
Chapter 495 Architecture

Chapter 495 Architecture
Qinchuan Restaurant in Simaqiao, Chengji County, was also the former Xixia Army’s intelligence point, Xuechuan Restaurant. After the restaurant was confiscated by the government, it held an auction and was bought by the Qinzhou Wang family. It was renamed Qinchuan Restaurant. It is still Chengji The largest restaurant in the county.

At noon that day, at a small table by the window on the third floor, what were two men talking about in a low voice?
"Three hundred guan is less, I'm taking too much risk, this is top secret information, at least give me five hundred guan, no! I want one hundred taels of silver."

"As long as the information is good, I can give you a hundred taels of silver, but when will you give it to me?"

"Pay fifty taels of silver first, and I will give it to you at noon tomorrow at the latest."

The man sitting on the east side took out five ingots of silver from the leather bag, put them on the table and pushed them over.

At this moment, the diners around got up at the same time, rushed up, held down the man in the east, and quickly took him away with his back tied.

The moment he was taken downstairs, the man turned his head and found that the other party he was trading with was drinking tea with his head bowed. He immediately understood that he had been caught in a trap, and felt a burst of strong regret in his heart.

Half an hour later, a large number of inner guard soldiers surrounded Sun Ji's silk and satin shop, and quickly escorted the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper out, and sent them to the carriage to take them away.

Wang Hao then hurried to the official room and reported to Chen Qing how they searched Sun Ji's silk and satin shop.

"Reporting to Dutong, the evidence is solid, there are witnesses and material evidence, and a large amount of information collected and investigated by them was found in the silk shop, and it is confirmed that they are spies sent by the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi."

This action was naturally ordered by Chen Qing. With the Supervising Army, there was no need for the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shanxi to report the situation on Xihe Road to the Emperor, and Lu Fasheng, the envoy of Xuanfu, would not do anything wrong with the Supervising Army.

This was actually an important reason why Chen Qing was willing to accept Wang Mian as the supervisor of the army. He could use money to control Wang Mian, but he could not control the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Department.

But with the Supervisory Army, the Xuanfu Division of Sichuan and Shaanxi can no longer exceed its authority to monitor itself.

However, Chen Qing still decided not to leave any hidden dangers, and ordered the eradication of the intelligence point planted by the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Department in Chengji County.

This is actually a warning to Lu Fasheng, if he continues to act unruly, then don't blame yourself for being unruly.

The key is how to deal with these spies?

Chen Qing paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. If he was a commander, he could have killed them all with one blow, but now that he is a Jiedushi, he considers issues from a different height and perspective.

"Dutong, it's better to kill them and give them the strictest warning, so that they won't dare to send spies to Chengji County again." Wang Hao suggested cautiously.

Chen Qing shook his head, "Have you thought about Zhou Kuan? He purchased food in Bashu and recruited civilians. How can his safety be guaranteed? Have you thought about what will happen to the people we send to Bashu to purchase supplies and goods in the future?"

Wang Hao was speechless for a moment, and Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Send them a gift to Beixian Renguan, along with the goods and money from the shop, and this is the end of the matter."

"Follow your orders!"

Wang Hao was about to leave when Chen Qing called him again, raising the information in his hand and reporting: "Sima Qing in Hanzhong has done a good job. I am very satisfied with this transfer of information. Everyone will be credited once. Let them continue to stay patiently in Hanzhong." , I will reward them heavily when they come back!"

"Thank you Dutong for your love, I will definitely tell them to boost their morale."

Wang Hao turned and left. Chen Qing read the report again. He had two reports in his hand, one was written by Wang Mian to the emperor, and the other was polished by Sima Qing and others.

From Wang Mi's report, it can be seen that the silver has worked. He didn't mention the matter of mining, and he described the expansion of the army as the expansion of the militia. Huang criticized himself for not appeasing the Qiang and Tibetans, but for being too tough and forcibly occupying hundreds of miles of land and salt fields from the Tubo people.

This report is written in a smooth manner. It seems to be all kinds of criticisms, but it doesn't touch on the key points. From another perspective, it is a strategic plan to open up new territories.

