
Chapter 328 Surrender

Chapter 328 Surrender
At dawn, Jiang Yanxian fled to Xintan Town, dozens of miles away, with a dozen of his own soldiers. The people in the town had already run away, and finally found a roadside tea shed set up by an old couple. They ordered some pancakes for tea and rice. Fill the stomach.

Jiang Yanxian was worried, this time he had offended Wan Yanchang, not to mention Marshal Dong Xian, even Emperor Liu Yu couldn't protect him, so what should he do?

At this moment, yellow dust billowed in the distance, as if an army was approaching.

Jiang Yan looked at it for a while, then said to a soldier, "Whose army is it to go and see?"

The soldiers galloped away on horseback, came back after a while and said, "It's the army commanding Wang Bin, it seems that Yiling has fallen!"

Jiang Yanxian was taken aback, and hurried up the official road. After a while, Wang Bin led more than a thousand people and rushed over. Wang Bin got off his horse and knelt down on one knee to report: "The humble position is incompetent. If you have a responsibility, you will be entrusted with it. If you can't keep Yiling County, please rule over crimes!"

Jiang Yanxian quickly asked, "Who captured Yiling County?"

"Report to Dutong, it's Chen Qing's army!"

"Chen Qing?"

A wry smile appeared on Jiang Yanxian's face, and it really was him again.

At this time, Wang Bin asked a little strangely, "Why is Dutong here?"

Wang Bin is Jiang Yanxian's confidant general, so he let Wang Bin guard Xiazhou.

"Go sit down over there and talk!"

The two sat down in the tea shed, and Jiang Yanxian told Wang Bin what happened last night. He sighed and said, "Wan Yanchang doesn't trust me at all. He decided long ago to let Li Chi replace me after entering Sichuan, and we need four more The government has written a letter of loyalty, and my military power has been deprived. If I hadn't escaped quickly, I would be dead now. If Li Chi wants to take power completely, he will definitely kill me to avoid future troubles."

Wang Bin asked for a long while, "What about the Dutong?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled wryly, "What else can I do? Both sides are blocked, so I can only try if Chen Qing can tolerate me."

"Will Chen Qing accept Dutong?"

"I'm not Kong Yanzhou, at least he doesn't hate me."

Wang Bin bit his lip and said, "I would like to follow Dutong and surrender to Chen Qing. I was promoted by Dutong, and Li Chi will not tolerate me either!"

Jiang Yan thought for a while and asked, "How many people do you have under your command?"

"There are seventeen hundred more."

"Has there been burning, killing and looting on the road?"

Wang Bin shook his head hastily, "I don't dare to act recklessly in a lowly position!"

"I was thinking, if there is a nomination certificate, it will be easier for Chen Qing to talk."

"What do you think?"

Jiang Yanxian pondered for a moment and said: "Today Li Chi is going to attack Zigui with fire, and I'm afraid Zigui will not be able to keep it. I might as well draw the bottom line and keep Zigui so that Li Chi can't enter Sichuan. At least I can make meritorious service and atone for my crime."

"I'm afraid Li Chi won't give us a chance."

Jiang Yanxian laughed, "Everything is arranged by me. I know if there is a chance. If there is no army, I am really not sure, but with more than a thousand troops, I am sure."

A soldier next to him worried: "Dutong, it will be dawn soon, will it be too late?"

"It's too late!"

Jiang Yan smiled faintly, "They still have one important thing to do!"

On the high platform outside Zigui County, the soldiers chanted and pulled twelve medium-sized trebuchets onto the high platform one by one. Logically, they should be dismantled and transported up for reassembly, but that would take at least three days. Li Chi couldn't wait any longer, so he only removed the throwing pole, and the trebuchet was pulled up with a rope as a whole. In this way, only one throwing pole was installed, and half a day was enough.

At noon, the twelve trebuchets were pulled up to the high platform, and the craftsmen began to install the throwing poles.

"Can you pack it up today?" Li Chi asked eagerly.

"The artisans didn't wait until they were all pulled up before starting to install them. In fact, five racks have already been installed, and the other seven racks are guaranteed to be installed before dark."

When Li Chi heard that five planes had already been installed, he immediately took out the token and handed it to a general, saying, "Go to the warehouse and bring in ten kerosene balls!"

