
Chapter 522

Chapter 522
After five years in Shaoxing, the situation in Guanzhong has been very calm. In late January, the snow and ice melted, and spring plowing began in Guanzhong.

There is a Weishui tavern in the south of Jingzhao City. The tavern is so small that it is not even a restaurant. It has two floors and is not close to the main street. It is run by a shopkeeper and three assistants.

But this inconspicuous tavern is Xihe Road's eyeliner in Jingzhao City.

Chen Qing also discovered that although the home of the Jurchen army has always been Fengxiang, the current main force of the Jurchen army is in Jingzhao. He suspects that Wanyan Helisa will attack Hanzhong from the east for the second time, and the monitoring of Jingzhao has also changed. is extraordinarily important.

The tavern owner's surname is Fang, and the three bartenders are members of the second scout battalion just like him.

This morning, the tavern was preparing to open as usual. A bartender ran back and said nervously to the shopkeeper, "The Jurchen barracks outside the city are empty. The army left at one o'clock last night!"

Shopkeeper Fang stood up abruptly and asked, "Where did you go?"

"It should have driven south, and the humble officer has investigated."

"you sure?"

The bartender nodded, "I'm sure, I asked the roadside shop twenty miles south of the barracks, and they all said that there was an army crossing the border last night, and the time exactly coincided with the time when the Jurchen army left the barracks."

Shopkeeper Fang immediately went back to write an Eagle Letter and handed it to a bartender, "Send this Eagle Letter outside the city immediately!"

The bartender took the eagle letter and hurried away.

Half an hour later, a letter eagle slowly flew up outside the southern city, circled twice and flew westward.

At this time, an army of [-] was assembled outside Chengji County, and Chen Qing was also wearing armor and helmet, ready to set off. Although the imperial court ordered him to return to Lin'an to report on his duties in the early spring, Chen Qing decided to attack Pingliang Mansion for the second time. No time to go to Lin'an.

Chen Qing got on his horse and was about to go out of the city. At this moment, a soldier came galloping, "Dutong, please stay!"

Chen Qing reined in his horse, and the soldier ran forward and handed him a roll of eagle letter, "This is just sent from Jingzhao City, it seems to have important information!"

Chen Qing took the information and opened it, and there was a line on it, "Twenty thousand Jurchen troops have gone south overnight, and their whereabouts are unknown!" '

Chen Qing frowned slightly. Walking southward from Jingzhao, there were only two places to go, either the Ziwu Road or the Shangluo Road, but the opponent's army was not large, only [-] troops, and at least [-] troops were needed to attack Hanzhong , What is Wanyan Drinking Lisa going to do?
After thinking for a while, he handed the eagle letter to the soldier and said, "Give the eagle letter to Zhang Sima, and ask him to send someone to notify Hanzhong immediately, and pay attention to prevent the Jin soldiers from attacking from the east!"

"Obey!" The soldier turned and went back to the barracks.

Chen Qing urged the horse to run out of the east city with three hundred soldiers
The [-] Song Army marched to the northeast in mighty force. The [-] Song Army and [-] camels carrying tents crossed the Weishui Floating Bridge and headed north along the official road.

It's not that the Song Army has no luggage, but the luggage has secretly gone north as early as [-] days ago. .

The soldiers and horses were not moved, and the food and grass went first. Since November last year, the Song Army has used camels to transport food and supplies to Tongbian County, Deshun Prefecture.

And Liu Qiong led an army of [-], and had already rushed to Tongbian County with the first batch of grain and grass.

The army traveled day and night, and arrived at Tongbian County six days later. Tongbian County is a middle county in Deshun Prefecture. It is located at the west foot of Dalong Mountain, only [-] miles away from the famous Longshan Pass.

A large camp has already been set up outside the city, and all kinds of supplies are piled up neatly in the large camp. The army advances and agrees to rest. Chen Qing looks in the direction of Longshan Pass and asks, "Is there any news from Pingliang County?"

Liu Qiong hurriedly said: "It's still news from seven days ago, there is no new one for now, do you all think there should be news?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "We dispatched troops six days ago. I believe Li Cheng also has spies in Chengji County. He must know the news about our dispatch of troops and guess that we sent troops to Pingliang County. How could he not move?"

Liu Qiong became more and more suspicious, "It is true that there is no news so far. The brothers at Longshan Pass are all normal. Could it be that something happened to the spies from Pingliang Mansion?"

At this moment, Chen Qing looked at the sky and said with a smile: "It's coming!"

