
Chapter 392

Chapter 392
Wanyan Mouyan was killed by a single shot, turned over and fell off the horse, Gao Ding galloped on the horse, drew his sword and cut off the head, picked it up with the tip of the gun with one hand, picked up the head and returned to the city with his horse, the city was full of cheers!
Yang Zaixing sighed softly, the Yang family's gun and the Gao family's gun had been fighting for a hundred years, but they couldn't compete with the Gao family's returning carbine, today he saw the famous Gao's returning carbine with his own eyes, it was really powerful.

Of course, it is an expert who looks at the doorway. The power of returning the carbine lies in grasping the timing. Generally, when two horses cross, they will stare at the opponent from the corner of their eyes, but once they are out of the length of the gun, they are sure that the opponent will not stab themselves again, and they will relax their vigilance.

However, Gao Ding lay back and pulled the opponent back into the range of the spear stabbing. The timing was extremely precise, it couldn't be done earlier or later, and the speed was extremely fast, by the time the opponent reacted, it was already too late.

This move has not been honed, and it is really difficult to grasp the timing.

Wanyan Mouyan's personal soldiers were a hundred paces away, they rushed over one step too late, only snatched the body, and had to return with the headless body and horse, the ten thousand Jurchen cavalry remained silent.

Wanyan Wushu was extremely annoyed, and ordered: "Tabuche attack!"

Ten freshly assembled heavy-duty trebuchets were rumbled out of the barracks by dozens of bulls. Each trebuchet was two feet high, and the throwing pole was very thick, about three feet long. This is a relatively advanced heavy-duty trebuchet. The machine uses a winch to pull up a wooden box with a self-weight of [-] kilograms, the wooden box falls, and the other end throws a rod to project it out.

The reason why it is advanced is that it is controlled by a winch, so that it does not require a lot of manpower, and only a few cows can pull the winch chain.

The disadvantage is that it is bulky. A trebuchet plus winch iron chain and falling iron weighs [-] jin, which is difficult to transport, not to mention there are ten more.

But no matter how difficult it is to transport, it must be brought here. It can throw a heavy object of seventy or eighty catties three hundred steps away. Soldiers and cattle were not shot by the bed crossbow of the Song army.

The trebuchet was placed three hundred steps away from the city wall, and thousands of soldiers and hundreds of craftsmen were busy debugging inside the baffle.

At this time, Chen Qing had already guessed the other party's intention, and he immediately ordered: "The other party will use fire attack, prepare to deal with it!"

An army that is proficient in fire attacks also knows how to defend against enemy fire attacks. The best way to deal with fire attacks is sand or soil. Among them, soil is better than sand because soil is more absorbent.

Regardless of whether the opponent attacked the city or the top of the city, the Song army was already prepared.

The [-] troops on the top of the city retreated quickly, leaving only [-] people behind, and Yang Yuanqing was in charge of commanding them. In terms of dealing with fire oil, the most experienced general was Niu Gao, who was in charge of commanding the city, followed by Yang Yuanqing. The characteristics of all of them are as careful as hair, considerate, and deal with dripping water.

Chen Qing retreated to the corner of the west wall. There used to be an observation tower here, but it had been destroyed, but the base was still there. The Song army repaired it into a zhang-high observation tower, and Chen Qing watched the battle from the observation tower. , Three scenes can be seen inside the city, at the top of the city and outside the city, very good command position.

At this time, the two thousand-step guns of the Song Army also began to prepare, and they would use the newly developed fire clay to deal with the enemy's catapults.

Both the thousand-step gun and the fire kite were commanded by Wang Duo. Master craftsmen Xie Changzhi and Hu Zhen led dozens of craftsmen to the thousand-step gun. There was a two-foot-high and five-foot-long platform on the left of the thousand-step gun. , is actually the roof of a row of residential buildings, which is temporarily used as a launching pad for large fire kites. Their targets are also the opponent's trebuchets, which is called attacking and attacking.

'Boom!Bang!Bang! '

Jin Bing's heavy-duty trebuchet was the first to launch, and ten huge fireballs soared into the air and flew towards Ganquan Fort. Chen Qing could see clearly that the fireballs were aimed at the inside of the city, and he immediately ordered: "Order the inside of the city to prepare!"

The red flag was waving on the top of the city, Niu Gao could see clearly, and shouted: "The fire fighting team is ready!"

Four thousand soldiers formed eighty fire-fighting teams, each with five men, pushing a wheelbarrow full of dirt, holding shields, shovels and iron hooks.

At this time, ten big fireballs flew over the city and shot into the city. This is the golden soldiers to deal with the [-] archers in the city.

