzhao put on the veiled cap and left first, Chen Qing asked puzzledly, "Why does she wear the veiled cap but you don't?"

Lu Xiu blinked her beautiful eyes and thought for a while: "Maybe she is not from this circle. For example, when I go out to play, I have to wear a hat, but in this kind of circle gathering, everyone basically knows each other, so there is no need to worry too much about it." Too defensive."

"This kind of gathering is actually a kind of blind date?"

Lu Xiu nodded and said with a smile: "That's true, but it's not only that, for example, I'm here to meet up with friends, not a blind date."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I just found out that your personality is very cheerful and outgoing."

Lu Xiu bit her lip lightly, and whispered: "Actually, it depends on the person. Not every man can stretch out his arm and I will help him!"

Lu Xiu's inadvertent confession moved Chen Qing very much. He had never tasted this feeling of being loved by a beautiful woman in his two lifetimes. It turned out to be so wonderful and so sweet.

"I really like your character, straightforward and straightforward, not hypocritical at all!"

Lu Xiu giggled, "Master said I'm shameless, I don't know how to be reserved and beautiful at all, I belong to Dongpo Layman's unrestrained school, not her graceful school, but for the sake of more money, he reluctantly accepts me For disciples!"

Chen Qing really likes Lu Xiu's cheerful personality.

He thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow I have to report on my work, the day after tomorrow! Let's go to the West Lake, how about it?"

"Just the two of us?"

"You can bring someone else, but I'm alone. By the way, I may bring two little maids, two ten-year-old girls. They just want to see the West Lake."

"I see. I will come to you in a carriage the morning after tomorrow, but I may bring my brother and his fiancée with me, and come out alone, my father does not allow it."

"If you don't come, I will go to the door to snatch it. The moon is dark and the wind is high, so go at night to snatch it!"

"How dare you! I'll prepare a crossbow, and when you come to the door, I'll shoot you, you bastard!"

Chen Qing plucked up the courage to hold her soft little hand, and said with a smile, "Why don't you try it tonight!"

Lu Xiu's pretty face flushed immediately, she bit her lip and said, "You have a good idea, ah! Master is here."

Lu Xiu found that the master was coming again, she quickly withdrew her hand, and sat upright.

Li Qingzhao was amused in his heart, pretended not to see anything, and said to the two of them, "Come quickly, the poetry competition has been announced!"

The two got up quickly, Lu Xiu knew that the master must have seen it, she hated her secretly pinching the back of Chen Qing's hand, followed Li Qingzhao to the courtyard
The Song Dynasty established the country with literature, and various folk literary talent competitions can be seen everywhere, and even in the villages, there will be reciting competitions held by scholars.

Gatherings of officials like this are more common than poetry fights over tea, but they are also the main event. In contrast, the pot and arrow competition can only be regarded as a kind of entertainment, and the poetry competition is really valued.

The atrium is already full of people. Interestingly, the women are concentrated on the left side, while the men are on the right side. After all, it is inconvenient for everyone to get too close.

Although the Song Dynasty was not as defensive as the Ming and Qing Dynasties, women were allowed to show their faces, and men and women were allowed to communicate normally, but compared with the unrestrained Tang Dynasty, it was a little more restrained, mainly reflected in the details, such as women Traveling as far as possible to wear a hat , such as gatherings and dinners, try to keep a certain distance between men and women.

Today's Zhang Mansion's poetry competition is just a blank piece of paper pasted everywhere. It is a kind of propositional poem. Wherever it is posted, you must write the relevant content, and there is no limit to the poem.

The judges are Xiangguo and Dashi in the mansion, and they will select the top three in the high list.

The master of ceremonies for today's awards presentation was Xu Xiantu, a bachelor. Chen Qing walked under a tree. He was tall and ordinary people couldn't block his sight.

Lu Xiu was also pulled over by Li Meier, what were the two talking in a low voice?
"Today, I took the opportunity of the old lady's birthday celebration to hold a poetry competition. A total of [-] poems were received. After two rounds of selection, the top three have come out. As usual, let's talk about the prizes before announcing them."

Everyone burst into laughter, and Xu Xiantu continued: "There are three prizes, and the third prize will be a healthy donkey. I wish him more and more stability in his career and education!"

