
Chapter 361

Chapter 361
When Chen Qing arrived at the Imperial Study Room, it was already dark, and hundreds of palace lanterns were lit inside and outside the main hall of the Imperial Study Room. The lights were so bright that the square was illuminated like daytime.

There was a tense atmosphere inside and outside the imperial study room. The guards on guard looked solemn, and the eunuchs walking back and forth were also light-footed, not daring to take a breath.

The eunuchs were very nervous, and the official family hadn't returned at night, which had never happened before, which showed that this matter was no small matter.

In the imperial study room, several ministers and academicians did not go back, and discussed the countermeasures with the emperor Zhao Gou nervously.

On the front of the room is a wooden frame, on which is hung a huge map of Sichuan and Shaanxi, on which several important battlefields are clearly marked with red circles, Dashanguan, Hechi County, Nanxianrenguan, Xingzhou , Ziwuguan, Nanzheng County and Jianmenguan.

Now Zhao Gou has pinned his hopes on the last barrier, Jianmen Pass. The last time Wanyan Drinking Lisa was at Jianmen Pass and returned with hatred, but this time, can Jianmen Pass make another contribution and stop the Jurchens Going south?

Zhao Gou stood in front of the map with his hands behind his back and looked at it for a long time, then looked back at Zhang Jun who was standing silently by the side, and asked, "May I ask Mr. Zhang, is it possible to keep Bashu safe as long as we guard the Jianmen Pass?

Zhang Jun said for a while, "I'm not sure about that!"

Zhao Gou was taken aback, "Why, is there an accident?"

"Your Majesty, the Jinniu Road is not the only way to enter the customs from Hanzhong. It is just that the Jinniu Road can take cavalry, grain carts and supplies, and go straight to Chengdu. It is extremely important for Jinbing, but if Jinbing is familiar with various road conditions, they can It is possible to enter Shu with light soldiers from Micang Road, and then to support the war with infantry, and occupy Zizhou with infantry, and the Jianmen Pass may not be able to be defended."

Li Hui hurriedly said: "This can only be done if you are very familiar with the road conditions! I am afraid that Jin Bing does not have this ability."

Zhang Jun sighed: "Fu Xuan is familiar with this road, and his army once retreated from Mi Cang Road to Chengdu."

It was this traitor again, Zhao Gou asked angrily, "What is going on with this Fu Xuan?"

Zhang Jun sneered and said: "Your Majesty, this person is Zhu Shengfei's confidant. Two months ago, the generals of the various passes in Sichuan and Shaanxi were changed. Seven of the ten guards were Fu Xuan's generals, including Ziwu Pass, Hechi County, Beixianren Pass, It can be said that Fu Xuan's comprehensive rise to power is the root cause of this defeat, and Zhu Shengfei has a heavy responsibility for reusing Fu Xuan's four important passes."

Qin Hui said from the side: "Your Majesty, you know people, you know the face, but you don't know the heart. Fu Xuan was reused as early as when Zhang Xianggong was appointed as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Why did you put all the responsibility on him?"

Zhang Jun glared at Qin Hui, "When I served as the envoy of Xuanfu in Sichuan and Shaanxi, I found out that Fu Xuan's nephew was suspected of secretly collaborating with the Kingdom of Jin. I dismissed his nephew and deprived Fu Xuan of his military power. Zhu Shengfei Immediately after taking office, I appointed Fu Xuan as the envoy of Fenglong soldiers and horses, and let him regain control of the heavy army, second only to Wu rank, is this also my responsibility?"


Zhao Gou interrupted the argument between the two angrily, and said dissatisfiedly: "Now is the time to think about countermeasures to keep Bashu, not the time to pursue responsibility, and we will talk about it later!"

The imperial study room became quiet again. At this time, the eunuch reported at the door, "Your Majesty, Chen Du has arrived!"

Zhao Gou was refreshed and said quickly, "Quickly declare him an audience!"

"Xuan Dutong Chen Qing sees you!"

In the whole of Lin'an, Chen Qing is the only one who understands the actual situation in Sichuan and Shaanxi. Although Zhang Jun was a Xuanfu envoy, he is a civil servant after all, and he is only talking on paper. He has never experienced it himself. Zhao Gou is also eager to learn from Chen Qing. Happening.

After a while, Chen Qing quickly walked into the imperial study room, bowed his head and saluted, "I see your majesty!"

"Chen Aiqing is free of courtesy, Aiqing is newly married, and I am really sorry for being disturbed!" Now Zhao Gou has something to ask Chen Qing, and his words are still nice.

Chen Qing clasped his fists and said, "Serve His Majesty, regardless of time!"

This is well said, Zhao Gou nodded in satisfaction, just as Qin Hui next to him was about to ask questions, Zhao Gou waved his hand, and stopped Qin Hui's words. He knew Qin Hui's hostility towards Chen Qing very well, and he would not let Qin Hui speak bad things at this time .

