
Chapter 431 Paper Soldiers

Chapter 431 Paper Soldiers
Just after dawn, Chen Qing received a report from the scouts that the Xixia army had indeed withdrawn to the north, and the camp became an empty camp.

Chen Qing then led his men to the enemy's camp. The board-walled camp was very rough and covered with large flags.There were more flags planted than usual, and on the high observation deck, there was actually a dummy made of straw, wearing armor and holding a crossbow, staring at the city wall solemnly.

The large tents were not taken away. It is estimated that there are not enough large carts to carry them. There are nearly ten thousand stones of grain in the warehouse tents that have not been taken away.

On the one hand, the Xixia army couldn't carry it, and on the other hand, they left the food and tents intact to themselves, hoping that they would not pursue them and let them leave safely.

But there is no such good thing in the world, if you want to leave safely, you can sit down and talk, show enough sincerity, such as withdrawing from Lintao Prefecture, etc., maybe you will let them go.

Throwing something that you can't take away to Song Jun now, what is the difference between giving a little leftovers to beggars?
More importantly, with the [-] Xixia army, Chen Qing still couldn't find a chance to defeat them one by one. Now that they sent [-] troops to their door, how could he let him go?

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Order, [-] cavalry must gather and prepare dry food for six days!"

Ten thousand cavalry quickly assembled, and the logistics battalion quickly prepared dry food for six days. The Song army had standard dry food, one serving a day, and one serving included two catties of flour bread, which contained sesame oil, diced green onion and salt. would be too bad.

In addition, there is also a piece of cured dried meat in each dry ration, mainly mutton and venison, about three or four taels. in the dry food bag.

If the cavalry were marching in winter, they would still have to carry fodder, but they didn't need it now. There were usually large grasslands by the river.

The [-] cavalry quickly assembled, took dry rations, and set off in a mighty way. Led by Chen Qing himself, they chased north along the official road in the middle.

At this time, the [-] Xixia Army had left Longxi County for more than [-] miles. The [-] army consisted of [-] cavalry and [-] infantry. The team also carried a small number of heavy vehicles, mainly food and meat consumed on the road. Wait.

Cao Baozong was really worried that Chen Qing would lead his army to pursue and kill them, so he didn't dare to stretch his team too long for fear of being cut off by the opponent and defeated one by one.

Although many generals thought that Chen Qing would not chase after getting the tent and food, but Cao Baozong believed that Chen Qing would definitely continue to chase. It is impossible for the person in the hand to watch him escape. ,
Li Taiyue, the military adviser, also agreed with Cao Baozong's judgment. More than [-] tents and [-] shi of grain cannot buy Chen Qing. Chen Qing has never been a soft-hearted person. He can see it in several battles with Xixia and the previous dealings with the puppet Qi army. , He always killed them all, how could he easily let go of the [-] Xixia army.

Soon they got the news that Chen Qing personally led [-] cavalry to chase and kill them.

Li Taiyue immediately said in a hurry: "General, there is no other way now but to cut off your arms to survive. I suggest to throw away the luggage, and then use [-] cavalry to ambush the enemy. Our infantry may be able to keep most of the main force by running and marching with dry rations on their backs."

This is undoubtedly the most traditional and wisest solution, sacrificing a small number of soldiers in exchange for the successful evacuation of most soldiers.

But Cao Baozong did not agree with Li Taiyue's plan to survive with a broken arm. He knew that the Song army had only [-] cavalry, and they had [-] elite troops. Why didn't they fight against the Song army?Instead, the army should be separated and the Song army should be defeated one by one.

"General, once the soldiers retreat, their morale will be drained. Unless it is a desperate fight, there is absolutely no chance of getting back. I hope the general will be careful!"

Cao Baozong smiled and said: "The military commander is too worried. Soldiers are not tired of cheating. The soldiers don't know the truth. If I tell the whole army, I just pretend to retreat and draw the enemy to a decisive battle. The morale will be completely different. How does the military commander feel?"


Li Taiyue was speechless for a while, isn't this deception?

If you retreat, you will retreat, but if you have to use retreat to make a fuss, I am afraid that the gains will outweigh the losses in the end.

