
Chapter 426 Confrontation

Chapter 426 Confrontation
On the third day after Chen Qing's army arrived in Longxi County, [-] Xixia troops also arrived in Longxi County. They began to build a board-walled barracks and sentry towers three miles north of the county seat, and the defense was extremely tight.

Standing on the top of the city, Chen Qing looked at the camp built by the enemy from a distance. It turned out to be a plank camp. Is this planning to fight a protracted war with him?
Zhang Xiao seemed to understand Chen Qing's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Maybe he hoped that the puppet Qi army would attack Qinzhou from the east, or attack Deshun Prefecture, and we had to retreat hastily."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "I think they should also know the situation in the Central Plains. They should know that Li Cheng led the main force of the Jingzhao army to the Central Plains."

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "Dutong, they may not know this information, so don't think too highly of them. There are not many armies that value information as much as we do, especially those that have nothing to do with us. The general army can't do it. Xixia is so far away. They can’t do the same, unless businessmen bring them news, they will never take the initiative to send people to inquire.”

Next to him, Yang Zaixing also said: "I also agree with Zhang Canjun's judgment. The Xixia Army probably didn't know that there were only [-] garrisons of Jin soldiers in Fengxiang Mansion, let alone that Li Cheng had led the main force to the Central Plains to participate in the war. The enemy general just arrived in Lanzhou not long ago. There is no time to investigate such detailed information.”

Chen Qing nodded, "Even so, it's not in our interest to confront the other party for a long time."

At this time, the two scouts made a detour to the west city, entered the city from the west city, and were brought to the city wall casually. The two scouts knelt down on one knee and saluted: "Qi Dutong, we have already checked clearly, the other party did not carry a siege ladder." , there are no heavy siege weapons, and in addition, General Liu Qiong has successfully led his army north."

"Go and investigate again!"

The two scouts saluted and walked away quickly.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "It seems that the opponent is going to fight us for a long time.

"Dutong, the other party is here!"

A soldier shouted, and saw a Xixia cavalry running in the distance, gradually approaching the city wall, and shouted: "My general has a letter to Chen Dutong!"

He shot a letter arrow over the top of the city.

A soldier picked up the letter and ran to present it to Chen Qing. Chen Qing opened the letter and read it, then smiled lightly at Yang Zaixing and said, "Your business has come to your door!"

Yang Zaixing was shocked, and excitedly said: "Is the opponent going to fight one-on-one?"

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "This Cao Baozong is very interesting. He said that he has the sword of Emperor Shenzong of the Great Song Dynasty. He wants to bet with me that he will win two out of three battles in a one-on-one match, and bet on my Fang Tian painting halberd."

Zhang Xiao thought for a while, then suddenly said: "I know, it must be the Seven Star Sword!"

"Zhang Canjun, tell me, what is the Seven Star Sword?"

"It was the battle of Yongle City that year. Emperor Shenzong gave his own sword, the Seven Star Sword, to Xu Xi, a scholar of Longtuge. After the crusade against Xixia, the entire army was wiped out in Yongle City, Xu Xi was also killed in battle, and this sword fell into the hands of the Xixia people."

Chen Qing suddenly became interested, and asked again: "Is there anything unusual about this sword?"

"It goes without saying that this sword is sharp. It cuts iron like mud. The most amazing thing is that there are seven dimples on the body of the sword. When the sword is drawn, a cold light will connect the seven dimples into one, which coincides with the Big Dipper in the sky, so it is called Seven Star Sword, I didn't expect this sword to be in the hands of Cao Baozong."

"He is the Great General of Xixia, it is normal to get this sword!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Bring the pen and ink!"

The soldiers brought pens and ink, and Chen Qing wrote four words on the back of the letter, "As you wish!" '.

Hand it over to the soldier, "Shoot the letter back!"

The soldier shot out with an arrow, and the Xixia messenger picked up the letter and ran away.

Yang Zaixing was a little worried: "Does Dutong really want to make this bet with him?"

Chen Qing glanced at him and smiled, "Why, General Yang has no confidence?"

"Of course I have confidence, but the opponent wants to win two out of three battles. Gao Ding has had diarrhea for the past two days, and his body is very weak. Either Liu Cui or General Niu Gao will go into battle. I don't feel very sure!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "Don't worry! What about me? If I lose, it doesn't matter if I give this Fang Tian's painted halberd to the other party."

