
Chapter 524

Chapter 524
Li Jinrui abandoned the city and fled, leading his army to retreat in the direction of Jingzhou, but he was ambushed by Yang Zaixing's [-] cavalry just after he retreated. How many Song soldiers came from all directions.

Under the impact of the powerful cavalry, the puppet Qi army collapsed, and countless surrendered. Li Jinrui fought hard to open a bloody road, and fled in panic with hundreds of remnants.

The Song Army quickly took control of Pingliang City, and immediately issued an amnesty decree signed by Chen Qing, demanding that all soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army who hid in the houses come out and surrender, and they will not be held accountable.
By dawn, the whole city had been cleaned up, and more than [-] puppet Qi troops became prisoners of war.

The Xihe army selected [-] elite soldiers to join the Song army, and the rest of the soldiers were given five buckets of grain and five hundred coins each, and all were sent back to their hometowns.

At the same time, Liu Guangshi also led the army to Beixianren Pass.

But General Li Qiong's army did not arrive for a long time, which really annoyed Liu Guangshi. He cursed in the big tent: "This bastard, he is faster than a dog when he grabs a woman's money. Now he has to do something. I changed my name to Turtle and urged him, and if he doesn’t come before dawn, he won’t come.”

Wu Chang, the general of the army, persuaded: "General Li is stationed at Dasan Pass after all. He has to deploy the army. It will take time. It's normal to be late. Commander, wait patiently!"

Liu Guangshi sighed helplessly and said, "I don't know what's going on, I always have a bad feeling now, and I feel like something's going wrong?"

"I think it's because the commander-in-chief hasn't had a good rest in the past two days. It's already late, so the commander-in-chief should rest early!"

Liu Guangshi was really exhausted, he nodded, "Okay! I'll sleep for a while, and if Li Qiong's army arrives, please notify me immediately!"

But just as Liu Guangshi lay down, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes outside, running towards his big tent. His sleepiness disappeared suddenly, and he pricked up his ears.

I only heard someone shouting anxiously outside: "There is an urgent military situation, I will report it to the commander immediately!"

"The commander-in-chief just fell asleep, let's talk about it at dawn!"

"No! If you drag it on, the golden soldiers will kill you."

Liu Guangshi sat up in shock and said loudly, "Bring the messenger in!"

Not long after, the soldiers brought the messenger into the inner tent, and the messenger knelt down on one knee and said, "Commander, is there an emergency situation at Rao Fengguan?"

"Tell me, what is the military situation?"

"A golden army attacked Raofeng Pass at night, and the pass city has already fallen, but the opponent's troops are not many, only a few thousand."

Liu Guangshi's scalp was about to explode when he heard it. Thousands of people are the vanguard of the enemy army, okay? The enemy must be heading south, that is tens of thousands.

Liu Guangshi suddenly remembered that the alarm Chen Qing sent to him before turned out to be true, and tens of thousands of Jin soldiers and puppet Qi troops went south.

He suddenly yelled and ordered: "Beat the drums and gather the generals immediately!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! '

With the sound of fierce drums, all the commanders and generals rushed to the big tent. When Liu Guangshi reluctantly announced that Raofengguan had been captured by the Jin soldiers, the big tent was like a frying pan. Most of the generals’ family members were in Nanzheng. County, Raofengguan fell, and Nanzheng County will be next.

The crowd in the big tent was passionate, and the angry generals shouted, "Withdraw! Withdraw! Immediately withdraw to Nanzheng..."

Liu Guangshi felt ashamed in his heart, he didn't dare to attack, so he had to immediately order: "Send the order, and the army will immediately withdraw to Nanzheng!"

Liu Guangshi's army was really in a state of embarrassment, they didn't need the large tents and supplies, and each soldier ran desperately towards Nanxianrenguan with only a few days of dry food.

On the way, Liu Guangshi's army encountered five thousand troops who came to join them, led by the commander Li Qiong.

Li Qiong was shocked when she heard the situation, and said to Liu Guangshi, "I'm afraid it's too late to go to Nanzheng now, the commander-in-chief might as well retreat south from Jinniu Road!"

Liu Guangshi sighed and said: "The family members of the soldiers are all in Nanzheng County. If I don't go to Nanzheng County, the army's morale will be lost."

"The humble officer will go to Jinniu Road first, deploy at Jianmen Pass, and defend the enemy from going south to Bashu."

