
Chapter 442

Chapter 442
Under the repeated pleas of Liu Yu, the puppet Qi emperor, the Jurchens finally sent troops. Wanyan Wushu led [-] cavalry to the south and defeated Li Heng's army at Yangchigang, the eastern suburb of Bianliang.

Li Heng and his deputy Zhai Cong led thousands of remnants and fled south in panic, but were surrounded by Li Cheng's [-] troops in the south of Xuchang County.

Li Heng led his army to break out of the siege. In the end, only less than a thousand people succeeded in breaking through under the leadership of Lieutenant General Zhai Cong.

The Song Army's first Northern Expedition ended in a disastrous defeat.

At this time, Yue Fei also defeated Kong Yanzhou's army at Queshan in Caizhou, and Kong Yanzhou packed up the remnants and retreated northward.

Yue Fei didn't chase after him. At this time, Zhai Cong led more than a thousand remnant troops back to Xiangyang, and brought back news that Li Heng's entire army had been destroyed.

Yue Fei then took over the [-] extra troops left by Li Heng, as well as generals such as Dong Xian and Peng Qi. Yue Fei realized that the Jin soldiers were not coming well, so he began to shrink the defense line, abandoned Nanyang, and defended the front line from Rangcheng to Qinyang.

Wanyan Wushu led [-] cavalry and more than [-] puppet Qi troops to start a full-scale counterattack. He led the army to the Jianghuai River.

The [-] Song army was once again defeated by Wanyan Wushu's [-] kidnapped horses and Tiefutu. The Song army was defeated and fled south in panic. The Jianghuai land they captured before was lost again. Less than half of the [-] troops fled back to the south bank of the Yangtze River.

Wanyan Wushu, who had been defeated repeatedly in Sichuan and Shaanxi, regained his bravery that swept the world in the Central Plains. After defeating the Song Army on the Eastern Front, he turned around and went to Jingxiang, and successively captured Caizhou, Guangzhou, and Dengzhou. Cheng and Yue Fei's army fought fiercely for several days, and both sides won and lost.

At this time, the Jin soldiers fought for nearly ten days in a row, and their bodies were very tired, and their stamina was not going to continue. Wanyan Wushu finally realized that he could not attack Jingxiang, so he stopped attacking. military.

Yue Fei ordered Dong Xian and Peng Qi to lead [-] troops to guard Rangcheng. He led [-] troops to march south, defeated Li Cheng's general Jiang Yuan in Gwangju, and regained Gwangju. He then sent his general Wang Gui to Anqing Mansion. Order Tang Huai to be stationed in Huangzhou, and Yao Zheng to be stationed in Qizhou.

In this battle, the [-] Jurchen elite once again killed the Song army, and the eastern Jianghuai line was wiped out, but the Jingxiang peripheral state capitals on the western Jianghuai line were saved, which is also a major achievement.

The Song army failed to recover the Jianghuai River, and the court's main peace faction revived. Prime Minister Qin Hui strongly demanded that the blind advance be held accountable. At the beginning of October, Zhao Ding, the backbone of the main combat faction, was dismissed from office.

Just when the Song Army was defeated in Jianghuai, Chen Qing led the [-] Xihe Army to occupy Hezhou silently, and the army stationed in Fanghan County.

There are not many Han people in Hezhou. They are mainly Qiang people and Tubo people. They are basically pastoral areas. The Han people are mainly concentrated in Han County and Ninghe County. In the territory of the Tubo people, there are not many party members.

This is also the characteristic of the west since the Han and Tang Dynasties. The government only manages the county seat, and the army is stationed in the county seat and military village.

The Song army captured Hezhou without any battle. After they entered Hezhou, the [-] Xixia troops withdrew from Hezhou and returned to Lanzhou.

Fanghan County is a middle-level county. The county seat is quite large, but its population is small. There are only about [-] households, half of which are Han Chinese. The rest are Qiang, Tubo, and Dangxiang people. There are no new Dangxiang immigrants. There are no ethnic conflicts in the city, and the atmosphere in the city is calm, and there is no such fierce struggle in Didao County.

The main reason is that the Taoshui River Valley has an important position and is a major grain-producing area. Naturally, the Xixia people also value Didao County very much and immigrated in large numbers.

On the third day after Chen Qing led his army to enter Fanghan County, Hu Yanlei also rushed from Huangzhou to Fanghan County.

"Beizhi bought a restaurant and an inn in the city of Huangzhou. There are many Han people there, almost all of whom escaped from Shaanxi Road. There are hundreds of thousands of people who live by growing wheat. Ren Dejing is very capable. Strong, Huangzhou, Xi'an Prefecture, and Kuozhou are well managed. There are [-] troops, including [-] cavalry. The food and grass are all provided by the military.

