
Chapter 268 Changes

Chapter 268 Changes
Shen Gai never dreamed that Lu Xianggong would meet him alone, which made him both surprised and happy, and a glimmer of hope was rekindled in his already desperate heart.

In the official room, Shen Gai bowed and saluted, "Student Shen should see Lu Xianggong?"

"Shen Tanhua doesn't need to be too polite, please sit down!"

Shen Gai sat down nervously, and Lu Yihao smiled slightly: "As for your job arrangement, you have two intentions, one is to stay in the court, and the other is to be an official in the county, which one does Shen Tanhua value more? "

"I don't know what the specific job is?"

Compared with the whereabouts of the position, Shen should pay more attention to the specific position. Does he have real power?

"The specific position is to be arranged by the Ministry of Officials. The only certainty is that if you choose a place, you will go to Quanzhou to serve as the county captain of Yongchun County."

Generally, Jinshi starts from the lowest level of the master book, and Tanhua will be one level higher, and go to the state government as an official, or as a county lieutenant.

"Can the student wait for the official appointment before making a decision?"

In fact, Lu Yihao was trying to test Shen Gai. His specific official position in the imperial court has actually come down. He was appointed as the eighth-rank master secretary in the Imperial Academy. He hoped that Shen Gai would be like Chen Qing, no matter what position he was appointed, he would always agree to it and not challenge him. No, but Shen should be very realistic, he must choose the best one.

This made Lu Yihao a little displeased, he didn't like this kind of young man who was too philistine, and Shen Gai seemed too immature, too far behind Chen Qing.

However, what Lu Yihao liked was not Shen Gai himself, but the family behind him. As long as Shen Gai was not too bad, Lu Yihao could accept it.

"Are you the eldest son of the family, or the eldest son of the family?" Lu Yihao began to get to the point.

"The student is not the eldest grandson of the family, but the eldest grandson. I am the eldest son of my father, and there are two brothers below me."

"You didn't have a marriage contract before!"

Shen Gai started to get excited, and hurriedly said, "The student doesn't have any marriage contract!"

"I didn't know it before. I didn't know that you liked my granddaughter until yesterday. Is that right?"

"Students have long admired her."

Lu Yihao smiled slightly, "But she is spoiled by me, she is a bit outgoing and a bit arrogant, don't you mind?"

"Students like her beauty and cheerfulness. They think she is very generous and not narrow-minded. She will definitely become the prime minister's wife in the future."

Lu Yihao laughed loudly, what an extroverted and domineering personality, that's just talking, Lu Yihao has always thought that his granddaughter is the best, she has more brains and intelligence than girls of the same age, this Shen should be a bit interesting, actually said that Xiu'er can be the wife of Xiangguo , Are you saying that he can be the prime minister himself?

"But there is one thing I want to tell you first. My granddaughter was promised to Zhang Shuye's grandson when she was a child, but because of the war, Zhang Shuye's grandson became the minister of the puppet Qi State, and this marriage is void. You don't mind Bar!"

Shen Gai only cares about Chen Qing, he doesn't care about Zhang Shuye's grandson, he quickly said: "Students don't mind!"

Lu Yihao nodded, "Okay! Let your parents come over and talk."

Shen Gai was so excited that his voice was choked with sobs, "Xiangguo loves you so much, the students will remember it in their hearts!"

Lu Yihao waved his hand, "This matter is kept secret for the time being. Only you and I know about it, and your parents can also know about it, but other than that, I don't want outsiders to know about it."

"Students remember!"

Shen Gai was so happy that he almost forgot to walk.

Lu Yihao looked at Shen Gai walking away with his hands behind his back, and shook his head lightly. He was not satisfied with this Shen Gai, and he was far behind Chen Qing, but the support of the Shen family was what he needed most, and it was also the support of the Lu family. The guarantee of long-term prosperity of the family, hey!I can only feel sorry for my granddaughter.

As for Chen Qing, persuading the officials to promote him to be the governor is also his compensation.

