
Chapter 478

Chapter 478
Chen Qing personally led an army of [-], including [-] cavalry, on the official road two miles away. He stared at the city wall not far away. But the army couldn't see them in the night.

It was already midnight, and the operation had already begun. Chen Qing turned his head and said to Liu Cui, "You can lead four thousand troops to ambush outside the west city gate. Those who surrender will not die, and those who resist and refuse to surrender will be killed without mercy. Nephews will definitely be among the captives and find them out!"

"Follow the order!"

Liu Cui led four thousand infantry and rushed to the west gate.
Yang Zaixing and Gao Ding had already led their troops to the north city, and there were indeed two sets of ladders hanging on the city wall.


After Yang Zaixing gave an order, dozens of soldiers jumped and grabbed the rope ladder, and quickly climbed to the top of the city.

Hu Yanlei led his men to gather on the top of the city, watching the soldiers climbing below the city. Just at this moment, Ren Li rushed over with a dozen soldiers angrily.

"What are you doing?" Ren Li asked from afar.

Hu Yanlei had never seen Ren Li before, he didn't know who it was, and while making gestures to order his subordinates to outflank, he asked in a deep voice, "Password!"


Ren Li cursed angrily, "Do I still need a password?"

Hu Yanlei clenched the handle of the knife and began to draw the knife slowly.

At this moment, the first batch of soldiers from the upper city appeared at the top of the city. Ren Li stopped in his tracks all of a sudden, his eyes widened, and someone actually climbed up from the bottom of the city.

When he turned his head, he saw that he and his subordinates were surrounded. At this moment, he suddenly understood, and ran wildly, shouting: "The Song army is going to the city!"

But after running less than twenty steps, Sun Jian led the sentry soldiers and walked towards him, "General Ren, what happened?"

Ren Li excitedly said: "Run the alarm bell, the Song army is going to the city!"

"Impossible, you read it wrong! Here, the big manager is here, you can ask the manager!"

Sun Jian pointed behind him, Ren Li looked back, but saw nothing, he immediately knew that he had been fooled, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and when he lowered his head, a sharp dagger had already been inserted into his chest.

Ren Li pointed at Sun Jian, trembling all over, "So it's you. It's you."

He raised his head and yelled, and fell to the ground dead.

A dozen or so of Ren Li's subordinates were also killed, leaving none alive.

Song Jun threw down more than [-] soft ladders, and the soldiers began to rush to the city. Hu Yanlei led Sun Jian to meet Yang Zaixing. Sun Jian heard that the tall general in front of him was Yang Zaixing, the number one of the Five Tigers.

He admired him very much in his heart, and quickly stepped forward to salute, "Humble rank Sun Jian, see General Yang!"

Yang Zaixing seemed to see his youthful figure in this young general, he liked it in his heart, patted his arm and said with a smile: "Let's learn marksmanship later on!"

Sun Jian was overjoyed, "Thank you General Yang for your support!"

Yang Zaixing nodded, "The governor will let you continue to serve as the commander, you will lead me the way, we are going to the general manager's mansion!"

"Humble job, go and gather your subordinates first!"

Sun Jian led Yang Zaixing and a large group of soldiers down the city. The soldiers sleeping under the city wall were awakened one after another. Sun Jian stood on a high place and shouted: "Listen up, brothers, Ren Dejing has colluded with Xixia and wants to dedicate Huangzhou to other peoples. , we Han people will all be reduced to alien slaves, this is our land, and the Xixia people will never be allowed to step forward, brothers, I have decided to return to the Great Song Dynasty, brothers who are willing to follow me, please raise your right hand!"

He raised his right arm first, and the soldiers raised their hands one after another. Sun Jian saw that there were still more than a hundred people silent, and he said again: "I will never force you brother who wants to go home, but if you want to take advantage of the opportunity to inform and make a fortune, then absolutely There will be a good end, everyone should have seen it, behind me is the Song army, thousands of people have already gone to the city, Xihe Road Jiedushi Chen Dutong personally led an army of [-] outside the city, Ren Dejing is finished!"

His subordinates had already seen the densely packed army on the top of the city, more than a hundred soldiers who were still hesitating quickly raised their hands, and the entire army expressed their willingness to surrender to the Song army.

Sun Jian turned his head and nodded to Yang Zaixing. Yang Zaixing's [-] people had already gone to the city, and he immediately ordered: "Let's go, go to the general manager's mansion!"

Sun Jian shouted: "Brothers, follow me to the general manager's mansion!"

Four thousand troops rushed towards the general manager's mansion two miles away.
Gao Ding led an army of [-] troops to attack Dongcheng in two directions. The commander Liang Tai led [-] people to attack the city gate, and Gao Ding personally led [-] people to attack the city. .

