
Chapter 310

Chapter 310
Dozens of small boats were less than a mile away from Yuliang Island. When the soldiers saw more than a dozen vehicles and boats parked quietly on the shore of the island, the leader general was very excited and shouted: "Get ready to move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a warship of three thousand stone suddenly appeared in the darkness. It was so fierce that it rammed into dozens of small boats.

The small boat was unable to dodge in time, and seven or eight of them were knocked over by a loud bang. The soldiers fell into the water one after another, and the big boat sailed straight to the west without turning back.
"Help me!" the general shouted, waving his arms desperately as he floated in the water.

The terrified soldiers suddenly discovered that the dozens of vehicles and boats they had previously regarded as targets had disappeared.

Immediately after the sound of rumbling paddle wheels, crossbow arrows shot from all directions in the darkness, and the soldiers on board had no way to resist, so they had to jump into the river one after another, but they couldn’t escape the shooting of the crossbow arrows, hundreds of soldiers were crying in despair He shouted and died in the waves of the Han River.

In the northeast corner of the city, dozens of generals gathered around Dong Xian and watched the movement on the river. They were looking forward to the raging fire, but unfortunately they never saw the fire, but heard the roar that made them tremble with fear.

"It's over!"

Dong Xian closed his eyes, he could hear that this was not the roar of a vehicle or boat, it was at least dozens of vehicles and boats sailing at high speed in the river, but there was no sign of their sneak attack at all, which could only mean one thing, they fell behind Into the trap of Song Jun.

Half an hour later, the outside of the city was completely quiet, and there was still no fire. Everyone's hearts were cold, and the sneak attack failed.

Kong Yanzhou gritted his teeth and said, "Marshal, it is impossible for the Song Army to know about our sneak attack. Someone must have leaked the secret. It must be the Song Army's spies in Xiangyang. We must strictly investigate."

Dong Xian was thoughtful, and he also had the feeling that someone must have leaked the secret.

He looked back at Jiang Yanxian, "Jiang Dutong, what do you think is the problem?"

Jiang Yan pondered for a moment and said: "There are two possibilities, one is that someone in the army leaked the secret, and the other is that we were seen during the drill, but no matter what the possibility is, the spies of the Song Army must find a way to spread the news. Start with the people entering and leaving the city in the past few days."

Kong Yanzhou hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Please order me from a lowly position, and strictly investigate the murderer!"

Dong Xian ignored him, he knew very well the brutality of Kong Yanzhou and his army, once he was asked to investigate, his army would definitely take the opportunity to plunder or blackmail, and many people would lose their families as a result.

"Jiang Dutong, I will leave this task to you, find it out in three days!"

After finishing speaking, Dong Xian turned around and walked away, leaving the resentful and sinister Kong Yanzhou on the wall.

Just before dawn, the shopkeeper, Lao Xie, brought a man to the small courtyard that Huyanlei was renting in a hurry, and found Huyanlei who had just come back from outside.

"Proprietor, this is Miao Changjun, an aide of Xue Zhi County, he has important news."

The current magistrate Xue Yong is the magistrate of Xiangyang County in the Song Dynasty. This is the practice of the puppet Qi.

The staff stepped forward and clasped their fists and said: "Mr. Li, the county lord asked me to tell you that the military has begun to strictly investigate the people who have entered and exited the city in the past few days, including those who entered and exited the city. The list of the city was handed over to him, and the county lord promised to give it to him before noon, a total of [-] people, Jingzhou Restaurant is among them, only half a day, so hurry up and deal with it!"

After speaking, the staff saluted and turned to leave.

Hu Yanlei's face immediately became serious. It seems that Xue Xiancheng knew his true identity and helped him secretly. He should have underestimated him before. It's really wrong!

"Proprietor, what should we do now?" Lao Xie asked worriedly.

"Can I leave the city now?" Hu Yanlei asked anxiously.

Lao Xie shook his head, "I guess they won't give us another chance, even if we can go out of the city, it's a trap, wait for us to fall into the trap."

Hu Yanlei was right after thinking about it, he forced himself to calm down, and said to Lao Xie: "You go back immediately and close the restaurant, then take the guys to take the bullock carts to leave, change a few more cars on the way, and finally get off at Erxian Bridge , you walk in through the back door of the inn, and I will go to the inn to make arrangements now."