The isolation area in the city is about [-] paces, and a high wall is built on the edge to separate the residential buildings, also to prevent the fireball from hitting the residential buildings.

The gold soldier fireball was exactly the same as the fire oil ball of the Song army. It shattered after falling, and the fire oil in the clay pot splashed out, covering the ground, and was immediately ignited by the fire, forming a sea of ​​flames.

The firefighting team rushed up and spread the soil on the kerosene, and the burning kerosene was extinguished by the soil. Usually, three or four groups were used to deal with a fireball, otherwise there would be not enough soil and no time.

Time was very tight, they had to deal with the fireballs before the second wave of oil drums came, at least to put out all the open flames, so there was still a wet quilt on each wheelbarrow, which was used in an emergency.

The soldiers were busy nervously and skillfully. They used shovels to shovel the mud mixed with kerosene into large baskets, quickly transported it to the side, and poured it into large pits.

Just after dealing with ten big fireballs, the soldiers shouted, "Here we go again!"

The soldiers looked up, and this time they were ten large black wooden barrels, which were kerosene barrels, obviously to support the combustion.

The soldiers dodged one after another, ten large wooden barrels fell to the ground and shattered, splashing black kerosene all over the ground, and eighty fire fighting teams rushed up again.

Chen Qing stood on the observation deck, watching the Song army's counterattack. The thousand-step artillery and fire kites were all ready, waiting for his order.

Chen Qing pondered for a long time, but unexpectedly ordered: "The counterattack is temporarily suspended!"

The messenger rushed over and waved the yellow flag. This was an order to temporarily stop. Wang Duo was stunned, but he dared not disobey the order of the governor. He shouted: "Temporarily stop lighting!"

The soldiers blew out the fire, because it was a temporary stop, not giving up, so they still had to wait for further orders.

Zheng Ping and several generals were puzzled, and Zheng Ping asked, "Why did Du Tong suspend the counterattack?"

Chen Qing pointed to the soldiers who were busy clearing the kerosene on the ground and said: "Whether we are throwing fire mud or fire kites, we have to pass through the isolation area. The ground in the isolation area is full of kerosene. I am worried that our attack will ignite the ground instead." oil on the fire."

"How could it be?" The generals were astonished.

"You didn't see it clearly, but I can see it clearly. When the opponent's fireball flew over, it dropped a lot of sporadic flames all the way down. I am worried that the fire clay and fire kites will also drop sporadic fire points, which will make the quarantine Light the kerosene you bring."

Everyone was stunned, but Dutong had considered it thoroughly. This was the first launch, and everyone had no experience. They were afraid that what Dutong was worried about would happen, and many soldiers would be burned to death.

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "The thousand-step cannon is replaced by a boulder, and the fire kite is replaced by a thunder kite!"

The Song army quickly replaced it. The fire clay was removed and replaced with a boulder, and the fire kite was also removed and replaced with a thunder kite.

At this time the red flag waved down, 'Boom!Boom! With two loud bangs, two hundred-jin boulders soared into the air, roaring and shooting at the giant trebuchet five hundred steps away, and at the same time, ten thunder kites also ejected, also flying towards the heavy trebuchet.

'Boom! 'With a loud bang, a huge boulder hit the edge of the baffle, and the boulder was bounced high and smashed towards a heavy trebuchet.

The heavy trebuchet was hit with a bang, 'Crack! 'The cross shaft broke and the throw rod fell.

Opened the record and destroyed a heavy trebuchet.

At this time, ten thunder kites also flew steadily.

The Lei Kite is actually a flying powder barrel. The belly of the kite is filled with gunpowder and poisonous nails, and a burning matchstick is dragged on the tail.

Song Jun's distance calculation is relatively accurate, which can basically guarantee that the Lei Kite will explode over the target.

'boom!boom! '

Ten thunder kites exploded one after another in the air, thick smoke filled the air, and dense poisonous nails flew in all directions. The targets of the thunder kites were not the catapults, but the soldiers operating the catapults and the bulls pulling the winches.

The soldiers were caught off guard. Many people were shot by the poisonous nails, and almost half of the cattle were also shot by the poisonous nails.

There was chaos on the catapult positions, and the heavy catapults had to temporarily stop attacking.

Wanyan Wushu could see clearly, fearing that the trebuchet would be damaged, he immediately ordered: "Return the trebuchet to the camp!"

 One-on-one fights are not words from novelist novels. There are indeed many in history, but most of them will not die in one-on-one fights, at most they will only be injured.

  Wu Jie singled out Wanyan Loushi and lost, which affected morale.

(End of this chapter)

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