
Chapter 500 Defense

Chapter 500 Defense
Without the cooperation of the Wu rank army, Chen Qing had no choice but to change his plan. They originally sent [-] troops to easily capture Siyang County, but now he had to consider Fengxiang's reinforcements, and had to add a strategy of besieging the city and fighting for reinforcements.

Chen Qing originally attacked on both fronts at the same time and took Pingliang Mansion at the same time. Now he can only consider taking Longzhou first, consolidating the victory and then attacking Pingliang Mansion. But in this way, Pingliang Mansion will have time to prepare. It must cost a greater price to win Pingliang Mansion.

Although it was just a small movement of sending troops to Monk Yuan, it represented great significance and would completely change the situation, but Lu Fayuan refused to use this small movement.

Chen Qing didn't know what happened, but one thing he was sure of was that his expulsion of several spies must have affected Lu Fayuan's decision-making.

After thinking about it, that's fine, he won't even think about going back to the Shaanxi provinces that he worked so hard to get back.

The head of Chen Qing changed his strategy, suspended the plan of sending troops to Pingliang Mansion, and changed the plan of sending troops to Pingliang Mansion to capture Longzhou. Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] to kill Longzhou.

Wanyan Helisa was very wary of the Song army's eastward advance. He had spies all over Longzhou. As soon as Song Jun entered Longzhou, he was discovered by Jinbing's scouts and immediately reported to Fengxiang Mansion with an eagle letter.

At this moment Wanyan Helisa was in Fengxiang mansion, he received the letter from Ying, and he took it very seriously, he currently has [-] troops in Fengxiang, [-] Jurchen soldiers with [-] Qi troops, [-] of them are deployed on the south bank of Weihe River, To prevent the Song army from going out of Monk Yuan,
There are also [-] people stationed in Fengxiang's counties, and he has [-] mobile troops in his hands.

Although Wu Jie's Song army did not come out of Monk Yuan, it was difficult to guarantee that he would not come later. Wanyan Helisa ordered a thousand soldiers stationed on the Sishui to reinforce Siyang County with fire, and ordered the commander Wanyan Tietou to lead a group of troops. Wan Dajun went to reinforce Siyang County.

This afternoon, Chen Qing's army passed by Jiandao Pass. He paid homage to the soldiers who died that year in the pine forest to the south. More than four years have passed, and things have changed. The army recaptured Longzhou including Jiandao Pass.

"Dutong, I think it's unwise for the other party to give up Jiandao Pass!" Yang Zaixing said in a deep voice.

Of course, Chen Qing understood what he meant. The Longshan and Longshan Mountains stretched from the northeast of Deshun Prefecture to the Qinling Mountains, and isolated Qinzhou from the west. Only the Weihe River created a channel to connect Qinzhou and Longzhou.

And a branch of Longshan divided Longzhou into two. Jiandao Pass is an important passage through this branch. The Song army went out of Longshan to attack Longzhou. If the Jin soldiers repaired Jiandao Pass, the Song army went north to Siyang The county must attack Jiandao Pass first, because the Song army may not be able to attack it due to the danger of the Jiandao Pass canyon.

Only [-] people can resist the Song army's plan to attack Longzhou, but the Jin soldiers gave up Jiandao Pass.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Perhaps Jin Bing didn't expect us to start moving eastward so soon!"

Gao Ding, who was on the sidelines, said, "If we capture Siyang County, do we want to reopen the Jiandao Pass?"

Chen Qing still shook his head, "Jiandao Pass is meaningless to us. If the Jin soldiers want to attack Qinzhou, they will send troops along the Weihe River. If they want to attack Siyang County, they will also go north along the Sishui River. Jiandao Pass is just to defend us. It is useful, so instead of rebuilding Jiandao Pass, it is better to build a pass on the Wei River in the south."

Everyone nodded, Liu Cui smiled and said: "Now I understand why the Jin soldiers and the puppet Qi army are not interested in Xihe Road. A Long Mountain completely separates Xihe Road from Shaanxi Road, which belongs to another area. It cannot be connected with Shaanxi Road.”

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "There are reasons for this. Compared with the poorly populated Xihe Road, the Jin soldiers want the fertile Bashu plain for thousands of miles, so they have invested a lot of resources in attacking Bashu. Now the Jin soldiers have repeatedly After repeated defeats on offense, their vigor was exhausted, and they began to turn on the defensive, and they had no energy to devote to Xihe Road."

