
Chapter 492 Penetration

Chapter 492 Penetration

The entourage bought by Wang Hao is called Wu Qun. He is the most inconspicuous and least valued among the [-] entourages. He is also the oldest one. He is [-] years old this year, and his average age is only [-]. The Song Dynasty was not young at this age.

With no house or land, Wu Qun was under tremendous pressure to support his family with only a few dollars a month. His son was already twenty years old and his wife was indefinite.

Wu Qun's weakness was so easy to break through that Wang Hao bought him off completely by giving him a hundred taels of silver.

In a small teahouse, Wang Hao poured a cup of tea for Wu Qun, and said with a smile: "I told Dutong about you yesterday, and he praised you very much, saying that as long as you work hard, there will be no problem with houses and land, and your son will marry a wife." It’s also a matter of course.”

Wu Qun clapped his hands together to express his thanks, Wang Hao laughed again and said, "How many years have you been with Wang Mian?"

"For eight full years, I have had enough of his miserliness!"

Wu Qun sighed, and said with resentment on his face: "During the Chinese New Year, all the subordinates only gave ten coins to each of them, and he even called it reward money."

"Wang Mi is rich?"

"He is very rich. There is no eunuch like them who is not greedy for money."

"Where is his money usually stored?" Wang Hao asked again with a smile.

"It's all in Baoji Cabinetry."

Wang Hao nodded, "My family is very concerned about how you pass on the information, can you tell me in detail?"

"Of course, Wang Mi has set up an intelligence point in Nanzheng County, Hanzhong. He will send people to Hanzhong, and the intelligence point will send people to Lin'an. That's what he did in Quanzhou. He set up an intelligence point in Fuzhou. This avoids the surveillance of local officials, which works very well.”

Wang Hao quickly asked, "Where is it in Nanzheng County?"

Wu Qun shook his head, "I don't know about this, I'm afraid even Su Hui doesn't know, the commander Feng Wu is fully responsible for this matter."

After a pause, Wu Qun said again: "Maybe there is still one person who knows about this."

"who is it?"

"It's also a follower named Qi Gui. He is a native of Hanzhong. I remember that he accompanied Feng Wu to find a suitable place."

Wang Hao said with great interest: "Then tell me about Qi Gui."

Qi Guinian was about [-] years old and was a palace guard. He was from Nanzheng County in Hanzhong, so he was favored by Wang Mian, and he followed Wang Mian to Xihe Road to supervise the army.

He usually has nothing to do, and sometimes he will temporarily receive tasks and run errands. The only task he did before was to accompany Feng Wu to find intelligence points in Hanzhong.

Qi Gui's family is very good, and he didn't marry a wife and have children, so he didn't need him to earn money to support his family. He had a monthly salary of six pennies, which was basically squandered by him eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. This is also a bad habit he picked up in Lin'an .

Only a few days after he came to Chengji County, he became a frequent visitor to five brothels in the county. Every day he used the excuse to come out to inquire about news, so he hang out in the brothel.

As soon as night fell, Qi Gui came out of the expensive hotel as usual, and hailed an ox cart to go to Baihuayuan.

"Damn it, I spent too much money these two days, so I need to save a little."

In the past few days, he spent a consistent amount of money every day, which really hurts his heart.

He poked his head to look outside, and suddenly found that it was different from the way he usually walked. He immediately shouted annoyed, "Hey! I'm going to Baihuayuan, where are you going?"

The coachman turned around and said with a smile, "Let's go to Baihuayuan tomorrow! I'll take you to a more interesting place today."


Qi Gui immediately realized that something was wrong, the driver's accent was not local.

Just as he was about to jump off the car, a sharp sword was placed around his neck, "Just move it and I'll kill you!"

He didn't know that there was another person ambushing in the bullock cart, Qi Gui raised his hand, not daring to move.

The bullock cart accelerated and headed south.
Qi Gui was taken to a room by a black bag hood. Someone took off his head hood and cut the ropes on his hands. Qi Gui gently moved his wrists, and saw a man in his thirties sitting in the middle of the room. , extremely strong and burly, with four burly men standing on each side.

A big man put a stool in front of him, and the man smiled and said, "Sit down and talk!"

The smile on the other party's face made Qi Gui's sense of fear subside a little, he sat down and asked, "Who are you?"