The management rules of the fire oil balls were set by Jiang Yanxian. They carried a total of [-] fire oil balls, and now there are [-] more. Each fire oil ball is packed in a wooden box and numbered , the management is extremely strict, you must have the commander's token to call, and you can only go to the warehouse to pick it up when you use it. After use, the remaining fire oil balls must be sent back to the warehouse immediately.

A general took the token and immediately led a group of soldiers to the warehouse in the northeast corner of the camp.

Li Chi looked at Zigui County with his hands behind his back and smiled triumphantly at the four commanders: "Once we capture Zigui County and enter Kuizhou, the Metropolitan Army will personally come to command the battle. Once Sichuan is captured, everyone's glory and wealth will be entrusted to me." body."

The four commanders bowed together and saluted, "Thank you Dutong for your kindness!"

At this moment, a shout of killing suddenly came from a distance, Li Chi was startled, "Where is the shout of killing coming from?"

"Dutong, it seems to be the voice from the barracks!"

Li Chi immediately turned around and looked towards the barracks. Sure enough, it came from the barracks. He saw a sergeant galloping towards him on horseback. The sergeant shouted from under the high platform: "Report to Dutong, Jiang Yanxian led an army to attack storehouse!"

Li Chi was startled, and then furious, he quickly stepped off the high platform, got on his horse, and led thousands of troops towards the barracks two miles away.

But after only running for a mile, the warehouse was ablaze with flames and smoke billowing, and the fire had already ignited. The general who was ordered to fetch the fire oil ball just stumbled back and said, "Dutong, it's Jiang Yanxian. He took the fire oil ball." All lit."

Li Chi was stunned for a moment, the fire oil ball was ignited, so what did he use to attack the city?
Jiang Yanxian led more than a thousand soldiers to retreat to Xintan Town, just in time to meet the mighty Chen Qing's army.

Jiang Yan first wrote a letter and asked the soldiers to deliver it to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing really did not expect that Jiang Yanxian would come to surrender. Judging from the letter, he should have been robbed of military power by Wan Yanchang's confidant and had nowhere to go, so he surrendered himself.

Chen Qing was deeply impressed by Jiang Yanxian, especially when he falsely spread the news of the plague, mobilized the people of Changshou County to flee the city, and successfully covered the withdrawal of tens of thousands of troops from Changshou, which made him fall short.

This person is a great talent, quite strategic, if he sincerely surrenders himself, he can accept it.

Chen Qing then ordered Yang Zaixing to accept the surrender of Wang Bin and more than [-] people, and then he received Jiang Yanxian in the temporary tent.

Jiang Yanxian was ashamed and said: "Mengdu will not give up and accept his surrender. Jiang Yanxian is very grateful!"

Chen Qing asked Jiang Yan to sit down first with a smile, and served hot tea to the soldiers, and asked with a smile: "Why did Jiang Dutong have internal strife?"

"It's because Wan Yanchang didn't trust me at all. He sent a confidant named Li Chi to be my deputy general. At the same time, he asked four of my subordinates to sign a letter of loyalty. It is estimated that after I led the army into Bashu, Li Chi Instead of me, it was just that I hesitated in the fire attack on Zigui County, and they couldn't wait to start, so I saw their true colors."

"Siege the city with fire? How?"

"Use fire oil balls to burn the city. Zigui County is not big, and sixty fire oil balls are enough to cover the entire east city, and the soldiers can carry the water-soaked quilts to the city."

Chen Qing was taken aback, "Then they are already attacking the city!"

"Please rest assured that I will never do anything to shame the people of Bashu. At noon today, I led an army to attack the warehouse and ignited all the fire oil balls and fire oil. They can no longer use fire to attack. They just rely on throwing stones." , Zigui City is not so easy to capture."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, "It's the greatest sincerity that Dutong can burn the kerosene!"

After a pause, Chen Qing asked again: "The battle of Hanyang Mansion is over, Dong Xian fled back to Xiangyang, why don't I write you a letter, and you take the letter to find Li Gang, the envoy of Xuan Fu, and it would be more appropriate for him to accept your surrender." , after all, you are also the governor."

Jiang Yanxian shook his head, "You have been dismissed, you are no longer the governor of the puppet Qi army, and you don't even have a civil position. You are originally a Song official, and you are really ashamed of the court, and you have no face to see your old colleagues. Regardless of the previous accusations that the record is lowly, I am willing to be an aide for Dutong, if it is not convenient for him, then I will be a small citizen and go home to serve my mother."

(End of this chapter)

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