A family member brought out a little donkey, everyone laughed, and the women even laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs.

"For the second place, I will reward Bao Yan Zhai with a good study room."

In fact, no matter whether it is a donkey or the Four Treasures of the Study, they are not expensive, at most a few pennies, and the poetry writing competition is not for the prizes, but for the autograph in Zhang Jun's mansion, which will naturally get Zhang Jun's attention. It will be very beneficial, and what everyone wants is a network.

Of course, it is a special case for Chen Qing to win fifty taels of silver. Except for him, no one can hit five arrows with five arrows from five feet away, and the grand prize is just this one.

"The prize for the first prize is special. It is a picture in the middle hall written by Zhang Xianggong."

Everyone immediately burst into warm applause. The literati all understood what it meant to get a calligraphy handwritten by Zhang Xianggong.It means cooperation!
"Next, I will announce the third place. Zhao Wenxin, the director of the Military Weapons Supervision, his birthday poem is ingeniously conceived and full of whimsy. He uses the Queen Mother's birthday to exaggerate today's theme. Everyone unanimously agrees that he is the third place."

Zhao Wenxin stepped forward, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "You look down on me too much!"

Xu Xiantu led the donkey and said with a smile, "Your father won't have to walk when he goes to court."

Everyone burst into laughter, Zhao Wenxin blushed and signed the donkey and left.

Xu Xiantu opened another note and said with a smile: "The second place is our Tanhualang Shen Gai. He wrote the poem "Sheng Zhazi" in the Acacia Pavilion, describing his bitter love for a beautiful woman, with sincere affection, It's so sad and lingering, I just wish that this beautiful woman is my daughter, it's so touching."

Many people's eyes were quietly cast on Lu Xiu, but Shen Gai had publicly announced that he would not marry Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu's complexion was not so good, her pretty face was frosted, and her almond eyes were slightly angry. She knew that this poem was written after Chen Qing appeared, which made her a little angry.

Lu Xiu is a very rare temperament among the ladies in the Song Dynasty. She dares to love and hate. If it was before, she might be a little moved, because Shen Ge didn't know that she already had a sweetheart.

But now that he clearly knows that his Ai Lang is here, if he wants to write this kind of love poem without interest, he is deliberately destroying the relationship between her and Chen Qing, and he actually uses the phrase "Sheng Chazi" , He pretends to be smart, thinking that he doesn't know his little thoughts, so he borrows the homonym of 'make trouble'.

Lu Xiu was not moved at all now, only dissatisfied and annoyed in her heart, she stole a glance at Chen Qing again, only to see Chen Qing leaning on the big tree, looking at herself with a smirk on her face, her heart went 'bang! ', I wish I could rush up and give him two punches, what are you doing with such a bad smile?
Shen Gai was also peeking at Lu Xiu. Seeing that her gaze never left Chen Qing, he sighed in his heart, even if he got her, what's the point if he couldn't get her heart?
"Where is Tanhualang?" Xu Xiantu shouted again.


Shen Gai hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd, walked up to him, and bowed to salute, "Student Shen Gai has a meeting with Master Xu."

Xu Xiantu gave him the prize with a smile, and asked, "Can you let us know if the beauty you miss is here?"

Shen Gai is a fine person, he dared to say among young people that he would not marry Lu Xiu, but he never dared to say this in front of many prime ministers and scholars, especially in front of Lu Yihao, which would make senior officials suspect him It is to follow the trend and look down on other people's character.

Shen Gai blushed, hesitated and couldn't speak, and ran away holding the Four Treasures of the Study.

University scholar Liu Jin whispered to Lu Yihao: "Does Lu Xiang know who he is in love with?"

Lu Yihao shook his head, "How would I know?"

"Hehe! His lovesickness is Ling's granddaughter!"

"Really?" Lu Yihao was a little surprised. He heard that Shen Gaiyan was above the top and rejected many high-ranking officials' marriage proposals. He actually took a fancy to his granddaughter.

'Wu Xing Shen! Lu Yihao secretly calculated in his heart.

Xu Xiantu waved his hand, and the atrium became quiet again, and everyone stared at the note in their hand.

Xu Xiantu coughed heavily, "Next, I'm going to announce the first place on the high list!"

(End of this chapter)

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