
Chapter 316 Jiangling

Chapter 316 Jiangling

In the night, figures on the moat swayed, and thousands of soldiers were building a pontoon bridge. Arrows rained down on the top of the city, and people kept screaming and falling down the moat.

This was the first time that [-] recruits fought in actual combat. The screams outside the city stimulated everyone's nerves and made the soldiers extremely excited. They kept looking for sensations, adjusted their posture, and tried to make themselves able to shoot an enemy soldier.

But it was night after all, and the vision was not clear. The soldiers all shot arrows at the place where the figure was shaking, and most of the arrows missed.

Chen Qing was watching the bustle below the city from the top of the city. Commander Wang Lun said in a low voice: "It's better to attack with fire oil balls and burn their pontoon bridge!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "We need to use war to sharpen our soldiers. An elite army is fought from the mountains of corpses and blood, not trained."

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing said again: "The construction of the pontoon bridge has come to an end, tell the soldiers to stop shooting and rest where they are!"

The order was conveyed, the arrows on the top of the city stopped shooting, and the construction of the pontoon bridges under the city also accelerated. At two o'clock, the construction of the three pontoon bridges was completed, and thousands of soldiers left hundreds of corpses, and they also receded like a tide. .

It was just dawn, and the sound of rumbling war drums sounded in the wilderness. From the puppet Qi army camp three miles away, teams came out one by one. Ten thousand troops quickly formed a large formation in the wilderness. One of the teams There are more than a hundred siege ladders, but no large siege weapons.

"Du Tong, that is the White Armored Army!" Zhao Ping pointed to an army in the northwest corner.

Chen Qing also saw that there were about a thousand people, wearing white helmets and armor, all of them were tall and murderous, and they stood out among the [-] troops.

But compared to the White Armor Army, Chen Qing paid more attention to the equipment of other soldiers, which were typical Song Army equipment, including leather armor, iron helmets, round shields and spears, and many soldiers held military crossbows.

Niu Gao sighed softly, "They were still the Song army more than a month ago, how could they have the heart to attack their own country?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "In their eyes, Jiangling is just a piece of oily fat. Apart from wealth and women, how can they have a family in their hearts?"

Chen Qing sternly ordered: "The bed crossbow is ready! General Niu, the city guard bow is ready!"

"Follow the order!" Niu Gao turned around and went down to the city.


The low-pitched horn blew, and two thousand crossbow soldiers rushed forward. Holding their large shields and carrying crossbows, they quickly rushed to about [-] steps. At this time, five hundred bed crossbows were fired, and two thousand Five hundred jackdaw arrows shot at the enemy crossbow soldiers with the power of piercing gold and cracking stones.

The soldiers raised their shields to meet them, but the shields couldn't block the penetrating power of the iron arrows. The shields and leather armor were shot through, and the crossbow soldiers screamed and fell to the ground.

Kong Yanzhou turned a blind eye to it, waved his saber, "Attack!"

'Boom!Boom! Boom!'
The war drums were beating fiercely, shaking the heavens and the earth, and eight thousand soldiers rushed towards the city head like a tide carrying the siege ladder.

Kong Yanzhou had a sneer on his face. He knew very well that the Song army only had [-] soldiers, and half of the army was used to operate the bed crossbow. The key bed crossbow was wound slowly, and they could only shoot two rounds at most. A few casualties were nothing to worry about. .

The crossbow soldiers of the puppet Qi army were already in place. They inserted the bottom of the shield tip into the soil and supported the shield with small wooden sticks. They hid behind the shield and shot arrows at the top of the city. Inexperienced and slow to dodge, more than a hundred soldiers were shot in this round of arrows,

Chen Qing calmly ordered: "Don't worry about the enemy, shoot at the crossbowmen!"

These crossbowmen not only threatened the soldiers at the head of the city, but also threatened the militia soldiers in the city.

The second round of [-] bed crossbows was fired. The target was the [-]-step crossbow army array. The crossbow army became a stationary target, and the damage was even greater. More than [-] crossbowmen were shot and killed by jackdaw arrows, blood splattered everywhere. .

Kong Yanzhou's face suddenly became very ugly. He didn't expect the lethality of the bed crossbow at the head of the city to be so amazing. Two rounds of bed crossbows shot and killed thousands of people. Seeing that the other party had another chance to launch the bed crossbow, he immediately ordered: "The crossbowmen are withdrawn!"

