
Chapter 446 Opportunity

Chapter 446 Opportunity
Zhu Sui opened the door and whispered: "Jiedu envoy, he is here!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Please come in!"

Not long after, a tall and thin young man walked in. The corners of his eyes and the tails of his brows were drooping, giving him a naturally sad look.

This person is called Yang Qi, and he works as a copywriter under the recorder's military account. He is responsible for sorting out and transcribing confidential documents. His position is not high, but his position is quite important.

Yang Qi is not a local. He was originally a teaching assistant in Jingzhou State University. Because of the war, his family fled to Chengji County. Yang Qi is the eldest son, and he has six younger siblings. His parents are sick and life is difficult at home.

But thanks to Yang Qi's beautiful writing in lower case, he successfully applied for a job in the Jiedu Mansion and became one of the five copywriters. With a monthly income of three pennies, he could barely support his family.

Yang Qi bowed and saluted, "See Jiedushi!"

"Please sit down!" Chen Qing waved his hand and smiled.

Yang Qi sat down next to the chair with his buttocks, his hands pinching the corner of his clothes, he couldn't hide his nervousness.

"I've talked to you about joining the army!"

Yang Qi nodded.

"Then would you like to?"

Yang Qi still nodded, "Humble job is willing!"

Chen Qing leaned back on the back of the chair, relaxed his body, and said with a smile: "I also understand the situation in your family. After this matter is over, I will promote you to a higher level and arrange you a government house."

Yang Qi is working now, three money per month, and he will be the master when he is promoted to a higher level. His salary will be increased to five dollars a month, and various benefits will also increase accordingly. Yes, it can be said that he turned over all at once.

Yang Qi was overjoyed, and quickly got up and said: "The humble job must cooperate well with the internal affairs battalion, and we will never let the Jiedu envoy down."

"Go! What to do, the Commander of the Internal Affairs Battalion King will explain to you clearly."

Yang Qi saluted and left, while Chen Qing was still in deep thought. This Yang Qi was found for him by Zhang Xiao. He had a large family and a difficult family situation. In addition, he had an important position, so he was easy to be targeted by Xixia spies. If you act well, you must come true.

This is a strange trick to deal with Xixia. If it is used successfully, within ten years, Xixia will not be able to go south to the Song Dynasty.

Jiang Xiaowu, the clerk of Yi'an Teahouse, finally got his wish and was transferred to the elegant room on the platform. This is the innermost elegant room on the second floor. The conversation is relatively private, and it is also the favorite place for officials to drink tea.

At noon, several officials of the Jiedu Mansion drank tea and ate in the elegant room on the platform. The teahouse not only drank tea, but also served lunch, which was equivalent to a lunch box set, called portion food, and also served good wine. Drinking a pot of tea beautifully is simply the greatest enjoyment in life.

Jiang Xiaowu collected the bowls and chopsticks for them, and sent them a pot of high-quality strong tea that had been fried.

He sat outside and boiled water to serve at any time, but his ears were pricked up.

"Brother Pei, that guy asked you to borrow money again."

The person surnamed Pei sighed, "I didn't repay the money I borrowed last time, and this time I asked to borrow another ten pennies. If you don't borrow it, you will lose face, but you can lend it to him. He doesn't know how long it takes to repay it. Be his colleague. It's really bad luck in eight lifetimes."

"Who gave your surname Pei! If you work with him, you will definitely lose everything!"

Everyone laughed, and another person said: "I heard that his father suffers from tuberculosis, and taking medicine every day is a bottomless pit. His family has long been in debt. He only has three pennies a month, and the rent is five hundred yuan a month. He also needs to buy medicine for his father, and six younger siblings to eat and dress, his little salary is not enough at all, even if he kills him to repay the debt he owes you."

"Oh! Fortunately, I haven't lent it to him yet. Think about it for me, how can I refuse him?"

"Whoever's family has nothing to do, you say that the second uncle's family built a house and borrowed the money. This kind of person ignores him. He borrowed ten cents of money and didn't pay it back. Who can bear it?"

"That's right, it's just a wish to give three to five hundred cash, but I have to borrow ten pennies. Why? Whose money is blown by the wind?"

Everyone discussed again, and it was not early, so they got up to check out and left.

Jiang Xiaowu packed the tea set. At this time, the lunch time was over and the tea time had not yet arrived. Jiang Xiaowu slipped out of the teahouse, went around in circles, and entered the restaurant through the back door.

Dou Qing, the shopkeeper of the restaurant, listened to Jiang Xiaowu's report with squinted eyes, and he became interested, so he asked, "Who is this young official who borrows money everywhere?"

"Humble job is not known yet, but it can be inferred."

