
Chapter 475

Chapter 475
The restaurant that Huyanlei bought is one of the three restaurants in the Xu family. It is located in the east of the city and is called Huangshui Restaurant. It is a relatively high-end restaurant in Huangzhou City.

In order to make friends with Xu's family, Hu Yanlei bought a trestle to return the beads, and returned half of the property rights to Xu Pei, the owner. This move really won Xu Pei's favor. Therefore, a lot of information was obtained from Xu Pei.

Xu Peinian is about thirty-five or sixteen years old. His grandmother is from Tubo, so he has a bit of Tubo blood. He has a rough appearance, dark skin, a broad face, and a very bold personality.

Although he has some Tubo blood, his grandfather and great-grandfather are all Han Chinese, and his mother is also from a famous Han family in Lanzhou. Chengdu Fuxue study.

In the afternoon, Xu Pei hurried back to the mansion and found his father who was spending his days in the backyard.

Xu Pei's father's name is Xu Hongtu, a very imposing name, but he is more like a Tibetan than his son. In fact, his mother took him to live in Tibet for fifteen years.

He returned to Huangzhou when he was twenty years old. When he first came back, he couldn't even speak Chinese. After five years of re-learning, he gradually recovered his true colors as a Han Chinese.

He only got married and had children when he was twenty-eight years old. Now he is over sixty years old, but he is still physically strong, but he despises Ren Dejing's despicable character and refuses to work for him, so he treats himself as a patient all day long. The door does not take a step.

But he didn't want to offend Ren Dejing, so he asked his son Xu Pei to serve as the general manager of the mansion and join the army, barely showing the Xu family's support for Ren Dejing.

In the backyard, Xu Hongtu was squinting his eyes and listening to his little grandson Xu Changwu reciting "On the Passing of Qin Dynasty" to him.

’ However, the Qin Dynasty took a mere land to achieve the power of ten thousand times. It was more than a hundred years since the eight states were listed in the same dynasty; then Liuhe was the home, and Weihan was the palace; The laughers in the world, why?If benevolence and righteousness are not applied, the offensive and defensive momentum will be different. '

After listening to the recitation, Xu Hongtu nodded and said: "Qin and Sui are the same. Although they are short-lived, they connect the past and the future and open up the future. Without them, there would be no glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties. In my opinion, the Han and Tang Dynasties just picked up the Qin and Sui Dynasties. It’s just peaches.”

"The grandson is taught!"

Xu Hongtu smiled again and said, "When will you go to Chengdu to study?"

"It's only been a few days, the Yellow River has completely thawed, and my grandson is leaving!"

"Wait a minute, don't rush this moment."

When Xu Hongtu turned his head, he saw his son Xu Pei standing at the door, hesitating to speak, so he smiled and said, "Don't disturb, come here!"

Xu Changwu saluted, "Grandson bid farewell!"

Xu Hongtu let his grandson go, and Xu Pei came over to salute, "Father, he admitted at noon that he is the leader of Chen Qing's scouts. His real name is Huyanlei, not Li Lei."

Xu Hongtu nodded, he had already seen that this man named Li Lei was by no means an ordinary businessman, he was indeed Chen Qing's spy.

"He must be asking for something when he confesses his identity to you. What does he want?"

"He hopes that we can cooperate with him from the inside and the outside to help the Song army seize the city!"

"It's not what I expected!"

Xu Hongtu walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "Did you promise him?"

"I said think about it."

"You answer him right away, just say that we have been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and to the return of Song Jun, and we will do our best to assist him!"

Xu Pei hesitated and said, "Father, do we really want to help them with all our strength?"

Xu Hongtu sighed and said, "Do you think Ren Dejing can separate Xihe Road?"

Xu Pei shook his head, "The reason why Ren Dejing was not dealt with by Xixia is entirely because of the support of Qi and Jin behind him. Once he oversteps, Jin and Qi will immediately abandon him."

"In that case, why are you hesitating?"

"The boy is actually worried about Xi Xia!"

Xu Hongtu sneered and said, "If you don't help the Song army, the Xixia people will treat our Xu family well? Have you ever seen how the Dangxiang people behave like wolves and tigers? We, the fat sheep of the Han people, can only rely on the Han regime. Relying on foreign races is the stupidest idea!"

