
Chapter 386 Subtotals

Chapter 386 Subtotals
In the morning of the next day, Chen Qing accompanied Wang Gong to inspect Ganquan Fort. Wang Gong did come here to catch Chen Qing, but he soon discovered that Chen Qing had nothing to catch.

Especially when he saw Chen Qing occupying less than an acre of small courtyard, and seeing Chen Qing's wife bring a donkey back to fetch water, Wang Gong was really speechless.

"Chen Dutong has personal soldiers! Why don't you let the personal soldiers fetch water?" Wang Gong suspected that Chen Qing was deliberately doing it for himself.

Chen Qing explained with a smile: "Wang Shijun doesn't know something, Ganquan Fort is too remote, there is no maid, and it is not impossible to use soldiers to fetch water, but many generals do not have soldiers, they are all wives My parents go to fetch water, and I send my soldiers to go, which will make the generals at the bottom feel uncomfortable and affect morale, so I have no choice but to ask my wife to fetch water.”

Liu Jing next to him smiled and said, "It's a last resort, we understand Chen Dutong's difficulties."

Since it was a last resort, Wang Gong had nothing to say. At this time, a doctor came out from the next yard with a medicine box, shook his head at Chen Qing and said, "Du Tong, the villain has tried his best, can you get through this hurdle?" , depends on God's will!"

Liu Jing asked, "Is Chen Dutong's family sick?"

"No! It's Empress Xiande."

Wang Gong was taken aback, "Emperor Ji Xiande fell ill?"

Chen Qing nodded, "She is too thin, she fell ill shortly after she came back, and her condition has not improved. The spring cold has been severe these few days, and her condition has become a little serious again."

One of the main tasks of Wang Gong's visit to Oasis Castle this time was to take Xiande Emperor Ji back to Lin'an. Now that Xiande Emperor Ji fell ill, how should he explain?

He hurriedly said to Chen Qing: "Can you let me see her?"

Chen Qing glanced at the doctor, who thought for a while and said: "She just fell asleep, it's okay to look at the door, don't disturb her, she is too weak."

Chen Qing led Wang Gong into the small courtyard. Zhao Qiaonv lived in the west wing of the main room. Wang Gong stood at the door of the living room and looked into the room. He saw a girl lying on the bed covered with a thick quilt, her eyes deep Her lips and face were sunken, and there was no trace of blood on her lips and face. Perhaps it was because of the pulse diagnosis. Her left hand was placed outside. It was very small, and her wrist was as thin as a hemp stick.

Wang Gong gasped, this is Emperor Xiande?This is as thin as a beggar.

At this moment, Li Qingzhao came out of the room and gently closed the door. Wang Gong was stunned, "You are Lay Yi'an, why are you here?"

Li Qingzhao had a very difficult life for a while. In order to ask for her deceased husband's salary, she always came to the official department to ask for an explanation. At that time, Wang Gong was working as Yuanwailang in the official department. He knew Li Qingzhao.

"It turned out to be Wang Yuanwailang, long time no see."

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Lady Yi An is my wife's master, and they came here together."

Wang Gong understood that Li Qingzhao probably couldn't survive in Lin'an, so he followed Mrs. Chen Qing to Oasis Fort.

Liu Jing asked: "Emperor Ji Xiande is taking care of Lay Yi An?"

Li Qingzhao nodded, "She was tortured by the Jinren, and she could only eat one meal a day. She was too thin, and she was lucky to survive. This time, she was sick for almost half a month, and it depends on whether she can survive it." Let's do it!"

Wang Gong hesitated for a while and said: "Can you take her back to Lin'an for recuperation?"

"Absolutely not!"

The doctor flatly vetoed it, "Don't let her go to Lin'an, even if she goes to Hanzhong, her body won't be able to support her, and she will die of illness on the way."

Li Qingzhao also said: "Wang Yuanwailang, we have been doing our best to treat her, and finally she is getting better. Seeing that the weather is getting warmer day by day, she may recover slowly, but now she must not travel long distances, and all previous efforts will be wasted."

Wang Gong looked at Chen Qing in embarrassment, and Chen Qing said with a smile: "Let's do it! When she recovers, I will bring her back with me next time when I go back for a temporary report."

Liu Jing whispered: "Now it seems that this is the best way. We have all seen it with our own eyes, and the officials can understand it."

