
Chapter 335 Watergate

Chapter 335 Watergate
The front end of the collision ship is a triangular piece of pig iron as the collision head. It is so powerful that it can break a five hundred stone cargo ship in half. The faster the speed, the greater the power it accumulates.

Thirty feet away from the water city gate, more than a dozen soldiers of the Song army on the ship put down the mast and sail together, and the soldiers fell down one after another, "Dang!" There was a loud noise, and the iron fence as thick as an arm was even rooted. crashed and fell into the water.

Two thousand stones crashed into the gate of the water city and broke most of the iron gate inside. Unfortunately, they couldn't break all of them, and soldiers had to break it manually.

Dutou Lugui stood up and rushed towards the bow of the ship with a forty-jin hammer in his hand. Dozens of soldiers also got off the ship one after another, and rushed towards the iron gate of the inner city with sharp axes in their hands.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the rotten iron rod couldn't support Lu Gui's hammer, and immediately broke two fences. The soldiers hacked with sharp axes, and the effect was even better. A few iron fences.

Lu Gui was a little jealous, he threw away the hammer, took a thirty-jin sharp ax from the soldier's hand, and slashed vigorously again, 'Crack! With a sound, five fences were cut off with an axe.

He yelled repeatedly, and with more than a dozen axes in a row, all the iron gates inside were finally cut off, and the gate crashed into the water. The soldiers struggled to prop up the bamboo poles, and the two thousand stone collision boat actually sailed into the city.

Chen Qing had been prepared for a long time. Nearly a hundred small boats full of elite soldiers followed behind the collision ship. Chen Qing himself was in the first small boat. When the boat entered the city, he jumped ashore and shouted: "Follow me!" Come!"

He led dozens of soldiers to the side corridor, but saw thousands of puppet Qi soldiers rushing towards Shuicheng along the base of the city wall.
Chen Qing rushed to the top of the city, roared, and killed more than a dozen soldiers who were running towards him, beheading seven of them in an instant. Shouting, "Human monsters are coming to the city! Human demons are going to the city!"

Hundreds of soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army who were rushing to hear that the demon Chen Qing was in front were all terrified and ran away in fright.

Chen Qing led more than [-] elite soldiers to capture the top of the city above the water city gate without any effort.

At this time, a series of explosions sounded under the city wall. This is the soldiers of the Firearms Battalion entering the city. They threw thirty double-layer gunpowder barrels, which exploded in front of the enemy. The soldier fell down screaming, and the puppet Qi soldiers behind were so frightened that they lay down on the ground.

Before the gunpowder smoke dissipated, another [-] double-layer gunpowder barrels were thrown in the second round, suppressing the puppet Qi army again. The two rounds of suppression gave the soldiers of the Song Army valuable time to enter the city. The Thousand Shields and Short Spear Army had already completed their formation, forming a dense square formation.

At this time, Chen Qing led [-] soldiers with heavy shields and short spears at the top of the city, and also deployed a defensive formation, firmly controlling the top of the city above the water city gate.

More than a dozen [-]-stone ships full of soldiers from the Song Army are coming here. They will form a long passage, and [-] soldiers, including cavalry, will go to the city from here.

The first three-thousand stone warship arrived in front of the water city gate. The huge ship ladder hooked the bow of the ship, and the three hundred soldiers on the ship ran to the top of the city in a row. The main ship rushed to the city directly, and the cavalry also appeared behind.

Chen Qing saw that the general situation was basically settled, so he ordered the soldiers: "Shoot gunpowder arrows!"

Three gunpowder arrows shot into the sky, like three shooting stars, very bright in the sky.

The fierce battle in the west city was still in a state of stalemate. The Song army attacked the city twice and was killed twice. The dense bed crossbows and god arm crossbow arrows kept shooting the soldiers of the Song army. More than [-] soldiers had been killed. Including the commander Zhao Hong, unfortunately, was shot and fell into the city, but it was still difficult for the Song army to attack the city.

But it was precisely because the attack on Xicheng successfully attracted a large amount of combat resources from the puppet Qi army, including all bed crossbows, god arm crossbows, heavy armored soldiers, kerosene, and the most elite [-] soldiers in the city, etc., that made the Song army The attack at the Water City Gate met with no tragic resistance.