Liu Guangshi frowned, "But what about the troops in Dasan Pass?"

"Which is more important, I understand in my heart, and I will send people to Dasan Pass and order the army to retreat south!"

Liu Guangshi was really helpless, so he nodded, "Just do what the general said!"

The armies of the two separated at that time. Li Qiong led the army to Jinniudao Jianmen Pass, while Liu Guangshi led an army of [-] to Nanzheng County.

Liu Guangshi really regretted it. Even if he snorted Chen Qing's warning at that time, it would not lead to the situation today. However, he had evil thoughts in his heart and wanted to take advantage of Chen Qing's opportunity to seize his lair and capture his wife and children. In the end, his old nest was taken away, and the wives and children of his soldiers were arrested.

But no matter how regretful he was, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush to Nanzheng County as quickly as possible, hoping to arrive at Nanzheng County before Jin Bing.

Two days later, Liu Guangshi's army arrived near Baixi Town, which is [-] miles away from Nanzheng County. Surrounded by endless wheat fields, a small river meanders through the wheat fields.

At this time, a black line appeared in the distance, and the soldiers shouted, "Golden soldier! It's a golden soldier!"

Liu Guangshi was taken aback, and hurriedly looked into the distance, his heart immediately turned to freezing point, there were at least [-] cavalry, and Nanzheng County was finished.

"Master, what should we do?"

Liu Guangshi suddenly thought of a word, 'Run! '

The opponent's [-] cavalry may be Jurchen cavalry, and I only have [-] cavalry. How could it be the opponent's opponent?

What else can I do if I don't run?
But before he gave an order, some soldiers behind shouted, "There are also enemy troops behind!"

Liu Guangshi looked back, and a black line appeared behind him.

They had already fallen into the enemy's trap, Liu Guangshi had no choice but to bite the bullet and shout: "The whole army is in formation!"

The [-] troops quickly formed a large formation. At this time, the [-] Jurchen cavalry were slowly approaching, and they stopped the thousand troops one mile away from the Song army.

Wan Yanchang sneered and waved his hand, "Bring it up!"

I saw thousands of men, women and children brought up by the Jin soldiers, they were the family members of Liu Guangshi's subordinates, and they cried loudly as soon as they showed up.

At this time, a Jurchen general rushed forward and shouted, "Those who surrender can be reunited with their families, and those who resist will die!"

This move was too venomous, the Song army fell silent, Wan Yanchang was furious, and ordered: "Drag up dozens of people, behead them!"

Dozens of people in front were dragged up, crying and shouting. The Jurchen cavalry raised their knives and fell, and dozens of people had their heads beheaded.

The soldiers of the Song Army broke through the defense immediately, and hundreds of soldiers shouted and rushed up.

"Don't kill my father, I surrender!"

"Don't kill my wife and children, I am willing to surrender!"

The Song army was in chaos immediately, and thousands of people rushed out.

Liu Guangshi couldn't stop drinking, seeing more and more soldiers running out, the morale of the entire army was shaken.

Wan Yanchang laughed, turned his head to Wanyan Helisa and said, "General Helisa, you can attack now!"

Wanyan and Lisa yelled: "Beat the drum, attack!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The [-] Jurchen cavalry, led by Wanyan Holisa, swept and killed the Song army's formation from both sides.

There was also loud drumming from behind, and Li Cheng led [-] puppet Qi troops to cover up and kill them from the rear.

The Jin soldiers and the puppet Qi army attacked back and forth, and the Song army was defeated. Countless people were killed and surrendered.

Liu Guangshi once again used his advantage of being good at escaping, and led his soldiers to get rid of the soldiers of the Song Army who were dragging him down, and ran to the southwest, rushing out of the encirclement before the enemy encircled him.

There were also countless Song troops led by Wang De to break through to the south and rush towards the forest more than a dozen miles away. Wanyan Helisa led the army to chase and kill them. The fertile soil was covered with blood, and in the end only a thousand people fled into the forest.

This was the worst defeat of the Western Army since the Battle of Fuping. The [-] troops were almost wiped out, more than [-] soldiers were captured, and seven or eight thousand people were killed, only more than [-]. escape.

The fall of Hanzhong not only affected the entire situation in Sichuan and Shaanxi, but also seriously affected Chen Qing's plan for the Eastern Expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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