
Chapter 453 Upgrade

Chapter 453 Upgrade
December is also the cold winter on Xihe Road. After entering December, there have been three consecutive heavy snowfalls, and the world has become a vast expanse.

This morning, Chen Qing led thousands of soldiers to rescue more than [-] dilapidated houses that were crushed by heavy snow in the southwest of the county. Hundreds of houses were built.

The soldiers worked hard all night, rescued most of the trapped people, and pitched a tent next to each family's house to accommodate these temporarily homeless people.

Chen Qing arrived at the scene at the fourth watch, commanding thousands of soldiers to move the excavation, remove the roof beams, and carry away the large bricks and stones. The injured people were carried out and bandaged urgently to stop the bleeding.

It was finally bright, and the soldiers chanted and lifted up the mud wall of the last house that had been crushed. This was the most serious house. The entire wall collapsed. It happened to be the bedroom. It's hard to save people.

Some soldiers shouted, "Below is the girder, and the girder is obliquely pressing on the bed!"

There was another glimmer of hope in everyone's heart. The girders were obliquely pressed, and might be able to withstand the heavy wall.

"Come out! Come out!"

First, a three or four-year-old child was carried out. The child cried out in fright, and then a woman was carried out. The woman had few clothes, and everyone wrapped her in a quilt. Both she and the child were terrified, but luckily It was not injured.

Finally, a man who lay on top of his wife and children saved their lives.

The man was covered in blood, and everyone felt that the possibility of surviving was unlikely. Suddenly, someone shouted: "He's still alive, take him out!"

The crowd hurriedly carried out the seriously injured man, wrapped him in a quilt and sent him to be bandaged. The soldiers and people around him cheered.

All the rescue was over, only more than [-] people were injured, but fortunately no one was killed, it was incredible, how could everyone not cheer.

At this time, Yang Yuanqing stepped forward and said to Chen Qing: "Let's all go back! There is a lowly official here who is in charge. Didn't the doctor say that the wife might give birth in these two days?"

"It should be unlikely today. She was fine when I came out."

As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, a maid from the mansion came running in a panic, "Master, go back quickly! Madam is about to give birth."

Chen Qing was startled, and asked anxiously, "Did you call the midwife?"

"I have invited you a long time ago, butler please go back quickly!"

Chen Qing gave Yang Yuanqing a few words, turned his horse and ran towards his mansion, followed by more than a dozen personal soldiers.

After a while, he rushed to the gate of the mansion. Chen Qing got off his horse and ran towards the mansion. The mansion was also in chaos. go.

Chen Qing faintly heard someone shouting: "It's born! It's born!"

Chen Qing was even more anxious. As soon as he ran to the atrium, the housekeeper clapped her hands and smiled, "Congratulations, sir, madam has given birth to a small official!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed, his wife gave birth to a son, he asked anxiously, "How is Madam?"

"Master, don't worry, mother and child are safe!"

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the two midwives had rich experience. Two days ago, they said that his wife's fetal position was very normal and she should be able to give birth smoothly, so he rushed to participate in the disaster relief in the middle of the night.

Several maidservants came with buckets of hot water, but the housekeeper said urgently, "Come with me!"

Chen Qing also wanted to follow in, but was stopped by the housekeeper, "Master, please wait a moment. Men are not allowed to enter at this time. After everything is cleared, the master will come in again!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Tell Madam, I'm right here in the atrium."

When Chen Qing came to the lobby, he was so excited that he couldn't calm down and couldn't sit still. He walked back and forth in the lobby, and he had a son and offspring. He felt an indescribable sense of fulfillment and happiness in his heart.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Yu Ying ran over and said with a smile, "Master, madam let you go."

"Did you see the little guy?"

"I see, it's pink and tender, so cute!"

Chen Qing couldn't even close his mouth with a smile, and walked quickly to the back house.

"Young master, over here!"

Yu Ying brought Chen Qing to the yard, and Chen Qing opened the thick curtain to go in. Yu Lian and the wet nurse were busy making the bed outside. The wet nurse was surnamed Wang, a local, and had enough milk, so she came to help take care of the child. take the kids.

Yu Lian smiled and pointed to the back room.

Chen Qing walked into the back room, the room was as warm as spring, there was a carved bed by the window, his wife Lu Xiu was lying on the bed, covered with a thick quilt, her face was a little pale, her eyes were full of joy, beside her was a wearing a small swaddle.

When Lu Xiu saw her husband come in, she booed with her fingers up, pointed at the child and said in a low voice, "I just had milk and fell asleep!"

Chen Qing tiptoed forward and quietly looked at the child in front of him. His skin was very tender and there were wrinkles on his face, but his own shadow could be clearly seen between his eyebrows and eyes. Joy filled every corner of his heart.

"It looks like me!"

"That's right! My master said it was a reduced Jiedushi."

"Husband, can I use the name my grandfather gave to the little guy?" Lu Xiu asked in a low voice.

Lu Yihao named his great-grandson Chen Zhong, with the word Anguo.

Chen Qing didn't like this name, he shook his head and said, "I think your master gave him a better name."

Li Qingzhao named Chen Qing's son Chen Ding, but Lu Xiu didn't like it, she thought it was too heavy.

"It's better for the husband to name him! The father should name the son."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "He was born in Chengji County. Chengji County used to be called Jicheng, so he can be called Chen Ji, and the word Anguo can also be used."

Lu Xiu happily said: "Then it's called Chen Ji, how about the baby's name Ganquan?"

Chen Qing and his wife laughed heartily.

In his sleep, the little guy yawned obediently with his little mouth, and his clenched fists were exposed outside the swaddle.

Chen Qing put his little finger on his son's little fist, and he squeezed it lightly. At this moment, the blood of the father and son suddenly connected. Chen Qing felt a strong fatherly love, and he must protect himself. child, never allow anyone to hurt him.

For three days in a row, Chen Qing spent time happily with his wife and children. His son was very sleepy and spent most of the day in a deep sleep. When he woke up, he wanted to find his mother to drink milk. Lu Xiu didn't have much milk. The task of the child falls to the wet nurse.

Chen Qing simply let the wet nurse's family live in the mansion. The wet nurse's husband was an honest man who didn't talk much and made a living by driving ox carts, so Chen Qing hired him as the second driver in the house. '

Three days later, Chen Qing resumed his busy work. When he returned to the official office, the officials of the Jiedu Mansion congratulated him one after another. On the second day after his son was born, he gave five thousand guan to the three armies and officials. Almost everyone can get one hundred Wen.

According to the custom, he gave two red eggs with one hundred Wen to his neighbors. For the past three days, everyone in Chengji County was talking about Chen Qinggang's son.

Chen Qing sat down in the official room, and Wang Hao rushed to see him.

"Now we have a rare opportunity. Do you want to implement a major plan?"

"what chance?"

"The other party was no longer satisfied with Yang Qi's information, and asked Yang Qi to obtain top-secret information. It happened that Zhang Xuan asked for three days off, and his duties were the same as Yang Qi's. You will have the opportunity to get access to top-secret information, and when Yang Qi gets the top-secret information, the other party will not doubt it."

Chen Qing nodded. Yang Qi has been working for the Xixia people for more than a month. He has provided more than [-] pieces of information, and the bait has been given enough. The time is indeed ripe, and the next step is to start fishing.

He took out a top-secret information from the drawer, and said with a faint smile: "This is the top-secret information. I have prepared it for a long time, and I must let Yang Qi get it."

(End of this chapter)

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