Although Sima Qing didn't change a single word, they still copied a report to a high degree, so as to ensure the consistency of the copied reports in the future. This is why Chen Qing admired Sima Qing for his thorough consideration.

After reading the report, Chen Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief, and can temporarily put aside the matter of supervising the army
During this period of time, Chen Qing has been thinking about reforming the structure of the Jiedu Mansion. Now the establishment of each Cao is simple. It is just the military structure of the Xihe Army, not the government structure of Xihe Road. He is the Jiedu envoy and also in charge of government affairs.

Therefore, he had to set up a more comprehensive Jiedu government office. First of all, he had to set up two chief officials, one in charge of military affairs, with the official title of Sima, and the other in charge of government affairs, with the official title of Chang Shi. It is necessary to set up a judge to implement supervisory powers.

In the official position system of the Song Dynasty, both Chang Shi and Sima were low-level officials with eight ranks, but it was the characteristics of the Song Dynasty that low-level officials held great power.

The army has five cao join the army, the army, the law, the warehouse, the armor, and the field, and then set up the intelligence agency, which is in charge of scouts, undercover agents, and internal guards.

These are all Chen Qing's personal thoughts, but the biggest problem he encounters now is the lack of talents. To be precise, it is the lack of talents he can trust. There are a group of people in the state school, but can they make him trust?
Chen Qing paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. At this moment, Zhu Sui reported at the door, "Jiedu Envoy, Jiang Zhizhou is here!"

"Please come in!"

The only two people Chen Qing can decide on now are Zhang Xiao in charge of military affairs and Jiang Yanxian in charge of government affairs. The other candidates must be discussed with them.

After a while, Jiang Yan walked in quickly, bowed and saluted: "See Jiedushi!"

"Master, please sit down!"

Jiang Yan sat down first, and Chen Qing handed him the framework outline he had drafted, "Take a look first, what do you think?"

Jiang Yan looked at the outline first, and asked in surprise: "Is the Jiedu envoy officially establishing a government office?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Now there are many states and counties under the jurisdiction. The previous management method can no longer adapt and must be expanded. Now that the supervisory army is also in place, basically he has been bought by me and will not object to my settings. The key is that I The setting up is also reasonable and in line with the imperial court’s regulations. I am worried that if it is delayed, the imperial court will appoint officials for me. The right time, place and people are all in place, so now is the best time to set up the Jiedu Mansion.”

"Jiedushi's words are justified. If you don't take it to the court for record, it is very likely that the court will send officials over."

Jiang Yan took a closer look at the frame, and frowned slightly, "Why didn't the Jiedu envoy set up three divisions?"

"Is the establishment of the third division competing for power with the sixth division?"


Jiang Yanxian shook his head and said: "The establishment of the three divisions is actually a diversion, so that the power of the first division is not too large. For example, the household division, its power is mainly controlled by population, taxation and financial power, but the mining supervision, smelting, Changping, salt and iron A large number of specific affairs such as land, house, transshipment, trade, and warehousing are handed over to the Household Department, and the Household Department is too inflated. Therefore, the starting point for the imperial court to set up three departments is to manage these specific affairs involving wealth. I suggest Jiedu The envoys also set up three divisions, or called divisions, which are subordinate to each case and manage these specific affairs."

Chen Qingxin nodded, "It makes sense, we can consider it!"

Jiang Yanxian said again: "Isn't it a bit inappropriate to let a lowly official serve as the governor of the Jiedu government? I'm afraid there will be opinions from the Ministry of Officials."

"Actually, it doesn't matter. If Zhizhou changes his name and resume, the supervising army will turn a blind eye."

Jiang Yanxian sighed and said, "It's not impossible to change the name, but I'm afraid that the qualifications will not be enough."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "You only have one resume, my chief staff officer, whoever is the long history, besides Zhang Xiao has no qualifications, he also serves as Sima, my dignified Jiedu envoy, even a Don't you have the right to recommend the eighth-rank official? I just let you be a small eighth-rank official, and I have wronged you."

Jiang Yanxian was moved in his heart, bowed and said: "Thank you for the trust of the Jiedu Envoy, I will do my best in a humble position, and I will live up to the important role of the Jiedu Envoy."

(End of this chapter)

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