"All right!"

Wang Gong had no choice but to agree, he also saw Xiande Emperor Ji's wrist, it was as thin as a stick, probably it was really bad, if she died of illness on the way, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Just ask Chen Dutong to take good care of her and let her recover soon."

"This is my duty, Wang Shijun, don't worry!"

Everyone walked out of the yard, Zhao Qiaoyun sneaked up and looked around, Li Qingzhao quickly waved her to lie down, don't show her secrets at this time.

Walking to the street, Wang Gong asked again: "How did Chen Dutong arrange the other concubines and maids?"

Wang Gong has already read the list, there are no important people in it, the highest title in the palace is only talent, and there is no concubine, so he has no motivation to take them away.

Chen Qing sighed and said: "They are all poor women. If I can find a home for them, it will be a merit. Originally, many of my generals are not married, so I can fulfill them, but they have special identities. I dare not marry them without the court's approval. I am going to ask the imperial court for instructions."

Wang Gong's eyes lit up, this is a good way, resettle on the spot, and marry the general on the border.

"It's a good idea, and I think it's feasible."

"But they used to be palace servants!"

Wang Gong shook his head, "They are no longer, and the imperial court will definitely not recognize them."

"What do you mean?" Chen Qing still didn't understand.

"Chen Dutong still doesn't understand? All the previous palace files were destroyed in the war, and the current palace records are from the Jianyan year. Even if they return to Lin'an, they can't prove their identities. No one knows them. At most, the imperial court will give them a little money to make a living by themselves. What do you think they can do? It’s not a hasty marriage. Since they are all married, it’s better to marry the soldiers on the border, at least they can make some contributions to the anti-golden war.”

Although it was an excuse, but what Wang Gong said made sense, if they returned to Lin'an, their fate would indeed be worrying.

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "That being said, I'm afraid that in the future someone will make a fuss about this matter and accuse me."

"No! Please rest assured that this is a disgrace to the court. No one will make a fuss about it. Whoever dares to make a fuss about it will definitely be attacked by the court officials."

Liu Jing also gave Chen Qing a wink, expressing that he can rest assured.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "In this case, I will be responsible for arranging them! To be honest, there are many bandits on the road, and I am really worried about them going south."

After a pause, Chen Qing laughed again: "Wang Shijun, go and have a talk with them! Let them stay with peace of mind."

Wang Gong thought for a while and said: "Yes, I will tell the truth, let them understand their situation, and return to Lin'an when they die!"

The discussion between Wang Gong and the palace people really worked. Originally, there were a few concubines who wanted to return to Lin'an, but now they completely gave up, and could only start to think about their own destiny in a down-to-earth manner.

Wang Gong only stayed in Ganquan Fort for two days. Seeing that the Song army was actively preparing for battle, he was really afraid of the outbreak of war and couldn't leave by himself.

In the early morning of the third day, he and his deputy Liu Jing left Ganquan Castle with several entourages and went to Beixianren Pass under the escort of fifty guards.

Chen Qing sent Wang Gong away, received news from his wife and returned home, but unexpectedly found that Zhao Qiaoyun was also at home, waiting for him to come back, of course she was not alone, Lu Xiu and Li Qingzhao were also sitting beside her.

Chen Qing smiled and comforted Zhao Qiaoyun and said, "He has already left, you can rest assured!"

"What about after that?"

Zhao Qiaoyun whispered: "I mean, can you push the boat along the way and say that I died of illness?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This is definitely not possible!"

"Why not?" Zhao Qiaoyun looked disappointed.

Chen Qing sighed and said: "There are many people who know you, there are hundreds of women here, they will marry my subordinates, and then your fraudulent death will become a handle for me, if I offend anyone, a fraud The king's crimes are all on my head."

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded silently, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was too selfish and didn't think about the general."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry, Ganquan Castle is thousands of miles away from Lin'an. It's not easy for the envoy to come here. I just found an excuse and dismissed it. I just said that you went back to the Song Dynasty to play the mountains and rivers to relax. Who knows when you will come back, and Empress Dowager Wei never wants you to go back, so what are you worried about?"

Lu Xiu also smiled and said: "That's right! What are you worried about? Our Chen Du unified promise, as long as you don't want to go back, he won't let you go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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