"How to infer?"

"Pei Yong, who was borrowed money, was engaged in copying houses in Jiedushi's mansion. The person who borrowed money sat with him must also be engaged in copying houses. The shopkeeper sent someone to inquire about it."

Jiang Xiaowu left, Dou Qing sent one of his subordinates to ask the dentist, and after a short while, the subordinate came back and said with a smile: "I have asked about the humble job, Pei Yong is a copywriter in the copy room, there are two people in total, and the other is Yang Qi." , it is said that the family is poor and his father is sick."

Dou Qing said again: "Go and find out, why did he borrow ten guan? And the details of his family, let me find out, go now."

"Let's go, humble job!" The subordinate hurried away.

Dou Qing was under tremendous pressure from the Xixia court, accusing him of failing to obtain intelligence for a long time, and asking him to obtain valuable information as soon as possible, otherwise he would be replaced.

Dou Qing is very clear about what it means to be dismissed, which means that he will never have a bright future.

The tooth shop in the Song Dynasty was very developed, and it was relatively easy to do small things like inquiring about news. Dou Qing's subordinates soon got the news and came back, including the plight of Yang Qi's family.

"I want to report to the shopkeeper, there are six younger siblings in Yang Qi's family, his father has tuberculosis, takes medicine for many years, lies at home and does not work, his mother is not in good health, and the family owes a lot of debt. The employment of the Dufu seems to be three pennies a month, and the whole family lives on these three pennies. They need to rent a house, eat food, and pay off debts. Recently, Yang Qi has been borrowing money everywhere because his eldest sister is getting married, and they can't afford it. I heard that the man's family is very dissatisfied with offering a penny for the dowry."

Dou Qing walked a few steps behind his back, he realized that this was an opportunity, this Yang Qi is just a small person, but he can get in touch with secrets, if he can be won over, this will be a long-term, secret information provider .

But what excuse to use to reach him?Let him unknowingly fall into his own trap and be willing to use it for himself?

After pondering for a long time, Dou Qing asked, "What did he do for a living before entering the Jiedu Mansion?"

"I heard that his handwriting is excellent, and he specializes in copying books for others."

Dou Qing's eyes rolled, he had a solution.

Yang Qi's home is in the southwest of the county. This is the settlement of the low-level people in the county. The houses are relatively dilapidated. Back then, the Jin soldiers set fire to [-]% of the houses, and [-]% of the houses remained. This is the southwest part of the county. When the county was expanded , this area of ​​old houses has not been demolished, but has been preserved.

Perhaps because the houses are relatively dilapidated, the rent here is also relatively cheap. It only costs [-] Wen a month to rent a half-acre small courtyard with a single family and seven or eight rooms.

Of course, if it was last year, the rent would only be [-] Wen, but due to the influx of a large number of people into Chengji County this year, especially in the past two months, there were so many people from all over the place that the rent directly doubled.

Yang Qi's family has just moved here. He is already working in the Jiedu Mansion, and he earns three pennies a month. He can no longer live in two shabby houses like before.

Just when the days were getting better, the Yang family was once again clouded with gloom. The eldest daughter of the Yang family was about to get married, and the family couldn't afford a penny of dowry, which made the whole family worry.

As night fell, Yang Qi returned home with tired steps. He went everywhere to borrow money, but no one would lend it to him. His colleagues pooled a couple of dollars to help him, but it was still a drop in the bucket, and it didn't help.

"Brother, you're back!" It was Second Sister who opened the door for him.

Yang Qi forced a smile, "Have you all eaten!"

"We've eaten it all, and we'll keep it for you!"

"I've eaten, you give this to mother."

Yang Qi handed the cloth bag containing [-] cash in change to his sister.

The younger sister took the purse and said: "There is a guest at home, and they are here to look for elder brother."

Yang Qi was stunned, "Who is looking for me?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm here to ask my elder brother to copy the book!"

When Yang Qi came to the living room, he saw the two stood up smiling, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Yang?"

"I'm Yang Qi, you are."

"That's it. We need ten volumes of the Diamond Sutra. You can't use printed books, you can only copy them. I heard that Mr. Yang's handwriting is very good. I am willing to pay a high price to ask Mr. Yang to copy them. I wonder if Mr. Yang is willing?"

"Of course, how much is your high price?"

"Copy ten volumes of the Diamond Sutra, one penny per word."

The ten volumes of the Diamond Sutra are about [-] words, and if you give [-] Wen, it will be [-] guan, which is [-] times more expensive than his previous remuneration for copying books.

At this moment, Yang Qi's heart beat violently, and he immediately realized that the other party had come to him.

 Lao Gao asks for a reward from all book friends!Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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