
Chapter 377 Secret Discussion

Chapter 377 Secret Discussion
As soon as Qin Hui arrived at the mansion, he met his wife's convoy at the gate. Mrs. Wang was sitting in a large and gorgeous carriage, and there were dozens of guards with knives to open the way and protect her.

On the contrary, Qin Hui himself was not too ostentatious. He rode in an ordinary carriage with few attendants. He was the prime minister after all, so he had to be honest and frugal on the surface.

"Where did the lady come back from?" Qin Hui asked as he opened the curtain of the car.

Wang pointed to the top, telling Qin Hui that he had just returned from the Queen Mother.

Qin Hui hurriedly said: "I have something urgent to find my wife, please follow me to the study."

"Wait for me to change."

"No need to change, I'm afraid the lady has to go out."

Wang's brows were slightly frowned, what's the rush?
When Wang came to her husband's study, Qin Hui didn't have time to drink tea, so he asked her, "Does the Empress Dowager know the results of Chen Qing's attack on Fengxiang?"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "She heard that and was a little unhappy."

"Is she afraid that Chen Qing will be promoted again?"

Mrs. Wang walked to the door of the outer room, looked around, closed the door, and then came back and said to her husband: "On the surface, she doesn't want Chen Qing to be promoted again, but I know that she is unhappy because of another matter. "

"what's up?"

"I heard that Chen Qing captured Wanyan and Lisa's family, so she said this. She said that some women are very unselfish and willing to serve the Jurchens. Such women don't have to come back. You know what she means ?"

Qin Hui frowned slightly, "She doesn't want these women to come back?"

Wang nodded, "Of course she doesn't want these women to come back. They know too much. Queen Mother Zheng was almost forced to become a monk by her, and Zhao Shan'er got married soon after she came back. You can't think of the reason?"

Qin Hui understood that she would never allow people in the Song Dynasty to know about Empress Wei's affairs in the Kingdom of Jin, and these women would spread the word after they returned.

"If she is worried about this, it's not a big problem. The officials asked me to send people to Qinzhou to arrange for them. I can arrange for them to stay in Bashu, so there is no need to return to Lin'an."

"That's the best, even if I do her a big favor."

Qin Hui hurriedly said: "This is a trivial matter, and there is another important matter. You must go to see the queen mother immediately. Zhang Jun suggested that Zhu Shengfei be appointed as the Lingnan Xuanfu envoy. This afternoon, the Zhizheng Hall has passed the vote. Once the official approves, an order must be issued, and it will be too late to redeem it at that time."

Wang frowned, "Your husband is the right minister, can't you just veto it?"

"I can directly veto the plan proposed by the officials below, but this is the plan proposed by Zhang Jun. I can't veto the plan proposed by Xiangguo. I can only vote in the Zhizheng Hall. You know that Zhao Ding supports him, and Li Hui is a good man. , As a result, the Zhizheng Hall passed, what should I do?"

Although Qin Hui doesn't like Zhu Shengfei either, but he is too passive in the Zhizheng Hall. Zhu Shengfei is Zhang Jun's political opponent. If he can enter the Political Hall, the vote will be [-] to [-]. At this time, the emperor is needed. To decide, presumably the emperor also likes this ending very much.

"Hurry up and go to the Queen Mother, you must let the Queen Mother stop the official approval!"

Wang Shi nodded, "I'll go back now!"

In fact, Qin Hui was too worried. Zhu Shengfei was the confidant of the Empress Dowager Wei. Once Zhu Shengfei became the prime minister, the Empress Dowager Party was formed.

Of course, this is also the arrangement of the emperor Zhao Gou. As the emperor, his emperor's art is to control various factions, provoke struggles between factions, support one faction to attack another faction, and finally come out to be a good person.

He didn't care at all about the appearance of another queen mother party, he even promoted its formation, and as long as the queen mother formed a faction of her own, she didn't have to oppress herself every time and make herself passive.

In other words, it is not impossible for the Empress Dowager to participate in the power game, but it must be included in the rules, so that her party members can realize her will to power for her, so that she can get rid of her oppression.

Therefore, when Zhang Jun proposed to transfer Zhu Shengfei to Lingnan as a Xuan Fu envoy, Zhao Gou would definitely not agree. He crossed out this item with a red pen, and he could consider other items.

In fact, Zhao Gou didn't care much about the appointment of Chen Qing as the Jiedushi of Xihe Road. The river road festival makes the jurisdiction much smaller than that of Guangnan West Road.

What's more, Xihe Road is still in the hands of Jin Bing. This kind of appointment is actually a kind of favor. If Chen Qing can regain Xihe Road, he is of course qualified to be the Jiedu Envoy.

