
Chapter 505 Forcing the Palace

Chapter 505 Forcing the Palace
On the Yangtze River north of Wuhu County, ten [-]-stone ships slowly approached the south bank under the cover of night. Wuhu County was originally Yue Fei's defense area. After Yue Fei was transferred to Jingxiang, it became Zhang Jun's defense area.

But in fact, there are not many troops stationed here, only [-] people. The focus of the Song army's garrison is to the east of Health, and nearly [-] Song troops are stationed on a defense line that is hundreds of miles long.

On the other side of the Yangtze River is Wanyan Nianhan's [-] Jurchen cavalry, with Yangzhou as the center.

It can be said that Wuhu County is a weak link in the Song Army's garrison.

Ten large ships approached the wharf of Wuhu County slowly. The first large ship was about to dock when more than a dozen pawns ran up, waving lanterns and shouting, asking the ships to leave and not to dock.

At this moment, a dense rain of arrows shot out from the boat, and a dozen or so pawns were shot and killed seven or eight of them, and the other pawns were so frightened that they scrambled and fled.

'when!when!when! 'A rapid alarm bell sounded on the pier.

The barracks of the Song army was near the pier. The chief general was called Li Huan. He was awakened by the alarm bell and quickly sent someone to the pier to check the situation.

After a while, the soldiers who went to check stumbled back and reported, "General, something is wrong. It's the Jurchen cavalry, and the pier is full of black Jurchen cavalry."

Li Huan was stunned. He suddenly remembered the two thousand taels of silver he had received a few days ago.

Helpless, he had no choice but to shout: "Order the whole army to retreat to the city immediately!"

When Song Jun heard that the Jurchen cavalry was approaching, they all fled in panic, each running faster than the other, rushing into the city like a gust of wind, and closing the city gate.

The ten large ships transported back and forth again and again, until the next day at dawn, and finally transported all three thousand Jurchen cavalry across the river. The leader of the Jin army was Captain Wanyan Ba ​​Lisu, who was Wanyan Nianhan's right-hand man.

This operation was personally planned by Wanyan Chang and deployed by Wanyan Nianhan, who dispatched the most elite [-] black armored cavalry under Wanyan Nianhan's command.

This was actually a defense loophole aimed at the Song army. The main force of the army was deployed on the Yangtze River, but the rear was relatively weak. The Jin soldiers then looked for a shortcut and went around to the rear of the Song army. .

This shortcut is Wuhu. Wan Yanchang has sent someone to bribe the guard with a lot of money in advance. He will not prevent the Jurchen cavalry from landing. An extremely heavy price.

The purpose of sending troops by the Kingdom of Jin this time is to deter the Song court and prepare for the next armistice agreement.

Pulling away from the speed of the horse, he sternly shouted, "Let's go!"

Three thousand cavalry charged south like a sharp sword.
Li Huan led [-] soldiers of the Song Army to stand on the top of the city, watching the black Jurchen iron cavalry gallop past the city.

Li Huan touched a heavy ingot of silver in his pocket, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He immediately ordered the news to be blocked and no one was allowed to report upwards.

The Jurchen iron cavalry went south along Lishui, burning, killing, looting, and supporting wars. Countless Song people were killed, their houses were burned, and women were ruined. The entire west bank of Taihu Lake was panicked, and the people fled.

Three days later, three thousand cavalry arrived in Huzhou, more than two hundred miles away from Lin'an. The court was shaken, and the city of Lin'an was in chaos. Golden soldiers and iron cavalry.

Tian Shizhong's army encountered Jurchen iron cavalry in the outskirts of Deqing County. Ten thousand Song soldiers were beaten head-on. They only persisted for less than a quarter of an hour before the whole army was defeated. All over the place.

Chief Wan made a false move and ambushed Liu Kai's army who came to rescue them halfway. Liu Kai's army was defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

After winning two consecutive battles, the Jurchen iron cavalry defeated [-] Song troops and wiped out more than [-] Song troops with less than [-] casualties.

When the news reached Lin'an, Zhao Gou was terrified. Regardless of the persuasion of General Yang Yizhong, he took the Queen Mother and all the officials and fled to sea again.

Yang Yizhong led [-] Longwu troops to defend Lin'an City to the death. Jurchen cavalry arrived in Lin'an City in the early morning, but they didn't have siege weapons.

Five days later, more than [-] Jurchen cavalry returned with a full load, took a boat north from Wuhu, and returned to the north bank.

