
Chapter 330 Dead End

Chapter 330 Dead End
It took the puppet Qi army a day and a night, and it took a lot of effort to remove the burning giant wood, but to their despair, a larger pile of giant trees appeared in Baibu. Standing on the giant log, the torch looked at them proudly.

Li Chi was furious, "Shoot an arrow! Shoot him to death!"

Arrows were fired, and the soldiers disappeared, but the torches ignited the kerosene and giant logs on the ground, and the fire burned again. All the soldiers seemed to have fallen into the ice cave, and the despair pervaded the entire army.

No one knows how many piles of giant trees are waiting for them after this pile of giant trees is removed.

When the time came to the next night, the giant wood was burnt to ashes, and the soldiers removed the charred giant wood, and a pile of giant trees appeared in front of them. There was light rain, and the fire burned extraordinarily vigorously in the rain.

More than [-] puppet Qi soldiers sat under the rocky cliff, drenched by the rain, cold and hungry, and unable to sleep. Fear and despair filled everyone's heart. A news spread quickly among the soldiers. The person who stopped them was not Jiang Yanxian, but Song Jun.

Many people saw the soldier lighting the fire, and it was clearly a Song army, which meant that Yiling County had already been captured by the Song army.

The last meal of dry food was finished in the afternoon, but the logistics team they were looking forward to had never arrived. Logically, it should have arrived long ago, but now there is no sign of it. The soldiers felt a bad feeling in their hearts.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers sent to urge the logistics team came back. There were more than a dozen of them, and only two came back. They brought the news like a bolt from the blue. Behind them was Chen Qing's army, dozens of miles away. Six thousand people, the logistics team has been taken away by the Song army.

Needless to say, the Song army who stopped them in front must also be Chen Qing's army. They fell into a trap and were blocked on a dangerous mountain road, unable to advance or retreat.

At four o'clock, the distraught Li Chi led a dozen of his own soldiers to inspect the army. The soldiers formed groups of three or five, gathered together and chatted quietly, and when they saw him coming, they left vigilantly. No need to guess, Li Chi knew about them What are you talking about?
Li Chi reprimanded him all the way, when he came to a corner, a group of soldiers on the other side obviously did not see him coming,

"If Jiang Dutong was here, it would not be so miserable at all, at least the brothers would not be hungry."

"Jiang Dutong has considered the problem carefully and will never leave the food, grass and luggage behind. It was like this when we came. The food, grass and luggage go in the middle, and the army goes to the two ends. Although it is a bit slower, it is very safe."

"I heard that Li seized power and wanted to kill Jiang Dutong, so he forced Jiang Dutong away."

"It's better to surrender! It's better than starving to death!"

Li Chi was so angry that he drew his sword and charged forward, shouting, "You bastards!"

A dozen or so people gathered together, when Li Chi suddenly appeared, they all stood up in fright.

"Do you Han dogs want to rebel? Who said you would surrender just now!"

Li Chi stared viciously at a young man, as if he was the one who said it.

"Is that what you said to surrender?"

Young Dutou plucked up his courage and said, "If this continues, the brothers will definitely starve to death. Surrendering is of course better than starving to death."

Li Chi laughed grimly: "You won't starve to death, you have to die now!"

He stabbed fiercely with the sword, and the young man couldn't dodge his head in time, the sword pierced through his chest, the young man screamed and died instantly.


The brother next to him yelled and hugged his brother's body.

He slowly raised his head to stare at Li Chi, his eyes turned blood red.

"He has shaken the morale of the army, he deserves death!" Li Chi yelled guiltily.

"I fought with you!"

Dutou drew his sword and rushed towards Li Chi, and the soldiers around him raised their spears and stabbed him, killing his elder brother on the spot.

The tragic death of the two brothers enraged the dozen or so people around, and they shouted together: "Brothers, kill this false Tartar!"

Hundreds of soldiers around were already filled with resentment, and they took up their spears one after another to kill Li Chi. Li Chi couldn't dodge, and was stabbed in the thigh by a spear. Running quickly, he and his horse fell off the cliff and fell into the Yangtze River.

The army began to mutiny. Several of Jiang Yanxian's confidant generals who had been dismissed by Li Chi took the opportunity to lead the soldiers to rebel, killed four commanders, and held up the white flag to demand surrender.

Before going to the prison, groups of soldiers took off their armor, put down their weapons, and entered the pass with their hands raised high. What awaited them was a bowl of hot white porridge and two big steamed buns. The soldiers were so hungry that they squatted on the ground to eat. stand up.

Chen Qing stood at a height and looked at the surrendered soldiers. This group of troops was of good quality, generally tall and young, much higher in quality than the puppet Qi army defeated in Hanyang.

Chen Qing's army has relatively high requirements for soldiers, and they must be at least six feet tall. In conversion, they must be at least [-] meters old and able to lift a hundred catties of weight over their heads. Although the requirements are high, the treatment is good. In addition to the court's salary, the army also has a monthly subsidy of consistent money. In addition, there are often rewards of spoils of war. It can not only defend the family and the country, but also earn money from the army, so his morale has always been kept high.

Chen Qing said to Wang Duo and Gao Ding: "You select [-] elites from among them to supplement our military losses."

"Follow the order!" The two walked quickly.

At noon the next day, Yang Zaixing came back with his luggage and prisoners of war, and Zhang Ziliang, the eunuch and governor of Xiazhou, came with him.

Zhang Ziliang is a civil servant, but he has also been tempered by the troubled times to learn both civil and martial arts. He can teach in schools, can lead soldiers in war, and has a straightforward personality.

"These prisoners of war are not bad. I will also pick [-] people to replenish our troops. If we kill them next time, Xiazhou and Guizhou will not be able to keep them."

"Although Governor Zhang chooses prisoners of war, I have a suggestion!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I think Yiling and Jiangling have a lot of land. It's better to let the soldiers write letters and take over their families to live, so that the soldiers can join the army with peace of mind, otherwise it's easy to escape."

Zhang Ziliang nodded, "That makes sense. I will discuss with the Xuanfu envoy to convert some of the official land into military land."

In fact, Chen Qing also encountered the same problem. All the soldiers in his army were from the Northwest, so it was doomed that he would not be able to stay in Yuezhou permanently, and he had to find a way to transfer back to the Northwest.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao handed him a roster of [-] soldiers selected from the prisoners of war. Chen Qing looked at the roster and found that almost all the soldiers were from Henan, Shanzhou, and Ruzhou.

"Dutong, it may not be easy to reassure the soldiers!"

Chen Qing understood what Zhang Xiao meant. It would be fine if they were from the same country, but their family members lived in the enemy country. It was indeed not easy to stabilize the morale of the army.

"I find time to calm their emotions."

Zhang Xiao hesitated and said: "The appeasement is only for a while. The humble official said that it is best for us to have a place of foundation, a place like Qinzhou, so that we can find a way to move their family to Qinzhou, and the soldiers will stabilize. , this is the fundamental solution.”

Chen Qing nodded, "I know what you mean. Maybe after the Jingxiang battle is over, I will go to Lin'an to be honored. When the time comes, I will try my best to transfer me back."

Zhang Xiao said worriedly: "But they have only been transferred to Jinghu for a few months, and they want to transfer back. Will the imperial court agree?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Generally speaking, it is unlikely, but if there are special circumstances, such as the fall of Hanzhong or the crisis in Bashu, there is hope. With Zhu Shengfei's pedantic and authoritarian power, there will definitely be a crisis in the Northwest. It is a matter of time! "

After resting for two days, Chen Qing led the army to leave Xiazhou and march towards Xiangyang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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