Zhao Gou said to Chen Qing: "The latest news is that Wu Jie has given up the Dasan Pass and withdrew from the Nanxianren Pass to the south. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, the Dashan Pass will definitely not be able to be defended. If the back road is cut off, it will be the end of annihilation. It is a wise move to voluntarily give up the Dashan Pass and guard the more important Nanxianren Pass."

Chen Qing's statement was the same as Zhang Jun's, and Zhao Gou could already understand it, and he said again: "Zhang Xianggong is very worried that Jin Bing will take the Meridian Road to go south to Hanzhong. I have the impression that Chen Dutong seems to have walked this way."

"Wei Chen has walked through it several times. If the Jin soldiers carry enough food, this road can be walked. The key is the Ziwu Pass. The pass is dangerous. It can be said that one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it. Although there are only [-] defenders, it can be blocked. Tens of thousands of enemy troops attack!"

Zhang Jun said from the side: "But the guard at Ziwu Pass has been replaced by Fu Xuan's confidant general. You know Wang Chun, right?"

Chen Qing nodded, "This person is one of the Four King Kong under Contestant Fu. If he guards Ziwu Pass, then Ziwu Valley will be in danger."

Zhao Gou asked anxiously: "If the Song army guards the Jianmen Pass, can the Jin soldiers enter the middle of Shu through the Mi Cang Road?"

Chen Qing saw Zhao Gou's impatience, and guessed that they had quarreled about this matter just now.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. Although Fu Xuan walked through Mi Cang Road and is familiar with it, Wu Dutong and Liu Zhifu will make arrangements for it!"

"Excuse me, how does Chen Dutong know?" Qin Hui asked with disapproval.

"Since Mr. Qin doesn't know, it doesn't mean I don't know."

Chen Qing gave him a no-nonsense answer, and then said to the emperor Zhao Gou: "When I was transferred from Sichuan and Shaanxi at the beginning of the year, I had exchanged the defense of Bashu with the magistrate Liu Ziyu in Xixian County. We mentioned the Mi Cang Road at that time. For this loophole, I suggest that if Hanzhong falls and the situation is critical, General Wu can guard Jianmen Pass, and then Liu Zhifu will withdraw from Micang Road to the south and burn down the eighteen-mile plank road on Micang Road. The plank road is completely destroyed, and it is impossible to walk, and finally the golden soldiers can only walk the Jinniu road."

Zhao Gou asked urgently, "Will Liu Ziyu accept Du Tong's suggestion?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Prefect Liu is very much in favor of Beizhi's suggestion. He said that he would coordinate with Wu Dutong. He also reminded Beizhi that he should go to Jingxiang to take a post and prevent Jin Bing from entering Shu through the Three Gorges Road. He also expected it. "

Zhao Gou heaved a sigh of relief. If Liu Ziyu could follow Chen Qing's suggestion and burn down the plank road on Micang Road, his worst worry would be resolved. "

Zhang Jun asked again with a smile: "If you let Chen Dutong go to Sichuan and Shaanxi, can you solve this crisis?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "It's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!"

Qin Hui snorted coldly and said, "Chen Dutong has a big tone, we are here to burn our heads, but Chen Dutong said that it is easy, it seems that not letting you into the picture is a missed talent?"

Chen Qing glanced at him coldly, "Qin Xianggong is a dignified prime minister, why should he say such ignorant words? None of the prime ministers knows how to fish in the river, but the fisherman is so easy. Is the fisherman better than the prime minister? Into the picture?"

Qin Hui was stunned speechless, Zhao Gou waved his hand, "Chen Dutong, please tell me, how to resolve the crisis?"

"Your Majesty, the humble minister's strategy is to encircle Wei and save Zhao."

Zhang Jun had a thought, and said with a smile, "Chen Dutong means to attack Guanzhong?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "To be precise, it is to attack Fengxiang!"

There was a moment of silence in the imperial study room, and Zhao Ding suddenly clapped his hands and praised: "Gao! Sure enough!"

Zhao Gou quickly asked: "Talk about Mr. Zhao, how clever?"

Zhao Ding said with a smile: "This time Wanyan Wushu attacked Sichuan and Shanxi on a large scale, bringing all the family members of the generals above the centurion level, even Wanyan Wushu's own wife and children, expressing that he wants to Long-term stationed in Bashu, operating in Bashu, their family members are temporarily placed in Fengxiang City. This is their biggest weakness. Chen Dutong's intention to attack Fengxiang is to attack the places where Jin soldiers must save, and use the strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao to force Wan Yanwu Withdraw the troops!"

Zhao Gou just woke up like a dream, and praised again and again, "What a strategy to encircle Wei and save Zhao! What a strategy!"

(End of this chapter)

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