This is a very classic example of Mingxiu plank road and secretly crossing Chencang. From the beginning to the end, Chen Qing played up an illusion of using ships to attack the city, and even parked twenty attacking ships on the river where the opponent could see at a glance , even all Song generals including Li Gang thought that Chen Qing would use warships to attack the city.

But in fact, he adopted Jiang Yanxian's suggestion and used the weakness of Shuicheng to enter the city.

Zheng Ping also saw three gunpowder arrows flying into the sky, and he shouted: "The whole army retreats! Retreat!"

'when!when!when! '

On the big ship, the bell for retreat rang, and the soldiers of the Song army who were fighting the enemy retreated back to the big ship one after another, but the soldiers retreated without being attacked by the bed crossbow and the god arm crossbow, and the other side also retreated.

All the fighting soldiers retreated to the big ship, and the fleet also began to retreat to the other side of the moat, and soon left the warship.

At the same time, in the coach's camp in the south, Li Gang stayed up all night, pacing back and forth in the big tent with his hands behind his back. He hoped to hear good news, but he was worried that the news of Chen Qing's defeat would come. A few days ago, he got the news that the defenders at the top of the city were well prepared, it was difficult for Chen Qing's army to attack the top of the city, and the casualties were heavy, which made his heart hang.

Could it be that Chen Qing failed due to lack of preparation as Zhe Yanzhi and Xie Qian said?
At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside, and Orihiko rushed into the big tent and said anxiously: "Xuanfu envoy, Chen Qing's army has already entered the city!"

Li Gang's expression was mixed with joy and sadness. He looked at the top of the tent and slowly closed his eyes, his heart finally fell.

After a while, he finally showed joy on his face, and asked, "His nest ship tactic has finally succeeded!"

Orihiko shook his head quickly, "It wasn't the nest ship tactic, the nest ship tactic didn't work, he broke through the water city gate and entered the city from the water city gate."

Li Gang was stunned, "Does he still have two strategies?"

"It should be, and attacking the water city gate is the real strategy. He personally led the army to attack the water city gate. It is said that he smashed the iron fence of the water city gate with a ramming boat. The iron fence has been in disrepair for a long time and is rotten. , was discovered by Chen Qing and seized the opportunity."

Li Gang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but soon he was relieved, this is the real general, who has achieved the ultimate in strategic deception, even his own coach, if he told himself too soon, maybe his own army There will be a change, which will be seen by the other party.

At this time, the sound of running footsteps came from the tent, and a soldier reported, "Report to the Xuan Fu envoy, Chen Qing sent someone to see him!"

"Announce him in!"

Soon a person walked in from outside the tent, it was Zhao Xiaoyi, the deputy commander of the scout battalion, who came to see Li Gang under Chen Qing's order.

Zhao Xiaoyi knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Xuanfu envoy!"

Li Gang knew Zhao Xiaoyi, nodded and smiled, "So it's General Zhao, what's the matter with your family?"

"Dutong implores the Xuan Fu envoy to send troops immediately to surround the west gate, and make sure to stop the enemy from escaping."

Li Gang came to his senses, and quickly confronted Zheyan: "You immediately lead an army of [-] to the west gate to intercept the enemy's escape!"

"Follow the order!"

Zhe Yanzhi took the arrow and turned away, Li Gang then asked Zhao Xiaoyi with a smile, "General Zhao, tell me in detail, how did your family break through the water gate?"

Although Zheng Ping's army was in the west city, they withdrew Chen Qing's west camp. The west camp was very empty, with only one thousand logistics troops. If the enemy took the opportunity to capture it, the consequences would be serious.

Zheng Pinghe's [-] troops wanted to defend the camp, so they did not go to surround the defeated army at the west gate.

Dong Xian had already realized that Xiangyang was difficult to protect, so he took advantage of the opportunity of Chen Qing's main force entering the city through the Shuicheng gate, and ordered to open the west gate to escape. He knew that Chen Qing was guarding the west city, and his main force was inside the city, so the outside of the west city must be empty.

Dong Xian's judgment was correct. There was no army outside the west city to intercept them. Dong Xian didn't care about attacking Chen Qing's camp. He immediately led an army of [-] to retreat to Fangzhou. No matter how much the emperor blamed him, he admitted it.

But when Orihiko led the army to arrive, most of the defenders in the city had been transferred away, and they only intercepted the [-]-tail army. Excluding the soldiers who died in battle, there was no puppet Qi army in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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