
Chapter 410 Gap

Chapter 410 Gap
At dawn, Xia Hu led two thousand Xixia troops to the east gate of Longxi County. About a mile away from the city gate, the Xixia army shot three gunpowder arrows into the sky. ' the explosion.

This is calling the spies of the Xixia army in the city and asking them to seize and open the city gate.

Xia Hu stared at the city gate in the distance, he was really a little strange, it was almost dawn, and the city gate was still tightly closed, which was a bit abnormal.

A general nearby said in a low voice: "It should be that the Qi army suddenly withdrew, which caused tension in the city, so I dare not open the city gate normally!"

Xia Hu nodded, "The mules and horses should be able to see our gunpowder arrows!"

"The situation is special now. They will definitely pay attention to gunpowder arrows. Don't worry, General. It will take time for Li Fuding and the others to assemble."

"I know, I will wait patiently for another half an hour!"

The gunpowder arrows exploded outside the city. Many people in the city noticed it, and Hu Yanlei also saw it. He immediately rushed to Dongchengtou with ninety of his men.

At the same time, Hu Yanlei ordered Liu Zong, the head of the capital, to lead ten brothers and two hundred Lijiazhuang Ding to Xichengtou, and ordered the county captain Wang Ying to lead two hundred state soldiers to patrol the city wall.

After Li Qiao personally visited Wu's house, Wu Shancai, the county magistrate, finally surrendered to the Song army.

Unexpectedly, just one night later, the Xixia Army had reached the city of Longxi County.

Hu Yanlei stood on the top of the city and looked at the army a mile away. He initially judged that there were about [-] people. Wu Shan, the magistrate of the county, was really worried. Land, will the Xixia people massacre the common people?

"General Huyan, are they the Xixia army or the Jin soldiers?" Wu Shan asked.

"Look at their black helmets. It must be the Xixia army. I interrogated the Xixia spies and learned that there is indeed a Xixia army of [-] men lurking in Gongzhou. The leader is Xia Baihu."

"Xia Baihu?"

Wu Shan's eyes widened suddenly, and he asked with a trembling voice, "Is your name really Xia Baihu?"

Hu Yanlei heard that his voice was unusual, so he glanced at him and asked, "That's what the Xixia spies said. Is this person scary?"

"It's more than terrifying. He is simply a demon. There are at least tens of thousands of people who died at his hands. Huazhi, the magistrate of Longxi County, was tortured by him in every possible way, and his wife and daughter were killed by hundreds of subordinates. The court ordered Zhong Zhong led [-] troops to exterminate him, the army was wiped out, but this Xia Baihu escaped, and his whereabouts are unknown, if he kills him and enters the city, Longxi County will face catastrophe."

Speaking of this, Wu Shan's teeth chattered a little.

Hu Yanlei also became a little worried. Longxi County was as dilapidated as the old Chengji County. He remembered that there were several big gaps in Chengji County. Hu Yanlei quickly asked, "Is there any damage to the city wall?"

"I think should not be!"

Wu Shan thought for a while, he suddenly remembered something, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Why, is there a gap?"

Wu Shan said nervously: "There was no gap before, but just a few days ago, the crack on the side of the Town God's Temple collapsed inexplicably, and a big gap appeared."

Nothing is inexplicable. Someone must have done it on purpose, most likely a Xixia spy.

Hu Yanlei said to Dutou Wu Nanshan: "You lead fifty brothers to continue to guard the south gate, and I will take forty brothers to see the gap."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

"I am coming too!"

Wu Shan was worried, and he hurried to the Chenghuang Temple in the north of the city with Hu Yanlei.

The Town God's Temple covers an area of ​​about ten acres, close to the north city wall, the temple is very dilapidated, and the large courtyard is full of weeds, which are usually haunted by thieves and homeless people.

Hu Yanlei led forty soldiers to the Town God's Temple, and saw a shocking gap at a glance, which was three feet wide, with broken city walls on both sides. .

If I knew there was a gap, what pass did I need yesterday?He went directly into the city with weapons.

The question is how to solve the gap in front of you?

