
Chapter 290 Mutiny

Chapter 290 Mutiny
Chen Qing rushed back to Baling County in a small boat.

In the prefectural office, Chen Qing met Li Gang who had been waiting for him for a long time. The two sat down. Li Gang smiled and asked, "I'm curious. You attacked Junshan in the first battle. What's your trick?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Don't hide it from the envoy, the secret of the humble position is just two words, 'Information!', this is also the key to the low position's ability to predict the enemy first in the Northwest."

"Be specific!"

"One of the main purposes of Beizhi's establishment in Huarong County is to hope that some soldiers of the bandit army will flee back to their hometowns. It is indeed effective. Beizhi learned some important information from them. For example, half of the time this year, Yang Yao was in Changde Mansion. For example, a large amount of supplies and soldiers went to Changde Mansion, so he judged that Yang Yao was transferring the ruling center from Junshan to Changde Mansion, and immediately sent scouts to Changde Mansion to monitor, and found that Yang Yao had built a castle in Dingkoudang. The huge water village, behind Wuling County, has become Yang Yao's new and old lair."

"and then?"

"Then Beizhi learned from a thief soldier who escaped back that there were only more than ten thousand soldiers left on Junshan Island. Yang Yao was not on the island, and Beizhi was waiting for Yang Yao to return to Junshan Island. There was news from Changde, When Yang Yao's fleet returned to Junshan, I knew it was time to attack."

Li Gang nodded in praise and said: "As expected of a victorious general who has experienced many battles, he is really different. This experience is worth promoting. In addition, we have reached an exchange agreement."

Chen Qing laughed, "I didn't massacre the surrendering soldiers. In fact, I didn't fight the enemy at all. I set fire to the forest around Dazhai. Eight thousand of the [-] defenders went down the mountain to ask for surrender. I will kill them when I turn back." Hand it over to the Xuanfu envoy, "

"There are no prisoners of war in water battles?"

"One thing, there are only a hundred or so people, and the water is not easy to catch. Moreover, this army is Yang Yao's guard army. We can only shoot them all!"

Li Gang also just asked casually, he also knew that it would be very difficult for Chen Qing not to kill the prisoners of war, and it was impossible to expect him to be merciful in the fierce battle.

"Okay! I'm here this time because I have important news to tell you that the puppet state of Qi launched a large-scale attack on Xiangyang. Unfortunately, the Song army was defeated in both battles. The Guanghua army guard Wang Jin was killed. The entire army was wiped out. We broke through, and Junzhou fell, and now thirty thousand puppet Qi troops are attacking Xiangyang, the situation is critical, and the imperial court cannot draw reinforcements, so I can only concentrate our forces with Wang Yan to support Xiangyang."

Chen Qing hurriedly asked: "Do you need to send troops to support from humble positions?"

Li Gang shook his head, "We still have [-] troops, more than enough to deal with [-] puppet Qi troops. As long as Xiangyang is not lost, the situation will not deteriorate. You should continue to attack Yang Yao, don't give up halfway!"

After a pause, Li Gang said apologetically, "I have another bad news to tell you. The government issued a gold medal order and urgently dispatched the Yangtze River Navy back to Runzhou."


"It seems that the Jin soldiers appeared on the north bank of the Yangtze River. The court was frightened and ordered the navy to return to Runzhou immediately."

Chen Qing was speechless, as long as Jin Bing appeared on the north bank of the Yangtze River, he would be frightened like this.

"But when the water army returns, Yang Yao will be unable to attack."

"I know, you keep these fifty warships and five thousand sailors, and there are dozens of warships and thousands of sailors on the other side of Poyang Lake. They will fill in the vacancies. I will write to the court to explain the situation clearly. .”

"Thank you Xuanfu envoy!"

"There are also trophies. I also want to tell you something. I have heard that all the trophies you got in the northwest were distributed to soldiers. It is said that you were impeached by Zhu Shengfei, right?"

Chen Qing nodded, Li Gang smiled and said: "Although I am a civil servant, I also know that this dynasty is fighting against the Liao Kingdom and Xixia, and the spoils obtained are basically distributed to the combatants. This is a custom, although the court stipulates that the spoils You want to hand it over, but in fact, no army has ever handed it over, everyone is doing things according to the usual practice, the rule of turning over the spoils has existed in name only, and everyone knows it, but why does Zhu Sheng insist on impeaching you?"

"I don't know the humble job!"

"Because Zhu Shengfei is the coach, if the court wants to hold him accountable, he cannot escape the responsibility. He impeached you first to clear the blame, which means he is not willing to take this responsibility for you in vain."