"Excuse me, Dutong, is the time ripe for us to attack Longzhou?" Yang Zaixing asked after a moment of thought.

This is also the common thinking of many generals. They think that they have just captured Xihe Road, and they should at least cultivate for a year or two before sending troops. In addition, the Wu rank army is unwilling to cooperate. Everyone thinks that the time to attack Longzhou is not yet ripe. This is not true Yang Zaixing had this idea alone, and more than half of the generals had this idea, including Zheng Ping, who also opposed sending troops to Longzhou at this time.

Chen Qing simply gathered the generals together, and said to them: "I know that at least half of the people here think that the time to attack Longzhou is not ripe, let me tell you, what do I think?
I also know that we are not ready yet, but for the same reason, Jin Bing is not ready either. Today we pass Jiandao Pass. It is a barren pass. It is such a dangerous pass. We will pass without hurting any soldiers. When we are ready Now, the golden soldiers will be ready. At that time, we will first face the great pass of Jiandao Pass. Based on my experience, it is impossible to win it without thousands of casualties. "

Everyone was stunned, and there was a lot of discussion immediately. Chen Qing waved his hand to calm everyone down, and he continued: "My Eastern Expedition this time is not to attack Guanzhong. We are indeed not ready, and the time is not ripe. The first thing is to seize the two springboards before the enemy is ready, capture Longzhou and Pingliang Mansion, and prepare for our real Eastern Expedition in the future."

Yang Zaixing said with a smile: "The whole thing is to seize the opportunity. I understand it, but I suggest that we should build the Jiandao Pass to prevent the enemy from building the pass, which will isolate us from Siyang County."

Chen Qing nodded, "This plan is acceptable, and we will build a new Jiandao Pass in the south of the valley!"

At this moment, a soldier hurried over with the latent scouts in Siyang County.

The scout knelt down on one knee and saluted: "Qi Dutong, at midnight last night, a puppet Qi army with a thousand soldiers entered the county, and now the army in Siyang City has reached [-] people, all of them are puppet Qi troops. It seems that they already knew that the Song army was coming, so they ordered the city gates to be closed, and the humble officials drove out before the gates were closed."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked again: "Have ordinary people in the city been mobilized to defend the city?"

"The humble staff hadn't been mobilized when they left the city, and I haven't heard that they have this plan."

Chen Qing ordered people to take the scouts down to rest, and he said to everyone: "Wu Jie's army did not go out of Monk Yuan, which relieved the pressure on Fengxiang's golden soldiers. Wanyan Helisa will definitely send troops north to help Siyang City, our top priority It’s not about taking down Siyang City, but besieging the city and fighting for reinforcements, first annihilating the enemy’s support troops.”

On the south bank of the Lishui River, an army of about [-] people is rapidly marching northwest along the river. This army is composed of [-] puppet Qi troops and [-] Jurchen cavalry. His identity is not simple, he is actually Wan Yanchang's nephew, about [-] years old, wields a wrought iron mace, and has undue courage.

Over the years, Wanyan Tietou has experienced many battles, and he has been able to stand on his own, so this time Wanyan Helisa sent him to lead the army to support Siyang County.

There was also a deputy general, Zhao Yong, and the two led the army all the way. They carried dry food for six days. If they could not support Siyang County, they had to retreat immediately, otherwise the dry food would not last long.

In the evening, the army was resting in the woods, Wanyan Tietou and Zhao Yong were discussing countermeasures,

"Excuse me, commander, did the general mention how many troops the other party has?"

"It seems that there are more than [-] people, but the exact number is not mentioned. Why do you ask?" Wanyan Tietou was really puzzled.

Zhao Yong is a veteran with a lot of experience. He said in a deep voice, "We are only forty miles away from Siyang County, but we haven't been defeated in the south, which means that the Song army has not broken through the county seat. The humble official suspects that the other party's target is us. Get rid of us first, and then take the county seat calmly."

Wanyan Tietou is not stupid, he understood Zhao Yong's meaning, "You mean, the Song army will come to attack us tonight?"

Zhao Yong nodded, "We are resting in the woods. If the opponent attacks with fire, we will be in danger."

"What about General Yi?"

"I suggest that we move to the north bank and find a high place to camp. It will not be so easy for the other party to sneak across the river."

Although Wanyan Tietou is not very smart, he followed Zhao Yong's suggestion, and he immediately said happily: "Well, build the pontoon bridge immediately, and we will move to the north bank!"

(End of this chapter)

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