But I heard that the Puppet Qi Army only had [-] soldiers in Huangzhou and Xi'an Prefecture, and the remaining [-] were Ren Dejing's private troops. He is a Tibetan, so he has the support of the Tibetans. "

"Have you found Ren Zhongqun?" Chen Qing asked again.

"I heard about Ren Zhongqun. He is indeed in Huangzhou, but I haven't seen him. I guess he is hiding somewhere to refine silver, but it's just a guess. There is no evidence. I will find out his whereabouts as soon as possible."

Chen Qing nodded, "Be careful not to be discovered by the enemy."

"Humble job understands!"

Hu Yanlei only stayed in Hezhou for half a day, bought a batch of goods, and hurried back.

At this time, Chen Qing got the news that the envoy sent by Li Qianshun, son of Xixia, had arrived in Chengji County.

Chen Qing appointed Wang Lun, the commanding envoy, as the military envoy of Hezhou, and led an army of [-] troops to station in Yuhan County, while he led the army back to Qinzhou.

It was already mid-October at this time, the new wind was rising, and the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains suffered a disastrous defeat, but Chen Qing, who was thousands of miles away, knew nothing about it. He led the army to march on the endless grassland, and in the distance was the snow-capped mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In the north is the Loess Plateau, which is full of gullies, with majestic momentum and magnificent mountains and rivers.

In the distance, a herdsman blew the melodious flute, which aroused the homesickness of the soldiers. Above their heads, several eagles circled in the blue sky.

The construction of Chengji County has been completed, and the people outside the city have also moved back to their new homes. After all, Chengji County has a large population, with more than [-] people. With tens of thousands of military members, the population is close to [-], far exceeding Ganquan. Fort, with the support of a huge population, the county quickly recovered its prosperity.

Of course, Lu Xiu also moved into his new home. His new house covers an area of ​​[-] acres and is the largest of the official houses, which fits Chen Qing's status as a Jiedushi.

Lu Xiu showed compassion and kindness when interviewing servants, and hired all the servants introduced by the housekeeper Tian Wenli, making the number of servants and servants in her mansion reach as many as forty-five. Lu Xiu also realized that there were too many servants, but She had no choice but to wait until the contract was over, since they had signed the contract.

Lu Xiu has been pregnant for seven months, and she walks in the mansion all day long with a big belly. Two midwives come to understand the situation every day and accompany her for a walk. Yu Lian and Yu Ying follow behind the mistress, and beside her is the tall Tao Qiniang and Tao Baniang, with four maidservants behind them, walked in a mighty group in the mansion.

"Yes! Keep your steps steady, and follow your breathing with your steps. Just like that, try to look at the flowers and plants around you, and keep your heart peaceful and happy."

The two midwives are indeed professionals. How to take a walk, how much water to drink, what to eat, every detail has been carefully considered. Otherwise, is it so easy to earn [-] Wen a day?

Lu Xiu walked along the inner circle of the mansion's wall, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and walked a thousand steps each time. She also felt good. The child was very naughty and lively in her stomach. In the words of the midwife, the child must be healthy because he is full of energy.

Lv Xiu moved into the East Courtyard. The East Courtyard is where Li Qingzhao and Zhao Qiaoyun live. It consists of two very elegant small courtyards. Zhao Qiaoyun also has two maids, both of whom are fifteen or sixteen years old. She didn't want it at first, but Lu Xiu put When her husband moved out, Zhao Qiaoyun had no choice but to accept it.

With two maids, Zhao Qiaoyun was freed from the complicated chores, and she began to devote herself to literature and painting. She has the excellent genes left by her father, and her literary and painting attainments have surpassed those who have never been attentive in reading. Senior sister Lu Xiu became Li Qingzhao's most proud closed disciple.

"Qiaoyun, where is Master?" Lu Xiu didn't see Li Qingzhao.

Zhao Qiaoyun greeted her with a smile and said, "Master has gone to the teahouse."

"Hey! Didn't you say you don't need to go?"

"Master said that she must experience the atmosphere of the market, and she will be inspired."

"She went alone?"

"Of course Xiaoman and Chunniang are with her."

"Did you say when you'll be back?"

Zhao Qiaoyun shook her head, "I guess she won't come back until dinner, she said she still needs to meet some poetry friends."

"Then what are you doing here alone? Chat with me."

Zhao Qiaoyun hesitated and said, "Then I'll find some more books by the way."

"Whatever, let's go!"

Lu Xiu married thousands of books, but she didn't bother to read any of them, which made Zhao Qiaoyun cheaper.

Zhao Qiaoyun stepped forward to support Lu Xiu, and the group walked through the small gate to the back house.

(End of this chapter)

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