
Chapter 404 Urgent News

Chapter 404 Urgent News
In the handsome tent, a group of people surrounded Hu Yanyun, expecting to hear his story.

Hu Yanyun took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile: "Thanks to Dongzhu Han this time, he doesn't have many things like him, and we can't buy kerosene at all. Let's get [-] barrels of kerosene from the county warehouse first.

Then he collected oil in the county again at a price that was [-]% higher than the market price. As a result, he collected more than [-] barrels of kerosene in a few days.

At this time, [-] puppet Qi troops suddenly came and took over the oil fields in Yanzhou. "

Chen Qing happily said: "I will convert the money that should be given to him into silver and give it to him to do things for us. I can't treat him badly. I plan to use him to engage in fire oil for a long time!"

"It should be possible. Even if there is an army guarding it, it is impossible to cover everything. They will definitely have a way."

Chen Qing asked again: "Where do you replenish supplies on the way?"

Hu Yanyun hurriedly said to Chen Qing: "We have been in Longde County in Deshun Prefecture, and we have only stayed in the county for more than ten days. There is no puppet Qi army there, and there is no puppet Qi army in Deshun Prefecture. It is all unified. I think this is a Chance."

Chen Qing nodded with a smile and said, "We'll discuss this issue tomorrow. You can go back and have a good rest now, and then visit your fiancée. We will arrange the marriage for you in two days."

Hu Yanyun was embarrassed to leave under the laughter of the crowd, Chen Qing waved to the crowd and said: "Let's go! Let's go and see the kerosene."

When his wife was pregnant, Chen Qingye had a harder time, at least the joy of intercourse was gone, so he could only focus on other aspects.

At night, Chen Qing was still pacing in the study room. There was a map on his desk, which was the whole map of Xihe Road. He was officially named Jiedushi of Xihe Road by the imperial court. Of course he didn’t want to be a Jiedushi in name , he had to take back all of Xihe Road, and it was not easy to do it.

Xihe Road includes the eight prefectures of Xi, He, Tao, Min, Lan, Hui, Huang, and Xining, as well as the Tongyuan Army, which is equivalent to today's southern Gansu, northeastern Qinghai, and northwest Sichuan, and does not include where he is now. Qinzhou.

But it is impossible for him to give up Qinzhou and move to the west, and there is Gongzhou between Qinzhou and Xihe Road, which means that he still has Gongzhou in his pocket.

There is also the Deshun Prefecture that Hu Yanyun mentioned today. Chen Qing is considering whether to take it down. It is best to take it down to ensure the safety of Qinzhou. However, taking Deshun Prefecture will inevitably threaten Pingliang Prefecture again. This has to be carefully weighed some.

Now his eyes are looking west. He knows that Xixia has occupied a lot of territory, but they don't know the specific situation. It is said that there are still Qingtang Tubo remnants in the Hehuang area.

At this moment, the door opened, and Lu Xiu came in with a cup of tea, "Husband, it's so late, don't you want to rest?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Tomorrow there is an important meeting, I have to prepare first, my lady should go to sleep first!"

Lu Xiu hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Husband, in fact, they can do it too."

Chen Qing was startled, but then he understood, and shook his head quickly, "No, they are too young."

"Husband, they had their monthly period last year."

"Or not!"

Chen Qing stepped forward and hugged his wife to his chest and smiled, "You don't have to worry about me, isn't it the same if I didn't have a woman before?"

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "That's different. The cat has never eaten fishy food before, so it doesn't care, but it has already tasted it. How can you let it endure the temptation of fishy food outside? Instead of bringing another woman back, It's better to let two little ladies serve you."

"They are still too young, it will hurt them physically and mentally, just wait a few more years!"

Chen Qing whispered a few words to Lu Xiu, and Lu Xiu blushed, and said coyly, "Is this okay?"

Chen Qing grinned and said, "At least it won't hurt the child, and I won't go outside to steal it either!"

"Okay!" Lu Xiu reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Let them boil more hot water!"

Chen Qing didn't have the heart to think about big things anymore, so he quickly asked Yu Ying and Yu Lian to boil water.

This night, the husband and wife were in love again. The two were full of interest and chatted about the unborn child again. They talked until the second watch before falling asleep from exhaustion.

When entering the non-combat state, the soldiers don’t need to click their heads, and the soldiers can also sleep for a while. They don’t get up, wash and have breakfast until the morning glow comes out, and then prepare for the assembly training. Generally, several generals take turns to be responsible for the assembly training in the morning. .

Chen Qing didn't have to do everything by himself, and he didn't have to come so early. He arrived at the big tent at about two quarters, that is, at half past six in the morning.

