
Chapter 326 Yiling

Chapter 326 Yiling

At one watch, everyone put on armor, each with spears, knives, horned crossbows, crossbows, and shields. In addition, they also carried three powder kegs with poisoned nails, and incense sticks of the same shape. The powder barrels were put together and mixed into the city, each weighing five catties, and carried by Wang Chao, the deputy commander of the Firearms Battalion.

Everyone also carried a ladder. If the task failed, they would use the ladder to evacuate. This was Chen Qing's order and they must be obeyed.

It's past two o'clock, and hundreds of soldiers are walking slowly along the shop. This is also the defensive advantage of Yiling County. The field of vision is very wide. During the day, you can see more than ten miles away. There is no problem inside or out.

But the moonlight tonight is very good, the moonlight is bright, the earth seems to be covered with a layer of silver light, the situation several miles away can be clearly seen on the top of the city, and there is no problem under the city wall, even a weasel can't escape the soldiers at the top of the city. Eye.

The only loophole is the dense shops at the foot of the mountain. Hiding behind the shops, the defenders on the top of the city will not be able to see them.

Under the leadership of Liu Cui, hundreds of elite Song soldiers hid behind the few shops closest to the city wall. Once the city gate was opened, they only needed a cup of tea to rush up the high slope and into the city. Door.

They made an appointment before and after the third watch, which is not necessarily so accurate. There is no problem opening the city gate before the third watch.

At two o'clock, thirteen warriors set off. Under the leadership of a servant in Jiang Ming, they ran along an alley towards the city gate. When they came to a fork, the servant pointed to a small alleyway: " Going out from this alley is Dongxi Street, less than a hundred steps away from Dongcheng Gate."

"Thank you!"

The servant left, and Yang Zaixing ran towards the entrance of the alley with twelve people. When he reached the entrance of the alley, Yang Zaixing looked around and saw a patrol team of [-] people coming from the direction of the east gate. Quickly pushing their hands back, everyone retreated and squatted down in the dark.

Under normal circumstances, the patrol team would not be able to find the people in the alley, and would walk over directly. After they had gone far, a group of people would come out of the alley.

But there are many things that they never thought of beforehand. Just as they squatted down, patrol soldiers walked past the alley, and suddenly there was a fierce dog barking from the yard next to them, and several vicious dogs were barking fiercely. They just got up and wanted to retreat , but was discovered by several patrolling soldiers.

"Who is it?"

At this moment, Yang Zaixing needs to make a decision, should they run away or meet them?

Yang Zaixing was heartbroken, and said to Wang Chao, "Light a gunpowder barrel and throw it out!"

Yang Zaixing shouted coldly: "We're just looking for fun, don't spoil our good deeds, go!"

Wherever the patrolling soldiers were willing to go, they rushed into the alley, "What's the matter, let's take my brother to play."

They regarded Yang Zaixing and the others as stragglers who were sneaking around looking for women.

The leading general went to the alley and asked, "Whose subordinates are you? Say the password first!"

Wang Chao lit the gunpowder barrel and threw it out of the alley at the right time. Yang Zaixing shouted: "Get down!"

The thirteen Song generals got down one after another and raised their shields to protect their heads and backs.

The gunpowder barrel exploded precisely on the heads of two hundred soldiers, and thousands of poisoned iron nails flew out. The sound of the explosion was deafening, screaming, and two hundred people fell down. Stronger, the poison nail has a longer range, easily penetrates the leather armor, and shoots into the body.

Yang Zaixing jumped up and shouted, "Kill!"

He brandished his iron gun and rushed up, and the twelve generals behind him also climbed up and rushed up.

On the street, a large area of ​​two hundred patrolmen fell down. The dozens of soldiers closest to the explosion point were blown to pieces, and several of them lost their heads. Most of the other soldiers were injured by poisonous nails, which hit their heads. Most of them were lying on the ground moaning in pain. A dozen soldiers who were lucky enough not to be hit by the poisonous nails ran away in fright.

Yang Zaixing shot backhand and killed the enemy general. He shouted: "Leave them alone, go to the city!"

Everyone rushed to the city gate a hundred steps away. At this moment, the alarm bell rang on the top of the city, 'Dang!when!when! 'Actually, they didn't need to ring the alarm bell. An explosion woke up the whole city.