In the afternoon, Chen Qing finished Wang Huai's job replacement procedures before leaving the imperial city. He had an appointment with Lu Xiu tomorrow. He needed to buy a pair of cloth boots first. The weather was too hot and Lin'an was relatively humid, so wearing leather boots would be better. Feeling hot and uncomfortable.

After finding several subordinates, they accidentally saw Hu Yantong.

"Hehe! Don't worry about how I found you, but your subordinates have been waiting here for a whole day and didn't even eat lunch. It's your fault."

Several soldiers turned pale with fright, and quickly waved to Hu Yantong, "We are fine, we should wait."

Chen Qing was also a little apologetic, he delayed his lunch and his subordinates also forgot about it.

"Let's go! I didn't have lunch either, so I decided to have dinner together, and find a good restaurant to have a drink."

It was useless for them to find a good restaurant, and they finally returned to Hukou Restaurant. With Hu Yantong around, how could they be allowed to eat in other restaurants? Chen Qing asked his subordinates to eat on the first floor, and he and Hu Yantong went up to the second floor.

Hu Yantong greeted the shopkeeper, sat down and asked, "How is your job report today?"

"It's not bad. I thought it was a report from the Privy Council, but I didn't expect all the ministers from the Zhizheng Hall to arrive. They really think highly of me."

"Did Qin Hui wear small shoes for you?"

"He wanted to do this, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance. Later, the officials also came, and he was basically the one asking, and there was no room for others to intervene."

Hu Yantong's eyes widened, "The officials value you so much?"

"It's not about me, it's about the northwest. He wants to know the latest situation in the northwest, but Zhu Shengfei can't give any useful information. The officials will take this opportunity to learn more about it."

Hu Yantong nodded, he hesitated and said, "I'm looking for you today because I have something urgent to do."

"what's up?"

"A friend of mine told me that the news is more accurate, saying that your future is worrying."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you offended her, a woman!" Hu Yantong pointed to the sky.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "You mean Queen Mother Wei?"

"Exactly! Do you know why?"

Chen Qing sneered, "I can't kill myself, let's get her back!"

"That's the way it is said, but the king wants the minister to die, but the minister refuses to die. The emperor doesn't care, but the queen mother doesn't think so."

"Then let her do as she pleases! I just wanted to obey the rules. If she doesn't want me to obey the rules, then it doesn't matter."

Hu Yantong was at a loss when he heard Chen Qing's words, and Chen Qing drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

He had heard the news that the queen mother was dissatisfied with him, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until Hu Yantong said it seriously that Chen Qing knew that the queen mother really hated him. You must know that a deep palace woman like her If she is uncomfortable all of a sudden, she will make you uncomfortable for the rest of your life.

But it doesn't matter, if I really want to do something big, I still need to see her face?

When Chen Qing returned to the mansion, it was already dark, he drank a few more glasses, feeling a little drunk, two ladies helped him to sit down, one wiped his face with a towel, and the other brought him herbal tea.

Chen Qing drank a large bowl of herbal tea, and his mind cleared up a little. When he saw a big box on the table, he asked, "What is this?"

"Someone gave it to the young master. It is said to be from Lu's mansion. It is very tightly packed, and it is difficult for us to open it."

"Lu Mansion?"

Chen Qing is interested, did Lu Yihao send it over?He immediately told the two young ladies, "Open it!"

Yu Lian found scissors, cut the outer strap, and opened the box lightly, revealing a pair of exquisitely crafted cloth boots.

"Ah! It's cloth boots! It's still the shoes of Shenxingfang."

"How do you know about Shenxingfang?"

"I heard from Niangniang Li that these are the best boots in Song Dynasty, and they are also very expensive."

Chen Qing suddenly saw a piece of plain paper in the box, picked it up quickly, and saw a line of beautiful small characters on it, "Adding clothes in winter and changing shoes in summer, does Saburo know?" '

Chen Qing's heart felt hot, the beauty's care made him feel an indescribable sweetness.

Maybe this is the taste of love!
(End of this chapter)

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