
Chapter 502

Chapter 502
At one watch, Chen Qing sent someone to find Zhao Yong, the surrendered general, and asked him with a smile, "Does General Zhao know the main general in the city?"

Zhao Yong clasped his fists and said: "I know a thing or two about my humble position. The general in the city is called Mo Wangu, a commander of a thousand commanders. He is actually a native of Donghu in Bohai. Orders need to be translated, resulting in poor language communication, so he often beats people in a rage, and even Wanyan Holisa doesn't like him, so he was sent to guard Longzhou."

"Why does the puppet Qi army use Hu people as leaders?" Chen Qing asked puzzled.

"This is a new rule that has just been established. It is said that the repeated defeats of the puppet Qi army made Jin Guo feel distrustful, so it is stipulated that all the first-level generals should be Jurchens, but not all of them. I don't know the specific humble positions. At least This is the case on Shaanxi Road.”

Chen Qing nodded, "Then tell me how to attack Siyang City?"

Zhao Yong knew that it was all about the examination of the school himself, so he racked his brains and said, "If the governor decides to attack the city in the middle of the night, the humble official agrees very much. In fact, to deal with the defenders of Siyang County, you only need to use one word, 'surprise!'" You can subdue the enemy without fighting."

Chen Qing became more interested, and said with a smile, "Tell me more about it!"

"The humble official suggested that Dutong should attack the south city. When attacking the upper city, don't rush into the city. First beat the drums like thunder, and then set fire to the south tower. The soldiers in the city will be frightened. They will flee from the north gate. There is an army ambushing outside the gate, and they are all the turtles in the urn."

"But why do you say that the soldiers will be frightened and flee north?"

Zhao Yong smiled slightly: "How many people like Mo Wangu are willing to sacrifice their lives for him? Besides, these soldiers are not fools. Everyone knows that [-] people can't defend a city. At a critical moment, who doesn't want to save their lives?"

Yang Zaixing said from the side: "Dutong, I also feel that General Zhao's words are reasonable, and I am willing to lead the army to attack the city!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Then you will be the chief general, General Zhao will be the deputy general, and lead [-] people to attack the city, while Gao Ding and Niu Gao will lead [-] people to ambush outside the north gate!"

In the middle of the night, Yang Zaixing and Zhao Yong led [-] people to the south of the city. Zhao Yong was really uneasy. He didn't understand how Chen Dutong let him, who had just surrendered, lead the army, but wasn't he worried that he would backtrack?
Yang Zaixing saw his uneasiness, so he smiled and said to him: "Everyone always has no doubts about employing people, and no doubting people. If he doesn't trust you, he will never give you any chance. He is actually giving you a performance." Opportunity."

"I also understand, it's just me. I surrendered just now! If I go back on my word and run away with the army, wouldn't the loss of the capital be too great?"

Yang Zaixing laughed, "Then you are wrong. The prestige of the Dutong is built on every soldier. Even if you want to take them away, they will never go with you, not to mention you, even me. In order to prevent accidents, I have announced this mission to each of the following command envoys before dispatching troops. If the mission is changed midway, I will also give the order to change the mission to each command envoy. You will give me a golden command arrow, and use this golden command arrow to issue orders."

Zhao Yong was ashamed, it turned out that this was the case, and he really thought too much.

Yang Zaixing said indifferently: "This is the system. The so-called system is applicable to everyone, and we will never favor one another, so everyone can live easily, do things according to the system, and work hard to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. Other interpersonal relationships, bragging and flattering. Don’t even think about it.”

"This is the best way. Our military generals are afraid of dealing with civil servants. We can't fight them, and we are miserably handled by them."

"I am also afraid, and Dutong is also afraid, so there will be no civil servants in the Xihe Army. If it must be strictly speaking, then Dutong is a civil servant. After all, he is also Doctor Yinqing Guanglu. This is a civil servant. Sanguan title."

"It turns out that Du Tong is also a civil servant!"

"Economic and strategic envoys! Both civil and military training."

Just as he was talking, a young general of eighteen or nineteen years old jumped over and said to Yang Zaixing: "Master, my disciples have already investigated clearly. There are only two teams of patrols at the top of the city, each with fifty people. Maybe some people are sleeping, so I can't see them!"

Yang Zaixing smiled and nodded, "You are the first to go to town today, don't let me down!"

"Don't worry! Disciples lead the army to the city from the easternmost point, even if they find out, it will be too late to run over."

"Okay, ready to go!"