The remaining [-] crossbow soldiers were terrified. When they heard the order to retreat, they turned around and ran for their lives, but they only ran fifty steps, and the third gurney crossbow shot out. More than [-] crossbow soldiers were shot in the back one after another nailed to the ground.

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Remove the bed crossbow, and fire the city defense bow!"

The bed crossbow was quickly withdrawn, and the six thousand soldiers held their spears tightly, waiting for the enemy to come forward. At this moment, Niu Gao gave the order to shoot.

'Bang!Bang!Bang! 'There was a loud bang of clappers.

The [-] civilians lined up in the open space of the city drew their bows and shot arrows outside the city. The civilians only received half a day of bow and arrow training, but this kind of defensive bow does not need to be aimed, but only needs to maintain a [-]-degree oblique angle , Just shoot the arrow outside the city.

Ten thousand soldiers' arrows, like locusts covering the sky and covering the earth, soared into the sky at the same time, forming a cloud of arrows, flying across the top of the city to the outside of the city.

At this time, [-] soldiers formed three long dragons and rushed on the pontoon bridge, and [-] people had already rushed across the pontoon bridge, holding up the siege ladder and rushing towards the city wall.

At this moment, an overwhelming cloud of arrows appeared in the sky, then turned around and shot down densely at the soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army outside the city. Most of the soldiers' arrows fell into the water, but thousands of them also landed on the pontoon bridge. On the shore and on the shore, the puppet Qi army was caught off guard, and suddenly they turned their backs, and hundreds of soldiers fell into the water.

But the result was not satisfactory. The [-] arrows only killed more than [-] enemy soldiers. This is also because the water surface of the moat is too wide. Bows and arrows cannot shoot at this angle.

More than a hundred siege planes hung on the city wall one after another. Chen Qing glanced at a siege ladder in front of him. The top rung was made of wood, which made him feel relieved. forgotten.

There was no need for Chen Qing's order. The commanders and deputy commanders were all veterans killed from the mountain of corpses and blood. Under their arrangement and order, the axemen raised their big axes to strike at the crossbar.

More than [-] puppet Qi troops rushed across the pontoon bridge and gathered densely under the city wall. The vanguard was indeed the White Armored Army. They were distributed on dozens of siege ladders. They climbed up murderously, followed by a large number of puppet Qi troops behind them.

The Song Army's counterattack began. A huge log carrying thousands of barrels of kerosene fell from the puppet Qi army's head, and the pitch-black kerosene flowed everywhere. Someone reacted and shouted in horror, throwing dozens of torches down. , With a bang, the flames below the city rose into the sky, and countless people were ignited by the flames.

There was chaos under the city wall, and many burning soldiers fell into the moat like headless flies.

Chen Qing calmly ordered: "Throw the powder keg!"

Only three small trebuchets were prepared on the top of the city, corresponding to the three pontoon bridges, which were ignited and operated by three experienced deputy commanders.

The trebuchet was aimed at the pontoon, and three smoking powder kegs were thrown out one after another.
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were three violent explosions in succession. Tens of thousands of poisonous nails were shot on the three pontoon bridges. Thousands of soldiers on the shore and on the bridge were shot by the poisonous nails. The shock wave of the other pontoon bridge was blown off, and because the explosion point was slightly higher, the shock wave was a little weaker.

The second round of throwing was about to start, and at this time, hundreds of soldiers of the White Armored Army had already rushed to the top of the city, but they were shocked to find that the top three rungs had been cut off, and they could not climb up to the top of the city at all. .

But without giving them a chance to regret, several spears stabbed down together, and the sharp hair points pierced the armor and body. The top soldier screamed and fell to the city, engulfed by the flames.

In the distance, Kong Yanzhou was stunned. He never expected that the siege battle would become so tragic. This was something he had never encountered in the [-] years he had been in the army. Was the violent explosion a firearm?

"Dutong, withdraw the troops first! If this continues, all the brothers will be burned to death."

The army was about to be withdrawn just at the beginning, and Kong Yanzhou was furious, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and order: "Withdraw the army!"

'when!when!when! ' The bell for retreat rang.

[Lao Gao has a bit of a cold today, muscle pain all over his body, and dizziness. I would like to ask everyone for a day off. There is no chapter at noon, and it will be updated normally in the afternoon. 】

(End of this chapter)

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