The soldiers had already made tea for him, Chen Qinggang sat down, Zhang Xiao quickly walked into the big tent, and handed him a document, "This is the urgent letter sent by Wang Huai, which I received last night. .”

Chen Qing suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

Zhang Xiao sighed and said, "The Jin soldiers slaughtered Chengji County!"


Chen Qing was taken aback, "How many people died?"

"More than a thousand people died, mostly old people. Wang Tongpan's father, Wang Yu, was also killed."

"Why are they all old people?"

"Wang Huai got the news in advance and led most of the people to hide in Chigu Fort, but many old people were unwilling to leave, and they were all murdered. Wanyan and Lisa even ordered to set fire. More than half of the county town was burned down, and the city walls were destroyed. Most of it collapsed."

Chen Qing's eyes shot out with anger, and he said coldly, "Wanyan drink Lisa dry?"

Zhang Xiao nodded, "It should be that he attacked Chengji County if he couldn't vent his hatred for Du Tong."

"I have to go to Chengji County right away. You can make arrangements for the camels to deliver food and tents there immediately. Postpone other things until I come back."

Chen Qing immediately wrote a letter to his wife and asked the soldiers to send it to his home.

He immediately ordered [-] cavalry, each carrying ten days of dry food, and at the same time, each carrying another bag of food, then left Ganquan Fort, and rushed towards Chengji County at a fast speed.

As soon as Chen Qing left, Yang Yuanqing arranged another [-] shi of grain and [-] tents, and Hu Yantong led the army to escort the ox carts and camels to Chengji County for disaster relief.

Two days later, Chen Qing arrived in Chengji County, three hundred miles away.

The scene in front of him shocked him. Three of the four city walls collapsed, more than half of the houses in the city were burned, and tens of thousands of people were left homeless. Many people either crowded into one room or took shelter in the ruined walls.

Hearing of Chen Qing's arrival, tens of thousands of people in the city ran out, crying loudly, and Chen Qing was really uncomfortable. He immediately ordered the soldiers to cook porridge for the hungry and cold people.

At this time, Wang Huai, the judge, came forward to salute, and said tearfully, "The Jurchens are too cruel, even the old man is not spared. My father scolded Jin Bing for his cruelty, and as a result, he was pierced by more than a dozen spears."

Speaking of sadness, Wang Huai covered his face and cried loudly, and all the people cried together, and the cry was loud.

Standing on a high place, Chen Qing shouted loudly: "The so-called blood debt is repaid with blood. I, Chen Qing, promise to all my fathers and fellow villagers that sooner or later, I will definitely use the head of Wan Yanhe Lisa to sacrifice to the dead folks. I have gone, please mourn, I will let soldiers help everyone rebuild their homes!"

Wang Huai raised his arms and shouted: "Blood debts!"

Tens of thousands of people raised their arms and shouted, "Blood debt!"

Although everyone's emotions were appeased, the real difficulties were in front of them. There was no housing, insufficient food, and heavy property losses.

Wang Huai sighed and said to Chen Qing: "Thanks to Fan Gong, the military advisor of Wanyan Wushu, he sent someone to tell us that the Jin soldiers might massacre the city. We fled overnight with only a little food and clothes, and hid in Chigu Fort for three days. , when I came back, it became like this, there was no more food, and the house was burned down. Thanks to Qingshui County sending people to send hundreds of shi of grain in time, tens of thousands of people can get a bite of food. Now I really don’t know what to do. it is good?"

Chen Qing nodded and said, "Probably the day after tomorrow! Tents and food will be delivered, let everyone settle down, and then think about how to rebuild their homes. It's just right. I want to rebuild the city wall. How many men are there under the age of fifty?"

"Probably more than ten thousand people!"

"Organize them all, and then recruit [-] young and strong men from various counties, hire them to build a new city wall at a salary of [-] yuan per person per day, and roughly complete the work before the wheat matures, about a hundred days, and wait for the harvest We'll finish with the wheat."

Wang Huai thought for a while and said: "If it is built with bricks, it can barely be completed, but if it is built with quarried stones, I am afraid that a hundred days will not be enough."

"Just burn the bricks. I'll send three thousand soldiers over to make the bricks."

"But even if [-] young adults work for [-] days, they still need [-] yuan!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Don't worry about the money. Ganquanbao has money, and I will also notify the counties to recruit civilian husbands. Wang Tongpan first organizes the young and strong in Chengji County, cleans up the city walls, and cleans up the large stones that can be used. Come out and do things first, you can’t wait for everyone to arrive before doing it, that would be a waste of time!”

Wang Huai nodded silently. The task is heavy, but with the assistance of soldiers, it will be better.

"Okay! I'll start recruiting people today."

(End of this chapter)

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