Liu Qiong quickly looked up and saw an eagle flying over their camp and flying towards the county town, where the Eagle Tower was located.

Not long after, a soldier galloped out from the county seat on horseback, and was brought before Chen Qing. The soldier knelt down on one knee and reported, "Report to Dutong, Pingliang Mansion has an urgent message!"

Chen Qing took the eagle letter and read it carefully. There was a line on it, "[-] more troops in Pingliang County!" '

Chen Qing handed the eagle letter to Liu Qiong, Liu Qiong was surprised and said, "Only five thousand more troops?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Five thousand people is quite a lot. There used to be five thousand people, but now Pingliang County has [-] troops stationed, not to mention there are [-] barrels of kerosene in the city. They rely on these [-] barrels of kerosene." Oil!"

"Everyone is right. If we don't find a solution, [-] people plus [-] barrels of kerosene will be enough to hold the city."

Chen Qing nodded, and ordered to the left and right: "Send the order down, and set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow!"

At the same moment when Chen Qing led the army to Tongbian County, the messenger sent by Zhang Xiao to Hanzhong also arrived in Nanzheng County.

After reading the letter, Liu Guangshi laughed loudly and said, "This Chen Qing regards me as a three-year-old child."

Staff member Yang Chui'an was puzzled and said, "Why does Xuanfu envoy think so?"

"Isn't this obvious? In order not to go to Lin'an to report on his duties, he deliberately led the army to go out, but he was afraid that I would dig out his lair, so he made a fuss about the golden soldiers and asked me to deploy heavy troops to guard against the golden soldiers. The opportunity has come to dig out his lair, and this is his wishful thinking."

"The Xuan Fu envoy is really going to dig out his lair?"

Liu Guangshi sneered and said: "I have received a secret decree from the emperor. If Chen Qing refuses to return to Lin'an to report on his duties, then wait for the opportunity to take him down. His wife and children are all in Chengji County. If I take down Chengji County at this time , holding his wife and children in his hands, doesn't he believe that he can continue to fight against the court?"

"Don't forget, envoy Xuanfu, there are still [-] defenders in Chengji County!"

"I know that the capture of Chengji County is not about a strong attack, but about taking it. I sent five hundred people to sneak into the city separately, and then took the opportunity to cooperate inside and outside at night to capture Chengji County in one fell swoop. As long as the city is broken, [-] people will not be enough. consider."

"Is the Xuan Fu envoy really going?"

Liu Guangshi stood up and said coldly: "The secret purpose of the official family is for this, how could I not go!"

An hour later, Liu Guangshi left Nanzheng with [-] troops and headed towards Xianrenguan. At the same time, he sent someone to inform the generals Wang De and Li Qiong, and ordered them to lead [-] troops each and rush to the north. Xianrenguan meets himself.

The [-] Jurchen cavalry and the [-] puppet Qi troops had assembled before the Ziwu Pass. Wanyan Helisa gave an order, and the [-] troops passed the Ziwu Pass and marched toward Raofeng Pass along the Ziwu Ridge.

The vanguard army is none other than Chief Wanfu Han Chang. He is a veteran of attacking Sichuan and Shaanxi, and he has been staying in Sichuan and Shaanxi. Yan Chang valued him very much, and this time he ordered him to lead an army of [-] to capture Raofeng Pass first.

Jin Bing knew that he could cross Raofengling from Chanxi Valley, and so did Wu Jie's generals, but Zhu Wu, the current leader of Raofengguan, didn't know.

Zhu Wu is Liu Shiguang's subordinate general, which is equivalent to the rank of commander. The original Raofengguan chief general has been demoted and transferred to Bashu, and the various guarding troops have also been exchanged. The most guarding army is the defenders of Beixianren Pass, and they don't know anything about the situation of Raofeng Pass.

Han Chang originally thought that there would be a fierce battle to capture the Chanxi Valley, but he did not expect that the Song Army would not have any garrisons in the Chanxi Valley, and their five thousand troops passed through the valley with ease.

Han Chang was overjoyed, and he immediately divided his troops into two groups, ordering Li Shaoyong to lead a thousand people to the top of the mountain, while he himself led [-] troops to the Song Army camp behind Raofengguan in a murderous manner.

Raofengguan can only garrison [-] troops, and the other troops are stationed in the barracks behind. This battle is bound to be won by Han Chang.

[The epidemic situation in Suzhou is severe. Lao Gao needs nucleic acid today, and he may wait in line for a long time. One chapter cannot be updated at noon today, and one chapter will be updated normally in the evening. Please understand! 】

(End of this chapter)

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