If it was done by Xixia spies, Xia Baihu would know about it in all likelihood.

Hu Yanlei immediately said to Wu Shan: "You immediately mobilize the people and fill the city wall with sacks of soil!"

"I'm going right now!"

Wu Shanzheng didn't know what to do, Hu Yanlei pointed out the direction for him, and he immediately ran away in a panic.

Without Wu Shan's mobilization, hundreds of people around spontaneously ran to help the Song army. They directly demolished the Town God's Temple, skidded out large foundation stones, piled them in the gaps, and even moved the clay statues to pile up the gaps.

At this time, a steady stream of people rushed here under the mobilization of the county government. It was heard that Xia Baihu, a ten-year-old bandit, had returned, and the city began to panic. No matter men, women, old or young, they all came to help, loading soil and carrying mud bags. , forming a circle at the gap in the city wall.

Xia Hu was getting impatient, he turned around and asked the messenger, "Has anything happened to the spies in the city?"

The messenger was a spy sent by Li Fuding to inform Xia Baihu the day before yesterday. He hurriedly said: "We have been lurking for two years, and nothing happened. It should be fine!"

"Then more than half an hour has passed, why is there no movement at all?"

"I don't know about the humble job. It is reasonable to take down the city gate long ago. I don't know what happened in the city?"

"Aside from the city gate, is there any other way to enter the city? Or which city wall is dilapidated and can climb to the top of the city?"

"There is a big gap at the Chenghuang Temple in the north of the city. General Li led everyone to open it at night."

Xia Hu was so angry that he slapped him hard, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The messenger covered his face and said aggrievedly: "Didn't the general want to wait for General Li to open the city gate?"


Xia Hu cursed loudly, and ordered: "Turn to the north of the city!"

He led two thousand soldiers and ran to the north of the city.

The scouts on the top of the city head Wu Nanshan saw the other party rushing to the north of the city, and he also ran to the north of the city along the city wall with fifty men.

In just a moment, Xia Hu saw a three-foot-wide gap, with countless sandbags piled up in the gap, as well as stone statues and other messy things, and the other party was also desperately plugging the hole.

No matter how you plug the loopholes, they are still loopholes. It is much easier to attack than the city walls. Just drag these messy things out and throw them into the moat.

Xia Hu immediately ordered: "Go and find some long planks!"

A group of soldiers immediately rushed to a village several miles away.

Xia Hu immediately ordered: "Fire the arrow into the gap!"

Two thousand Xixia soldiers fired arrows into the gap together, and the arrows rained down. Dozens of people in the city were shot and fell down one after another.
Hu Yanlei shouted, "The Xixia people are here, everyone stay away!"

At this time, Wu Nanshan led his men to shoot arrows at the Xixia people on the top of the city. The Xixia people were caught off guard, and the arrow array stopped temporarily.
Seizing this opportunity, Hu Yanlei led his men to quickly carry the bodies of the dead people outside, and the injured people also fled down to treat their injuries.

Hu Yanlei said to the county Wei Ma Wucai: "Leave a hundred state soldiers to guard the two city gates, and the others rush to the top of the gap to shoot arrows. Call Li's Zhuang Ding to come over, hurry up!"

Ma Wucai got on his horse and ran towards the west gate.

At this time, arrows from Xixia soldiers rained down on the city again, and Hu Yanlei led his men to charge up with shields and spears.
The sandbags were still being brought in continuously, and the people did not dare to approach the gap, so they just built a semicircular mudbag wall around the gap, which was a foot high.

At this time, two hundred Zhuang Ding from the Li family came, and they shot arrows at Xixia soldiers on the left side of the city, and a hundred state soldiers also arrived, and they shot arrows on the right side of the city with bows and arrows.

Wu Nanshan ran down the city with fifty men, and came to join Hu Yanlei.

At the same time, Xixia soldiers also brought two ladders and dozens of wooden boards from the village. The ladder was placed on the moat, and the wooden boards were laid on it to form a temporary bridge.

More than [-] Xixia soldiers held their shields, rushed across the moat, and began to attack the gap frantically.
(End of this chapter)

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