Speaking of this, Li Gang smiled and said: "You are a smart person, do you understand what I am talking about?"

Chen Qing sighed, this wasn't talking about Zhu Shengfei, it was clearly talking about himself.

"One hundred thousand pieces of silk and fifty thousand money, is that enough?"

"I have a lot of troops under my command, at least [-] bolts of silk and [-] guan coins."

"There are only [-] coins in total. Are you not satisfied with giving half of it?"

"I don't believe you didn't seize the gold and silver!"

"Sixty thousand coins, two hundred thousand bolts of silk, the most I can give you is so much."

Li Gang nodded, "Then it's a deal, you keep the food to help the people, and hand over the prisoners of war and the money to me. In addition, I also hand over various items related to Yang Yao's usurpation. He has a gold and jade bed." , it was requested by the imperial court."

Chen Qing thought to himself, "Fortunately, the golden chair is newly cast, and the imperial court doesn't know about it yet!" '

Li Gang left contentedly, Chen Qing was secretly afraid, whoever said civil servants have thin skins, they have thicker skins than anyone else when it comes to trophies, fortunately Li Gang was not allowed to go to Junshan Island, otherwise it would be a disaster.

By the morning of the next day, the army and all the trophies had returned. Chen Qing immediately divided the money and silk into two, leaving half to Li Gang, and the other half to his soldiers. The Yuezhou Army was even more elated, this was the first time they had received such a generous reward.

Chen Qing also ordered to distribute food to the people in the city, each household was given five buckets of rice, and the whole city immediately cheered. In this way, whether in the army or among the common people, Chen Qing existed like a god in their hearts.

Chen Qing immediately ordered the navy to escort the belongings and prisoners of war to Hanyang, where the Huguang Xuanfu envoy's official office is located.

In the evening, seven or eight men in black came galloping on horseback from the south of Baling County. In the Dongting Lake area, people on horseback were very rare. Everyone on the road knew that they must be the cavalry of the Song Army, so they gave way one after another. The men in black urged their horses to run Into the county.

Chen Qing was discussing the next move with several generals in the big tent of the military camp. At this time, a soldier reported outside the tent, "General Huyan is back!"

General Huyan is Huyanlei, the commander of the second scout battalion. He is different from Zhao Xiaoyi's first scout battalion. They are mainly responsible for the intelligence investigation in the enemy's city. The spies of the army in the city.

Chen Qing was overjoyed, he was waiting for news from Huyanlei!

He quickly ordered: "Let him in!"

After a while, Hu Yanlei walked quickly into the big tent, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Dutong for humble posts!"

"What good news for us?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"Reporting to Dutong, the possibility that I said before has succeeded."

"You mean to plot against Liu Heng?"


Chen Qing took two steps with his hands behind his back, and said to Hu Yanlei: "Tell everyone! Why is this Liu Heng being instigated?"

Hu Yanlei bowed to everyone and said: "This Liu Heng was the water thief leader of Changde Mansion before, and he had a concubine named Li Qingluo, who was a famous prostitute in Changde Mansion. His concubine, Li Qingluo, was taken over by Prime Minister Zhong's son, Zhong Zhiyi. After Zhong Ziyi died outside Baling City a few months ago, Liu Heng seemed to ask for his concubine back. Unexpectedly, this woman had already been favored by many people. Yang Yao rewarded her to his brother Yang Qin. Liu Heng was so angry that he cursed Yang Yao when he was drunk. As a result, Yang Yao beat him with a hundred army sticks in public and took away half of his subordinates. He felt that this person could be won over, so he found a middleman to test his attitude, and yesterday morning he found the middleman and expressed his willingness to surrender."

Zheng Ping frowned and said: "Is it a bit far-fetched to turn against Yang Yao for a prostitute?"

"Reporting to Commander Zheng, this famous prostitute Li Qingluo is not the woman Liu Heng plundered, he spent two thousand coins to redeem her, she is the concubine that the Ming matchmaker is marrying."

"How is Commander Yang?" Chen Qing asked Yang Yuanqing with a smile.

Yang Yuanqing thought for a while and said, "Just like what Old Zheng said, although Liu Heng was very angry when a woman was robbed, he might not betray Yang Yao. He held grudges at most, but the real reason for this person's surrender was the Battle of Junshan. , the woman was robbed is the inducement, the battle of Junshan is the main cause."

Chen Qing laughed, "Old Yang thinks the same as me, I wonder what Liu Heng's vote is?"

Hu Yanlei took out a thick stack of drawings and handed them to Chen Qing, "This is the detailed map of Dangkou Dangshui Village camp drawn by Liu Heng!"

(End of this chapter)

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