"The boy understands, so go and answer him now."

"Wait a minute!"

Xu Hongtu stopped his son again, "Tell him that Changwu doesn't want to go to Chengdu to study anymore, but wants to study and live in Chengji County."

Xu Pei didn't react immediately, "Father, what does this mean?"


Xu Hongtu couldn't help cursing: "Do you really want to be the governor of Huangzhou? If you want to, send your son to Qinzhou as a hostage!"

At dusk, Xu Pei met Hu Yanlei again in the elegant room of Huangshui Restaurant.

"My father said that he is willing to do his best to help the Song army capture Huangzhou City. General Hu Yan can do whatever the Xu family needs to do!"

Hu Yanlei was overjoyed, with the support of the Xu family, the hope of success was greatly increased.

He pondered for a while and said: "There are eleven thousand defenders in the city, Ren Dejing's three nephews and two sons-in-law each control two thousand troops, and another one thousand troops are directly under Ren Dejing's army. We don't care about these high-ranking officials. , Our key is to get in touch with the middle and low-level defenders, and the Xu family should be able to make a difference in this regard."

Xu Pei nodded, "My in-law Sun Yunhu, his second son, Sun Jian, is the commander under Ren Li's tent, leading a thousand soldiers in charge of city defense, I can convince Sun Yunhu."

"Is this Sun Yunhu reliable?"

Xu Pei laughed, "Character is not important, but profit is important. What can he get from working hard for Song Jun? This is the key."

"My family will never treat him badly, including the Xu family. In the future, when governing Huangzhou, my family will have to rely on local powerful families like you, such as Wang Huai, the governor of Gongzhou. The Wang family is the number one in Qinzhou. The big family, because Qinzhou is more important, so Wang Huai was made the governor of Gongzhou, as well as Deshun Prefecture and Lintao Prefecture, all rely on the local gentry and big clan. Support is the basis for the long-term stability of Xihe Road."

"I see, I'm going to find Sun Yunhai tonight!"

The Sun family is also a wealthy family in Huangzhou, and they belong to the same family as the Xu family, so Xu Pei's eldest daughter married Sun Yunhai's eldest son, Sun Peng.

The big families in Huangzhou have land, but they can’t make much money from the land. They basically take the commercial route. The Sun family is mainly in the wine business. During the Xuanhe period, the Sun family’s Hehuang Shaochun was a famous wine in the west. Now it has monopolized the wine market in Huangzhou and several nearby states.

However, the Sun family also had troubles during this period. It was rumored that Ren Dejing would impose a heavy tax on alcohol. If the rumors were true, it would seriously affect the vital interests of the Sun family.

As soon as night fell, Xu Pei came to Sun Yunhu's house, and Sun Yunhu asked his eldest son Sun Peng to greet him at the door.

"Excuse me, father-in-law, how is grandfather?"

Xu Pei is quite satisfied with this son-in-law. Although his personality is a little weak, he likes to read since he was a child.

"He is in good health, don't worry, but Ayun, she is six months now! This is the most critical time of pregnancy, you should be extra careful."

"My son-in-law has hired a special midwife, and the doctor will come to see her every few days. Please rest assured, father-in-law!"

"Okay! I have something urgent to do with your father today, and I'll go see Ah Yun another day."

"Father is waiting in the study, please, father-in-law!"

Sun Peng took Xu Pei to his father's study, and Sun Yunhu had been waiting in front of the courtyard for a long time.

Sun Yunhu smiled and said: "I don't know who I am so late, I guess the person who came here is not kind!"

Xu Pei chuckled and said, "That's right! Xu came here to loot your wine cellar, if you are sensible, quickly move out the good wine, and I will spare your life!"

The two laughed, and Sun Yunhu brought Xu Pei into the study. Xu Pei told Sun Peng in a low voice, "Stay at the door and don't let anyone approach you."

Sun Peng nodded knowingly and stood guard at the door.

Sun Yunhu glanced at Xu Pei meaningfully, and said lightly: "You want to talk to me about the Song Army today!"

(End of this chapter)

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