The young man turned around and walked away. Zhao Yong said with a smile: "Commander Yang's apprentice has a great aura, so he must be quite skilled in martial arts!"

"His name is Sun Jian. He is from Huangzhou. The young man is very quick-witted. He is also skilled in martial arts and has excellent archery skills. He didn't need to ask me to be his teacher, but he wanted to learn Yang's spear, so I will help him."

In fact, Sun Jian wanted to worship Chen Qing as his teacher, but Chen Qing refused to accept him as an apprentice, so he entangled his second admirer, Yang Zaixing. Yang Zaixing saw that he was a good character and a good foundation in martial arts, so he agreed.

Yang Zaixing glanced at the city, and said in a deep voice, "General Zhao, the preparations are about to begin!"


Zhao Yong immediately led two thousand people to the west half of Nancheng
Sun Jian did not join the Huangzhou garrison, but became Yang Zaixing's general. Chen Qing also hoped that Yang Zaixing would train him to be a capable right-hand man.

Dozens of scouts had already placed long planks on the moat. Sun Jian led his men to appear about [-] steps away from the city wall.

Sun Jian watched the patrolling soldiers on the top of the city. When they turned around and walked towards the tower, he waved his hand, and he led the first group of fifty soldiers to rush towards the city wall. Out of the corner of his eye, he found it.

Sun Jian and fifty of his subordinates ran across the moat like a gust of wind, sticking tightly to the city wall.

At this time, the patrol team on the top of the city was halfway through, and they were no longer walking close to the battlements. This was the best opportunity, and three hundred soldiers came rushing in, carrying three siege ladders.

The soldiers of the Song army hung the siege on the top of the city without hesitation. Sun Jian took the lead and quickly climbed up. When he was almost at the top, a face suddenly appeared on the top of the city. The sound of iron hooks on the city ladder startled them.

The first person who woke up came forward to check the situation. Sun Jian reacted very quickly. He raised his spear and dropped it, piercing the throat of the soldier at the top of the wall.

Sun Jian ran two quick steps, jumped onto the top of the wall, and the guard soldiers lying on the top of the wall got up in shock and shouted loudly.

The patrol team also noticed the situation and rushed towards this side quickly. The soldiers under the city also rushed up, and thousands of soldiers from the Song Army rushed towards the city wall in the distance.

Sun Jian brandished his long spear and picked and killed seven or eight soldiers in a row. The other soldiers were terrified, uttered a cry, turned around and fled.

'when!when!when!when! 'The alarm sounded loudly from the top of the city, resounding through the whole city.

Fifty sentry soldiers finally rushed to the city, but more than [-] Song soldiers had already ascended the city. Sun Jian roared and led the [-] people to fight up.

At the same time, Zhao Yong of Xicheng also led [-] soldiers to forcibly attack the top of the city. He didn't use a forward or any strategy, but directly hung [-] siege ladders on the top of the city at the same time.

The defenders at the top of the city took care of one thing and lost another, and Zhao Yong basically attacked the top of the city without paying the price.

This made Yang Zaixing secretly admire, no wonder everyone valued this person, he really has some skills, is very practical, and also very intelligent.

Song Jun lit the South City Tower and opened the South City Gate. Chen Qing led four thousand cavalry into the city.

As soon as he rushed into the city, he saw the enemy general Mo Wangu leading seven or eight hundred soldiers rushing towards the city gate.

Chen Qing stretched out his bow and put on an arrow, and shot it eighty steps away. The speed was incomparably fast. Before Mo Wangu could react, the arrow was right in front of him, and it was too late to hide even if he instinctively wanted to hide.

'puff! 'The arrow was right between the eyebrows, powerful force penetrated the entire body, and the tip of the arrow came out of the brain with bloody brain tissue.

Mo Wangu fell from the horse on his back, without even a scream, he died instantly.

The soldiers behind were so frightened that they turned around and fled. The North City Gate had been opened. Just as Zhao Yong expected, a large number of soldiers fled to the North City Gate.

It's a pity that they were greeted by six thousand ambush soldiers, and none of them could escape.

As the sky gradually dawned, the Song Army escorted more than [-] prisoners of war in through the north city gate, as well as the more than [-] captives at the head of the southern city, and the [-] defenders. Except for the more than [-] who were killed in battle, the rest became the Song Army's soldiers. prisoner of war.

The core area of ​​Longzhou is on both sides of the Sishui River. There are two counties in total. After Siyang County is captured, another small county without a garrison, Qianyuan County, will surrender without a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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