Ren Dejing had three daughters, the youngest daughter was born to his Tubo stepwife, she was only seven years old, the eldest daughter and the second daughter became tools for Ren Dejing to win over the generals, and married the two most senior generals.

Historically, Ren Dejing dedicated his youngest daughter to the aging Xixia Emperor Li Ganshun and became the Empress of Xixia, but that happened nine years later. Now that Chen Qing attacked Huangzhou, history has been changed, and Ren Dejing has no chance to surrender Western Xia.

Gao Ding brandished a chiseled golden tiger head spear, and the tip of the spear pierced the soldiers who came up like a storm. Gao Ding was as good as Yang Zaixing in terms of marksmanship and arrows, but his qualifications in Chen Qing's army were slightly inferior to Yang Zaixing's, so he was among the five tiger generals. Can only come second.

In an instant, more than [-] people were assassinated, all of them were killed with a single shot, and the soldiers at the top of the city turned around and fled in fright. Just as Gao Ding was about to chase him down, a bright sword came to him, Gao Ding hurriedly dodged back, and a man appeared in front of him. An extremely burly general, holding a forty-jin mountain sword in his hand, has a hideous appearance.

This person is Ren Dejing's second son-in-law, Li Fei, who is already in his thirties and his wife is only sixteen years old. He was the head of the Western Army at first, but now he is Ren Dejing's loyal dog.

Li Fei slashed through the air with his saber, he roared, and slashed at Gao Ding's waist with his saber, but Gao Ding was faster than him, halfway through the slash, Gao Ding's spear tip pierced his throat.

'Clang! ’ When the broadsword fell to the ground, Li Fei stood there for a moment, then his huge body collapsed and he died.

The main general was killed, and the soldiers on the top of the city fled watching the wind. Gao Ding occupied the top of the north city gate. The soldiers began to lower the drawbridge and pulled up the door bolt. The soldiers under the city creaked and opened the city gate.

Three fires were raised on the top of the city, Chen Qing could see clearly, and shouted, "Attack!"

The main force of the Song army was launched, and [-] cavalry galloped like the sea, rushing towards Huangzhou City like a tidal wave.

The general manager's mansion covering an area of ​​[-] mu was surrounded by four thousand soldiers of the Song army, and there were also a thousand soldiers hiding on the roof of the general manager's mansion and shooting arrows outward.

It is not difficult to capture the General Manager's Mansion with [-] people. The key is to end the fierce battle quickly and effectively, and deterrence is essential.

Yang Zaixing shouted loudly: "Use the whirlwind cannon!"

The name Whirlwind Cannon comes from Xixia. It is actually a miniature trebuchet that can be launched on the back of a camel. It can throw five or six catties of firearms dozens of steps away. The biggest advantage is that it is easy to carry. A camel can carry Two tornado cannons.

With Yang Zaixing's order, dozens of sizzling and smoking gunpowder barrels were thrown into the governor's mansion at the same time, and exploded one after another in the governor's mansion. Suffering.

After firing three times in a row, no more arrows were fired from the mansion. Yang Zaixing shouted, "The first battalion and the second battalion go in!"

Song Jun smashed open the gate with a giant log, and two thousand soldiers stormed into the governor's mansion. The soldiers in the mansion were terrified, their morale collapsed, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

At the same time, Chen Qing led [-] Song troops into the city of Huangzhou. The soldiers in the city were unwilling to sacrifice their lives for the Ren family. When they heard that it was the Song army who entered the city, they all took off their armor and weapons, and fled to their homes. Chen Qing led an army into the barracks, blocking thousands of soldiers who had no time to escape.

The one thousand soldiers guarding the west city escaped from the west city gate, while Liu Cui led four thousand soldiers to lie in ambush outside the city. In an instant, flames erupted everywhere. The thousand soldiers who escaped from the city gate were surrounded by groups. Thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, " Those who surrender will not die!"

The soldiers in Huangzhou were all terrified, knowing that the situation was over, they knelt down and surrendered one after another, and no one dared to take the stand.

Soldiers of the Song Army picked out several important figures from the crowd who surrendered, one was Ren Dejing's eldest son-in-law Xue Xiaoping, the other two were Ren Dejing's third younger brother Ren Deren, and his son Ren Ling.

Xue Xiaoping suddenly roared, grabbed a spear and killed several Song Army soldiers leading horses, trying to snatch the horses, but just a few steps away, dozens of spears stabbed together, immediately throwing Xue Xiaoping into chaos. speared to death.

(End of this chapter)

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