The soldiers who had been sleeping on the top of the city wall were also awakened one after another, yelling and running towards the corridor, and the soldiers guarding the city gate also ran towards the corridor. Three hundred soldiers crowded the upper city in the south. As for the corridors, Yiling is a small city, unlike a big city that has an urn city, and has two upper city corridors. It is relatively simple, without an urn city, and only one upper city corridor.

They rushed down the tunnel, and the soldiers on the wall and the tunnel shot arrows one after another. Yang Zaixing, Gao Ding, and Liu Qiong fired arrows with iron guns. Yang Zaixing shouted, "Wang Chao, target the tunnel!"

Wang Chao took out another gunpowder keg and lit the match with a torch. He ran two steps and threw it towards the corridor. Thanks to the accumulation, he has already figured out the various habits of powder kegs, and the powder kegs he throws can even explode a foot from the ground.

Wang Chao shouted, "Get down!"

The thirteen companions lay down at the same time, using shields to protect their heads and backs. This has also been verified through countless experiments. Using this method, there is a [-]% chance of avoiding the attack of the poisonous nails.

The gunpowder barrel exploded above the corridor where the enemy soldiers were densely packed. The flames flashed and the poisonous nails shot out. , Many soldiers on the city wall were even more miserable. They were shot in the face and neck with poisonous nails.


Yang Zaixing let out a loud roar, and rushed up the tunnel with his companions. Twenty or so soldiers who survived tried to resist, but he shot and killed seven of them randomly. The rest of the soldiers turned around and fled in fright.

"Liu Qiong, bring a few people to open the door under the city!"

Liu Qiong turned around and ran down, and said to several companions: "Come with me!"

Here Yang Zaixing is the commander, Liu Qiong is the deputy commander, Gao Ding is the general commander, and the others are partial commanders, deputy commanders and capital heads, so Yang Zaixing is the leader, Liu Qiong and Gao Ding are the deputy generals.

Liu Qiong rushed into the city gate with three people. They could remove the three iron gate bolts, and the top three iron gate bolts needed to be opened from the top of the city.

They had just pulled out an iron door bolt when suddenly a companion screamed and was shot in the back by an arrow.

As soon as Liu Qiong turned her head, she found that countless soldiers were running towards this place, and more than [-] soldiers were shooting arrows here from a hundred steps away.

"Go ahead, I'll cover you!"

Liu Qiong rushed out of the door opening, brandishing an iron gun to strike arrows, and the other two companions struggled to pull out the remaining two bolts, and the rest was just a matter of the city.

On the top of the city, Yang Zaixing, Gao Ding and six other companions were fighting fiercely with [-] enemy soldiers. They covered Liang Gui and flipped three switches. Pull the switch slowly.

Liang Gui roared, and he creaked a switch and pulled it open.

At this time, Liu Qiong shouted anxiously from below the city, "Hurry up, the enemy is coming."

Yang Zaixing shouted anxiously, "Liang Gui, hurry up!"

Liang Gui was sweating profusely, but the cover underneath was too small for him to use his strength.

Gao Ding suddenly shouted: "Insert the hammer handle!"

One sentence reminded Liang Gui, he slapped himself hard, turned the hammer upside down, inserted the short handle into the iron sheath, held the hammer and pulled the switch with all his strength, and the second switch was pulled open by him.

There is one last switch, and hundreds of enemy troops under the city have already killed ten steps away from the city gate.

Liu Qiong took the two heads out, blocked the city gate, and fought fiercely with hundreds of soldiers.

At this time, Chen Qing led thousands of soldiers to rush outside the city gate. Some soldiers threw iron hooks, and the iron hooks hung on the city wall. The soldiers began to climb to the top of the city.

Suddenly, the city gate made an ear-piercing creaking sound, and the city gate suddenly moved. The soldiers pushed open the city gate with all their strength. With a loud roar, Chen Qing rushed into the city gate first. Brandishing a spear and fighting fiercely with the enemy, the other three fell to the ground and died.

Chen Qing's eyes were red, he rushed forward, ahead of Liu Qiong, the halberd struck out horizontally, and a dozen heads flew up at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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