This sneak attack-like action undoubtedly exposed the loopholes in the defense of the Song army. The [-] troops did not even see the shadow of the enemy, and the capital almost fell. The emperor Zhao Gou was completely frightened by the Jurchen cavalry.

At this time, the envoy of Jin Guochang stationed in Lin'an proposed to the Song Dynasty court to negotiate a peace again, and the emperor Zhao Gou agreed without hesitation.

The special envoy of Jin Guoyi and peace is still Wan Yanchang, this is his third visit to Lin'an, while the Song Dynasty is Xiangguo Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei.

Wan Yanchang's condition was very simple. Chen Qing and Wu Jie were dismissed because they had killed too many Jurchens, which affected the fortunes of the Jin Kingdom and were not tolerated by the Jin Dynasty.

If Song Ting agrees to this condition, the armistice agreement on the Eastern Front can be signed for three years, and the Jin soldiers guarantee that they will not cross the Yangtze River within three years.

Wan Yanchang's request caused an uproar in the court. Even a fool could see the opponent's intention. The opponent's goal was still Sichuan and Shaanxi. He returned in defeat, with extremely heavy casualties.

In the imperial study room, the Xiangguo quarreled, Zhang Jun and Xu Xiantu resolutely opposed it, while Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei urged the official Zhao Gou to agree to Jin Bing's conditions.

Zhu Shengfei burst into tears and said: "Your Majesty, our strength is not as good as the golden soldiers. This is a fact. Three thousand iron cavalry will kill us like chickens and dogs. The monarchs and ministers go to sea. You must know that there are [-] Jurchen cavalry in Yangzhou. Song Sheji will be crushed, and since Jin Bing proposed peace talks, we must seize this opportunity. During the three years of peace, we can do as many things as possible, and we will be more prepared for war.”

Xu Xiantu hated Zhu Shengfei's soft-hearted appearance the most, and he immediately said angrily: "It's okay to want peace, but you don't need to break your own waist to beg for peace. If Jin people have a little compassion, they won't be ashamed of Jingkang." .”

Qin Hui said coldly: "Everyone is here! There are some things that Mr. Xu had better not say nonsense."

Qin Hui then said to the official Zhao Gou: "Your Majesty, the Jin people's request is not too much. They didn't ask us to cede the land. It was nothing more than a change of generals. Could it be that no one in the Song Dynasty has reached this level? We can only rely on these two Mingda will defend Sichuan and Shaanxi in the future?"

Zhang Jun shook his head, "Mr. Qin, you are underestimating the golden man by saying that. Could it be that the golden man is so stupid? A hundred thousand cavalry can sweep the southeast, but they propose a peace. The condition is only to change two generals. Is there such a good thing?"

Qin Hui was dissatisfied and said: "I'm telling the truth, it's not the first time that the Jin people have negotiated with us. They kept their promises in the previous two armistice talks. Besides, if the Jin soldiers wanted to attack Jiangnan, they would have done so long ago. Why delay it?" Now, use the pretext of negotiating."

Zhang Jun sneered and said: "Mr. Qin is on point. They obviously have [-] cavalry, why only send [-] people to harass them? Why don't they just send [-] troops across the river? Wouldn't it be possible to destroy our country? Good thing, why don't they do it?"

Zhao Gou was also a little confused, he asked: "Mr. Zhang, what reason do you think?"

Zhang Jun bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the other party doesn't want to, but they can't. They only have ten ships with three thousand stones, and they can transport up to one thousand people across the river at a time. How many times do we have to transport a hundred thousand troops? Our water army If they come here, ten large ships can be destroyed in one battle. What about the Jurchen cavalry left on the south bank? Our army of [-] can't deal with them?

Your Majesty, they asked to sign a three-year armistice agreement, because they wanted to use these three years to build warships. We watched their warships built, but they couldn't go there to attack. They actually wanted to use this agreement to tie our hands and feet. "

Xu Xiantu continued: "Your Majesty, Zhang Xianggong has seen it very clearly. This time they have caught the loopholes in our defense. I believe that the key is the serious dereliction of duty of the Wuhu defenders. In fact, a large ship can only accommodate a hundred Jurchen cavalry. And there are [-] defenders over there. Could it be that [-] people can't deal with [-] people? You can shoot and kill them all with a bow and crossbow. It's obvious that the defender didn't resist and fled after hearing the wind, so that the opponent disembarked calmly. Chance."

Zhao Gou took a few steps behind his back and said to Qin Hui: "The agreement can be signed for one year, but their conditions are too harsh, and they are required to make appropriate concessions. It is best to use financial compensation."

(End of this chapter)

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