"It's not good to go to the inn all, how about a few people go to the car dealership?" After all, Lao Xie is older and has more thoughtful considerations.

"Alright, you, Xiao Si, and Ah Quan go to the car dealership, and the others go to the inn."

After a pause, Hu Yanlei said again: "Old Xie, you'd better burn all the information."

"But the restaurant only has very little information, I can take it with me."

"I know, but it's better to burn the information and don't carry it, I'm just in case."

Lao Xie nodded, "I understand, I will burn it when I go back!"

The two immediately split up and acted separately. The Jingzhou Restaurant was closed and closed. There were seven people in the restaurant, including the shopkeeper Lao Xie, two chefs and four bartenders. Several chefs and bartenders hurried out through the back door.

Jiang Yanxian couldn't wait until noon, more than half an hour before noon, Jiang Yanxian brought his hands down to the county government. Before that, more than [-] farmers who went to the city to sell vegetables every day had all been arrested. Of course, it is impossible to go to East Lake to explore the secrets, but Jiang Yanxian suspects that someone paid them to bring the news out.

"Jiang Dutong, if you want to get out of the city card within three days, I can give it to you early in the morning. There are only three companies in total. But if it was done in the past, they can still get out of the city in a few days, so I need to spend some time. Sort it out."

"I see, stop talking nonsense, where is the list?"

Xue Yong, the magistrate, handed over a list to Jiang Yanxian, "I sorted it out a bit, and there are [-] people in total. This is the whole list."

Jiang Yanxian quickly took the list and looked it over carefully, and drew a pen to circle out the three shops, Zhaoji Mule and Horse Shop, Wuweizhai Restaurant, and Jingzhou Restaurant. , the three of them are the most suspected.

He immediately divided his troops into three groups and went to these three houses to arrest people.
At noon, Jiang Yanxian brought his men down to the Jingzhou Restaurant, and the other two caught them, but the Jingzhou Restaurant was empty and closed for business.

An aide came forward to report, "Reporting to Dutong, we have questioned Zhaoji Luomaxing and Wuweizhai restaurants. They have been in business for more than ten years, and the shopkeeper and staff have not changed, but this Jingzhou restaurant seems to have been opened a month ago. The proprietor has been changed, the shopkeeper and the clerk have all changed."

Jiang Yan frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Beizhi asked the surrounding shops and some old drinkers, I can be sure."

Jiang Yanxian snorted heavily, "Go and have a look in the backyard!"

He can basically conclude that this Jingmen restaurant is probably Chen Qing's intelligence point in Xiangyang.

When they came to the backyard, the shopkeeper's room had been knocked open.

They rummaged through the room, but found no clues, not even the restaurant guy's rented place.

The soldier brought out a large copper basin, which was full of ashes from the burnt paper, "Dutong, apart from this, there are no other clues."

Jiang Yan first pulled out his sword and rummaged through the paper ashes, but found no clues. He pondered for a moment and said to his subordinates: "Go to the county government to check the information of this restaurant and find all useful clues. The key is its owner. What other stores are there in Xiangyang, and then find the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper's residence as soon as possible."

Several subordinates went to act separately, and Jiang Yanxian hurried to see Dong Xian.

"You found the clue so quickly?" Dong Xian really praised.

"The main reason is that the clues are relatively obvious. As long as you grasp the fact that you will be out of the city within three days, you will be able to find it very quickly. Now the Jingzhou restaurant meets all the conditions. I can basically be sure that it is it!"

"But the problem is that people run away, it's not easy!"

"There is no other way but to search all over the city, or offer a high price reward."

Dong Xian walked a few steps behind his back and said, "The key is what is the reward? We have never met the shopkeeper of Jingzhou Restaurant, do you think the reward will be effective?"

Jiang Yanxian pondered for a while and said: "The humble job considers using two lines to search, the reward is the open line, and even the search is the open line, the purpose is to stabilize the other party, but we secretly search the other two directions, which shops are still shopkeepers this month? They were all replaced together, I think that the person we want to find must be here, and we can bribe the beggars and rascals in Xiangyang City to find them."

"Is there another direction?"

"Another direction is Xue Yong, the county magistrate. The restaurant was closed too soon. Someone must have tipped off the news. The county magistrate Xue Yong deliberately delayed for half a day. I think it is very suspicious!"

Dong Xian nodded slowly, "What you see is true!"

 Lao Gao continues to ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month! !

(End of this chapter)

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