
Chapter 541 Siege

Chapter 541 Siege

Although they lived in the barracks, the soldiers still had no peace. There were gunpowder arrows shooting into the sky all around. In one night, the alarm bell rang three times, and the soldiers kept escaping from the camp. Armor and shoes to sleep.

But there were still constant harassments, and it didn't quiet down until dawn, so that every soldier of the Puppet Qi Army had dark circles under their eyes, and everyone stayed up all night.

Li Cheng also has a big head. Their big tents are not expensive leather tents. That kind of tents are not afraid of fire. Their tents are all ordinary hemp tents, not even wool. He decided to build a board-wall barracks, but the current situation does not allow his plan to be implemented.

In fact, this is also the aspect that caused the generals the most headaches in previous wars. The harassment from the enemy made the soldiers sleepless at night and seriously affected the fighting spirit of the next day.

Especially after the Song Army used a large number of firearms, the harassment caused by the burning of gunpowder appeared endlessly, but fortunately, the Song Army did not use fire kites, otherwise the situation would be even more chaotic.

Guan Shigu found Li Cheng early in the morning, and he suggested to Li Cheng: "We have [-] troops, and it is impossible for everyone to attack the city. I suggest that [-] troops be responsible for attacking the city, and [-] troops be responsible for attacking the city." Stay behind, the [-] troops send [-] people to guard around the barracks every night, within three miles, anyone who comes close will be killed, so even if you use fire kites, you can't attack the camp, what does the general think?"

Li Cheng nodded, "You're right. The number of people on alert of [-] people is indeed too small. It is necessary to increase it to [-] people. In addition, I consider continuing to build a board-wall barracks and building them outside the fence, which will not affect the current situation. Barracks."

Li Cheng immediately divided the work with Guan Shigu and divided the army into two. Li Cheng commanded [-] troops to attack the city, and Guan Shigu commanded [-] troops to build camps and guard. The [-] troops carried out external vigilance. This method was indeed effective. That night, the Song Army stopped harassing the barracks of the Puppet Qi Army, and the soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army finally had a good night's sleep.

By the third night, all the siege weapons had been assembled, and the time for the siege was ripe.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was just dawn, and the earth-shattering sound of war drums sounded in the enemy's camp. The north gate of the camp opened, and groups of soldiers came out, with banners unfurled, full of murderous aura.

A huge trebuchet appeared in the team. It was pulled by more than a dozen bulls, and it was three feet high. The throwing pole was about five feet long. There was not just one heavy-duty catapult, but twenty heavy-duty catapults came out one after another. Each catapult was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, as well as matching baffles, and iron lumps weighing several thousand catties.

The heavy-duty catapults of the Puppet Qi Army belonged to the old-style catapults, which required [-] people to pull them together, so each catapult was equipped with [-] soldiers.

Behind the trebuchet is a mighty army, with a total of [-] people. The army has countless cattle carts, pulling the pontoon bridge and heavy siege ladders. The soldiers lined up and kept shouting slogans.

Ten thousand Song troops have been deployed on the top of the city, and there are still ten thousand archers under the city wall waiting for orders from the upper city. .

Fifty heavy-duty trebuchets were deployed on the fifty-step line near the city wall. They were too bulky to stand on the top of the city, so a special high platform could only be built in the city to place such heavy-duty trebuchets.

There are fifty commanding soldiers on the top of the city, each corresponding to a catapult, they are the eyes of the catapult, and each commanding soldier is staring at the slowly approaching enemy catapult, which is a bit like the In the battle of tanks, it depends on who seizes the opportunity and who throws more accurately.

At this time, twenty heavy trebuchets of the puppet Qi army stopped at the [-]-pace line, and the soldiers had placed huge and thick wooden boards in front of them to resist the shooting of the city head bed crossbow and the god arm crossbow.

After the trebuchet arrived at the position, it immediately entered the launching state. Fifty soldiers shouted and struggled to pull down the tall throwing pole. Several soldiers had just put a boulder weighing more than one hundred catties on the throwing pocket. At that time, fifty huge fire oil balls whizzed out from the top of the city.

The soldiers let go of the rope with a cry, and the trebuchet bounced up, throwing a huge boulder weighing more than [-] jins high. Fly to the city.

'boom!boom!boom! '

Fifty flaming kerosene balls hit the enemy's position one after another, some hit the baffle, some missed, but there were also twelve kerosene balls that hit the target, the kerosene ball shattered, and the fierce kerosene inside was splashed After going out, a radius of more than ten feet became a sea of ​​flames, and many soldiers turned into burning men, screaming and running, fell over after running a dozen steps, and never got up again.