Zhao Gou drew a circle behind the column where Chen Qing served as Jiedu envoy of Xihe Road and also knew Qinzhou's mansion, expressing his agreement.

Then Wu Jie served as Lizhou Road Jiedu Envoy and also knew Xingyuan Mansion. This appointment was to allow Wu Jie to gain real military power and was no longer restrained by the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Envoy like Zhu Shengfei was in office. This is of great significance to defending Hanzhong. Zhao Gou also recognized this, and he drew a circle behind.

After a pause, Zhao Gou added another sentence after Wu Jie's appointment, appointing the supervising army.

Zhao Gou's eyes were on Chen Qing's appointment again, hesitating whether to appoint the supervisor as well, that's all, let's talk about it after he seized Xihe Road!It is not yet time to appoint a supervisor.

Then Lu Fasheng, the deputy envoy of the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi, was appointed as the envoy. Lu Fasheng was promoted by Zhang Jun. Zhao Gou also knew this. Sichuan and Shaanxi are Zhang Jun's sphere of influence, and it is only natural that someone recommended by Zhang Jun should be appointed as the envoy. , Zhao Gou thought for a moment, drew a circle behind this line, and agreed.

The following is the appointment of Liu Ziyu, the magistrate of Xingyuan. Liu Ziyu was appointed as the envoy of Jingxiang Jiedu and the governor of Xiangyang Prefecture, with jurisdiction over Jinzhou, Fangzhou, Dengzhou, Xiangyang Prefecture, Tangzhou, Suizhou, Yingzhou, Guizhou, Xiazhou, and Fuzhou. Waiting for the place, in fact, let Liu Ziyu come to guard Jingxiang.

This appointment somewhat conflicted with Li Gang's Huguang Xuanfu envoy.

Moreover, Liu Ziyu is also a member of Zhang Jun, and he has already agreed with Lu Fasheng to be the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi.

Zhao Gou pondered for a long time, and crossed out Liu Ziyu's Jiedu envoy and changed it to the military envoy of the capital. In this way, Liu Ziyu was in charge of the army and Li Gang was in charge of the government.

At the same time, Zhao Gou added that Zhe Yanzhi was appointed as the governor of Dengtang Fang Sanzhou and also knew about Dengzhou affairs.

Zhe Yanzhi is Li Gang's confidant, and Zhe Yanzhi can balance Liu Ziyu, and the military and political balance in Jingxiang area has been realized.

Zhao Gou heaved a sigh of relief, and put down the ink pen. At this moment, a little eunuch said at the door, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager welcomes you!"

It was expected that the Queen Mother would find him, Zhao Gou sighed softly, got up and said, "Show me back to the palace!"

"The emperor returns to the palace!"

A eunuch shouted, Zhao Gou sat on the dragon chariot, and returned to the inner palace surrounded by a large group of guards.

Empress Dowager Wei was still sitting behind the bamboo curtain, her voice was very soft, "The Ai family heard that Zhu Shengfei committed a crime, and the officials are going to send him to Lingnan to serve as the envoy. Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Gou pondered for a while and said: "After returning to my mother, the golden soldiers captured Hanzhong this time, which seriously threatened the safety of Bashu. As the coach, Zhu Shengfei really needs to take responsibility, so I decided to transfer him away from Sichuan and Shaanxi, but going to Lingnan is not degrading. , people are needed there too.”

"But you promised the Ai family and agreed with Zhu Shengfei to enter the court as prime minister. Why did you change your mind? Your Majesty, at the beginning you made Chen Qing the Duke of Jing because of the emperor's golden words. Backtracking again?"

Zhao Gou was silent for a long time, and Empress Dowager Wei asked again: "What official position are the officials planning to confer on Chen Qing?"

"The minister appointed him as the Jiedu envoy of Xihe Road and also knew about Qinzhou affairs. His official rank was promoted to the fifth level as a doctor, and his civil position remained the same.

"Is it appropriate for the officials to become a Jiedu envoy when you are only in your twenties?"

"My mother doesn't know that Xihe Road is still in the hands of Jin Bing. This Jiedu Envoy is actually an empty post."

"Forget it, I don't care about Chen Qing's affairs, but Zhu Shengfei must return to Beijing, official, you know how important he is to me."

Zhao Gou was waiting for his mother's words. If the mother didn't let go of Chen Qing's matter, he wouldn't let go of Zhu Shengfei's matter either.

"Since the son has agreed to the mother, he will not lose his word.

Empress Wei stared at her son for a long while before she realized that she had been beaten by him.

"Aijia is tired, let's kneel down!"

"Mother, rest well!"

Zhao Gou knelt down and saluted, got up and left.

At this time, Empress Wei hesitated, whether to mention the matter of those concubines, but she still held back, let's see how Qin Hui handles the situation first!

(End of this chapter)

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