Li Taiyue finally understood that this Cao Baozong was the second Zhao Kuo, and he thought how powerful he was, but it turned out that it was all on paper.

Li Taiyue was originally an official of the Song Dynasty, and he was born as a Jinshi. He worked in the Transit Department of Shaanxi Road.

But his talent was favored by Cao Jie, Prime Minister of the Western Xia Dynasty, and he was used as an aide, and he was highly valued. After Cao Jie passed away, he continued to be Cao Baozong's aide, and made great contributions to Cao Baozong's step by step becoming the confidant of Li Qianshun, the son of Xixia. .

This time Cao Baozong was appointed by Li Qianshun as the commander-in-chief of the southern army, and Li Taiyue also served as a staff member and became Cao Baozong's military adviser.

What needs to be explained here is that Li Taiyue is not a military adviser of the Xixia Army. The Xixia Army does not have the position of a military adviser. At most, there are national advisers. .

Li Taiyue has been with the Cao family for ten years. Of course, he knows Cao Baozong better. Cao Baozong is talented and intelligent. He has learned a lot of military arts. He is also good at martial arts. In addition to his father's prestige, he is valued by the emperor Li Qianshun. He has been a general in the court. Served as a general.

But in fact, he has never commanded a real war. Even if the most brilliant stroke in his resume, he participated in the Song Xia battle and defeated the Song Dynasty Taiwei Tong Guan, he also participated in the war as a rear support general. How could his father let his son Enter the front line of combat.

Li Taiyue originally thought that Cao Baozong was a genius general and had high hopes for him, but now he slowly realized that Cao Baozong had no actual combat experience at all, and everything was taken for granted.

It can be said that it is not clear to rush to advance the army without getting in touch with the Qi army;

Unknown, careless and unwise, with such a coach, the Xixia army is in danger this time.

Li Taiyue stopped persuading him and went to arrange the luggage by himself.

Cao Baozong made up his mind, he summoned hundreds of generals, and said to them: "We didn't carry siege weapons, and we couldn't attack Longxi County, so I decided to use the strategy of luring troops, pretending to retreat, and leading the Song army to go north. counted.

Brothers, the Song Army has only [-] cavalry, while we have an elite army of [-]. This is an opportunity to wipe out the Song Army and capture Chen Qing alive. class. "

Cao Baozong gave an impassioned speech. Except for some low-level generals who were moved by his promise, most of the generals were relatively calm. It's just a good idea.

Now that the coach has made up his mind, everyone can only wave their arms and swear an oath listlessly.

Cao Baozong was really proud of himself, he turned from passive to active, with [-] troops against [-] troops, this move was really exquisite.

In the afternoon of the next day, Cao Baozong set up a large formation of [-] people on the wasteland to fight a decisive battle with the Song army's pursuers.

Chen Qing looked at the large formation in the distance on the hillside more than ten miles away, hehe sneered, "The defeated general wants to fight me, what is he thinking?"

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Where is General Liu Cui?"

Liu Cui stepped out and clasped his fists and said, "The humble job is here!"

Chen Qing took out a command arrow and said: "General Liu led [-] cavalry from the ninth and tenth battalions to detour to attack the opponent's logistics. Be sure to burn all the enemy's rations and grain vehicles, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Liu Cui took the command arrow and left. Chen Qing said to Yang Zaixing again: "General Yang led the [-] cavalry of the [-]rd Battalion to ambush here. I will go to a decisive battle with the enemy. You disguise yourself as an army of [-]. Be sure to let the enemy go." When the spies saw it, they had to make a mistake!"

Yang Zaixing was a little puzzled and said, "Dutong, why did you let the enemy see it?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly, "The so-called true and false, false and true, everything we do is to buy time for General Liu!"

Yang Zaixing was stunned, and immediately bowed and said, "I obey the order!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered in a loud voice: "The brothers from the first battalion to the fifth battalion will fight with me!"


The song army's low-pitched horn sounded, and under the leadership of Chen Qing, five thousand cavalrymen rushed like a torrent to twenty thousand enemy troops more than ten miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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