The man said indifferently: "I am the Commander of the Xihe Army's Inner Guard Battalion. My surname is Wang. Please come here just to trouble you with a small matter."

Qi Gui suddenly understood, he quickly said: "I know what you mean, but I really don't know much information, you should find Su Hui, he is the leader."

"As I said, I will trouble you with a small matter."

"You said, if you know, you must cooperate."

Qi Gui is also a person with many faces. He knows very well that the other party's politeness is just an illusion. If he does not know each other, the other party will immediately change his face. I am afraid that his life will be lost, and he does not want to die.

Wang Hao nodded and winked at the people next to him. One of his subordinates placed three things on the small table in front of Qi Gui. In the middle was a pen and paper, on the left was a glass of poisoned wine, and on the right was an ingot of twenty taels of silver.

"My request is simple!"

Wang Hao said slowly: "I know that Wang Mi has an information point in Hanzhong. I want to know its exact location. If you write it down and leave with the money, we won't look for you in the future. If you don't want to write it down, There is a glass of poisoned wine next to it, you choose it yourself."

Qi Gui sighed in his heart. The other party even found out the secret that he knew the information point, which meant that someone inside them had already betrayed.

"Okay! I'll just write it."

Anyway, it wasn't surrender to the Jurchens, it was just an internal struggle in the Song Dynasty, Qi Gui didn't have any pressure, he took a pen and wrote down the detailed address of the intelligence point, after thinking about it, he simply wrote the name of the leader of the intelligence point.

He put down his pen and picked up the silver.

Wang Hao smiled and said: "I like to deal with straightforward people like Qi Shiwei. Qi Shiwei should have something to say! For example, this shopkeeper Tao, does he always have any weaknesses?"

Qi Gui thought for a while and said: "This person is neither lustful nor greedy for money, he is loyal and honest, so Wang Mi uses him. If you want to find his weakness, there is only one thing, and that is his only son."

"Tell me more in detail, where is his home?"

Qi Gui hesitated, and Wang Hao's eyes immediately became sharp.

"Does Guard Qi think we are too talkative?"

"No no!"

Qi Gui hurriedly waved his hands, "This shopkeeper Tao regards his son as his life, where are the others? Where is his son?"

Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction, and picked up a pen to write a few more lines.

Qi Gui asked anxiously: "If there is no problem, can I go?"

Wang Hao looked at the address he wrote, and asked again: "Who usually delivers letters to Nanzheng County?"

"It must be Feng Wu's subordinates. It will be decided temporarily when the letter is delivered. I am afraid that someone will be sent to deliver a letter in the next two days."

"What letter?" Wang Hao asked.

"I heard that it has something to do with the Jiedushi arbitrarily appointing puppet Qi officials."

Wang Hao nodded, "You can go now. If you want money, you have to exchange information. You can find me in the outer hall of the inner guard camp on West Street."

After Qi Gui left, Wang Hao immediately sent for Sima Qing, a capable officer under his command, and after a while, a young general of the inner guard hurried over, clasped his fists and said, "Please command me!"

Wang Hao wrote a note and handed it to him, "This is your task. You immediately lead ten brothers to Nanzheng County, observe carefully, act boldly, and make no mistakes!"

"Follow the order!"

Sima Qing took the order and left.

At dawn, there was a cry from next door, Lu Xiu couldn't miss her husband's warm embrace any longer, so she got dressed and got up.

Since becoming a mother, she seldom sleeps well at night. Although there are nurses who watch the baby at night, she will be awakened by the sound of the baby crying, and she cannot fall asleep again until the baby calms down again.

"Let me get up too!" Chen Qing also sat up.

"Today is a day off, husband, please sleep a little longer!"

"The day off is a day off, but I want to go out and get some basic information about the status quo. I have a lot of ideas, and I need to implement them one by one."

Lu Xiu pursed her lips and smiled, "I think the most important thing for your husband is to recruit talents. With talents, you don't need your husband to do many things in person."

Chen Qing laughed, "That's right, talent is the most important thing, I really need to boldly promote some outstanding talents."

After putting on her dress, Lu Xiu quickly walked to the next door, and when she reached the door, she turned her head and said, "The premise is that my husband has to appease that supervisor, so that he won't target my husband."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the supervisor must be full of surprises now."

[Two chapters today, three chapters tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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