Yang Zaixing muttered in a low voice: "You are the coach, how can you get out so easily."

Zhang Xiao also persuaded: "Since this plan was proposed by the other party, he must have capable people under his command, and none of them should underestimate the enemy."

Chen Qing nodded, "Joining the army is a good reminder, General Yang, feel free to fight, I will use bows and arrows to fight for you!"

Of course, Cao Baojin was not overheated. Before he went south, he decided to fight a protracted confrontation with the Song army, and the most important thing in a protracted confrontation was morale. He needed to boost morale and attack the morale of the enemy.

He has three rare fierce generals under his command, all of whom are the best in the Xixia military competition, and they are the commanders of the iron kite army beside the emperor Li Qianshun.

One, Wei, named Abao, wields a sixty-pound closed-door door knife. The knife is fierce and powerful, and once chopped off a healthy ox with one knife.

The other is Li Chenghuang, who is the descendant of Li Yuanhao, the founding emperor of Xixia. He can barely be regarded as a royal family. The first fierce general, Yelu Dashi, was defeated by him.

The last person is Zhuo Baihao, a Huihe man who wields a sixty-jin single-handled copper hammer. He has a figure like a black bear. He was Li Qianshun's personal bodyguard, and he was invited out by Cao Baojin.

It is precisely because of these three people that Cao Baojin took the initiative to challenge Chen Qing. If he could take this opportunity to kill Chen Qing, it would be a great thing. Army morale also has huge benefits.

Seeing Chen Qing's reply, he was overjoyed and said, "Order the army to rest early, and the drum will sound at five o'clock tomorrow!"

The Xixia army rested early, and Cao Baojin's big tent was still brightly lit.

Counselor Li Taiyue said: "Tomorrow's first battle is very important. I guess it's either Yang Zaixing or Gao Ding. The two of them use guns and are skilled in martial arts. I suggest that Li Chenghuang lead the first battle. If the first battle is won, then the second battle Let Zhuo Baihao play. If we lose in the first round, then Zhuo Baihao will play in the second round. I guess Zhuo Baihao can move back to the first round. If there is a third round, let Zhuo Baihao play. It is recommended that he use a hidden weapon, the third battle is probably Chen Qing himself, so the third battle is the most critical."

"What does the military division mean to say that Ah Bao is not allowed to go into battle?"

"Although Ah Bao is powerful, he is not so confusing. He is not as unpredictable as Zhuo Baihao."

"Simply let Zhuo Baihao play in the first round!"

"No! The first round must be played by Li Chenghuang."

Li Taiyue denied it outright, and said a few words to Cao Baojin in a low voice.

Cao Baojin was shocked, "Did Li Chenghuang say it himself?"

Mrs. Li nodded.

Cao Baojin stroked his beard happily and said, "In that case, use the military division's plan tomorrow!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom! The drums of the Xixia army camp were loud, and [-] Xixia troops walked out in a line, and formed a formation about [-] steps away from the city gate.

At this time, the drums of the Song army were also loud, and groups of soldiers rushed to the top of the city, neatly lined up on the top of the city, with battle flags flying on the top of the city, spears shining coldly, soldiers with bright armor and high morale.

The suspension bridge of the city gate has been put down, and the city gate is slowly opened. Inside the city gate, three generals, Yang Zaixing, Liu Cui, and Niu Gao, are all in shining armor, holding weapons in their hands and eager to try. Gao Ding is not in good health today, although He repeatedly asked to join the battle, but was rejected by Chen Qing.

Chen Qing said solemnly to the three of them: "I will decide which of you three will fight. No one can leave the city without my order!"

"Follow the order!"

The three bowed together.

Chen Qing turned around and went up to the top of the city. A soldier greeted him and said, "Du Tong, the enemy general is gone."

Chen Qing walked to the edge of the battlements and looked down, only to see a Xixia general about [-] meters tall holding an iron gun, majestic, and someone behind him held up a big sign saying General Li Chenghuang.

Chen Qing nodded. It seemed that the visitor was not friendly, so he immediately ordered: "General Yang Zaixing goes to battle!"

Chen Qing took his precious bow, drew out an arrow, and waited for the shot in an emergency.

Yang Zaixing galloped out from the city gate, holding the golden dragon spear in his hand, and went straight to the enemy general.

(End of this chapter)

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