
Chapter 342 Occupation

Chapter 342 Occupation
Zheng Tongquan nodded with a smile, "Then the day after tomorrow, on the third day of the twelfth lunar month, my nephew, please tell the Lu Mansion that at the right time in the morning, I will go to the Lu Mansion to make a betrothal gift, and by the way, we will discuss the wedding ceremony and the wedding date together."

"Uncle, I can offer up to [-] bolts of silk for gifts."

Zheng Tongquan smiled and waved his hands, "It's too much, why do we need [-] bolts of silk? You are the Duke of the state, so let's follow the rules of a prince's marriage. Five thousand pieces of silk are enough. This is five thousand guan!"

"My nephew doesn't understand much, so my uncle is the one to decide everything."

Zheng Ping sent Chen Qing out of the gate, he hesitated and said: "There is a business, are you interested?"

The Song Dynasty was the most tolerant dynasty to business. Almost all relatives of the emperor and court ministers were involved in business, even the emperor and concubines were doing business.

Chen Qing was not against doing business at all, if he hadn't needed money before, he would have already invested in Huyan's restaurant.

"Tell me, what business is it?"

"You know that our family is in the medicinal material business, and then the medicinal material business was inherited by my elder brother, and then my family started the wine business again. The imperial court gave the wine license and it was run by my second brother. My father always felt ashamed of me and kept saying If you want to give me a business, a business that can be inherited by my descendants, I was unwilling before, but after having a son, my mentality has changed a bit, and I think it is good to have a business."

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Qing quickly interrupted him, and asked with wide eyes: "Could it be that you don't want to join the army?"

"No! I don't need to worry about the specific business. My elder brother and second brother are the same. There are more than a dozen big stewards in our family, and they are usually handed over to the big stewards. There is a special account room for supervision. I just invest money and share the profits. , my father now has an identity after all, and he can no longer haunt the shopping malls like before."

Chen Qing understands that this is a professional manager model, where the big manager is responsible for the operation, and the Zheng family is just hiding behind the scenes as investors. It is estimated that other royal relatives are doing this.

"What business does your father want you to do?"

"Spice business!"

Chen Qing's eyes lit up, this is a huge profit, go overseas to buy spices in Southeast Asia!But the cost to invest is not small.

"How did you think of letting me participate?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"The main reason is that I don't have enough money!"

Zheng Ping said frankly: "When you mentioned [-] bolts of silk just now, I suddenly thought of it."

"Your father doesn't give you enough capital?"

Zheng Ping shook his head: "My father treated the three brothers equally, and only gave them [-] guan as capital, but it was not enough for the spice business. Usually, they started with [-] guan. They had to buy ships, warehouses, hire people, and join the sea. Chamber of Commerce, and then purchase, pay taxes, cost a lot, but also a lot of profit."

Chen Qing asked curiously, "What is the Maritime Chamber of Commerce?"

"It is a chamber of commerce organized by merchants spontaneously. The chamber of commerce has warships and hundreds of highly skilled warriors who specialize in dealing with pirates. Then everyone goes to sea at once, guarded by warriors from the sea chamber of commerce. It costs two thousand coins to join the sea chamber of commerce, and each time they go to sea You have to pay another amount of protection money, which is about [-] guan.”

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand, how much do I need to pay?"

"If you can pay [-] yuan, we will get half of the profit and share the risk. Of course, the premise is that you trust me."

"How could I not trust you? It just so happened that the government also rewarded me with five thousand taels of silver. I will vote for you with the five thousand taels of silver, even if I took advantage of you."

Chen Qing knew in his heart that not only could he make money with capital, but the most important thing was the channel. Where to buy spices, and who to sell them to, all depended on the contacts of the Zheng family. This advantage was taken advantage of by himself.

Zheng Ping chuckled, "Trust belongs to trust, we still need brothers to settle the accounts clearly, you give me the money, we write a contract, and then set up a commercial bank, I have already thought about the name of the commercial bank, each take a word from our names , called Qingping Trading Company, how about it?"

"Call it Ping Qing!"

"No! You thought of a good name for my son, and I'll let you do it cheaply."

Chen Qing still shook his head, he had already taken a lot of advantage, even if Zheng Ping didn't care about the name of the firm, his father would definitely care, and he had to hand over the naming rights to the other party.

"How about this! If your son's name is really Zheng Cheng, then the firm will be called Cheng Qinghang."

Putting his son's name first, Zheng Ping, of course, stopped being humble, "Okay! I'll listen to you, no matter what, my son's name is Zheng Cheng!"