At the same time, some of the [-] boulders hit the city wall, and most of them passed over the top of the city and flew towards the city roaring. The trebuchet was hit by a boulder and collapsed.

"Get ready to shoot again!" General Song shouted.

Forty-eight kerosene balls were ignited again and thrown out. They swept over the city and flew towards the enemy's trebuchet formation. At this time, the trebuchet formation was also in chaos, with flames and thick smoke everywhere. Cancellation order.

The soldiers desperately pushed the heavy trebuchets back, but within a few steps, the second round of the Song Army's forty-eight huge fire oil balls roared in. This time a slight adjustment was made, and the accuracy was much higher. All eight trebuchets were concentrated by fire oil balls, and a fire was ignited.

The entire trebuchet formation turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Li Cheng sighed. These twenty heavy trebuchets were originally used to deal with the large bow and arrow array in the city, but he did not expect that the Song Army's trebuchets were sharper and more numerous. They were no match at all.

It's a pity that his fire oil was burned, and he had to use boulders instead, but the effect of boulders was far inferior to fire oil balls.

At this time, Li Cheng could only count on the shields carried by the soldiers to play a role.

Li Cheng drew his sword and shouted: "Siege the city!"


The siege horn sounded, and the [-] troops shouted and rushed towards the city wall. In the front, carts carrying pontoon bridges rushed towards the moat.

Chen Qing saw it clearly from the top of the city, and ordered coldly: "Continue trebuchet, tens of thousands of bows and arrows will go to the city to prepare, bed crossbow and god arm crossbow are ready!"

The Song army's tens of thousands of bows and arrows have been upgraded and are no longer deployed in the city. Heavy trebuchets are deployed in the city. Ten thousand archers rushed to the south of the city. The position of the archers was taken into account when the outer city was built. Squat against the wall and shoot, this arrangement can avoid a large number of casualties.

At the same time, the medium-sized trebuchets and thousands of bed crossbows on the top of the city were ready. Looking at the overwhelming puppet Qi army, the heavy-duty trebuchets in the city took the lead in showing their power, and fireballs flew across the sky. The crowd smashed away.

The soldiers of the puppet Qi army dodged one after another, but many soldiers were still rolling on the ground screaming after being splashed with burning oil.

The bed crossbows still hadn't been fired. Their targets were not ordinary soldiers, but the crossbowmen of the puppet Qi army. At this time, five thousand crossbowmen appeared in the crowd. They ran two hundred steps away and erected their shields on the ground. The soldiers used their shields to cover and shot arrows at the top of the city together. The arrows shot into the city like normal. Many soldiers of the Song Army manipulating the trebuchet were shot by the arrows and fell to the ground screaming.

"The bed crossbow launches!"

The red flag waved down from the top of the city, a thousand bed crossbows were fired suddenly, and five thousand jackdaw arrows shot at the enemy's crossbow soldiers like a storm.

The shields erected by the crossbow soldiers had no defensive effect. Within two hundred steps, the jackdaw iron arrows could shoot through the bodies of two war horses. In an instant, the crossbow soldiers screamed and fell down, and [-] people were shot dead on the spot. .

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The chief general shouted anxiously, the remaining [-] crossbow soldiers didn't even bother to hold their shields, and ran away, fearing that the second gurney crossbow would strike.

The [-] army was getting closer and closer to the city wall, [-] archers and hundreds of medium-sized trebuchets broke out, densely packed arrows intertwined in the sky, forming a black cloud of arrows, overwhelmingly fell into the running enemy crowd among.

The puppet Qi army held up their shields to meet them. The shields did effectively resist the arrows falling from the sky, but there were still puppet Qi soldiers who were shot by the arrows and fell down. A hundred gunpowder barrels also exploded in the crowd, black smoke Flying into the air, the poisonous nails were shot everywhere. Many soldiers were unable to get down and were shot by the poisonous nails, yelling in fear.

The turbulent Puppet Qi Army soldiers finally rushed to the moat. Thousands of soldiers quickly built pontoon bridges. In just a moment, thirteen pontoon bridges were built. The heavy siege hung on the top of the city and began to swarm up.

On the top of the city, rolling logs and rocks fell like hailstones, and arrows rained down from above and below the city. The two sides launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

(End of this chapter)

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