Sitting in the carriage, Chen Qing returned to the mansion. At this moment, he finally came to his senses. Even if Zheng Ping didn't have enough money, he could definitely borrow it from his father and elder brother!With the wealth background of the Zheng family, there is no need to invest by yourself.

More importantly, it is not up to Zheng Ping to let himself participate in the major events of the Zheng family's business kingdom. Even if Zheng Ping gets hotheaded for a while, he must get his father's approval. How could he make a hasty decision in a short period of time?

Chen Qing understood that this must be Zheng Ping's father's intention. By letting him join the Zheng family's business kingdom, he was deeply bound with himself. It can also be said that the Zheng family is investing in his future.

The backstage of the Zheng family is the Empress Dowager Zheng, but the younger brother of the Empress Dowager Zheng is dead. Zheng Tongquan is only kind to the Empress Dowager Zheng, not her younger brother. In addition, the Empress Dowager Zheng is already in a semi-monastic state in order to avoid the jealousy of the Empress Dowager Wei. Living deep in the Guanyin Temple.

In addition to being rich, Zheng Tongquan, the uncle of the country in name, actually does not have a high status in Lin'an. As a businessman, it is normal to seek asylum, but does Zheng Tongquan think too highly of himself?

Thinking of this, Chen Qing couldn't help but secretly gave a wry smile.

In Qin Hui's Xiangguo Mansion, the housekeeper sent a man in black to the passenger ship on the Qin Mansion's special pier, and watched the ship go away.

The housekeeper hurriedly came to the courtyard of Qin Hui's study, bowed and said, "Master, you have already left."

"I see, thank you for your hard work, step back!"

The butler saluted and retreated.

Qin Hui returned to the study, opened the letter sent to him by the man in black, and read it again in a hurry, feeling agitated in the middle of the letter.

The man in black is Wan Yanchang's messenger, and was ordered to deliver a letter written by Wan Yanchang to Qin Hui. Although Wan Yanchang did not come to An'an this time, his ghost still lingers, and he came back with Chen Qing.


Qin Hui's wife, Wang Shi, appeared at the door of the study, holding a cup of ginseng tea in her hand.

She walked into the room, put the ginseng tea on the table, and said with a faint smile: "I wonder who wrote the letter to the master?"

Wang received a report from the maid, and the master took a messenger to the study and sent a housekeeper to secretly send him away.

This made Wang suspicious. Wang suspected that her husband's ex-wife Lin sent someone to deliver the letter, otherwise her husband would not be so sneaky.

Wang has always had a thorn in her heart, and that is her husband's ex-wife and two sons. Qin Hui was married before winning the first prize, and has a wife and two sons.

After winning the first prize, he was favored by the former chancellor Wang Gui and betrothed his granddaughter to him. Qin Hui divorced his ex-wife and married his current wife, Wang Shi. With the support of the Wang family's connections and financial resources, Qin Hui was able to prosper in office. Step by step into the court.

But the problem is that Wang is infertile, so he has to adopt the illegitimate son of his stepbrother Wang Huan as his adopted son, named Qin Xi, who is only thirteen years old this year.

Of course, Mrs. Wang knew that the adopted son was no match for her own son. She had been watching her husband's every move. As long as she was the mistress, the husband would never want to bring the two sons home.

Qin Hui didn't know what his wife was thinking, he sighed, "Talan sent someone to deliver a letter to me again."

Wang's slender eyebrows raised, "But it's about Chen Qing?"

Qin Hui was taken aback, "How do you know?"

"Hmph! What's the point of paying attention to a young general of the Song Dynasty all day long when the dignified Imperial Guard doesn't care about world affairs?"

"Things are not as simple as you think, but tell me first, how do you know that the content of the letter is about Chen Qing?"

Wang said for a while, "The Queen Mother also received a letter."

Qin Hui's eyes widened, "Is the Queen Mother still in contact with Jin Guo?"

Wang Shi didn't take her husband's surprise seriously, and said coldly: "My husband, don't make such a fuss, okay, she gave birth to two sons in the Kingdom of Jin, how could she not care?"

Qin Hui shook his head secretly, these women are just stupid, they can't always see the seriousness of the matter, and what's more, his wife didn't tell him about such an important matter.

Qin Hui said for a while: "Next time she receives a letter, you must tell me immediately."

Wang said impatiently: "I see, what else do you want to ask?"

Only then did Qin Hui ask her, "I want to know, who wrote the letter that the Queen Mother received, and what did the letter say?"

(End of this chapter)

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